I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 204 Enel is also a person who understands technology





In each huge glass jar, there are tiny bubbles surging in the solution.

On the curved glass, Xu Lun’s somewhat deformed face was reflected, with a hint of curiosity.

The old man in the pointed hat is called Yamahada. He is naturally a scientist who studies the weather on Visalia’s small sky island. He also has a long white beard and is dressed like an old magician… At first glance, he looks like Haredas. There isn’t much difference.

He led Robin through a room full of glass jars, with dark ghosts he couldn’t see hovering beside them.

B.I.B observed with his narrow eyes, quickly searching for clues in his memory because of the familiarity.

Reminiscent of what it had seen and heard before, it suddenly thought of something and quickly pulled out a certain picture.

This is it.

“What are these…” Robin carefully observed the solutions in the glass jars, “It seems…it’s just sea water, no, if it’s here…it’s a ‘sea cloud’?”

“That’s right!” Yamahada smoothed his long white beard and introduced with some pride, “That’s Haiyun!”

Robin was puzzled: “But Haredas said that sea clouds are essentially the same as the sea water of the sea…”

Since it is just something equivalent to seawater, why would Yamahada say that these jars of seawater are the scientific results of their climate in Visalia?

Yamaha smiled and his white beard almost stood up. He raised a finger to Robin and said kindly: “Little girl, do you know the difference between Dao Yun and Hai Yun? Why does one look like The earth is like the sea? Or, let’s ask the most basic question… Why are there such special clouds? ”

Seeing that the little girl was just silent and waiting quietly for his answer, the old man didn’t show off and said with a smile: “It’s because of the ‘horny particles’!”

“Horn particles?” Robin asked.

“That’s right…the difference between island clouds and sea clouds is due to the different concentrations of **** particles condensed into clouds.” Yamahada said with a smile, stroking his white beard, “There is a cloud in the blue sea. Isn’t it a mineral called sea floor stone?”

“Hailoushi? Are the **** particles you are talking about related to seafloor stone?”

“Yes! The composition of sea floor stone is what I call **** particles!” The old man in Yamahada’s eyes were as bright as a child. “People in Blue Sea say that sea floor stone is like ‘Solid sea’, ‘concentrated sea’! Haha, they are really right…Hailu stones, **** particles, these things originally exist in the sea, in every drop of sea water…”

“…” Robin was silent. He couldn’t help but activate his sense of sight and looked at the dark substitute on one side.

Hornous particles!

This is not the first time they have heard this name.

There is a similar description in the historical text of Nine Snake Island…

The man known as “Poseidon” ordered the sea kings to swim along the current windless zone to offset all ocean currents, and also asked them to bring in abundant special coral plants and plant them throughout the windless zone. The seabed of the wind belt sea area… The minerals formed from the **** particles of these special corals accumulate on the sea floor, forming a special magnetic field, which ultimately forms the “windless climate” of the windless zone…

It is even because of the enrichment of **** particles brought about by the abundant seabed corals that the size of the Neptunes in the windless zone has increased to a huge size, turning into the giant Neptunes in the windless zone today…

I originally thought that these were just special products and special particles in the windless zone, but I didn’t expect… According to this Visalia scientist, coral particles and **** particles are actually found in the oceans of the entire world?

This universal characteristic is hard not to remind Robin of…


The special ingredients mentioned in Dr. Vegapunk’s research materials are found in any liquid in the world, including seawater and fresh water…

The “factors” Dr. Vegapunk calls them are the “horny particles” that the Visalia scientists call them?

Robin felt that many things were connected.

Such a picture seemed to appear in front of her eyes: a cluster of corals on the seabed, with pieces of **** particles swaying out like stars. These particles were integrated into the seawater, and some were absorbed by the sea beasts; some were eaten by the sea beasts, and fell with the rainfall. , enters inland lakes, enters freshwater systems, enters human bodies, and enters human blood; part of it enters the sky with the transpiration of seawater and circulation of rainfall…

The huge water cycle allows this special **** particle to exist in every corner of the world and in every water drop.

“The most incredible treasures are everywhere within everyone’s reach.” Yamahada sighed and reached out to touch the huge glass jar. “Volcanic eruptions, seawater transpiration, soaring sea currents…all kinds of things. Natural phenomena brought **** particles to high altitudes, where they condensed into island clouds, and sky islands gradually appeared around the world… And there are incredible changes in these **** particles! ”


“Yes, change.” Yamahada nodded vigorously, with a hint of dignity in his old expression. He stared at the solution that was bubbling with bubbles through the glass container, “Through technical means, the **** particles are deconstructed. We induced it to create wind, flames, thunder and lightning… and even an accident caused an explosion!”

The old man sighed: “You have to know that a long time ago, Visalia was not so small!”

Robin was stunned and speechless.

“Look up there.” The old man pointed upward.

Robin and the dark armor beside him both raised their heads.

On the ceiling, there is a huge glass ball.

Its interior is just like the balloon of what was previously called a weather ship, with turbulence like tiny lightning surging inside, like a huge ball of gold and black yarn intertwined.

This huge glass ball is surrounded by metal pipes, which are connected to the glass jars in the room one by one.

“Research and experiments on **** particles are too dangerous and unstable… After finding a way to induce magnetism stably and safely, we old guys – handsome guys who were still very young back then! We made such a magnetic ball that can create ‘wind weather’, sat on the ‘Visalia’ we built with island clouds, and left our hometown…”

The old man recalled the past.

“You must also miss your hometown very much.” Robin said softly.

“It’s not bad!” Yamahada laughed and stroked his white beard and said, “The sky is the home of Sky Island people! It’s the same everywhere… Besides, we prefer to study the weather instead of staying in it every day. Of course, the motionless island in the sky is still the same as it is now. Sitting on Visalia, drifting in the wind, you can study the weather all over the world…”

“By the way,” Robin opened the Devil Fruit illustrated book, turned to the page about the Thunder Fruit, pointed to the handwriting on the side and asked, “Is this Sky Island Biluka your hometown? ”

“Yes.” The old man said with a smile, “A lot of our knowledge was also accumulated in our hometown. It is a beautiful island…”

B.I.B silently looked at the glass jars all over the room. At first glance, these things seemed familiar. It was precisely because the same device had been seen in the Ark Proverbs in Enel.

Elniru’s hometown is Biluka.

He was able to independently create the Ark’s Proverbs. When there was a problem with the Ark’s Proverbs, he was able to troubleshoot the problem immediately. He is obviously someone who understands the technology…


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