I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 197 Drago, what devil fruit did you eat?


[Chapter opening interlude・Lin Qi, the day when you wake up・His worthless highness]

[New World, Wano Country. Black smoke rises from the chimneys of the factory; beasts and pirates wave their whips in the quarry; there are numerous wooden monuments in the cemetery; the cold wind sobs in the valley; the Orochi General in the palace embraces his arms and laughs heartily; on the streets of the capital, in front of The son of the Dai Shogun, the sworn brother of Whitebeard, the one who kowtowed and knelt down from the Pirate King, the Kuri Daimyo, and the “invincible” samurai Kozuki Oden, was naked. He didn’t care about the eyes of the people around him, he was smiling and dancing to himself. Know how to dance…]


Lin Qi stood aside and suddenly realized.

No wonder this old man looked familiar… After seeing the small wooden boat hanging under the balloon, he immediately remembered that this old man was not the small island where Nami studied weather magic… weather science. Scientist!

I didn’t expect that this old scientist would secretly sneak into the Nine Snake Island, which is forbidden to men, in order to study the weather. He is really not afraid of death…

Hancock urged: “Go! Fly!”

The two sisters in the small wooden boat were also very excited and curious about what it would be like to fly in the air.

Haredas untied the rope, threw it into the boat, and rolled in by himself.

Hancock calls to Robin, who uses flower fruits to grow a series of arms on the ship and pulls himself up.

“Giorno!” Hancock urged.

“I’m waiting for someone.” Lin Qi calmly stayed put. The big bear slapped him away, but didn’t slap his substitute…

At this moment, B.I.B is still rushing towards the main body…

“And your ship…” Lynch reminded.

In front of him, the weather ship full of people made a “boom” sound, and the bottom of the ship touched the ground.

Hancock, Sanda Sonia, Marigrud, Robin: “…………………………………………”

Haredas tugged at his beard and said, “I’ve never had so many people ride at the same time…”

He looked at Lynch, who was 1.8 meters tall, and Big Bear, who was 6.89 meters tall, in embarrassment. The two of them, no matter their weight, look like they can weigh as much as the old man and the girl…

The big bear looked up at the sky and said warmly: “Where is the ‘Visalia’ you mentioned?”

Haredas pointed to the sky above his head and said with a smile: “It’s in the sky directly above! It’s about 10,000 meters away… Visalia is a small sky island!”

“Directly above?!” Marigrud looked up.

“Ten thousand meters?!” Sandasonia was shocked.

“Sky Island…” Hancock looked up, confused.

“It turns out that Sky Island really exists…” Robin also murmured. She had seen rumors of Sky Island in some books, but before, she only regarded it as an overly distorted and exaggerated legend.

Big Bear said: “If it’s an empty island… I can board it myself, so I don’t need to get on the boat.”

Lin Qi smiled and said: “I don’t need it either!”

As he spoke, his body disappeared into smoke and turned into a condensing air current.

“Ah, is it a natural devil fruit?” Haledas said unexpectedly, “It’s really rare…”

Hancock urged: “Since they don’t need it, let’s go quickly!”

Haredas said with a smile: “Okay, then let’s set sail.”

As he spoke, he made slight adjustments to the equipment in the weather ship. Robin looked up and saw that in the small ball in the transparent balloon, something chaotic like an inexplicable electric current suddenly became more violent.

The dark armor flew out of the forest and floated to the main body.

Lin Qi smiled and said: “Let’s go! The target is in the sky.”


In the woods of Nine Snake Island, a small wooden boat suspended by a balloon slowly rose. Inside the boat stood an old man with a long white beard and four beautiful little girls.

“Go to Sora Island!!”

Hancock squeezed between his two sisters and Robin, pointing his fists at the vast sky, shouting happily.

Robin looked outside. Lynch turned into a ball of air, leaving a winding snake-like trajectory from bottom to top, following closely around the ascending weather ship.




There were loud explosions in the air. It was Big Bear using his meat ball fruit ability to control the force and slap the air, one after another with Lynch, followed closely by the weather ship.

When Lin Qi saw this, he couldn’t help but wonder, could the moon step in the six movements… be developed by a certain person with the flesh ball fruit ability?

In the weather ship, Hancock raised his hand, touched around the balloon, and looked at his hand in surprise, “Is this…wind? Is there wind around the balloon?”

Haredas smiled and touched his white beard, “This is weather science!”

“That’s in the ball…” Robin observed the balloon, “Is it stored magnetism? Did you use magnetism to create wind?”

“Hey, little girl, do you also understand weather science?” Haredas was very surprised.

“I just read some information that magnetism can affect the weather and even shape the climate.” Robin shook his head.

She remembered Dr. Vegapunk’s information. He once dreamed of creating a magnetic device to transform his hometown of Gig Island from a winter island into a spring island with a warm climate…

“Yes, after adjusting the magnetism, you can form wind…such as this!” The old man took out the props from his arms with a smile, “Just like this wind knot…”

“Knot?” Hancock wondered, “Isn’t this a string of black balls?”

“Ah! I got it wrong.” Haredas was embarrassed, “This is a thundercloud that creates lightning…”

This guy obviously has such a weapon… Hancock was speechless.

“Ah! I found it, it’s this. This is a knot soaked in a special magnetic solution…”

Haredas quickly took out the real wind knots and proudly opened one of the knots in front of Robin and Hancock.

“Open one and you’ll get a breeze.”

Phew, Hancock and Robin’s hair was blown by a breeze.

“Open two and you can attract strong winds.”

Whoops! Hancock and Robin’s hair fluttered in the wind, and the gust of wind immediately shook the balloon and the entire weather ship.

“Open three and you will be able to attract a storm – ah!”

Haredas was about to untie the third knot when she was punched directly by Hancock. She said angrily: “Idiot! It’s very dangerous!”

“It’s just a demonstration!” The old man covered his forehead.


“Wow! Nine Snake Island has become so small…”

After smoothing her hair that was messed up by the wind, Sandasonia looked down from the edge of the weather ship and saw that the island they thought was huge had become only as big as a palm.

“Hey, what is that?” Marigrud’s eyes widened.

Robin looked down and said in surprise: “What… someone is following me!”

Lin Qi, who flew into the clouds, and the big bear walking in the air looked down and saw two figures flying up wrapped in a gust of wind.

In the strong wind, a 2.56-meter-long cloaked man hugged the two-meter-tall Snake Princess and roared towards her.

Lin Qi smiled and said: “Long time no see, Dorag! I have a question, what devil fruit did you eat?”


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