I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 201 Eye of Medusa


Lin Qi talked eloquently.

Then I saw Marigrud, the third sister of the Naboya family, using the ability of the phantom beast species of Stheno, the snake of power, with little skill.

Dense golden scales quickly appeared on her body.

Marygrud, half human and half snake, wearing golden scales, slapped her palm hard into the air.


Daoyun, who was more than ten meters away, was immediately blasted with a gap and a hole in the ground.

“I’ve become so powerful!” she exclaimed excitedly.

The old scientific men in Visalia laughed and said: “He is indeed a snake of power!”

When the second sister Sandasonia saw this, she could not restrain her excitement and unleashed the ability of the flying snake Euryale phantom beast species.


I saw her whole body rapidly transforming into a big snake, with green scales all over her body.

Phew – on the back of the big green snake, a pair of wings spread out, as transparent as jasper, and covered with crystal scales.


Sanda Sonia shouted out the letter, flapped her wings, and flew up.

She Ji looked up and saw the green snake flying with its wings spread out, smiling.

Naturally, Robin and everyone looked at Hancock.


Hancock didn’t seem to have changed at all.

“Why don’t you change?” Lin Qiqi asked, “Are you trying to show us what the human form looks like? This is unnecessary!”

Hancock paused and said angrily: “Who said I haven’t changed! I have changed!!”

A question mark slowly appeared on Lin Qi’s head.

Robin stared at Hancock’s face and whispered: “She has changed! Pay attention to the lines of her eyebrows and eyes, the shape and color of her pupils, and the outline of her face…”

Lynch and the stand-in “B.I.B” both observed carefully and discovered… Sure enough, the details of Hancock’s eyebrows became more gorgeous, and his dark pupils turned into dark golden vertical pupils. .

After taking a second look, I immediately felt a cold and enchanting charm!

But it makes people reluctant to look away, as if they are willing to sink into the sight of this cold, smooth, sweet snake demon…

Lynch blinked and saw Hancock smiling in front of him. He wondered: “What are you doing for fun? Why don’t you try to transform?”

“Humph! Idiot.” Hancock raised his head, turned around and walked away.

Lin Qi only felt baffled, but Snake Girl and others, and even Robin, were smiling inexplicably at him, and he didn’t know what they were laughing at… Huh?

He noticed that those old men had turned into stone statues!

Ouch? Could it be that I just…


[She Ji smiled and said: “Ah, our other princess of Nine Snakes has become even more beautiful!”]

[Robin said: “In myths and legends, Medusa is the most beautiful Gorgon in the world…and if you look into her eyes, you will be directly turned to stone…ugh!”]

[She turned around and saw that Lin Qi had turned into a stone statue. 】

[reached out and poked it, it was really a stone statue, hard. 】

[But She Ji and I also looked into Hancock’s eyes, and there’s nothing wrong? 】

[Robin touched his body, a little confused. 】

【”We also looked into the little girl’s eyes, why wasn’t she petrified?”]

[The old men in Visalia found that only Lynch seemed to be petrified, and expressed their confusion. 】

[Robin guessed: “So, Hancock can control Medusa’s petrified eye, right? He will only activate his ability when he wants to petrify the opponent…”]


[The old men looked at the stone statue of Lin Qi. 】

[Hancock blinked, “I couldn’t hold it back just now, so I tried it on him…Who made him so stupid! Stare into my eyes.”]


[Dorag, Snake Girl and Big Bear were all silent. The moment Lynch was petrified by Hancock’s sight, they all saw that the dark ghost immediately took a step towards Hancock. 】

[No one would doubt that if it were in a real battle, the moment Lynch was petrified, his ghost would have decisively taken action, restrained Hancock, and either killed her or forced her to unpetrify her. . 】

[“It’s actually an ability that can be actively controlled…”]

[The old men were amazed, Hancock smiled evilly and glanced at them, “Yeah…”]


[All the old men were collectively petrified. 】

[“But, how to remove it…” Hancock touched his chin and began to ponder. 】

【Are you just starting to think about this issue now? Robin broke into a cold sweat. 】


[At this time, Sandasonia, who had been flying in the sky for a while, fell down and fell on the island cloud. 】

[“Sister!” Marigrud ran over and found that the second sister had returned to her human form and was panting. She was surprised: “Is the ability to fly so energy-consuming?”]

[Sundar Sonia breathed rapidly and said uncomfortably: “I don’t know… I can’t breathe… Huh?!”]

[She wanted to look at the old scientists and ask for help, but she was shocked when she saw them. Why had the old grandfathers and Giorno turned into stone statues? ! 】

[“The altitude here is almost 10,000 meters, and the air becomes thinner. Don’t exercise like that.”]

[Dorag explained. 】

[“Then what should they do…” Marigrud helped the panting second sister back to the crowd. 】

[Hancock pondered: “There seems to be a way…use the Eyes of Medusa to look at them again?”]

[It’s impossible! 】

[They have all turned into stone, where are their eyes to look at her? 】

[“I know!”]

[Hancock suddenly had a flash of enlightenment in his heart, and without much hesitation, he caught Salome, his beloved snake, and took hold of its fangs, pressing it against his white and tender arm. He pondered for a moment. Immediately press the snake’s fangs and peck a small hole in the skin. 】

[Dark red blood flowed out. 】

【”This blood…”】

[She Ji and others took a closer look and vaguely saw that Hancock’s blood was unusual. 】

[Those blood beads are like tiny blood snakes, holding each other from head to tail…]

[“This is the antidote!”]

[Hancock smeared his snake blood on Lynch’s stone statue, painted his face with disgust and fun, looked at it twice, and laughed first. 】

[Small blood snakes holding each other head to tail seeped into the stone statues…]


Hancock walked out a few steps and suddenly turned back.

The changes in her entire face were even more obvious, a layer of pink eye shadow even appeared, and her lips became redder and smoother.

“Let me familiarize myself with this Devil Fruit first!”

Hancock’s black hair was flying, and Robin was surprised to see that the strands of hair turned into slender snakes!

The ends of the hair are snake heads. Thousands of snake heads are spitting out snake messages, which looks extremely terrifying!

“Come back!” Lynch was speechless and grabbed the Hancock girl who was about to leave in a cool manner. “You haven’t de-petrified these old gentlemen yet…”


Hancock was grabbed by his collar and slid back, kicking her feet, and her snake hair was hissing angrily.

You are so tall! This guy is so annoying! !


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