The Whispering Verses Chapter 327: The power of greed


Hunger continues to torture Shade, and even the smell of perfume on Miss Princes can seduce his appetite at the moment.

But this strong desire to eat also masks other feelings caused by going too deep into the cabin. He had never felt so hungry, and if it weren’t for the fact that eating anything would only intensify his hunger, Shade would have eaten his own clothes by now.

“So, why can these crew members, who are obviously not of the same era as us, speak in standard Delarian Common Tongue?”

While moving on, Shade even wanted to inquire about this. Miss Princes was very worried about his situation and answered his questions in a low voice:

“In fact, most [relics] that can communicate with us can use contemporary languages. Relics are related to the whisper element, which is the darkness of civilization, and they can also draw power from civilization. Shade, you …”

She bit her lip, wondering how she could thank Shade for taking the risk and letting her go with him.

After leaving the door of the room with the black pot, the two continued walking deeper into the cabin. More and more skeletons appeared underfoot, and the human skeletons on the walls integrated with the fungus carpet became more and more ferocious and terrifying. Even later, the filth left by the plasma on the wall connected into pieces and formed disgusting strange runes, which together with the ship affected the souls of living people.

Seeing that Shade was in bad condition, Miss Princes walked in front to clear the way. In order to prevent accidents, she also summoned her life ring, and Shade saw the core spirit rune of Miss Princes.

There are three core runes, [Writer], [Princess] and [Player], which are very similar to one of Shade’s friends. The fifth-ring sorceress also quietly explained to Shade her lower-fourth-ring sublimation words, which is “the [sleeping] [princess] obtains [peace] in [reality] and [dream].”


After about thirty steps away from the cabin where the chef was, Miss Princes stopped. Looking forward, there is a wooden box shining with golden light in the middle of the corridor ahead, as if all the nearby light is focused on the box, tempting people to find out what it is.

They would never want to touch something that looked like a trap if possible. But the big box was placed in the middle of the corridor, and because of the thick carpet on the walls, the originally narrow cabin corridor was completely blocked.

“Look at me.”

The blonde girl said, taking out a rolled piece of parchment from the pocket of her skirt. After throwing the parchment into the air, the parchment will automatically burn. She took a deep breath, green light spots flew out of her hair, and slowly formed a very blurry figure carrying a bow and arrow beside her.

Miss Princes is also a magician who is proficient in the elements of enlightenment and is good at drawing power from fairy tales and stories. The casting materials for this kind of thaumaturgy are usually stories copied by the casters themselves.

The archer with an abnormally vague body bowed slightly to Miss Princes, and then walked towards the shining treasure chest.

The moment he reached out to open the box, the box immediately “bounced”. This description is not correct. It should be said that the two slender legs under the box support the box to stand up.

Slender arms also extend out from both sides of the box, and the lid of the box is opened, revealing sharp teeth and a thick bright red tongue. Using two spindly legs as its legs and the treasure chest itself as its body and teeth, this humanoid creature opened its mouth to devour the archer.

Miss Princes in the distance suddenly clenched her fist, and the cancellation of the thaumaturgy caused the archer to disperse into green light spots and disappear. At the same time, she took out a new roll of parchment. After throwing the parchment into the air, what appeared after burning was a solid figure with the same appearance as Miss Princes.

This figure is wearing a blue princess dress and a silver crown on her head.

She probably only used a spiritual rune for the archer’s thaumaturgy just now, so the archer’s figure was blurry. The second story is based on the sublimation of the lower four rings, so it is as real as the soon-to-be-successful Miss Louisa’s “The Little Match Girl.”

The princess who walked out of the story, holding a golden spindle, approached the Mimic that had already rushed over with a hazy and unreal smile.

“Delay it for a while.”

Miss Princes said.


The silver arc of light flew past the princess’s cheek like a sharp blade. Even the monster didn’t dare to take it hard, so he could only squat down and return to the shape of a treasure chest.

With a clang~ sound, Silver Moon Slash hit the treasure chest, but only left an inconspicuous mark.

Taking this opportunity, the princess holding the spindle approached the treasure chest. When the treasure chest transforms into a monster, stab the spindle directly into the monster’s bright red tongue.


The princess and the spindle disappeared together, and the monster collapsed to the ground. As the treasure chest opened and closed slightly, it breathed weakly and fell into a deep sleep.

This is even more powerful than Dr. Schneider’s hypnosis. The doctor’s hypnosis can only be used on ring warlocks and requires direct contact. It will never have such an effect on non-human creatures.

The archer appeared next to Miss Princes again, bending his bow and setting an arrow, but the arrow he shot could not penetrate the monster’s head.

Miss Princes looked at Shade, who nodded. He stretched his right hand into the air, and then slowly pulled out the holy silver two-handed sword.

Coming to the treasure box monster, he raised his sword with both hands and stabbed it along the gap in the treasure box. No strange-colored blood flowed out, and the slender limbs and the treasure chest itself turned into lime gray, and then scattered into a pile of dust like sand sculptures.

However, as the monster died, a black light actually entered Shade’s body along the holy silver sword.


[Those who are greedy will pay the price. When the greed in the heart gathers, they themselves will become part of people’s desires. 】

[Relic – Mimic, gives you new power. 】.

[Outlander, you have some insights into ‘greed’. 】

“What do you mean? It’s not a thaumaturgy spell or a spiritual rune?”

[The creature you killed is extremely special and can be regarded as a creature born out of pure greed. Kill it and you inherit its greed. This is both enlightenment and whispering, but not enough to constitute a spiritual rune. 】

“Understood, that is to say, as long as I have some insights, the probability of obtaining the [Greed] Spirit Rune will be greatly increased.”

Xia De concluded, then covered his stomach again. After the battle, his attention returned, and the feeling of hunger rose up, making him miss the feeling of being full again.

“Are you okay? I saw a black light just now. Is that a curse?”

Miss Princes also came over. She directed the archers around her to push away the gray particles on the ground to ensure that they would not return to their original shape.

“I’m fine. It’s not a curse. The Mimic Monster just now is not from this ship. It is a relic in itself. I just touched the power.”

Shad suddenly raised his nose and looked at Miss Princes. After the latter blushed, he said:

“Let’s keep walking. I want to get out of here as soon as possible. Whether it’s Coldwater Harbor or a restaurant in Tobesk, I’m starving.”

“When we leave, I’ll treat you to a supper.”

Probably due to the characteristics of this dilapidated pirate ship, the length of the straight cabin corridor is actually longer than the ship itself.

Before reaching the stairs leading to the next cabin, Shade and the girl beside him encountered two cabin rooms that could be entered. Inside were a sailor with a fish head and a human body playing cards, and a short boy standing in the darkness with his back to the cabin door, crying.

The two chose to believe the chef’s words and ignored any of the crew members in the room. And when the fungus carpet underfoot was so thick that you couldn’t feel the floor when you stepped on it, in front of the darkness illuminated by the silver light from your fingertips, a downward staircase finally appeared.

As the two of them got closer, they both saw a figure sitting on the third step of the stairs with his back to them. Slowing down cautiously, I saw that at least judging from the back, it should be a curly black-haired man wearing a short-sleeved sailor shirt.

But Shade and Miss Princes couldn’t guess what it looked like from the front.

Water was dripping all over his body, and the ticking sound could only be heard when he got closer. A cold feeling came from him. The temperature inside the ship, which was located in the strange dark sea, was not very high, but as it approached the stairs, the temperature actually dropped to below freezing point.

The most direct manifestation is that the breath of Shade and Miss Princes can already form white mist in the air.

The figure with his back to them was sitting in the middle of the stairs, and it was impossible to get around. Looking at his defenseless back, Shade, who was already extremely hungry, had the urge to strike with his sword. Fortunately, he still had sense, and Miss Princes once again signaled her to solve the problem:

“Don’t underestimate the five-ring warlock. Although I don’t have as strong mental resistance as you, I will not lose in a head-on confrontation.”

The girl with half of her hair turned red asked Shade to wait where she was. She deliberately made her footsteps louder, then continued forward, stopping five steps away from the stairs.


The figure sitting on the stairs spoke at this moment, with a slow and hoarse voice, like an elderly gentleman:

“I fell into the sea.”

The sound of dripping water became louder and louder, and Shade made the light on his fingertips brighter, helping Miss Prince to illuminate her eyes.

“Then, the sea swallowed me, my body and soul. Even though the captain took me in, part of my soul and body remained in the sea forever.”

The sorceress lowered her head and looked at her feet. The water stains were spreading over her, reflecting the moonlight on Shade’s fingertips. Only then did the two discover that the fungus carpet covering the corridor had not spread to the stairwell, and the floor had been exposed in front. This water stain seems to be spreading here because of the constant dripping of water from the person sitting on the stairs. But the person with his back to them was sitting on the third step. There was no reason for the water to spread to such a high position.


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