I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 232 Let’s see if you can be more arrogant?


In the photo of the reward order, there is a girl with short hair. He has a cute appearance, about ten years old, and has calm eyes.

On top of Xu Lun’s reward order is a sketch of a young woman. The woman with hairpins tied on both sides of her head has a beautiful appearance. According to the description of the crowd, she seems to be between fifteen and twenty years old. The most noteworthy thing is her eyes… her calm demeanor, which is somewhat similar to the young captain Xu Lun in the Bounty Order.

The similarities between the photo of Giovanna Giorno’s reward order and the sketch above are even more obvious.

Every ugly face has its own way of being ugly, and it may appear ugly in different ways from childhood to adulthood; but for people like Giovanna Giorno, even if their physique changes drastically, they can still look good from that handsome face. Find the same handsome features as a few years ago.

“Giovanna Giorno…”

“It’s him…”

“Is it that pirate…”

At the conference table, many naval officers read this name.

The big news that year made it hard not to remember this young pirate who had a bounty of 100 million beli on his head as soon as he debuted.

Having the special ability to steal other people’s Devil Fruit abilities has made people very fearful.

A few senior officers also knew that this boy even escaped while being chased by the woman who was a CP agent! Many naval officers were not completely sure when facing that mysterious and powerful female agent. Although the young pirate largely relied on the natural gas fruit he had just taken away from Caesar Courant at that time… But this record is also impressive enough.

With his weird abilities and impressive strength, I thought that the young pirate would cause a lot of troubles and news in the Grand Line. With his strength, he even came to the Chambord Islands and entered the back of the Grand Line through Fishman Island. Half of the sea area of ​​the New World is not impossible.

After all, although he was chased by the CP agent and fled into the windless zone, it would certainly not be difficult for him to fly out of that special sea area with the natural gas fruit.

For a while, many people with weak Devil Fruit abilities on the Grand Line were restless all day long, fearing that the monster boy with a bounty of 100 million would suddenly appear and steal their fruit abilities… There were also many powerful ones. The ability user sneered and waited for him to come to the door. There were also many restless pirates, eager to find the boy. If he could take away his ability to take away the Devil Fruit ability… No, even if I can’t take it away, but as long as I defeat that boy and let his special abilities be used for me, I will be greatly developed!

But…the two young pirates who debuted with a bounty of 100 million beli have disappeared since then.

The big news they made when they debuted seemed to be the last news about them.

Many people said that these two young pirates died in the windless zone.

Some people also speculate that they were secretly captured by the navy, imprisoned in a large prison, and even skinned and cramped, and subjected to cruel human experiments…

“Entered the windless zone, disappeared for four years, and now got mixed up with those troublesome characters from Nine Snakes…”

At the meeting, the navy discussed the two pirates who had reappeared.

Being able to defeat Colonel Ogat, a person with animal abilities so easily, these two pirates have obviously become stronger in Kuja… I am afraid that no one below the rank of general officer in this department is their opponent. Taking into account the relationship between the Nine Snakes Pirates, the threat level of Xu Lun and Giorno, a two-person pirate group in the eyes of the navy, has increased sharply!


“The Nine Snakes Pirates…”

In the general’s office, the Warring States general picked up a document, quickly browsed it, and clicked his fingers on the photo and three sketches.

Sengoku thought for a while, opened the drawer and took out another document.

Moonlight Moria…Sha Crocodile…the photos, names and basic information of several famous pirates were turned over page by page.

In addition, there are many other lists: Bartholomew Bear…Joracol Mihawk…Sengoku pondered, put a question mark on Hancock’s sketch, and added The sketches of her, Xu Lun, and Giorno were placed together with the information about Big Bear and Mihawk.


〖Grand Line, New World, Dressrosa——〗

Outside the flower field hut, the burly Cyrus followed King Liku Dold III, as if he had been a member of the king’s army.

“King Liku, do you really don’t need me to be your guard?” Cyrus asked.

King Liku patted the strong arm of his son-in-law, “Rebecca was only born a few days ago. Are you really willing to accompany me to go to sea so far and for such a long time?”

Cyrus straightened his back and said firmly: “Yes.”

“I don’t want to!” King Liku scolded, “Just stay on the island! While I’m away, if my baby daughter and baby granddaughter are missing a hair, or feel a little bit wronged and I can’t forgive you for being unhappy!”

Although Cyrus was moved, he was still confused: “But…what if something unexpected happens while you are on your way to attend the World Conference…”

“Don’t worry, the navy sent to **** this time is Lieutenant General Kuzan.” King Liku said with a smile.

Even Cyrus had heard of the name of Lieutenant General Kuzan. When he heard that it was his warship that was escorting King Liku to attend the World Conference, he immediately felt his heart in his stomach.

King Liku laughed, waved and left with his entourage. After getting ready, he led everyone to the port of Dressrosa Island, where he saw a magnificent naval warship parked quietly on the side of the king’s flagship. The sailors in uniforms on the deck looked solemn and were waiting patiently. .

On the deck of the warship, a tall figure was lying on a lounge chair to rest, and the phone on the small table next to him rang “bulu bulu bulu”.

Kuzan casually grabbed the phone receiver and said lazily: “I’m Kuzan.”

“Lieutenant Admiral Kuzan! Regarding the pirate Giovanna Giorno you asked to pay attention to…” the phone bug imitator said on the other end of the call, “In the South China Sea, someone suspected to be him appeared. Pirates!”

Kuzan pushed the eye mask up to his forehead and sat up on the recliner.

“Have you disappeared for more than four years and finally reappeared…”

After the call ended, Kuzan stood up, and after confirming that King Dressrosa’s ship was ready, he waved his hand and announced that he would set sail for the Holy Land of Mariejoia.


〖South China Sea, calm and calm——〗

A warship encountered another pirate ship, or in other words, the warship caught up with a pirate ship. After a round of shelling and fire suppression, it boarded the ship to execute justice.

The pirates lying all over the deck of the pirate ship were **** one by one by the sailors with handcuffs and chains.

Ogat’s arms were covered with plaster boards and bandages, and he stepped on the captain of the pirate ship. He said disdainfully: “A guy like you is actually worth a bounty of 39 million Baileys?”

The pirate captain at his feet had eyes full of fear and hatred in his heart. Who would have thought that he would meet such a naval captain at sea? !

Bundling the pirates captured along the way onto the warship, Ogate ordered to continue on the original route – following the Nine Snakes pirate ship.


After a while, a sailor came over with a monocular.

On the deck, Ogat raised his eyes and saw on the distant sea, the red Nine Snakes pirate ship meeting another pirate ship that was as huge as it.

“It’s the Hikawa Pirates whose captain has a bounty of 89 million!”

“I heard a while ago that they appeared again in the Ice Cream Kingdom. How could they appear here?”

Colonel Ogate’s temples were wet and he felt a sense of pressure. With a bounty of 89 million, this is a ferocious pirate that cannot be underestimated even on the Grand Line! Ogat thought to himself that it would be difficult for him to deal with such a powerful pirate group, so he couldn’t help but laugh at the joke. He met the members of the Glacier Pirates, that nasty guy on the Nine Snakes ship. Let’s see if you can be more arrogant. ?


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