The Whispering Verses Chapter 909: Lakeview Manor Early Winter Rhodes Tournament


“There are many, many stories about Shad, but I’m not ready to tell you yet.”

The memory ended temporarily, Miss Carina said softly to her “colleagues”, Miss Sylvia understood what she meant and did not ask any more questions.

The two witches discussed the next thing again, and just as they were about to get up and set off for Lake Schluch, there was a knock on the door.

After the maid opened the door, it was Princess Margaret who entered. During the hour or so that Shade was reading, she had already met Mr. Alan Madison from the local Sussex Medical School. After entering the door, he first greeted Miss Carina respectfully, and then asked Miss Sylvia:

“Teacher, I’m sorry to bother you. I have a math question to ask you.”

“Are you asking for math questions at the banquet?”

Miss Sylvia smiled:

“Duke, you see, Her Royal Highness Margaret is so studious.”

Princess Margaret was then asked to tell the problem, so the princess repeated Shade’s “missing penny” problem. Miss Carina just chuckled and did not interrupt. After listening to this, Miss Sylvia just frowned and figured it out:

“Your Highness, do you really not understand this question?”

When he said this sentence, he indeed showed the full majesty of a “mathematics teacher”.

Princess Margaret bit her lower lip subconsciously:

“Teacher, this question only shows the three numbers 27, 2, and 30. You said that numbers don’t lie. I don’t understand why there is a missing penny.”

“Your Highness, your question is really disappointing.”

Miss Sylvia’s eyes are sharp:

“I have told you countless times that although numbers do not lie, you cannot truly understand them. Although this question is clever, it is just a trick similar to magic. Yes, This is just a cover-up.”

The witch has a look of dissatisfaction on her fair and beautiful face:

“Let me tell you where the missing penny went.

Two of the three gentlemen who stayed at the hotel went to the Three Cats Hotel again three days later and paid 10 pence each for a total of 20 pence. This time, the innkeeper Mrs. Sammei lowered the price again, leaving 15 pence and returning 5 pence. The boy again kept 3 pence and returned the remaining 2 pence to the two gentlemen. So the two gentlemen spent 18 pence, and the boy kept 3 pence, for a total of 21 pence. The missing penny is here. ”

Although Princess Margaret couldn’t think of an answer, she also knew that Miss Sylvia was mocking her.

Miss Carina was trying to smooth things over:

“Miss Sylvia, Your Highness Margaret is only troubled by a simple little problem. All of us will encounter problems that cannot be solved.”

“But this problem is too simple, she shouldn’t be unable to solve it.”

Miss Sylvia fully demonstrates the “paranoia” of mathematicians:

“Duke, I am your highness’s math teacher, and I must be responsible for her.”

After speaking, she tried to encourage again:

“Your Highness, this question is completely within the scope of your knowledge. Remember, this is a clever magic trick. Only when you figure it out will you realize how ridiculous it is. I believe in my students, so, wait You figured it out, remember to tell me the answer.”

The princess with long pale golden hair nodded pitifully:

“Yes, teacher, I will solve this problem.”

“Who gave this question? Although the question itself is simple, the way of playing with numbers is really clever. If it is a woman, I would be very interested in meeting her.”

Miss Sylvia asked again.

“It’s not Madam, it’s Mr. Shade Hamilton. People at the banquet are discussing this question now, but no one has given the answer yet.”

After speaking, Princess Margaret glanced at Miss Carina secretly again. The conversation between Miss Sylvia and Miss Carina here did not make Her Highness the Princess doubt Miss Carina’s identity. After all, the relationship between Miss Carina and Shade is known to almost everyone in Tobesk, and the Witch It is impossible for them to touch men.

Her Royal Highness the Princess only thought that her teacher wanted to do something with the help of the Duchess.

“It’s Hamilton. Oh, I mean, it’s surprising.”

Miss Sylvia said, pretending to be surprised in Miss Carina’s smile:

“It turned out to be that gentleman. I originally thought that the knight only had some courage and strength, but I didn’t expect that he also had wisdom.”

(Little Mia is running…)

The Rhodes Competition at Lakeview Manor is not held indoors, but under the grape trellis in the garden behind the manor. Although this season, the grape trellis in the garden no longer looks like it did in midsummer, but the stone round tables under the grape trellis with kerosene lamps hanging and sitting gas lamps standing next to them are indeed a good place for playing cards.

In order to make his wedding banquet look very formal, Mr. Eisberg even invited staff from the Prophets Association to act as referees before the banquet, and bought a special rules Rhodes from the auction house. Cards serve as jackpots in the Rhodes game.

It is said that the auction price of the Rhodes card was 87 pounds.

In short, although Shade did not admit that he was attracted by the special rule card, he still happily took Tifa and Mia and appeared in the back garden on time.

His friends, Baron Lavender, the former owner of [Ancient Fairy Tale Match Girl], and Baron Rwanda, the former owner, are already waiting for Shad in the garden.

In addition to them, the Rhodes players among the local nobles are also eagerly waiting for the arrival of the champion of Big City Player 1853. Although no one was confident that he would be able to defeat Shade, even if he only defeated him in a small game, it would be enough to brag about in the ears of his friends for a long time.

“Mr. Hamilton, this is the first time you have participated in a public Rhodes game since you were a big city player.”

At this time, the dance party in the manor house has begun, but there are still many guests gathered in the garden, waiting to watch the exciting Rhodes card. Not only the gentlemen who like to play cards, but also the ladies gathered together talking and laughing, waiting to see whether there would be any interesting situation tonight.

Because there are so many people signing up to participate in the card game, I don’t know what price Mr. Asberg spent to get the Prophet Association to agree to name tonight’s game the “Lakeview Manor Early Winter Rhodes Tournament.” The nickname. This also means that the process of this game will be included in the annual report of the Tobesk Region Prophet Association and become an officially recognized regional competition.

The competition is held according to the promotion process, that is, individual card games are conducted according to groups, and the winner of three games is promoted. A total of 32 registered players, after three rounds of competition, a total of four people competed in the finals to participate in the final multi-player card game.

The winner will not only get the honor, but also get the [Life Ceremony and Wedding].

This special card is now placed in a glass picture frame and stands on the round table in the center under the grape trellis. Two servants holding oil lamps are responsible for guarding it. Although Shade arrived late, he still got the opportunity to check the card:

“[Life Ceremony・Wedding], suit color: flower 5. Throw two 20-sided dice. If the difference between the numbers is less than or equal to 2, you can adjust the card points between 4 and 5.”

He read out the rules of playing cards, and a smile appeared on his face unconsciously:

“This card is really beautiful.”



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