The Whispering Verses Chapter 894: Wedding gift



This was the first word that came to Shade’s mind when he woke up Tuesday morning.

Weddings have always been an important life ceremony, and according to Delarian tradition, aristocratic weddings are even more cumbersome and complicated. Not to mention, the people getting married this time were Mona Cavendish, the princess of the Cavendish family, and the second son of Duke Eisberg, who is in charge of the northern garrison of the Third Regiment of the Royal Army of Delrayon. Randolph Ellsberg.

The Delrayon-style aristocratic wedding will last all day.

The two parties getting married will not meet each other in the morning. The Jodel Palace and the Eisberg family will each prepare wedding dresses and makeup for the bride and groom. This is quite a tedious matter, and no one wants to lose face here.

In the afternoon, both families invited relatives and friends to the church. Because Mr. Randolph Eisberg believed in the righteous God “the God of War and Peace”, also known as the “Father of Peace”, the wedding would be Held at the Peace Church in the city of Tobesk, the entire ceremony lasts for several hours.

After the wedding ceremony, the most important and most attended process of the day will begin, that is, the Asberg family will hold a grand wedding celebration in the manor, inviting friends and relatives to enjoy today’s joy together.

Getting married means starting a family, so tonight’s grand wedding banquet will not be held in the Asberg family’s manor, but in the couple’s manor. This is a feat that can only be done by a truly great noble. The manor that Mona Cavendish and Randolph Ellsberg will soon use as their “home” originally belonged to another nobleman, but this summer the other nobleman was involved with a cultist, and the entire family was among the noblemen of Delrayon. Erased from the genealogy…

“Today’s banquet is held at Lakeview Manor. It is such a nostalgic place… Mia, will you come with me?”

Xia De said as he got off the bed and faced a new day. The lazy cat stood on the bed and said “meow~”, then opened its mouth wide and yawned, and closed it before Shade turned to look at it.

Compared with the banquet in the evening, Mia Cat is now looking forward to breakfast in the morning.

According to the identities of the two parties involved in the wedding, the wedding ceremony starting this evening will probably be more lively than the garden party. Wedding celebrations are different from ordinary banquets. There will be many interesting banquet games and many interesting things. Shade remembered that Lesia once mentioned that when her eldest sister got married, the wedding celebration lasted until dawn the next day.

For Shade, apart from Lesia’s manuscript “Summer Night Collection”, the most important thing to him is actually how to show his “wisdom”, “power” and “charm”.

He already has preliminary plans, but this way, he will be very busy with this wedding.

“I wonder if the doctor and Priest August will show up. Luvia certainly won’t, she has electives tonight.”

The young stranger was not a relative of the Eisbergs, nor of the Cavendish… at least not on the surface, so the preparations of the bride and groom this morning had nothing to do with him.

But while preparing breakfast, he could already see from the kitchen window the carriages parked at the entrance of the courtyard of Yodel Palace, as well as the different decoration of Yodel Palace from the past.

There are strips of colorful ribbons hanging on the building, and the small colorful flags sway in the thick fog with the morning wind, adding a little brilliance to this gray era. The **** attendants spread the red carpet all over the walk in the courtyard in front of Yodel Palace early in the morning, and fresh flower petals, which were hard to find in early winter, were scattered everywhere.

Shad even saw a beautiful flower basket held on the tip of a spear on the statue of a knight in the center of the courtyard.

Although King Larus III has always been strict with his children, he is definitely a good father, especially to those children who are of no use to him.

After a leisurely breakfast, Xiao Mia was left to wander around the house to eat, while Shade went to the study to continue improving his manuscript. Thinking in the study is more comfortable than in the woods in the afternoon. The dim morning light penetrates the thick fog and shines on the desk. Shade, who is wearing a white shirt and a brown vest, feels that this era is actually not bad.

He had only been sitting in the study for half an hour when the door downstairs was opened. The noise of Saint Teresa Square was briefly introduced into the room, followed by the sound of doors closing, heels tapping on the stairs, Mia’s alert shouts, and the sound of the door on the second floor being opened.

“Shad, help me go downstairs and bring my dress up.”

The voice of Miss Writer reached her ears. Dorothy raised her voice slightly and said. Standing in the living room, she saw the young gentleman who was writing with his head down in the morning light of the study. His face was slightly red, and he had the urge to draw this scene.

Dorothy will attend the church wedding as Shade’s female companion. She comes to Shade’s house early in the morning and plans to go to the Peace Church with him after lunch.

The blonde girl also brought her dress, which was a beautiful golden dress:

“Lecia is so fed up now.”

Dorothy followed Shade up the stairs as she spoke. She was carrying a huge bag, while Shade was holding a suitcase in one hand and another brown bag in the other:

“Lesia’s sister is getting married today, why is she worried?”

Xia De asked. The suitcase and pockets in his hands had the smell of smog. This was the smell of this city.

“According to custom, if the younger sister gets married but the elder sister is not yet married, then the older sister must act as a bridesmaid at the wedding, and she is also the most important chief bridesmaid. Unfortunately, although Mona has more than one unmarried sister, But Lesia’s age is the most…”

Dorothy stopped talking and stood at the top of the stairs and looked at Shade:

“You know.”

The blonde girl raised her eyebrows.

It is a custom in the Old World for an unmarried sister to serve as the chief bridesmaid. On the one hand, it is the implicit urging of the elders to get married, and on the other hand, it is also to wish the unmarried daughter to find a matching gentleman as soon as possible. Of course, it is also because the chief bridesmaid will be treated more seriously. Pay more attention, weddings are also a good place for blind dates.

“What is Lesia doing now?”

Xia De asked, because the pocket in his hand was very big, and when he went up the stairs, he was always worried that he would accidentally step on the cat under his feet.

“Make up and prepare the dress, and then go to send blessings to Mona. Then according to the rules of the Cavendish family, she has a lot to do this morning. The bride is more leisurely than she is. The bride only needs to Just wait for the makeup.”

Shad lifted Dorothy’s dress to lie on her side and put it on her side. Including makeup time, it would take Dorothy at least an hour to put on this dress, so they would have lunch early today.

“What gifts are you going to bring to the wedding banquet at Lakeview Manor tonight?”

After Dorothy sat down on the sofa, Shade asked curiously.

The blonde girl pointed to the makeup box she brought over:

“Inside, there is a copy of “Hamilton’s Detective Stories” signed by me, and there is a blessing written by myself on the cover.”

Although a book is not valuable, at least not to a princess, this book is popular nowadays and has the blessing of the author, so it is perfect as a wedding gift.

“So Shade, what have you prepared? Oh, I saw it in the newspaper. Yesterday morning, you gave Margaret Anjou a beautiful gem at the train station.”

Dorothy said, wagging her fingers in the air:

“Such a generous knight, what have you prepared for the wedding?”

Xia De knew that she was teasing him, so he reached out and took out a small box:

“A ruby, I bought it yesterday before leaving Fort Midhill.”

In fact, Grandma Cassandra heard that Shade needed a gift, so she gave him a piece of money, and insisted that Shade not give him any money.

In the small round gold-plated box is a heart-shaped ruby. Shade opened it and showed it to Dorothy. The writer’s pupils shrank slightly, and then she said reservedly:

“It’s beautiful, but you need to see this.”

Dorothy opened the metal folding multi-layer makeup box in the suitcase, took out a red jewelry box and handed it to Shade:

“Lecia prepared this for you and asked you to give this as a gift.”

Inside the red jewelry box lie two teardrop-shaped sapphire earrings, outlined with pure gold frames. Of course, although it looks quite beautiful, from the jewelry appraisal perspective of ring magicians, it is completely inferior to Shade’s ruby.

Xia De held the box in surprise:

“Lecia actually prepared it for me?”

Dorothy showed a faint smile:

“This gem cannot compare to the ruby ​​earrings you gave to Lesia (Chapter 384). Yes, it is the rhombus-shaped diamond.”

She pretended not to care as she spoke, then turned her head to look at the morning light outside the window. This turned her ear towards Shade, and she raised her right hand as if unconsciously, touching her empty ear.

[She is giving you a hint. 】

“She” reminded softly.

Xia De also understood the hint and coughed:

“Then, Dorothy, I will give away the gift that Lesia prepared. As for the ruby ​​I bought from Fort Midhill, just…”

He opened the gilded round box again and handed it to Dorothy. The blonde girl tried her best to control her smile and turned her head, but her eyes still showed her uncontrollable mood:

“This is not okay, knight, how can I accept your gift casually?”

Speaking in a serious manner, like a character in an opera speaking.

Xia De thought for a while:

“Oh, blonde, would you like to dance with me at the wedding party?”

“Of course, yes, Knight, of course.”

Dorothy looked at him, blinked, and waited expectantly for the next sentence.

So Shade said the sentence that the writer was looking forward to:

“Beautiful girl, this will be my gift to you after the ball.”

Dorothy couldn’t control the smile on her face.


PS: There will be recommendations tomorrow, and the author will add an update as appropriate.


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