I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 231 Navy: I’m afraid it’s him


Of course all the officers of the headquarters who attended the meeting knew the name of the Nine Snakes Pirates.

However, it is precisely because they know that they understand how troublesome this pirate force is.

Nine Snake Island is located in the special sea area of ​​​​the windless zone, which is naturally easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Until Dr. Vegapunk’s research on a new type of warship comes to fruition, the navy has nothing to do with this pirate nation huddled in the windless zone.

Even if you have new warships in hand, it is very risky to attack a country in the windless zone on a large scale.

Everyone on the Nine Snakes Island is a warrior, and the martial arts is extremely fierce. Most of the warriors have mastered the domineering force, and the naval soldiers have no advantage at all when facing them.

And send a general-level combat force to fight alone and take the Nine Snakes Island directly?

It’s also unrealistic.

First of all, not every generation of generals has the ability to cross the windless zone.

For example, this generation of Warring States generals did not have the ability to safely cross the windless zone.

It is rare after all to have a Devil Fruit ability like that of Lieutenant General Porusalino, who can easily fly between two places. Even though they are both natural ability users, Lieutenant General Sakaski is not good at crossing the sea, while Lieutenant General Kuzan can walk on the frozen sea… But that is the windless zone, the nest of giant sea kings, and it is dangerous to walk on the sea with swagger. The extent can be imagined.

In a domestic environment where the fittest survives, every generation of emperor “Snake Princess” elected can basically be regarded as the world’s top combat power.

The Warring States General may be able to travel long distances to Nine Snake Island by moon walking, but as he is not very good at moon walking, he will definitely not be in the best physical condition when he arrives at Nine Snakes. Nine Snake Warriors, the results can be imagined…

Send multiple generals to capture Nine Snakes Island together?

The navy also wants to lose face!

Even if they succeed in one fell swoop, it may not be very glorious; if they fail, they will not be able to bear the consequences. Besides, there are only three admiral-level combatants in total, so the Navy Headquarters Marinefando needs an admiral to guard it, right? Do you want to leave a Tianlong person to serve you at any time? Calculated in this way, under normal circumstances, there is only one general at most who can be dispatched to deal with pirates at any time.

This is also the reason why, like Kuzan, Porusalino, and Sakaski, there are obviously backbone forces that are not weaker than generals, but they have always been stuck in the position of lieutenant general.

In short…

The Nine Snakes Pirates are a special force that gives the navy a huge headache. Compared with the uncontrollable price they have to pay, the damage they can cause is within the tolerance range.

“There are two points worth noting.”

“Conference King” Colonel Brannew said, “According to the information from the Grand Line Branch four years ago, the leader of the Nine Snakes Pirates at that time was a woman with long blond hair, and she was their snake. Ji. But today, four years later, when they appeared in the South China Sea, the figure of the blond Snake Ji did not appear… instead it was this young woman with long black hair.”

Branniu paused, even if it was just the blurred back in the edge corner of the photo, it was breathtakingly beautiful.

“Judging from the information collected from the public, this black-haired woman is the leader of the new generation of the Nine Snakes Pirates… There is reason to suspect that the blonde Snake Princess has abdicated.”

Beside the conference table, a major general frowned and said: “Their Snake Princess is still very young, right? Is she abdicating now?”

Besides, the older middle-aged navy murmured: “If I remember correctly… the previous generation of Snake Queen of Nine Snakes, well, she is probably the previous generation of Snake Queen now, and that woman was also in her prime. When he was in his prime, he suddenly disappeared and was replaced by the blonde snake queen who succeeded the emperor…”

Is there a tradition of civil strife in Nine Snakes?

Or is there any hidden secret about Snake Princess? Could it be that Snake Princess’s strength is the power she gained with her lifespan?

The naval officers present discussed briefly.

“Another point is this person.” Brannew pointed his finger at the edge of the photo on the tactical board, the profile of the tall man with black hair next to the beautiful back, and tapped hard, ” This man. Based on the information from various branches in the South China Sea, this man…is a member of the Nine Snakes Pirates.”

The officers present at the meeting were surprised. Did you hear that correctly? A man who is a member of the Nine Snakes Pirates?

“No one knows how he did it. The staff believes that the most unlikely possibility and the greatest possibility is that this man is the lover of the new generation of Snake Queen.” Brannew said seriously, “In short, he He is a member of Nine Snakes, and he is close to this black-haired woman who is suspected to be Snake Princess. More importantly, he is very powerful! Colonel Ogat, who was assigned to the Nanhai branch a year ago, was interrupted by him. His arms were broken! Although Colonel Ogart claimed that he was defeated by this sneak attack… But according to my guess, Colonel Ogart probably lost in a disgraceful way.”

The participating officers, some of whom knew Colonel Ogat, could not help but nod.

Everyone knows what kind of person Ogat is.

More clearly… He has the form of a canine fruit wolf, and he is cautious and cunning. It is hard to believe that he would be accidentally attacked by someone and break his arms… He would still be able to sneak attack others!

“It’s not easy for this person to defeat Ogat so easily!” A rear admiral looked solemn.

“Colonel Ogat’s Werewolf Fruit is very powerful!” A naval colonel said with a sad face, “Although people with animal-type abilities are often looked down upon…but with the deep physical strength and strong recovery power of the animal-type, people can It’s really hard to believe that he could be defeated so easily!” He lowered his head and flipped through the report text in the material, shaking his head.

Everyone agreed that this man who appeared strangely in the female pirate group was a rare strong man.

Then the question arises, such a strong man cannot appear suddenly, right?

I heard that the women of Nine Snake Island in China only give birth to girls and not boys. In other words, this man is basically impossible to be an aboriginal of Nine Snake Island in the Windless Belt – so, who is he?

Such a strong man will probably never be unknown!

“It seems that you have also thought of it… We have reviewed a large amount of information on male pirates under the age of thirty. Considering that the man in the photo has most likely lived on the Nine Snake Island in the windless zone for a period of time, it is particularly special After sifting through targets who had disappeared in recent years… we found these two people.”

“Meeting King” Brannew took out another piece of material and nailed it to the tactical board with two tacks.

The heads of the naval officers who sat around the full conference table all looked over.

What Brannew took out were two reward orders, which were nailed under two of the three sketches.

Kong Tiao. Xu Lun, the bounty is 120 million beli!

Giobana Giorno, the bounty is 150 million Beli!


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