I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 198 Small Sky Island


“Lord Snake Princess!”

In the weather ship, the two sisters from the Boya family greeted each other very respectfully. At the same time, she was extremely surprised that she was being hugged by the mysterious cloaked man.

“Who is he?” Hancock was very surprised, his eyes wandering around Dorag in the cloak, Snake Girl in Dorag’s arms, and Giorno.

She Ji looked at Hancock in the weather ship with a half-smile, “Hancock, what’s going on?”

She raised her chin and pointed at the old man in the boat.

The two younger sisters of Boya’s family were very guilty.

“What’s going on?” Hancock said with a nice little face, “This old man broke into our Nine Snakes Island without permission. He said he was willing to take out three Devil Fruits to atone for his sin!”

“Oh, really?” Snake Girl smiled.

Hancock felt guilty and refused to look at her.

She Ji didn’t ask any further questions. Her blond hair danced wildly with the wind blowing around Dorag beside her. She nodded with Xu Lun, the princess next to the three sisters, and then looked at Lin Qi, who was like a cloud, “You guys are Do you know each other? ”

“We were together on an island for a while.” Dorag nodded, with a smile on Lin Qi’s fierce-looking face, “It’s best not to inquire about my information. You might provoke me. Come and cause trouble…”

“Hey! Stingy!” Lin Qi despised.

Flying upward for a while, they came close to Dolag and the other two. Lynch stretched out one of his hands from the air mass and poked Dolag’s body under the cloak and She Ji’s shoulder.

Dolag: “…”

She Ji: “…”

Big Bear: “…”

“There is no elementalization! Isn’t it a natural element?” Lin Qi asked curiously, “Then how do you ride the wind and bring yourself up? You can’t always use domineering to create strong winds!”

Unless Dorag is some kind of peerless superman, so strong that he can circle the Red Continent one hundred and eighty times, how could his domineering power be enough to withstand such a gameplay?

Dolag looked at the rapidly ascending weather ship, “Isn’t that thing the same thing, making wind to move?”

There are many ways to create wind.

Even if you punch the air hard, you can create a powerful punch.

A powerful swordsman can slash with a sword in the air and produce a fierce sword energy.

“We use weather science here…” the old man in the weather ship explained quickly.

Dorag carried Snake Girl up the wind and said flatly: “It’s all the same.”

Bang, bang, the big bear gently slapped the air with one palm after another, and followed the crowd straight into the sky.


Nearly 10,000 meters in the air.

The balloon dragged the weather boat and swayed here. There was a small island in front of it.

The difference is that this island is made up of condensed clouds on the ground. There are bridges connecting the clouds, big and small, up and down, to the ground, forming a miniature country.

“This is Visalia! It’s a country that studies weather science.”

Harredas, the old man with the pointed hat, controlled the weather ship to land with a smile.

“Wow! An island on the clouds!”

The three sisters of the Boya family jumped out of the weather ship one after another. Hancock was a little cautious, but also very curious. He stretched out his feet and stepped on the white clouds. It was very soft, but there was no need to worry about sinking in. .

Lin Qi, Big Bear, Dolag and Snake Ji followed them closely, flew up from below, and landed on the solid clouds one after another.

“This is called ‘Island Cloud’.”

Robin followed the three sisters with the parked weather ship Haredas, and heard the old scientist explain with a smile, “In addition, there are water-like clouds, called ‘sea clouds’ ‘, look over there.”

The girls followed what the old man pointed and saw a small pond not far away.

Different from the pond they knew, the pond here was white and actually made of clouds. In Haiyun Pond, some fish appear from time to time.

Marigrud ran to reach into the water and took a handful, exclaiming: “It’s really like sea water! It’s just so light…”

Sanda Sonia said: “It is a cloud after all.”

While talking, he caught an empty fish and said in surprise: “The fish is so light!”

“In order to survive in such a special environment, fish have also evolved into light bodies…” Robin guessed. She looked around and found that the majestic-looking bears were watching from the left and right. The wonders of the small sky island in Visalia, but Lynch was still talking persistently next to Dorag about what kind of devil fruit Dolag was eating. He touched his chin and muttered: “I thought What you eat is the natural ‘Wind Wind Fruit’…”

This is the speculation of many people in previous lives.

Dorag shook his head and said: “There is no such element as ‘wind’ in nature.”

She Ji, who was admiring the scene of the sea of ​​clouds, smiled softly.

Robin couldn’t help but remind him: “Giorno, wind is a natural phenomenon caused by air flow.”

Since it is a phenomenon rather than an exact substance, how can it be a natural fruit?

“Even if there is a Devil Fruit that can be called ‘wind’, it should be your gas fruit.” Dorag said, “Or, even if there is a Devil Fruit that can create strong winds… then there is a higher probability. It should be superhuman.”

Yes, creating wind, a superhuman devil fruit with super powers… Robin nodded secretly. And if it can be turned into wind, it is equivalent to turning into a mass of turbulence, which is also equivalent to a gas fruit.

“Are you talking about Devil Fruits?” Haredas, the tall old man walking in front, turned around and said, “It seems there is no ‘Wind Wind Fruit’.”

Hearing this, everyone became strange.

Lin Qi said: “Old sir, you seem to know a lot about Devil Fruits?”

“That’s right! Where are the three Devil Fruits promised to us?” Hancock, who was almost addicted to the beautiful scenery of Xiaokong Island, suddenly woke up and said, “Take them out quickly.”

“We’re almost there.” Haledas nodded repeatedly, stroking his beard, and said to Lynch and others: “I don’t have much research on Devil Fruits… However, I have a collection of Devil Fruit illustrated books. So I still know a little bit about their types…”

“Devil Fruit Illustrated Book?” Lynch was very surprised.

This thing, it seems that the only ones we have seen clearly in the comics are Sanji when he was a child, and Teach the Blackbeard?

Lynch has been to many islands and followed Robin to many bookstores, but he has never found a so-called devil fruit illustrated book.

I didn’t expect this old man to have it.

That’s why he can see my flowers and fruits at a glance… Robin then understood.


Visalia is a small sky island, not big. It didn’t take long for us to follow Haredas to a warehouse house on the cloud on the edge of the island.


Several other old men with white beards came out of the warehouse. Their clothes were very similar to Haredas. They were all climate scientists from Visalia.

When they saw the three Hancock sisters following Haledas, they were immediately shocked and said in a panic: “I told you not to go to Nine Snakes Island all the time! Now they are looking for you… Huh?” ”

The old men discovered another Big Bear, Dorag and Lynch. These people were clearly men.

“What’s going on…”

The other Robin is obviously a girl.

She Ji stood there, with such a grace and grace that even Hancock, who had not yet grown up, could not suppress it. No matter how slow the old men were, they couldn’t help but doubt that this beautiful and tall woman was none other than Nine Snakes. The empress? !

Haredas smiled and told the whole story to a few old guys.

“Ah…it turns out I let you go with just three Devil Fruits. That’s great.”

A few old scientists laughed, relieved and very happy at the same time.

“Fortunately, you don’t want our research materials!”

Who wants your research materials? Hancock is speechless. Only weirdos like you are rare!


“Cough cough cough!”

The old man Haredasi walked out of the warehouse with a look of dismay on his head, and from somewhere in the corner, he pulled out three Devil Fruits with strange swirling patterns on their surfaces.


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