Ask the Mirror Chapter 7: Roar

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That was beyond the speed of thought conversion. Taoist Yan didn’t even have time to change his expression before he was killed with a sword. The Nine-Yang Talisman Sword is still in his hand, and his tall and strong body is still standing, but he is indeed dead, so clean and neat that it is even ridiculous.

Yu Ci stared at the scene happening in front of him without blinking, until the opponent Liuyang Leader landed.

“It must be the soul that vibrates. It’s so wonderful!”

Actually, calling the Seven-Star Talisman Sword a “talisman sword” is not accurate. Even though it can condense the vitality of heaven and earth, use essence and blood as its skeleton, and turn it into a physical object, in the final analysis, it is still a talisman. Since it is a talisman, it will naturally be stimulated by spiritual responses. The feeling of the soul vibrating, the void opening up, and the simultaneous spiritual responses just now was unprecedented, and it was really hearty.

Yu Ci knows the taste of the marrow and wants to try another talisman. .

But at this time, my mood suddenly relaxed, heavy tiredness suddenly fell on my head, and a feeling of weakness swept through my body. Yu Ci hurriedly bit the tip of his tongue. The wound left when he sprayed blood on the Seven-Star Talisman Sword was still there. The burning pain made him shiver and his sleepiness subsided a little.

This place is not safe. Yu Ci reminded himself that he got up hard and staggered towards the remains of Taoist Yan ten feet away.

I don’t know when, a drizzle began to fall in the mountains and forests. The rain suppressed the raging wildfires and sent bursts of green smoke into the air. A hint of coolness penetrated through the skin all over the body, and the sleepiness further faded away.

After taking only two steps, Taoist Yan’s headless body suddenly fell down and hit the wet soil.

As he walked to the broken body, Yu Ci was still in a daze. A legendary spiritual monk was killed by him like this?

Of course, purely based on facts, Yu Ci does not think this is luck. From the beginning to the end, he and Taoist Yan were only 50 to 50 sure of life and death, but he was more familiar with this kind of gambling choice, and Taoist Yan didn’t have this ability, and he deserved to be killed here.

He just felt that Taoist Yan was a little weaker than he thought.

During the battle, the greatest threat to him was naturally Taoist Yan’s final method of firing his sword through the air. It did have the power of the imaginary spiritual monk, and others such as more sensitive senses, better swordsmanship, and deeper cultivation …but there is no essential difference.

With this doubt, Yu Ci lowered his head and looked at it. The Nine-Yang Talisman Sword that had caused him so much suffering was lying across the muddy water. The heat that is very different from the outside air permeates the surroundings.

“Is this the sword?” Yu Ci picked up the talisman sword and played with it in his hand. Somewhat beyond his expectation, the body of this extremely sharp Nine-Yang Talisman Sword was actually made of wood and was only one foot long. No wonder it looked like a short stick from a distance. Numerous dark red lines were carved on the sword with a cinnabar-like spiritual guide, almost covering up the original material color of the sword.

I waved my hand twice, but there was a whining sound in the air, without any feeling of a sharp blade cutting through the air. I injected the true energy, which triggered the burning red light I saw last night, but the sword glowed across the sky. There was a sound of the golden blade chopping the wind, but it still didn’t feel as sharp as in the hands of Taoist Yan.

Is this a difference in realm? Yu Ci didn’t pay attention and started to look through Taoist Yan’s body again to see if there were any treasures on this man.

The results are very strange.


After searching for a long time, he found nothing. Not only were there no treasures, there were not even any items needed for walking outside. It seems that except for a talisman sword and a set of clothing to cover his body, this murderer is a complete pauper, and this is obviously impossible!

Yu Ci considers herself not rich, but when living outside, she always carries a few commonly used things with her. After years of accumulation, she has a small scale, and the treasure bag under her waist is always full. The same goes for those who travel around the world, but this Taoist Yan is so clean. Could it be that he really doesn’t want to live in the world, taking off his clothes and walking around naked without any worries?

Impossible, Taoist Yan sneaked in among the herb collectors in the name of picking shrimp grass. Didn’t he even prepare a stone box?

Seizing this unreasonable point, Yu Ci showed no signs of frustration. He just glanced at Taoist Yan over and over again.

Suddenly, his eyes fixed on the little finger of Taoist Yan’s left hand.

There is a circle of black line there, like a ring, wrapped around the base of the finger. For some reason, the moment Yu Ci’s eyes touched the ring, there seemed to be a “click” in his head, as if two forces collided. Although it was weak, it was clear.

What is that?

With this thought in mind, Yu Ci bent down and pulled out the ring, putting it in front of his eyes for observation.

The feeling of touching the finger is very ordinary, and upon closer inspection, the materials and craftsmanship are not surprising, but Yu Ci has the feeling that the ring is just a shell, and there seems to be something inside. Wrapped in something.

“Maybe, peel it off?”

With this ridiculous thought, Yu Ci grasped it into the palm of his hand. Of course, he didn’t exert any force, but the touch in his hand was so real that the size and shape of the ring were reflected in his mind, every detail.

Then something wonderful happened.

I don’t know where a small hammer came from, with a bang, it was like breaking an egg shell. The image of the ring in my mind suddenly shattered. Then, Yu Ci’s mind was filled with many things. It was so full that it seemed to fill the whole room.

He shuddered violently, and the overflowing feeling also moved from his mind to his hands. At that moment, the palm of his hand seemed to swell, and what he held in it was no longer a small ring, but a room filled with all kinds of sundries.

Yu Ci took a deep breath and realized it completely:

“Storage Ring!”

The real experience finally merged with the past memory fragments. Yes, this is the magical portable space possessed by those monks in the legend, possessing the magical power of containing Sumeru and mustard seeds. When he was a boy, he also saw the two immortals, which were almost beautiful objects closely linked to the identity of the monks.

“Good stuff…” As soon as this thought came to mind, Yu Ci suddenly froze, because an extremely unreal thought came out of him, like a hurricane rising from the calm sea, and the emotions in his heart were like an angry tide. Roaring, rushing into the mind.

This emotion was contrary to the storage ring itself. He was still holding the ring, and the swelling sense of fullness was clearly discernible. The objects arranged layer by layer in the space inside wanted to overflow. But these things were completely ignored by him.

At the top of the emotional tide, his remaining sanity was roaring:

Are you there? Are you still there?

He doesn’t care about this ring, at least compared to that thing, he really doesn’t care. He just wants to know, is that “little hammer”, the one that just came from the void and smashed the outer shell of the storage ring, still there? Where?

With a “ding” sound, the storage ring slipped from the palm, hit a protruding rock, and bounced far away.

This is what Yu Ci did intentionally. He did not pick up the ring immediately, but stood there for a long time. During this period, he forced himself to forget the sensory memories just now, and made his mind go blank. Then he stepped forward step by step, bent down, and spoke again. Pick up the ring.

Yes, he’s going to try again.

He had some difficulty breathing, and the hand holding the ring was even shaking.

Taking a deep breath, Yu Ci wanted to use his strength. If possible, he would even crush this precious storage ring. However, there is no need to go to such trouble anymore. Thoughts come first. As soon as the thoughts came into his mind, the ring in his hand vibrated slightly with an imperceptible amplitude. Then, the real feeling of fullness surpassed the physical body. The limitations were directly fed back into his mind.

Everything is as expected!

The dizziness of happiness was spreading, and Yu Ci had to do his best to retain the last bit of sanity and issue the last instruction.

Amidst the sound of “crash”, countless debris poured down from the half-open palm. What was more tangible than spiritual fulfillment was the real objects in front of him. The debris transformed out of thin air piled up into a hill and was placed in front of Yu Ci.

Rich, worthless, useful, useless… no matter what they are, they all exist. What’s more important is that they were taken out of the wonderful storage ring by Yu Ci’s own strength.

Yu Ci no longer needs to look for a “little hammer”, because the hammer is himself. That wonderful power basically originated from his soul and was integrated with his life. It came into being when thoughts moved and disappeared when thoughts disappeared, just like the instinct of breathing.

He remembered the only words the Fairy Chiyin used to describe her spiritual realm a long time ago:

“Dividing consciousness into thoughts and turning the divine will into a circle is to communicate with the spirit.”

Yes, the storage ring can be opened only when the divine soul is strong and the divine will is accomplished; only when the divine will is differentiated and reincarnated with divine consciousness and thoughts.

What does that mean?

That means truly transcending the “Three Mortal Levels”, truly possessing magical powers, and truly entering the realm of “spirituality”.

Yu Ci felt that all the blood in his body had gathered on his face, until his lips became numb. He tried hard to control and maintain the little bit of sanity in his mind. Then, he stretched out his hand, without activating the Illuminating Bronze Mirror. He just used his fingers to trace out those extremely familiar trajectories in the void, stroke by stroke.

As his fingertips moved, his heartbeat suddenly slowed down. At the same time, the wonderful pulse of the soul appeared again, and Yu Ci seemed to have another “self”. But as the heartbeat adjusted itself, the two pulses of the soul and the heart were resonating at an extremely fast speed, and finally merged into one.

Maybe there was a spiritual light gathering on his fingertips, maybe not, but in front of Yu Ci’s eyes and in his heart, a world that seemed familiar to him spread out.

In the chaos and emptiness, the sky is vast and dark. Yu Ci’s fingers seemed to be filled with magic power. Every time they moved, they lit up a star, and pulled out a bright light from the star. It seemed slow but rapid. Hundreds of stars lit up, forming a picture of the void. The bright node.

The talisman becomes a spiritual response. In this drizzly weather, somewhere in the vast mountain forest, a huge blue electric arc suddenly lit up, piercing the sky and matching the upper clouds. It was like the reversal of lightning, wonderful and beautiful, followed by the rumble of thunder. .

One stroke of the Cardinal’s Five Thunder Talisman drained away all Yu Ci’s strength. His knees were shaking incessantly, and he half-bent over, gasping for air, but no matter how you looked at it, he looked like he was laughing hoarsely.

Tongshen is an invisible and insurmountable high wall, and it is the starting point for a mortal to truly embark on the road to immortality.

At this moment, this high wall collapsed in front of Yu Ci and disappeared into ashes!


Amidst the roar, Yu Ci kicked him, and the hill of debris in front of him collapsed with a roar, and the broken debris parts flew in all directions.

This outburst of emotion seemed to have no reason, but it was indeed accumulated in Yu Ci’s heart.

When there is only one clear goal in the long journey of life, and after many years of hard work, it is still elusive and out of reach. Anxiety, hesitation and despair are inevitable. But all of this, Du Yuci suppressed with willpower and supported with lonely courage, like a lone wolf, marching on this road that seemed to never see the end.

The pressure never subsides, it just gets buried deeper. Over the years, it has accumulated over time, and finally, under the joy of today’s harvest, it completely erupted in this almost crazy roar.

Tongshen and monk have become Yu Ci’s latest identity. The world he faces is completely different!


The pressure never subsides, it just gets buried deeper. I hope that one day I can scream as much as Brother Yushang did. Until then, only the collections and red tickets from book friends are the best way to relieve stress.


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