I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 094 “How could I, as the protagonist, be killed by my own double”


Three people?

The waiter at the bar murmured to himself and looked at the boy and girl next to the blind swordsman. There were clearly two people in total.

Three people?

Robin was very surprised. Either this uncle also included the bartender, or… he sensed Lynch’s ghost?

Three…well, Lynch is certainly not surprised. If the substitute can be sensed by Aokiji, then the future general Fujitora will naturally be able to sense it too.

In the Dressrosa chapter, General Fujitora’s domineering power can even sense meteorites from outside the sky. He uses his heavy fruit ability to pull the meteorites from the sky and smash them into a big hole in the ground… This blind man The swordsman’s knowledge and perception are actually more proficient and keen than many people with sharp ears and eyes.

“What?” The blind swordsman didn’t hear the sound, “Did I say the wrong thing?”

The waiter wiped the wine glass and reminded: “Sir, they are two minors, how can you invite them to drink?”

“One glass of gin and one glass of sherry, thank you.” Lynch raised his hand.

“You’re really drinking!” the waiter shouted.

“Two young men?” the blind swordsman said in surprise, “Those are really two very powerful young men… Well, where is the other one?”

In his perception, especially the man sitting next to him, he was much more powerful than the average middle-aged man. The strength reflected in the Haki of Kanwen Seki is probably not inferior to that of some powerful pirates!

He is actually a young man… This great sea route really cannot be underestimated!

“I said…” The waiter waved his hand in front of the blind swordsman’s face. Since he was really blind, why was he so sure that there were three people sitting next to him?

“Another glass of delicious wine!” Lin Qi raised his hand again.

Hmm… the blind swordsman thought to himself.

The waiter said angrily: “Since just now, you have been talking about some weird wine names… There is only malt liquor, or rum, but you little devil, just try the malt liquor… …”

Lynch said: “Rum!”

“I don’t want to drink…” Robin said from the side. Lynch whispered: “Oh, try it…” Robin rolled his eyes because he deliberately imitated his tone.

The blind swordsman seemed not to have heard their whispers, and chuckled softly: “Brother is very powerful. I also know a young man who is as ambitious as you and has extraordinary skills… Well, he also has the same appetite. You are similar!”

Lin Qi was eating a lot, and the waiter rolled his eyes when he heard this, “Really? This is the first time I’ve seen him eat like this…”

Lynch didn’t really want to talk to the future admiral, but he was also curious about who he was talking about, “Oh? Is there anyone as powerful as me?”

It can’t be Smoker!

A quick calculation shows that Smoker is almost 15 years old now. It’s much bigger than him, so it doesn’t count!

The blind swordsman smiled slightly and took a sip of wine, “He should still be practicing now…”

While chatting about one thing or another, Lynch ate everything, grabbed Robin, paid the bill and ran away!

Although he is very greedy… No, although he is not interested in Fujitora’s heavy fruit… Although he has no intention of “borrowing” the heavy fruit so that others can see how many floors a bag of rice has to be carried…

Damn it, the more I think about it, the more I feel itchy, please sneak away first!

Lynch took Robin and plunged into the wind and snow outside. I walked all the way to the diagonal block of town and found a hotel to stay temporarily.

In the previous restaurant, the blind swordsman put down his wine glass and suddenly asked after paying the bill: “Just now…were there only two teenagers and no third person?”

“Yes,” the waiter wiped the empty wine glass, “I’m still wondering why you think there is a third person even though you can’t see it…”

Really… The blind swordsman raised his stick and struck on the road in front of him while pacing forward, “Maybe I saw it wrong!”

The waiter was speechless, “It’s strange that you can see…”



The entire hotel seemed to be shaken by the sudden scream, and the snow on the roof trembled and fell.

Everyone in the hotel was shocked. Is this killing a pig or killing someone? !

Robin opened the door and looked outside, and was shocked.

“What happened?” “The screams are so scary!” “What’s wrong?” “Little girl…”

Many people, including hotel clerks and other tourists, gathered outside the door. They became even more worried when they saw Xiao Guliang opening the door.

“Xu Lun, who is outside?” a voice came from inside the room.

“…” Robin had no choice but to open the door more, and the people outside immediately saw that there was only one young boy left in the room, looking like he was full of energy and had nothing to do, so he looked for trouble.

“Tch! It turns out to be a kid!” “Really, I was shocked…” “He is a teenager after all! He has reached that age…” “Yes, after all, it is also this period, what? There will be weird behaviors…”

The people outside the door gradually dispersed.

“…” Robin closed the door silently, “At that age and period? Lynch, what do they mean…”

She turned around and saw Lynch lying dead on the floor again.

Lin Qi’s face was ferocious, his body curled up, rolling back and forth on the floor, as if he wanted to pull out the “B.I.B” in his body and beat him up.

“Are you okay?” Robin squatted aside and poked him with his finger.

“I…seem…as if…something…is…” Lin Qi’s muscles all over his body were tense, word after word came out from between his clenched teeth, hot air was spraying from his mouth and nose, “I’m…very…very good!”

“Oh…” Robin thought of something and ran out to get some boiling water and milk. After heating it, he handed it to Lin Qi. He pinched it lightly with his fingers, and a few petals fell on the **** and slowly sank in.

After Lin Qi completely recovered, he felt exhausted and refreshed.

This time, it was not only the fatigue and exercise “experience” accumulated by “B.I.B” for a long time outside… but also the memories of its flight outside that impacted Lynch.

Under the condition that I have no ability to fly, it is really exciting to digest this memory of flying above the vast sea…


Lin Qi drank the flower milk tea in one go.

After all this hard work, my stomach, which had just been full not long ago, no longer felt full at all.

Lin Qi wiped the corner of his mouth and thought to himself: “I remember that old man Rao.G under Brother Ming, he could store the strong physical strength in his youth… and save it for use when he is old and weak. Use! That is probably an advanced way of returning life…I wonder if I can temporarily store the energy I usually eat too much and use it to offset the excess energy consumption when recycling the avatar!”

In the future, as the strength increases, the “experience package” when “B.I.B” is recycled will only become larger and larger…

Maybe he was killed by his own substitute! Lin Qi laughed, that would be really unlucky!

“I’m going to find Vegapunk’s research institute, are you going?” Lynch jumped up on the spot, put on his clothes and asked Robin.

Robin also put on a down jacket and asked strangely: “Can’t you let your ghost look for it?”

Lin Qi looked blank.

Are you so reluctant? Robin smiled softly, “Let’s go.”


Outside the town, in the snow, Lynch released “B.I.B”.

The castle fruit chip is implanted into the main body, “B.I.B” returns, bringing out the castle fruit effect, and then the castle fruit chip is taken out of the main body… “B.I.B” a set of operations can be completed in one second.


With a wave of Lin Qijian’s [Youyou Reading www.uutxt.xyz] finger, “B.I.B”‘s visor detached and flew into the vast wind and snow.

Its faceless machine, together with the main body and Robin, separated from the flying mask to search for the Vegapunk research institute on the island.

“There seems to be…someone under the tree in front?”

After walking for a while, Robin pointed to a tree in the snow ahead. Lin Qi was admiring the snow scene, and after hearing this, he turned around and saw that there was indeed a little fat man under a tree covered with snow, staring at the trunk of the tree with a serious face, as if he could spot a flower.


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