The Whispering Verses Chapter 887: Peace and Times


So, Shade, who originally wanted to blend in with the crowd, got the qualification to stand in front of the platform. Although it was still in the entrance inspection stage, almost all the important people who were supposed to come had arrived.

There were crowds of people wearing hats, stretching their heads on the platform to look in the direction where the tracks were extending, hoping to be the first to see the arrival of the train.

Although Tobesk in early winter has not yet received the first snow of this winter, the temperature in the morning is already very low. The elderly gentlemen all wore fur-collared velvet jackets, and the ladies’ skirts were no longer as thin as they were in summer.

Although Priest Augustus was still dressed in a clerical robe, Shade was keenly aware that this robe was a thickened version.

Although Bishop Owen did not come, most of the clergy sent by Dawn Church this time were known to Sha De. After being polite for a while, Sha De asked Priest August:

“Good morning, priest, are you here so early?”

“If you wait a little longer, you will be blocked outside.”

The old priest lowered his voice and complained to Shade:

“I haven’t understood since I was young. Can’t this formalistic welcome ceremony be replaced by an indoor one?”


Father Nicholas coughed twice and motioned to Priest Augustus to keep his voice down.

“There should be a special welcome party, right?”

Xia De asked again, and the priest curled his lips:

“Of course, but it will probably take a few days. Today’s banquet is a separate reception for the Cavendish royal family.

But don’t worry about running out of things to do, you will definitely receive a lot of invitations to parties in the next few weeks. The last time the city of Tobesk was so lively was six years ago when the Anjou royal family sent Prince Andre of Anjou, the younger brother of the current king, to visit. At that time, a large banquet was held in the city almost every week. ”

The two were talking about the past, and people around them were also chatting in groups about news and gossip related to the delegation.

Although the church doesn’t know what the truth wants from Princess Margaret, in order to protect the princess, it has already released the news that someone is going to do harm to the princess, so that Delarion has reason to cooperate and increase security measures. . Therefore, the black thunder that was heard in almost half the city at the farewell dinner in Huntington is now transmitted as someone detonating a steam bomb at that time.

This specious news has spread to Tobesk, and it has become increasingly outrageous. Of course, Priest August didn’t know that Shade was related to this matter, and even smiled and told him those strange rumors, such as the fact that more than half of the princess’s entourage were agents sent by Gray Gloves to protect her.

Soon, Father Nicholas, who led the Dawn Church team this time, was approached by Queen Diana to inquire about the celebrations for this year’s New Year’s Eve – Queen Diana was also a Dawn believer. After Father Nicholas walked away, Priest Augustus suddenly stopped talking. Seeing that no one was paying attention to them, he whispered:

“Xia De, I wanted to ask just now. Why do you have a strange smell on your body?”

“Strange smell?”

Xia De was stunned and turned to look at little Mia on his shoulder:

“You mean little Mia smells like cat? Oh, sorry, I’ll give her a bath when I get back.”


The big amber eyes stared at Shade.

“No, no, your cat has no smell.”

The priest shook his head, Shade thought for a moment, and then asked a little embarrassedly:

“You mean the smell of perfume? Maybe it was accidentally smeared on the carriage when you came here.”

“No, no, it’s not perfume, it’s a strange smell.”

The old priest said again, so Shad pulled up his collar and sniffed:

“Impossible, I took a shower after getting up this morning.”

“No, no, I don’t mean the real smell.”

Priest Augustus continued to lower his voice and twitched his nose at Shade twice. The old man looked even more confused;

“This is a very familiar smell to me, but I just can’t remember what it smells like.”

Shad thought for a moment, put his hands on his waist, and followed Mr. Bernhardt’s example last week, waving his palms up and down twice, simulating the movement of wings:

“Is it related to this?”

This refers to angels. The priest understood it and hesitated:

“Not sure, and your smell is very weak. Shade, did you go to any strange place during the weekend?”

“I went to Huntington City in Carsonlik. What you discussed just now is related to me, but it was not a steam bomb. I was struck by lightning… This is not important. I will give it back to you. I brought some local snacks and I’ll bring them to you when I leave later.”

Xia De said, the priest nodded, a little confused:

“City of Huntington, you went out of town again? I wish that city peace.”

Priest Augustus didn’t figure out what the smell of Shad’s body was until the end, but he was certain that it was not the remains of the original angel he was looking for.

At 10:17 in the morning, when the locomotive representing a steam locomotive finally appeared in the far north of the platform, the people standing near the edge of the platform immediately cheered, not knowing that they were welcoming the foreign delegation. After arriving, I am still glad that I don’t have to blow the wind here at last.

The royal band, which had been waiting on the platform, immediately picked up their instruments. As the trumpets started with a high-pitched sound, the sound of wind instruments spread to all directions, telling everyone that Margaret Ann The visiting delegation headed by Ru has officially arrived.

Queen Diana, surrounded by princesses and princes, led members of the royal family, foreign ministers and ambassadors from the Kasenlik Embassy along the red carpet toward the front of the platform, while the “Tobesk Morning News” and “Tobesk Morning News” who were allowed to take photos Reporters from large newspapers such as “The Kingdom of Delrayon” were excitedly playing with the equipment with their assistants. There are even brave guys who dare to jump directly onto the rails and face the locomotive directly. They want to risk taking a photo of the smoking locomotive before the train arrives, as a front-page photo of tomorrow’s newspaper.

Of course, as soon as they jumped down, they were cursed and thrown up by the Royal Army soldiers who were on guard around the railway tracks. The nearby crowd burst into laughter, making the atmosphere more lively.

It is still foggy in the city today, and there is a canopy above the platform, so the sun is not strong, so you can see the train in the distance without squinting. There were actually two rows of people in front of Shade and Priest August, but this did not prevent him from directly seeing Queen Diana chatting quietly with Miss Carina, while Lesia, who was wearing a golden dress, looked at the car. Coming black train.

Probably sensing Shade’s gaze, the crowned princess also turned her head. After scanning Shade, she blinked her left eye. The playful look made Shade doubt that it was not Lesia but Dorothy.

“Coming, coming!”

At this moment, even Priest August seemed very happy. He put his hand on Shade’s shoulder, then stood on tiptoes and looked forward. Because Shade was very tall, he only had to raise his head to see the station conductor waving a flag to direct the train to stop.


The sound of music, noise and trains were intertwined. Little Mia looked at the people around her blankly, then climbed down from Shade’s shoulders with some fear, and was held by him with one hand and huddled against his chest. .


The huge steaming black car finally came into view, and the noise almost completely suppressed the sound of the music. Then as the carriages roared past, the cheers of the crowd reached a climax again.

The train was slowly decelerating. Amidst the heart-wrenching metal twisting sound caused by the steam engine braking, white steam mist was sprayed out from under the wheels. For a moment, the crowded platform seemed hazy. There are seven carriages in the special train, and the exit of the fourth carriage stops just opposite the red carpet.

After the train came to a stop, Queen Diana, accompanied by Miss Carina, approached again, and amid cheers, the pneumatic carriage door slowly opened.

First, a young attendant wearing red clothes, black trousers and a sailing cap jumped out and spread the wooden planks between the narrow gap between the train and the platform.

Subsequently, Kasenrik’s royal guards walked out and stood on the left and right sides of the train door.

The graceful and luxurious Queen Diana, wearing a golden crown, came to the car door in the flashing lights. She was wearing a complicated and gorgeous blue dress, a silver crown, and her long pale golden hair was braided. Princess Margaret of Anjou, with her head hanging down, finally walked out of the carriage with her right hand raised and supported by her maid.

The crowd seemed to be rushing forward in an instant, but was stopped by a wall of prepared police and royal guards. Calls and loud shouts, at this moment, were detonated inside the station like a steam bomb.

Chad and Priest August were also pushed forward two steps. They could all see Princess Margaret of Anjou saluting Queen Diana, and then the two wore white lace The gloved hands were clasped together, and after a few words of intimacy, Queen Diana introduced the other people around her to the princess.

The first person to be introduced was of course Miss Carina. The great witch showed the elegance and maturity of the duchess, and Princess Margaret saluted her to express her greetings. The status of the powerful duke is higher than that of the princess.

After a brief exchange of greetings, more people from the Kasenlik delegation walked out of the carriage. The accompanying nobles stayed here. An area was cleared in front of the platform. Princess Margaret was going to conduct a short speech. speech.

During this period, Shade did not pay too much attention to the queen and princess. Instead, he looked towards the carriage door, but did not see Miss Sylvia coming out. But he was certain that the Great Witch of the Thirteenth Seat of Parliament should be in other nearby carriages, because the badge on his chest was already as hot as if it was about to catch fire. When only Miss Carina was present, the badge was not so hot.

“It’s really lively.”

Priest Augustus spoke loudly to Shade. The old man had to raise his voice in order for his voice to reach Shade’s ears:

“I hope that this time the two countries can reach a new agreement and let the peace last longer. Oh, Shade, I really hope that the peace between Kasenric and Delarion can last forever. ”

As a local, Priest Augustus, like most people in the city, regards the exchange of visits between the princesses of the two countries as an important symbol of peaceful relations between the two countries. Although the outsiders have been in this world for half a year, they don’t have the same feelings as they do.

Now he just thinks that since the welcome ceremony will be over in the morning, he can go to Huntington to try his luck in the afternoon.

While comforting some cats who were not used to such a noisy environment, I was thinking about other things. By this time, Princess Margaret’s brief speech about “coming with peace” had also ended, and reporters from Tobesk City and those accompanying the delegation were setting up cameras to take pictures.

Everything was going according to the procedure. Princess Margaret smiled and waved to people, and then selected three people from the crowd to ask questions.

“Salute to the great Angevin family! Your Highness, have you come with a new wine trade agreement? The people of Tobesk love the southern vineyard red wine produced by Carsenlique!”

The first person selected was a middle-aged gentleman standing in the third row, wearing old-school formal attire. If Shade remembered correctly, it was Count Orlan.

“Yes, my father gave me some tasks. I hope Tobesk can taste those sweet wines tomorrow in the summer.”

“Yes, Your Highness!”

Count Orlan said loudly, then waved his hand and took out a book and handed it forward:

“Your Highness, this is a gift for you!”

The book was delivered to the princess after inspection, and the princess thanked her softly. The flashlight kept flashing, recording Princess Margaret holding the “Pearl of the North: Forever Tobesk”.

“Your Highness, I salute you and hope you enjoy this city. During your visit, will you visit the Tobesk City Art Museum?”

Laughter came from the crowd. The old man selected was Mr. Leonardo, the director of the local art gallery.

“Yes, I love Delrayon-style oil paintings.”

The princess said again and accepted a beautiful brooch as a gift from the director of the art gallery.

The flashing lights kept flashing. The princess still had a lot to do next, and she could only choose the last person to ask questions. Margaret Anjou glanced at the surrounding crowd, and then finally saw Shade.

Both of them were startled, but it was obvious that the princess did not recognize this “Mr. Holmes”, but was surprised by the young gentleman’s unique temperament.

“That’s Ray Jade’s Hamilton.”

Queen Diana reminded softly, so Princess Margaret smiled and motioned for Shade to ask questions, and Lesia on the side also looked at Shade.

However, Shade didn’t want to ask questions at all, he didn’t even wave his hat.

But now that he has been selected, everyone in the crowd on the platform looked at him. Even Priest August was curious to know what Shade would say, so Shade calmed down and said loudly:

“Your Highness, I wish you can enjoy the winter time in Tobesk. Peace and friendship are the bond of human civilization and the cornerstone of the development of our era. Do you believe that Delaraion and Kasenlik will always be peaceful? Friendly?”

Shadow’s question was not out of the ordinary, because it was the topic of her speech at the manor banquet when she left Huntington.

“Yes, I firmly believe that!”

The princess with long pale blond hair said, causing the crowd on the platform to applaud and cheer.

Shad’s question had ended. Suddenly inspiration struck him. He put his hand into his pocket and took out the shield-shaped jewelry box he took out of the gift box in the morning:

“To Her Highness Margaret of Anjou, I hope you will come with peace and leave with beauty!”

Amidst people’s laughter, Shade’s jewelry box was delivered to the princess. She thanked her and opened it. When she saw the flawless oval emerald inside, she looked as surprised as Queen Diana and Miss Carina.

The size of the gem is not large, so the value is not particularly high, but the gem itself is indeed too beautiful.

The flash lights came on in bursts, and the ladies returned to their normal expressions, smiling and facing the camera. And Shade also knew that his first step towards getting close to Princess Margaret of Anjou had been successful, and “Rejed’s Hamilton” had been remembered by her.

He just wanted to know if MI6 could reimburse the gem.

“It’s really nice of you to prepare gifts in advance.”

Priest August smiled and praised in his ears. Shade responded while looking at the royal nobles standing in front of the black steam locomotive in the flash of spotlights, their jewelry shining brightly.

“The age of steam, the age of change…”

Although the scene in front of me is rare for people in this world, it is not unprecedented. But the outsider has a vague feeling that today’s scene may become an illustration in a history book, and he has witnessed this scene in history.

“Is this civilization?”

[Yes, this is enlightenment. 】

There was a sound in his ears, and it seemed as if a warm wind was gently blowing over Shade’s ears. In this noisy but extremely bright scene, Shade felt like he saw the streetlights on Silver Cross Avenue lighting up one after another at night. With a strong sense of reality that made his scalp numb, he once again felt that he was not aware of the world. The civilization of this era has a new understanding.

Being in it, but watching it all from the perspective of a bystander. He couldn’t help but smile, and cheered along with the people around him.

At this moment, the white doves symbolizing peace were released by the people. They flapped their wings and flew in groups over people’s heads. They flew past the eyes of the heirs of the Cavendish and Anjou families and from this noisy platform. Flying above, flying towards the hazy sky above the city.

No one knows whether the white doves will bring long-term peace. Just like the Righteous God [Peace Father], peace and war have never been separated.



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