I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 225 Flower Clone


Hancock’s covered face suddenly lifted up, and his beautiful, red face was full of astonishment.

God knows what kind of shame she endured before she had the courage to ask this question.

As a result, the two of them actually reacted like this?

Lynch and Robin did not expect that Hancock, who had always adopted an avoidance strategy and pretended to be an ostrich, would take the initiative to talk about this matter.

“Although it’s a little weird, it’s just a hobby. Isn’t it great?” Lynch said indifferently, “There are so many eccentric people in this world, and they even have distorted aesthetics. They especially like weird things. People of things…you think so, Captain Xu Lun?”

He turned to look at Robin.

“Huh?” Robin didn’t know why.

“But… isn’t this weird!” The blush on Hancock’s face has not faded, and the two people in front of him are calm and composed. However, she herself is extremely confused, frowning, biting her lip and saying, “I am Hancock. Damn! How could I like…” She closed her eyes and lowered her voice and said, “How could I like having my body controlled?”

Have said it out loud…Lin Qi and Robin thought at the same time, it is really difficult for her…

“You can’t say that. Sometimes a person will subconsciously prefer something if he lacks something.” Lynch analyzed, “Look, Hancock, you have been awakened to armed color, knowledge and knowledge since you were born. Sex, domineering power, right? You are born with the powerful power that others desire, and you can get it without any effort… Maybe because of this, you feel that your body is being controlled by others… Well, it’s a bit novel. , somewhat addictive?”

This statement is too strange! Robin was ashamed, Hancock looked at him expressionlessly…

Lin Qi spread his hands and said, “Either you are born with it! In fact, the conditions for triggering this habit of yours are very rare. Didn’t you find out? Back then, you were obviously very uncomfortable with the protagonist’s experience in “The Room” , and also a little afraid… Don’t interrupt!” Hancock was about to retort, but was held down by Lynch, “This proves that you are not a masochist, you just want to have your body manipulated! It is actually very difficult to do this for you – without the Medusa Fruit.”

“The Medusa fruit is yours, and you will not be controlled by the snake’s toxin – the antidote is your own blood.” The more Lynch said, the more it made sense, “That is, Say, for you to awaken this hobby, you need: 1. Medusa Fruit; 2. the special ability to switch to Devil Fruit; 3. Xu Lun and I are trusted by you and will not do anything to you when we control you. People who go too far… If any of these conditions are missing, even if you are born with this habit, you may never have the chance to discover it in your life…”

As he spoke, he noticed that Robin’s eyes slowly turned helpless when looking at him, and he shook his head slightly.

“Did I say something wrong?”

“The premise was wrong from the beginning.” Robin pointed out, “The Medusa fruit is not the only one that can control Hancock’s body… Have you forgotten? As early as Hancock got the Medusa fruit You had controlled her body before the Tussa Fruit.”

“Is there any?” Lin Qi was confused.

Hancock blinked his beautiful big eyes.

Robin reminded: “Hancock went to sea for the first time.”

Lin Qi thought about it.

He wondered: “That time shouldn’t be counted, right? My hypnosis for her is conditional. Only when she is poisoned or something else, and has no ability to move but needs to resist someone, her Only then will the body take action on its own and fight for her…”

However, when Hancock came back with the Kuja pirate ship more than three years ago, he did not mention a word about the experience of that voyage.

Lin Qi saw that she was safe and sound, so he naturally didn’t ask any questions. After all, hypnotizing a little girl doesn’t feel like a very honorable thing. As long as the person is fine.

“Hancock was almost captured by slave traders that time he went to sea.” Robin reached out and pulled up a handful of Hancock’s long black hair. “If you hadn’t hypnotized her, she would probably Still…” At this point, she glanced at Lin Qi, who looked surprised, “Well, he should still be a slave to the Tianlong people now.”

Even if he just heard it from Xu Lun, Hancock couldn’t help but shudder when thinking of the plot in the book “Room”, which shows the piercing fear he felt at that time.

She couldn’t help but said: “Xu Lun! How did you know about this?”

“She Ji told me.” Robin said calmly.

Hancock took a deep breath and gritted his teeth: “Why does she tell you everything! I must…”

She Ji’s weak face flashed before her eyes. Hancock’s heart softened, he closed his eyes and shook his head, but did not continue.

Robin said: “So I think it was because of that experience that Hancock developed a subconscious attachment to that special state… That would give her a sense of security in being protected.”

“Do I need to be protected?!” Hancock’s voice suddenly rose, and he stood up.

Robin raised his head and said: “Your thoughts will lie to yourself, but your body will not. You probably never thought that you would be afraid of anything, right? But at that time, you were indeed afraid. Wasn’t it?”

Hancock opened his mouth and slowly sat down again. She wanted to refute, but the shadow caused by that terrible experience still exists to this day.

“You think you disdain the protection of others, but…” Robin did not finish his words and looked at Hancock. The meaning of his eyes was self-evident, making Hancock blush again. Robin added: “But just like Giorno said, it’s just a hobby that can be realized so easily because of the Medusa Fruit and his special ability to switch to Devil Fruits… You If you don’t want to, just don’t do it in the future. It’s not a big deal, don’t worry too much.”

It was clear that Xu Lun was one year younger than herself, but she was the one comforting herself… Hancock’s breathing was rapid, making people suspect that her top was stretched to pieces.

She blushed, pursed her lips, stared at Giorno and Xu Lun for a while, got up and went out without saying a word.

In the cabin room, Lynch and Robin looked at each other.

“She didn’t say no, she was…” Lynch touched his chin, “Did she mean ‘I still want to play in the future’?”

“Maybe…” Robin yawned, “I’m a little tired.”

“Then you rest first.” Lynch didn’t hesitate, “I’ll go out and get some food, I’m really hungry!”

When Lynch’s footsteps faded away, Robin lay on the bed, hugged the quilt, rubbed his hair, and buried his face in the pillow.


Two big snakes dragged the red boat slowly approaching an island.

“It’s so strange that there is a ship…ah! It’s a pirate ship!”

“There are pirates?!”

The people in the town looked at the huge canvas on the ship on the shore. When they saw the snake-haired skull logo clearly, they were even more surprised. “That pattern…could it be the Nine Snakes Pirates? That A pirate from a woman’s country?”

“A country for women?”

“A country full of women, does such a paradise really exist?!”

Some young people immediately became energetic when they heard this, and couldn’t help but move towards the shore where the pirate ship was docked. Their sharp eyes immediately saw the graceful female warriors on the deck.

“So beautiful…”

“They are really all women…”

“A pirate ship full of women! I really want to get on it…”

All the young people’s eyes were red with tears in their eyes, and even worse, their mouths were drooling.

The charming aunt came over with a spoon and said disdainfully: “Dream your sweet dreams! In the rumored country of women, men will only die if they go there! And I heard that on the ship of the Nine Snakes Pirates, any Men go up…”

“Where is that person?”

An old man in a vest pointed to the red pirate ship parked on the shore, and a young man’s figure walked out from the bow of the deck. No matter how you look at it, that handsome guy must be a man, right? !

“So handsome…” The aunt murmured, and the spoon in her hand clattered down.

“This island is not very big!”

On the deck, Lin Qi raised his hand and looked out. Naturally, the domineering atmosphere of seeing and hearing enveloped the island. Suddenly, the general composition of the gathering and division of life on the island was reflected in his mind.

It is similar to the islands in this world. In the center of the island is a main city, which is probably also a royal city. Along the coast, there are five small villages scattered here and there. The big one is almost a small town, and the small one is probably a fishing village.

“Just a little supply.” Hancock walked out of the cabin and gave a simple order.

Although they are pirates, it is more convenient to spend money to buy supplies than to plunder such small island towns.

The popular currency on Nine Snakes Island is snake hair.

The pirate ships and merchant ships they robbed at sea… apart from bringing back Nine Snakes and supplies for their own use during the voyage, those Baileys are just a pile of waste paper to them…

Robin smiled: “Then I have to hurry up.”

She came out this time just to buy some books and read them.

As she spoke, petals surged around her body, and each beautiful figure seemed to come out of her body. The human-shaped petals condensed into a clone that was exactly the same as Robin.

At first, twenty clones were separated, but only half of them were created. Robin succeeded in shaping their faces into lifelike “Kongjo Xu Lun”, so he had to separate the other ten into The petals fall off and are discarded…

The surrounding Nine Snakes female warriors looked at the abilities displayed by the princess’s flowers and fruits with curiosity, admiration and amazement.

Under the control of Robin, the ten flower clones walked back and forth a few steps, looked left and right, and made some detailed movements. The movements of three of them obviously became a bit dull and dull. .

“It seems that you can only perfectly control seven clones at most.” Hancock commented.

“If it is to be used in combat, it will be even less.” Robin shook her head. Even for her, after years of training, such multi-tasking is still a very difficult operation.

With a wave of her hand, she dispersed two more flower clones, turning into petals falling down.

The five remaining flower clones looked at each other, smiled brightly at Lynch and Hancock, and walked towards the main body, each taking some Baileys and taking them with them.

Robin’s body patted Lynch on the shoulder and said, “Let me use your knowledge.”

“Okay.” A dark shadow came out of Lin Qi’s body.

Robin raised his hand, with a hint of armed domineering entwined in his palm, and gently took off B.I.B’s helmet and put it on his head – the substitute armor was not a real entity, so he was not worried that the helmet would Pressure to hair. With the help of B.I.B’s ability to see and hear, copied from Lynch, Robin also roughly captured the distribution of towns on the island in an instant.

The five flower clones left the Nine Snakes Pirate Ship one after another. Without any communication, they each chose a direction to go to town.

“Let’s go too.” Robin in his true form smiled, and followed Lynch and Hancock as they got off the boat.

The people in the town all opened their mouths, looking at the gorgeous women coming off the pirate ship, feeling that they were probably dreaming. I really hope it’s an **** dream…


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