The Whispering Verses Chapter 325: Hungry Soup


“Of course I want to know.”

Xia De frowned and answered. The shaking of the ship under his feet made him very uncomfortable. He had never experienced sailing on the sea in his previous life.

“I am different from others. Although I am also a pirate on the Fishbone Pirate Ship, I give you a chance. Drink this.”

Pig’s trotters stepped on the floor to the wall and picked up a chipped porcelain bowl from next to the pile of meat. The spoon in his right hand skimmed the clear liquid from the pot, filling the bowl just half full. White steam floated to the sky above the porcelain bowl. The pig’s trotters held the bowl and stretched it in the direction of Sha De, with a treacherous expression on his face:

“Drink this, have a bowl, and answer a question for you. Whether you want to leave, want to know the origin of the ship, or want to know the treasure on the ship, I can tell you the answer.”

It shook the porcelain bowl at Shade, with a malicious smile on its head.

Xia De immediately took a step back and did not speak, but in fact he was communicating with her about the current situation in his heart.

The monster in the room did not rush, but threw the bowl forward. It landed accurately on the floor at the door of the room, without spilling a single drop. The transparent liquid swayed slightly due to the rocking of the ship, and was in the room. There is also a strange green halo under the inner green flame:

“If you don’t get additional information from me, the probability of you being able to get out is basically 0. I can guarantee that this is not a poison that will kill you immediately, and it will definitely not cause your death.”

The sound of the pig’s trotters hitting the floor made Shade uncontrollably upset.

Immediately, amid the sound of bells and whistles, his life ring appeared completely behind his back with the emergence of steam. The brass-colored metal ring shines in the green firelight.

The monster squinted at Shade’s life ring, and Shade returned to the door again. After hesitating, he bent down and picked up the bowl.


The monster with human head, fish body and pig trotters makes a sound.

Of course Shade would not drink it immediately. On the contrary, the [Gluttony] spirit rune behind him flashed with dazzling luster. The blasphemous silver aura almost suppressed the green flames in the room, and then Shade plunged the fingers of his right hand into the bowl of transparent liquid.

One action accomplished two purposes. The blasphemous silver light immediately shined on the surface of the liquid. It was judged to be water, so the power of [Gluttony] infected the liquid, covering the original power of the liquid. At the same time, because of the close contact, she also gave the answer:

[I can’t detect if it’s poisonous, but at least there’s no curse. There is very little whispering element, and there is no feeling of liquid corroding the skin of your fingers. 】

But this still doesn’t explain what the bowl of liquid does, but Shade can’t leave because of it. The monster in the room was right. Without knowing anything, he continued to move forward. The possibility of being able to get out was very slim.

Even if he can maintain his sanity inside the ship, he only has the second ring after all.

“Drink your soup and you answer the question?”

Xia De raised his head and asked.

“Yes, I swear in the name of my Lord [Lord of the Scarlet Spiral].”

The tone of the sentence spoken by the human face is very suspicious.

Xia De took a deep breath, thought for a moment, and took a sip from the edge of the obviously unbrushed porcelain bowl. He waited a moment to confirm that she had not sent bad news, and then slowly poured out all the silvery liquid in the bowl. Drink it.

It smells bad, but when you drink it, it tastes like fish. It was obvious that it successfully accepted the influence of [Satisfying Food], but after drinking it, Shade did not feel the slightest feeling of fullness in his stomach.

On the contrary, there was a horrible feeling of hunger in my stomach. This was not an illusion, because the gurgling sound that only occurs when you are hungry the next moment came from inside your body. That feeling made Shade subconsciously want to find something to eat. This was not an illusion. After drinking this bowl of soup, he was really hungry.

But compared with the physical hunger, the internal elements and spirit are full. When the liquid enters the stomach, it turns into the purest spirit that the ring sorcerer can use and flows into the body. It is then converted by the life ring and becomes part of the soul. However, limited by the number and level of Shade’s spiritual runes, the surging spirits could only be barely accommodated. For the first time, he clearly felt the upper limit of spiritual accumulation.

His hunger made him take out the small bottle he carried with him, then used a spell to get some water, treated it with [Satisfying Food] and drank it slowly. The monsters in the room smiled at this scene and did not stop it.

Xia De soon understood why the other party didn’t stop him, because after he drank the water, instead of feeling full, he became even hungrier. At the same time, more spirits were added to the body.

“If you hadn’t happened to use the power of [Gluttony] to process my soup, after drinking it, you would have pounced in and nibbled on my food reserves.”

The monster smiled and pointed at the flesh and blood stumps piled up against the wall:

“Your gluttony is very strong, so you can stay sane. But if you drink it, you will become hungrier and hungrier before you leave the ship, and the more you eat, the The hungrier you get. But it’s not without its benefits. Anything you eat before leaving the ship will be transformed into spirit. This is a great benefit for extraordinary people of any era.”

“I knew it wasn’t that simple. The malicious intent of getting hungrier and stronger is really creative.”

Xia De covered his stomach, let go and threw the bowl in his hand into the room, gritted his teeth and asked:

“Answer my question, how can I safely find the captain and learn how to leave?”

This is actually two questions.

“I thought you were going to ask how to leave, but I didn’t expect you already knew the captain?”

The monster took the thrown empty bowl and said, but shook his head:

“Inquiries about how to leave are up to you to negotiate for yourself. However, I can tell you how to find him. It’s simple. The captain is in the cabin at our feet with a group of rude and tasteless sailors. ”

Wearing only a dirty black apron, it’s hard to imagine anything more tasteless.

“Go along the corridor on this floor to the end. You may encounter some dangers, but unless you have to fight, never pay attention to them. In this way, the possibility of seeing the captain alive will be greatly enhanced. For For someone like you who can maintain a high degree of sanity in the cabin, the probability of leaving is actually very high. What you need to consider is”

The human face with fish features maintains that disgusting smile:

“How to get more benefits here.”

“Are you tempting me? No, I still think life is the most important.”

Xia De held his stomach and shook his head.

“In other words, you refuse the second bowl?”

The monster with a human head and a fish body shook the empty bowl at Shade. Shade felt the hunger of his body, and after thinking about it again, he thought he could still drink a bowl:

“No, please give me a second bowl.”

The human head laughed like a pig, he was laughing at Shade. He filled another half bowl of soup for Xia De and then threw the porcelain bowl at the door of the room.

Maintaining the rotation of the life ring behind him, after using [Satisfactory Food] to process the soup, he still drank it in small sips. As expected, the hunger became stronger, and at the same time, there was more spirit in the body, even vaguely To exceed the upper limit.

“Second question, how do I find my companion?”

Shad doesn’t care about treasures, life and the friends around him are his treasures, but he is still thinking about Miss Princes. In fact, the outsider who came to the seaport city had already guessed who the other party was, so it was impossible for him to leave her here.

Besides, there are dangers on the way forward. If someone can go together, then the possibility of leaving will be greater.

“Instead of seeking wealth, do you care about your companions?”

The monster in the room reached out and took the empty bowl thrown by Shade. The human head on the fish squinted its eyes and looked at Shade, with the whites of its strange yellow pupils turning out of its eye sockets:

“Everyone is on this ship, and everyone is not on the same ship. This ship, from its first appearance, has been constantly preying on the great One who gave us power, but it will also single out special individuals in its food. As a crew member. The crew members are all on the ship, but they are all on different ships, and your companions are used to speed up the capture of the outsiders.”

Although this is a bit difficult to understand, it probably means parallel space. Everyone has an adventure alone on this boat. At the same time, this also explains why Shade has only encountered two “crew members” so far, because the other crew members have to face other passengers who were robbed by the pirate ship.

Shad couldn’t help but feel his scalp numb when he thought that there were about a hundred special individuals here that could be rated as “relics” after escaping from the ship. But Miss Princes said that this is only a sage-level relic, which means that it is absolutely impossible for the crew to leave the ship, and even the “fishbone pirate ship” itself will not approach the edge of civilization. Activities in the deep sea occur at a very low frequency. They do not pose any threat to civilization, there is no curse, and they will not spread anything. They just hunt in the deep sea and capture people. This is probably the reason why it is such a dangerous thing and is only rated as a sage.

“You still haven’t told me how I can find my companion.”

Xia De said immediately.

“It’s very simple. You can negotiate with the captain to see if he has that mercy. But you can also negotiate with me and have another bowl. If your companion is not dead yet, I will help you get him. If If you can’t bear it, I will welcome you as my kitchen assistant. You are the kind of person who can be a member of the crew and be given eternal life by our Lord.”

The monster used neutral personal pronouns, took the empty bowl that Shade threw back, ladleed the liquid from the pot into the bowl for the third time, and then accurately threw the chipped porcelain bowl to the door. . Its hooves are very stable, and the liquid level is almost exactly the same every time.

The sound of the thunderstorm outside was extremely dull, and the squeaking sound of the ship as it rocked made people suspect that the ship would fall apart soon. Shade looked at the monster next to the pot, and the latter also looked at it with a bowl:

“I bet you will drink this third bowl.”


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