Ask the Mirror Chapter 6: Sword Control

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“I don’t know how high the sky is!”

Taoist Yan did not expect that after a fierce battle, the juniors would look down upon him. For a moment, he was furious, and with a loud shout, he rushed forward again, and moved the Nine Sun Talisman Sword away, hissing and roaring.

The void seems to be blocked by dozens of red silk threads. Each red thread is made of the most refined and pure firepower. With a slight vibration, fire will spurt out, and in the blink of an eye, it will cover the area several feet in radius. The jungle is shrouded with almost no gaps.

However, the sound of the blazing flames still couldn’t stop the sonorous vibration inside. Taoist Yan only felt a slight tremor in his hand, and then he saw a green light shooting out from the sea of ​​fire. It seemed to be a straight line, but it was actually slightly inflected. It just missed the sharp point of the Nine Yang Talisman Sword and avoided fatal damage. It was very clever.

Yu Ci was wrapped in sword light and broke out of the sea of ​​fire. Although many parts of his body were on fire, including his hair and eyebrows, his life was safe. Just rolling on the ground put out the flames.

But the crisis was not over yet. Taoist Yan relied on the magic power of the Talisman Sword to seize the opportunity. He then turned his sword and caught up with Yu Ci who was moving sideways. He no longer paid attention to changes and relied solely on the sharpness of the Talisman Sword to kill him on the head.

This sword turned a skill into a flaw, and its power was even more powerful than the huge fire net before. However, Yu Ci did not dodge or dodge, purely driven by the vague instinct deep in her body, she struck out with a sword with her backhand, unblocked, and stabbed Taoist Yan’s cheek directly. It was a move that would kill both of them.

“Junior!” Taoist Yan no longer knew what to scold. Of course he would not die together with this mortal boy. He could only make a temporary change and move his sword to deflect Yu Ci’s sword light.

The sword lights collided with each other, and there was a scream in the void, as if someone blew a bamboo whistle. This made Taoist Yan feel depressed again. He could clearly see that this Seven-Star Talisman Sword was really created out of thin air by Yu Ci with the help of a talisman and a mouthful of blood essence. How could it be on par with the Nine-Yang Talisman Sword that he had worked hard to refine for two years?

Damn thing!

Suffering from this suffocating breath, Taoist Yan wished he could tear Yu Ci into pieces in the next moment, and the sword light became more and more fierce and cruel. But Yu Ci’s resilience was beyond his expectation. It was obvious that this pretty boy’s swordsmanship was mediocre and he had no subtle moves. But the strange thing was that even though he was unorganized and the scars on his body were gradually accumulating, every time he was in a critical moment, he would… A sword can be pointed directly at the vital point, forcing him to fight back to save himself, and it can be effective time and time again.

This is impossible!

Fighting for life is simple, it is nothing more than attacking and saving, and competing for courage. But you have been wandering between life and death time and time again, how could you have the courage to consume it? Not to mention that while consuming your courage, you have to peep accurately, launch quickly, and control steadily every time, so as to truly pose a fatal threat to the opponent.

Such vision, skill, intelligence, and courage are all integrated into one, and he can fire dozens of swords without missing a single shot – if nothing else, put him in the same position, can he do it?

If Master Dao were more skillful in his divine will, maybe… he wouldn’t be able to do it!

When this thought came to mind, Taoist Yan was inevitably distracted, and he happened to wipe his sword across Yu Ci’s neck. Yu Ci just turned slightly to the side, letting blood splatter on his shoulders. He used this to gain a slight opening and bullied himself forward. The seven-star talisman sword shone coldly like a star, piercing the vital part of his face.

Return from defense to offense! Yu Ci finally took the initiative.

His mind was naturally focused on the tip of the sword, and he stabbed with the sword without hesitation.

Yu Ci was taught swordsmanship by the Fairy Chiyin when she was twelve years old. She ran away a year later, so the foundation was not solid. Later, he wandered around and had no famous teachers to guide him. In terms of swordsmanship, he was really just mediocre. But his courage was extraordinary and his thinking was different. He wandered in the rivers and lakes, often fighting and fighting with others, and gradually he realized:

There are differences in swordsmanship and strength in cultivation, but between life and death, my opponent and I are absolutely equal. I don’t compete in swordsmanship or cultivation, I only compete in the moment of life and death, who has the chance to survive.

Courage is the front line of the battle, and you must sacrifice your life to seize the opportunity.

Fighting for life is not a means, it is an end! This is the foundation of Yu Ci’s use of the sword. If he can avoid death after using the sword like this for many years, how can he not be able to use his sword skills with bold eyes, hands and heart?

Taoist Yan didn’t understand this, but he was really embarrassed. The sword light came and the cold wind hit him so hard that he almost closed his eyes.

“Get away!”

The roar started, and Taoist Yan made a killing move out of embarrassment. The Nine-Yang Talisman Sword in his hand vibrated violently, and a spark shot out. Then it quickly grew in size, and the fire inside surged, and the state was extremely unstable.

When Yu Ci saw this, he did not hesitate and immediately stepped back. Only ten feet away, there was a red light and a blazing stream of fire swept across. The air suddenly expanded, and with a roar and explosion, he was hit from a distance. It flew until it hit a big tree and stopped. Then the surging fire wave came, and he didn’t care about his image. He rolled and crawled behind the big tree, huddled into a ball as hard as he could, and then managed to block it.

An area as large as an acre in the forest on the battlefield has become a fire scene. Thick smoke is everywhere, and the heat wave is hitting people, and the area is still spreading.

Taoist Yan’s breathing was slightly disordered, and the mountain wind and heat waves blew by. The bun on his head suddenly unraveled, and his hair fell down, making him look very embarrassed. He stared at the half-burnt tree, his eyes red.

Just a little bit…

If the fire talisman hadn’t been fired in time to deflect the sword’s power, the Seven-Star Talisman Sword would have probably penetrated his forehead. By then, everything, including the Shrimp Grass and the Pure Yang Sword, would have stopped. Even now he was hiding away, and the bun on his head was pulled away. It was so shameful and humiliating that Taoist Yan almost exploded with anger in his heart.

He comes from an extraordinary family. Although his family has fallen into decline and it is difficult to regain the glory of his ancestors, he is still a spiritual monk and a winner on the road to immortality. How can he let his juniors be forced to this point?

At this moment, Yu Ci poked her head out from behind the big tree and made eye contact with him. Taoist Yan suddenly discovered that there was actually a ball of fire burning in Yu Ci’s dark pupils. It was not hatred, fear or other distracting thoughts, but joy in it, and even the pleasure of constantly seeking new excitement, or the intoxication of drunkenness. However, it’s hard to extricate yourself.

He suddenly felt a chill, and felt a cold air coming from his tailbone to the top of his head, suppressing even Liaoyuan’s inner fire. A thought flashed through his mind:

Disaster will definitely be a disaster in the future!

Just use that move to finish him off!

The murderous intention in Taoist Yan’s heart boiled, but he did not step forward, but made a strange move.

He just let his hair down, put his sword on his chest, and even half-closed his eyes. As he adjusted his breathing, the sword slowly lay flat.

Yu Ci panted behind a tree. The sword fight just now had drained almost all of his strength, his energy was almost exhausted, and his body was seriously injured. However, his condition was surprisingly good. Since the age of thirteen, he has been accustomed to being on the edge of life and death. This experience not only did not weaken his courage, but made him more energetic.

Since entering the upper level of Mingqiao, I haven’t encountered such a life-and-death situation for a long time. He even felt a little nostalgic. When he stopped, he felt that he was still unfinished. There was a wonderful power, which continued to pour out of the exhausted Qi, instigating his heart, allowing him to rush forward and fight with Taoist Yan for three hundred rounds. .

So, he looked out from behind the tree, and through the distorted heat waves, he happened to see the whole process of Taoist Yan closing his eyes and swinging his sword.

At this time, the two sides were nearly ten feet apart, which was a relatively safe distance in theory. But when the sharp blade was pointed at his head, for no reason, his heart suddenly jumped wildly, just like before when Taoist Yan waved his hand at the campfire. The moment before the sword. Only this time, without the stimulation of smell, relying entirely on some vague intuition, he fell directly in the direction of his body tilt. At the same time, out of instinct, he held the seven-star talisman sword in front of him.

Before he touched the ground, his palm suddenly felt hot, as if the Seven-Star Talisman Sword had blocked something, but then, his heart hurt and he couldn’t help but spit out blood. Scanning from the corner of his eye, the Essence and Blood Talisman Sword that had just fought against the Nine Yang Talisman Sword without falling was broken into two pieces. The flying sword tip exploded in the air and turned into a ball of light red. of blood mist.

Until then, a long sound of “chi” penetrated my ears, as if a red-hot brand was put into ice water. I couldn’t tell the difference between hot and cold. The only thing that could be distinguished was the sharpness coming out of it. The energy is enough to penetrate all obstacles and is difficult to resist.

“What kind of method is this? It’s like a sword energy, but it’s ten times more powerful?”

With this confusion, Yu Ci fell to the ground. At this time, a strong smell finally came through. It was the smell of burnt air and the smell of death.

The olfactory response that he has always been proud of has been delayed by a full breath. If it were not driven by intuition, he would have been penetrated by the invisible sword energy and died!

Yu Ci tried his best to look up. Taoist Yan was in a very strange state at the moment. Although he had made a powerful blow, he still maintained the posture of holding the sword. The red sword body was not as radiant as before, and looked much more restrained. The tip also drooped a little, still locking his head.

Of course Yu Ci wanted to avoid the point of the sword, but the shock in his heart was not gone. For a while, he couldn’t move at all. He tried his best, but he could only move his body a few inches, and the Nine Yang Talisman Sword in the distance, The angle was also adjusted.

At this time, he saw Taoist Yan’s eyes. The pair of big copper bell eyes had no sparkle at all, only the pupils were unconsciously dilated, empty and gray, as if they had lost their souls. But he clearly felt that Taoist Yan was still staring at him, as if projecting a “light” on him through some incomprehensible way.

This feeling is so clear, even in the raging fire field, the touch of “light” is so hot that it burns far beyond the surrounding heat waves, like a red-hot iron needle piercing the bone marrow.

“He will kill me!”

Intuition and reason say this at the same time. However, at this moment, Yu Ci felt very strange. It felt like a gourd of boiling oil had been poured into his chest, which made him feel hot and painful, but it certainly wasn’t the feeling of fear.

The burning pain had no other purpose than to open his eyes wide and force him to find a way out of this sudden death situation.

Yu Ci stared at Taoist Yan. He was sure that this person was going to launch a killing move that was the same as before, but the distance between the front and back was a bit larger, and his charging posture was also full of flaws. If he still had the strength to charge now, he would definitely rush forward without hesitation and chop off the murderer’s head, but now, the recovery speed of his strength obviously could not keep up with the opponent’s accumulation speed.

The two of them were ten feet apart. In Yu Ci’s hand, there was only a half-parted seven-star talisman sword. Even if his arms were ten times longer, he would not be able to reach the enemy. But for the invisible sword energy, the distance was not a problem at all.

This is a dead end, but he wants to live. Therefore, all problems boil down to one sentence: Kill Taoist Yan before he sends out his sword energy!

When it comes to life and death, everything becomes simple. What he is best at is this choice!

I don’t know how he exerted the force, but half of the seven-star talisman sword came out of his hand!

At this moment, he saw that the sharp edge of the Nine Yang Talisman Sword was shining with an almost brilliant light.

Yu Ci didn’t think about what would happen if the invisible sword energy came over, nor did he think about the lethality of throwing a broken sword without accuracy. At this moment, all the thinking connections were disconnected, and only one thought remained in his mind that he had no idea of:

Kill the Taoist priest in front!

At that moment, his pupils were also dilated, and all the changes in light and shadow outside were imprinted in them, and flowed through his heart like clear water. Yu Ci suddenly felt that everything around him was quiet, but his body was vibrating, like the pulsation of blood, but the frequency was even more strange.

Then he found his real pulse. The blood pulse was roaring like a drum due to the impact of the sword energy. At the same time, the vibration that had just been generated was still showing its power.

He seemed to suddenly have an extra heart, or an extra “self”.

The wonderful feeling continues. Slowly, or for a very brief moment, the once extremely familiar pulse of blood recedes into the background, naturally covering up the pain of the physical body, leaving only the new “self” It expanded infinitely and contacted the surrounding world in an indescribable way, and then extracted unimaginably complex information from the world and fed it back to his brain.

His brain has stopped functioning and he cannot understand all this, but he is inexplicably happy. The feelings of confusion and clarity were entangled together, and eventually turned into chaos, with only a little spiritual light shining in the air, leading him back to his original simple thought:

Kill the Taoist priest in front!

As soon as a thought is sent out, there is a divine response!

In the chaos, an infinite void suddenly opened up, and the sky was filled with stars, all shining brightly. There were a few stars in them, as big as chicken eggs, as bright as jade, projecting light down. In response, half of the seven-star talisman sword rolled and flew out. Suddenly, the light shone, and the green light and blood shadows were like smoke and mist. Then the speed increased suddenly and turned into a blur of rainbow light. In just one flash, it flew from Taoist Yan’s neck. Flying sideways.

Taoist Yan didn’t even mean to block, it was really full of flaws.

Then the man’s head fell off.


The fish bone is holding Taoist Yan’s head to ask for a red ticket (if you find it bloody, I apologize in advance). In addition, I am very eager to increase my collection and hope that more book friends will pay attention to the book “Ask the Mirror” every day.


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