I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 069 Music is the oldest language


Robin woke up in a daze, regained consciousness a little, and subconsciously touched his face first.

Then I wanted to use Huahua Fruit – then I remembered that Huahua Fruit was no longer there.

She breathed a sigh of relief. Noticing that the ship was no longer rocking much and seemed to be gradually stopping, she left the room, exited the cabin, and came to the deck outside, where she saw Lynch also there.

There is a familiar melody in the sea breeze.

“”Binx’s Wine”…” Robin walked to Lynch, “This is a widely circulated song, very popular among sailors and even pirates…”

Lin Qi hummed.

In the gradually brightening morning light, the pirate ship gradually stopped on the remote coast of Miao Zexin Island.

On the shore, there was a simple cabin.

In front of the cabin, there is an old wooden piano parked.

An old man with gray hair wearing a simple floral shirt was playing the piano as if no one else was watching.

The ten fingers danced on the yellowed black and white keys, harmonizing with the sound of the rising waves, and the old man hummed vague lyrics:

“Sending Binx’s wine to you~?”

“Like the sea breeze, ride the wind and waves as you please~?”

Morrie’s huge body stretched out enchantingly on the deck, and the whole ship shook when he stood up.

“You are in such good spirits. Are you playing the piano and singing so early?” Morrie said, “It sounds so good… It seems like you are missing someone~”

Bang–the old man playing the piano paused his **** and turned to look at the huge Mori on the pirate ship.

“Why are you looking at me?” Morrie glared at the old man without any politeness, “Do you like me so much?”

Robin suddenly realized that this giant Morrie always said such things to everyone he saw…

Unexpectedly, the old man nodded, his old face smiling like a chrysanthemum, “Ah! I really like you… I will send Binx’s wine to you day after day, in my dreams Midnight~?” He continued to play, the notes dancing with joy.

Morrie touched his beard. He seemed a little at a loss for a while, maybe he had never been answered like this before…

“What are we going to do with these people?” Robin turned back and pointed.

The pirates were all gathering next to the pile of people on the deck with their faces turning blue.

“Wait a moment.” Lynch raised his hand and pointed behind the cabin on the shore, “Someone is coming.”

It’s a few people in black suits.

“They’re from a gang…” Morrie said. He had a habit of opening his navy blouse, exposing his belly and chest hair, and wearing a unique skirt underneath. The few people in black suits on the shore looked at each other, but they didn’t realize that this guy was a navy man in uniform. They looked at Lynch and others on the pirate ship with vigilance, and said to the old man playing the piano: “Old George, it’s almost time. Come with us to the wedding venue. You are the only one left in the band…”

Wedding…Robin whispered to Lynch: “It should be the ‘Dagger’ person…their boss’s youngest daughter is holding a public wedding today…”

Lin Qiqi asked: “Isn’t the person who contacted you the ‘Bullet’ person?”

As he spoke, he stopped and thought of the unique hobby of the “Bullet” boss, Capone Becky, and immediately guessed something.

“That guy… is really evil! Just in time, this trip should not be in vain.” Lynch said to himself.

Under the urging of several people in black suits, the old man who played the piano slowly packed his things.

“Hey! You guys!” The men in black suits took out their pistols, pointed them at the three Lynches on the bow of the boat, and asked coldly, “Are they pirates? What do you want to do when you come to this island? ?”

They didn’t pay much attention to Lynch and Robin, and their attention was mainly on the big guy who couldn’t be ignored – Morrie.

Lynch stepped on the bow of the boat, raised his hand and shouted: “Wait a minute-!!”


The men in black suits with guns were surprised. Then they saw, against the light in the morning light, the faceless boy on the bow of the boat suddenly turned his hand up and seemed to be smiling.

“Thank you for your cooperation.”

As soon as the young man finished speaking, the wrists of these black suits seemed to be dazzling with flowers. An arm grew out and they suddenly grabbed the guns they were holding tightly.

“What is this?!”


The men in black suits screamed in surprise, but Lynch’s arm made of flowers and fruits had already grabbed their guns, turned the muzzles of the guns around, pointed them at the men themselves, and stuffed them into their mouths.


Several black suits were stripped naked and thrown into the sea.

Seeing this familiar bandit behavior, Robin smiled vaguely, but quickly stopped when Lynch turned around.

“Morrie, just take them to find the naval base on this island.” Lynch said, “With so many people, you are the only one who can fish them out.”

“It doesn’t matter to me…”

As Mori said, he casually grabbed the dead or alive pirates on the deck of the pirate ship.

Lynch raised her chin. The jet-black armor lingering on the side immediately understood. He raised his right hand to Mori, who was walking ashore, and took out a triangular chip from the inverted triangular “reactor” glowing with white light on his chest. The arm armor covered with red flame patterns immediately ejected. , flew towards the giant’s furry chest, and directly sent the push fruit chip into Mori’s body.

Morrie winked at him. Lynch was already immune and reminded: “Keep the bounty for me!”

“I know~ It’s true!” Mori’s powerful voice squealed, he hugged a bunch of pirates, walked forward with huge steps, and left along the shore of the island.

At this time, the old piano player George, who had almost packed up, had changed into a slightly older dress, carried a handbag, and watched the whole process expressionlessly.

Lin Qi waved and said: “I haven’t even eaten breakfast, I’m so hungry. Uncle, please take us to the wedding to see the excitement.”

“I recognize you, the young hunter named Giorno.” Old George said slowly.

Lynch and Robin walked over together, “I didn’t expect you to like reading newspapers…”

Old George continued: “And the little girl next to you…”

Lynch took a step away and passed in front of the slightly nervous Robin, slightly blocking Old George’s view. During this short process, petals surged up on Robin’s face, and he quickly became a broad forehead, full cheeks, and a nose like a head of garlic… He was still the ugly boy that Lynch was so good at when he was on South Cago Island. shape.

Old George looked at Robin’s appearance intently and murmured: “Did you see it wrong? You are really old…”

“I haven’t seen you for a long time, I almost forgot.” Lynch whispered, and Robin lowered his head and took out his hand.

Lynch turned around and smiled at Old George: “What’s wrong with her?”

Old George shook his head and said as he walked: “I thought she was the ‘son of the devil’… I was about to tell you to leave quickly. There are so many people on the island today, and it is very dangerous to run here…”

Lin Qi and Robin followed the old man to the island and asked curiously: “Don’t you hate that devil’s son?”

Hearing this, Old George chuckled and said, “Boy, do you know how many great people have come out of this island?”

“I really don’t know.”

“Forget it if you don’t know.”

“Hey!” Lin Qi said speechlessly, “Then what did you mention?”

Old George snorted, “The long history of this island is greater than any world government or the so-called navy! What kind of people have never been there, what kind of things have not been experienced? The son of the devil… …Hmph, just listen to what the Navy said. An eight-year-old girl is wanted for 79 million Baileys all over the world. Those people in the Navy are really shameless!”

“Haha, you are really interesting, old man.” Lynch said happily, “By the way, why do you live alone at the beach and still play the piano and sing early in the morning?”

“I just miss an old friend…”

Old George led the two people into the town. His words were full of vicissitudes of life, and he sighed, “That lustful afro said he was going to the sea to have a look, but he didn’t expect to get on the ship. In the blink of an eye… he was already almost three years old. Ten years have passed!”

This is Brooke’s hometown? Lin Qi was surprised, and suddenly thought that Miao Zexin Island, Miao Zexin, sounded somewhat like a musician…

The wind blew Robin’s short black hair, blowing bursts of melodious music.

“This is the island of music!” Old George led them walking on the street. “Music is the oldest language born in this world and this sea! Just like the history of this island…”

History? Robin, who was following Lynch, raised his head.

On both sides of the street, in the small shops and stalls on the roadside, in the houses of residents…accordions, violins, bagpipes…all kinds of musical instruments, all kinds of music, intertwined into messy and harmonious music The river… And at the end of the river, deep in this street, the place where the music sounds the loudest is the scene of today’s grand wedding.


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