The Whispering Verses English

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Arriving in a new world where the steam industry is thriving, you inherit a three-story apartment in the kingdom’s capital square. Accompanied by someone else’s cat and listening to the whispers in your ear, you witness this strange and mysterious era.

The epic of the Sixth Epoch is about to begin. Behind the curtains, the chosen ones will step into legend. Old gods, relics, steam, witches, detectives, ancient mysteries, the radiance of epochs…

“Do you want to play a round of Lord Cards?”

Time engraves the years, and the silver moon illuminates the shadows. I write legends for you, and you whisper verses for me.

Deskripsi Novel The Whispering Verses

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- 呢喃诗章

The Whispering Verses Table of Contents

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2024-06-21 02:38:03
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