The Whispering Verses Chapter 896: Seating problem


People in this world are used to holding weddings between one and two o’clock in the afternoon, and Princess Mona Cavendish’s wedding was chosen at one forty in the afternoon on the 19th of the Frost Moon.

Although Peace Church was not closed due to this wedding, additional decorations were still carried out inside the church. Yodel Palace has sent **** attendants in advance to lead the arriving guests to the wedding hall at the church door.

This is not the main auditorium of the church, but a side hall used for daily sermons, because it is believed that marriages blessed in the main auditorium of the cathedral will put extra pressure on the couple. Even if it is not the main auditorium, the solemn atmosphere is not lacking at all. The astonishingly deep auditorium is enough to accommodate hundreds of people. The clean and reflective tile floor and the various religious oil paintings on the walls also give the church a more sacred feeling.

The auditorium has been decorated for a long time. In the originally solemn auditorium, the red carpet extends from the entrance of the auditorium to the pulpit. The pulpit is filled with flowers. Even the huge holy emblem behind the pulpit is surrounded by flowers. Decorated. The colorful windows are decorated with ribbons, and musicians in formal attire and children acting as flower girls have already arrived here.

Shad and Lesia arrived earlier. When they entered the auditorium, there were not many guests sitting on the long rows of wooden chairs. But even though there were already many people, the auditorium was still quiet, and everyone subconsciously lowered their voices. Shade understands this kind of behavior very well. Even if a stranger like him comes to this environment, he knows that this is not a place to make loud noises.

The positions of the guests are not fixed. Except for the royal family members and immediate family members of both parties, who must be in the first three rows, friends like Shade who don’t know where to jump out can choose at will from all the seats in the back.

A bench can seat two people, and Shade and the blonde girl sat in the fifth row near the center aisle. Shade sat on the outside and Lesia sat on the inside. After sitting down, he placed his hand on the right armrest that seemed to be patinated, and then looked around curiously.

The church auditorium itself is so awe-inspiring, but because of the wedding decoration, it is even more festive. There were no acquaintances around for the time being, and the guests who walked in under the leadership of the **** attendants kept talking in low voices. They would occasionally greet each other, but they would also control their volumes.

Shad could recognize most of them, and the gentlemen who were either wearing black formal suits or red army uniforms could greet Shad quietly, as if they were not surprised at all.” “Rejed’s Hamilton” appears here.

“Miss Carina’s carriage has arrived outside the church and will probably arrive soon.”

Count Deon, who works in the Kingdom’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, even told Shade the news, and then said to Shade’s female companion “Dorothy”:

“Good afternoon, madam.”

But the blonde girl didn’t look very good at this time. After the count left, she showed an expression that something bad had happened:

“Shad, Carina won’t want to sit next to me later, right?”

Next to Shade is the aisle, and high-status non-direct relatives like Miss Carina can sit in the first three rows, but they can also sit in other seats. In an occasion like the wedding, everyone can be more casual.

“I don’t know.”

Xia De replied, but he was very sure that the great witch would most likely do this.

“Dorothy” pursed her lips, leaned her head on Shade’s shoulder and closed her eyes. But she sat down again almost immediately. When she opened her eyes, the cat lying on Shade’s lap lazily meowed again:


“Good afternoon, Shad.”

Obviously she has been with Shade, but Dorothy still said with a smile. She is in a good mood, at least much better than Lesia:

“This is the first time I have been a bridesmaid for someone else. Oh, Shade, you don’t know how much I have done during this noon. Even with the help of the maid, it is really hard for the chief bridesmaid.”

Although she was complaining in a low voice, the smile at the corner of Dorothy’s mouth showed that she was also infected by the atmosphere and was blessing the newlyweds who were about to get married. Dorothy looked around, very interested in the decoration inside the church:

“This is my first time to enter the Peace Church.”

“Lecia doesn’t want to sit with Miss Carina. Is she running away?”

Shadow asked in a low voice, Dorothy immediately shook her head:

“Of course not. How could she be afraid of Miss Carina? She planned to arrange for someone else to sit next to me in advance.”

“Who will sit next to you? Oh, good afternoon, Marquis Dirac!”

Xia De raised his voice slightly and greeted the old gentleman passing by. The blonde girl smiled and winked, which was a very playful expression:


Before Shade and “Dorothy” walked in, Delrayon’s famous wedding accompaniment “Midsummer Grass”, “To My Love” and “Call from the Snowy Mountain” were already being played in the auditorium. . The gentlemen of the band in formal attire continued to perform on the side of the church and did not seem tired at all. As time went by, more and more guests came here, and then they sat down and chatted in low voices.

This exciting but solemn atmosphere also infected Shade. He greeted people and then talked with Dorothy about the decorative style of the auditorium and the origin of the religious murals above.

The two were talking when a loud voice sounded from the door of the auditorium, and Shade heard the word “princess”. He turned his head and met Lecia’s eyes:


Shad looked at Lesia at the door, and then at Dorothy next to him. This feeling was really wonderful.

The red-haired princess is currently wearing a plain dress. The decoration of the long skirt is extremely simple, and there is even no lace on the hem. Instead of a corset, she wore a golden ribbon as a belt. Her long hair hung simply behind her back, she wore two symmetrical silver bracelets on her hands, and silver high heels on her feet.

This “ordinary” dress does not match the status of the princess. If Lecia were walking on the grass barefoot at this time and wearing a wreath on her head, it would be just like what is depicted in operas and chivalric novels. “Holy Maid” makes no difference.

According to local wedding rules, the bridesmaid’s clothing and jewelry must be simple. Although the price of this outfit and jewelry is more than Shade can earn in a month, the bridesmaid cannot rob the bride of her glory on the happiest day of her life. Instead, she must set the bride off. She is more beautiful, that’s why she dresses like this.

As a bridesmaid, Lesia showed up in the auditorium early, of course not to look for Shade. Behind her, there were actually Princess Margaret of Anjou and the accompanying female officials. Apparently they were also here to attend the wedding.

This princess from the south is wearing a gradient blue dress today. The upper body is roughly white and dyed with a dull blue. From the waist down, the blue becomes more and more obvious, until it turns completely blue at the skirt.

Lecia’s skirt is not only plain but also extremely thin, suitable for summer but not suitable for winter, while Princess Margaret’s long skirt is not only complex in color, but also divided into at least three layers. She had light makeup on her face, and her eyebrows were particularly pretty between her light blue eyes and fair forehead covered by broken hair.

When Lesia and Princess Margaret stand together, it is obvious that the two princesses are beautiful in different ways, but because of the clothes, Lesia is rare and inconspicuous.

People near the door had noticed the appearance of the two princesses, and stood up to greet them. Some even used the Kasenlic language.

Princess Margaret just arrived in Tobesk yesterday. She was probably invited at Yodel Palace yesterday. The delegation led by the princess also had social needs to contact the nobles, so no one was surprised by her appearance at this time. .

As Lesia led Princess Margaret and her entourage into the auditorium, people stood up in rows to greet them. Of course, it’s not like standing up straight, but looking like your **** is off the seat and then slightly bent over. This is a wedding after all, and even if you want to show your country’s etiquette in front of a foreign princess, you still have to take the Cavendish family’s face into consideration.

These scenes made Shade more and more excited. He liked this kind of peaceful and beautiful time very much. But soon, Lecia came to Shade with Princess Margaret with a faint smile on her face.

Shadow and Dorothy also stood up like the others, but unexpectedly Lesia stopped.

She introduced Shade as if she were a complete stranger:

“Miss Margaret, this is the Hamilton Knight of Ray Jade, you met at the station yesterday.”

Shad vaguely understood what Lesia wanted to do, while Lesia had an indifferent expression, just like the last time they met, when they discussed “The Night of the Red Butterfly” in the carriage on Saturday afternoon. Enthusiasm is completely different.

“Good afternoon, Your Highness.”

But he still did not forget to greet Margaret Anjou respectfully, and the latter also smiled and nodded.

So Lecia said:

“Margaret, what do you think of the seats here?”

She pointed to the seat inside Dorothy, Princess Margaret smiled and nodded:

“Very good.”

So Lecia asked Dorothy again:

“Ma’am, would you mind if Princess Margaret sat here?”

“Oh, of course I don’t mind, it’s my honor. But doesn’t the princess sit in the first three rows?”

Dorothy asked in surprise. She and Shade stood up and made way for Princess Margaret and the accompanying lady to sit down.

“Margaret thinks it’s better not to disturb today’s newcomers.”

Lecia said softly, making eye contact with Dorothy, and the souls connected to each other could feel each other’s joy.

“Madam, you are so beautiful and a perfect match for the knight.”

When Princess Margaret entered her seat, Lesia smiled and said to Dorothy standing aside. As soon as she finished speaking, the orange cat that Shade was holding meowed. Shade looked at Dorothy in surprise, and “Dorothy” replied:

“Your Highness, thank you for your compliment. You are as beautiful as the most delicate flowers today.”

After the words fell, the squinting cat said “meow~” again, and then Shade heard Lesia say with a smile:

“Thank you.”

These three sentences were all said by Lecia, and this “boring” behavior made both girls laugh happily at this time. Under normal circumstances, exchanging souls requires consumption of mental power and spirit, but on the special “Red Butterfly Day”, this consumption is reduced to a minimum. Shade knew this on that stormy night.

Today, Lesia just praised herself. She exchanged words with Dorothy more than ten times that night.

【Is now the time to think about these things? 】

“She” reminded softly, and Shade immediately dismissed the memories. So Princess Margaret of Anjou sat next to Dorothy, and outside Dorothy was Shade, and then there was the aisle covered with red carpet.

After finding a place for Princess Margaret, Lesia did not leave immediately, but waited a moment. Shade was originally wondering why she was still here, but the badge on her chest became intensely hot at this moment.

Shad turned around and looked at the door again, and Miss Sylvia in a red dress actually appeared.

The young witch is also quite beautiful today. She should have come as part of Princess Margaret’s entourage, but I don’t know why she was a little late. After walking over, she found that the entire row of seats on this side of the aisle was already full. Dorothy wanted to stand up and give up her seat to the beautiful Ms. Carsonrick, but Miss Sylvia shook her head and sat on the aisle. The location on the other side is across the red carpet from Shade.

The witch nodded vaguely to Shade, and Shade responded. But then, he felt the badge on his chest getting hotter.

As expected, it was Miss Carina who walked into the auditorium with Tifa. She immediately saw Lesia standing on the red carpet in the aisle, wearing a bridesmaid dress, and then saw that the seats next to Shade were all occupied.


PS: One 5K update will be added in the afternoon, and the original chapters will remain unchanged, which means there will be an 8K update in the afternoon.


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