I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 097 Do you really want to do it? Now? right here? (Third update)


With the assistance of “B.I.B”, the sailors patrolling the corridors were as if they did not exist, and they could not hinder Lynch’s unscrupulous behavior at all.

“Lynch, look at this.” Robin brought a piece of information.

Lin Qi looked up and saw that this was a design drawing – the design drawing of the unfinished “floor heating project”!

“Here.” Robin pointed to somewhere in the dense text.

Lin Qi suddenly said: “It really has something to do with magnetism! This guy from Vegapunk wanted to completely transform the magnetism of this winter island into a spring island… Unfortunately, the technical conditions at the time could not meet his forward design. ! ”

If Vegapunk had a magnetic fruit, this island would have become an island with spring all year round, right?

“What’s going on?!”

“Did he break in again?!”

“How is it possible!!”

The door of the room where Lynch and the others were was pushed open.

Swish, swish, a bunch of gun barrels were pointed at the two people in the room.

“Wow, easy, easy!” Lynch raised his hands, “I said I accidentally got lost. Do you believe it?”

Robin: “…”

“It’s actually two brats?!” The navy were also surprised and shouted, “Don’t you know this is a restricted area? Hurry up…”

Lynch pointed to the door and shouted: “Oh my God! White Beard!!”

“What?! Whitebeard?!!!”

The sailors were so frightened that their hands shook and they subconsciously looked back at the door. Of course, there was nothing outside the door except the other sailors who kept coming.

When they realized they had been tricked and turned around, the room was already empty.

“Damn it! How is this possible!?”

“Where are those two brats?!”

The marines turned the research institute inside and out, but could not find the two missing intruders.

At the same time, Lynch was already yawning boredly in the castle inside “B.I.B” flying back to town, asking Robin what he wanted to eat tonight…


Government Island, branch base.

“What? The intruders are two brats?!”

Not only the navy commander was furious, but the residents on the island also found it incredible when they heard about it.

Can two children break into the research institute of Dr. Vegapunk, who is closely controlled by the Navy?

Is it because those two children are too evil, or the navy is too incompetent…

The people on the island were whispering.


In the research institute, patrols and security became tighter, and every sailor felt a fire in his heart.

In the past two days, the way the residents on the island looked at them became more and more unbearable!

Damn it, we must catch those two daring brats!

“They’re coming in again!”

“Damn it, how on earth did you break in! Everywhere in the institute is obviously under surveillance!”

“No movement found?!”

In the research institute, the footsteps of the sailors were loud and loud, and they quickly rushed to the target laboratory.

Of the two brats who were blocked in the room, the boy among them was not afraid of the rows of guns pointed at him. Instead, he coughed twice, pointed behind the navy and shouted: ” Oh my god! Red hair!”

“…?” Even in such a tense atmosphere, the sailors were still amused with questions. Red hair? What is red hair?

“Oh my god! Auntie!!” Lynch pointed at the door and shouted in shock, as if the red-haired man had never said it before, in exactly the same tone. Robin beside him: “…”

The navy roared: “Stop lying! Who will be fooled a second time!!”

He turned around and saw that the colleagues around him were really shocked by the name of the aunt and looked back outside the room, “You have really been fooled!!”

When they looked back, sure enough, the room was empty again!

“Damn it! Damn it!!”

Not only were these sailors beating their chests, but the commander of the branch base was so angry that he almost blew up the phone bug after receiving the news.

And in that room that the sailors thought was empty.

The dark armor’s glowing white eyes looked at the self-destruct button with a huge skull pattern on the wall.

“Do you really want to press it?” Robin asked.

Lynch must press it. Most of the paper information in this seemingly Vegapunk research institute has been “copied” by him. And there is a hidden research institute left… In the comics, the entrance was revealed after Frieza accidentally detonated the laboratory… If he didn’t press the button, he would blow up the research institute into the sky. Lynch went on Where to find that hidden research institute?

The real technology of Vegapunk is in that research institute!

The weapon system Franky upgraded two years later basically benefited from the information in Vegapunk’s research institute.

Based on Franky’s words in the comics…

In this hidden research institute of Vegapunk, there is even research information on blood factors!

The so-called android army of Germa 66 is the result of Sanji’s father Gaji’s conceited research, which comes from blood factor technology. And this thing is what Vegapunk has been playing since he was a kid… Lin Qi was very curious about such an awesome hidden research institute. How could he leave the island without going in and taking a look?

Robin still finds it incredible to actively press the self-report button.

“Now? Right here?”

“What are you thinking about?” Lynch looked at the sailors outside and said in deep thought, “Although I threaten, steal, rob, kill, and trespass into restricted naval areas… I am still a good person!”

Robin: “…”

Lynch drove the “B.I.B” and flew outside the research institute like a ghost.

Except for an arm covered with flame patterns, it was hovering quietly in front of the huge skull button on the wall of the laboratory.


Zhan Taomaru walked outside the research institute and left a series of footprints in the snow.

“Why is there no navy on guard outside?” He came to the gate and was wondering when he suddenly saw two familiar people popping out of the air.

The young man among them glanced at him casually, “It’s you! Little Fatty.”

“…” Before Zhan Taowan could think of a word to retort, he saw the young man randomly finding a slightly higher stone, jumped on it and stood up, took out a piece of thick paper and rolled it into a tube. He put the paper tube in front of his mouth, put his other hand on his hip, coughed twice, and shouted to the door of the research institute in front of him in a loud voice: “Hey! Hey! Is there anyone inside? You have been surrounded, you don’t want to die – ―Come out quickly! ”


On the island, the commander of the naval branch base is having a headache. How to report to the headquarters that two brats broke into Dr. Vegapunk’s research institute again and again…

Shame on you! Shame on you!

Just two brats, they actually regard their branch navy as nothing…

Boom! ! !

Suddenly, the entire base house and floor shook. The branch chief heard a huge explosion… He turned his head blankly and looked out the window at the slowly rising mushroom cloud.

“Could it be that…” The branch’s naval officer felt a little dry and had difficulty breathing. His legs softened and he fell into his chair in shock. “Oh my god…”


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