I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 068 Sister Robin, you don’t understand fans


“What about you, how have you been these past few months?”

“I’m okay…” Robin hugged his knees and sat down on the floor next to the bed. “Your method of disguise and disguise was very useful. Except for the fact that you were not very skilled at the beginning and got caught a few times. Everything else is fine…”

She spoke in a very soft voice about her simple experiences over the past few months.

It is nothing more than disguising herself, hiding her identity, and avoiding the eyes of the navy and all kinds of people who covet her 79 million Baileys.

Lin Qi smiled and said, “You learn pretty quickly!”

Robin said: “It’s not as good as you… I’ve been using Huahuaguo for several years, and it’s still not as good as when you first used it.”

Lynch touched his chin, “Maybe I am a genius who can use devil fruits?”

“Yes.” Robin hugged his knees.

“But it doesn’t matter, I’m not interested in Devil Fruits.” Lynch said nonchalantly, “Fighting to the flesh is the real romance!”

Robin was speechless. If you’re not interested, why don’t you just “borrow” my flowers and fruits when we meet?

The reason why you are not interested is because you can take away other people’s devil fruit abilities at will, use them as you want, and change them as you want, right? How willful…

Robin thought to himself.

Sometimes due to lack of concentration and relaxation in maintaining abilities, the disguise of flowers and fruits will peel off and collapse…

She could only continue to run away.

Hide all the way.

Run away.

After learning to use flowers and fruits to disguise himself, Robin found that he became less and less afraid and less and less accustomed to letting his true face be revealed.

Being wrapped in petals gave her a sense of security.

But on the other hand, because he often hides under the disguise of Huahuaguo, Robin sometimes can’t tell whether he is wearing a mask or not. At that time, I would desperately want to find something that could reflect me, water, mirror, glass, anything… In short, it was not a pleasant experience.

But even though he was disguised like that, Lin Qi could still recognize him right away.

This inexplicably made Robin feel at ease.

Lynch asked casually: “That Vice Admiral didn’t follow you anymore, did he?”

“…” Robin was silent and shook his head, “I don’t know. Neither he nor his ice appeared…”

“You should show your true face from time to time, and occasionally reveal your whereabouts.” Lynch suggested, “Otherwise, even that lazy guy might guess whether you have a strong evasion The tracking skills… If the navy knows that you can use the flower fruit to disguise yourself, then you will lose an interesting trump card.”

When we meet again after a long absence, the slight sense of unfamiliarity slowly disappears in the conversation between you and me.

It seems like I have returned to the days when we lived together on South Chicago Island.

“That giant navy…” Robin hesitated a little when he spoke.

“There’s no need to worry about him,” Lynch said with a smile, “This guy was imprisoned in the underwater prison by the Navy before. Strictly speaking, he is actually a fugitive now!”

“Huh?” Robin was stunned.

“But that was already a hundred years ago. This guy’s escape from prison was too hidden. I’m afraid his disappearance may become a supernatural legend in the prison…” Lynch said casually, ” In short, Morrie is not a serious marine. Don’t look at his appearance, but when it comes to his sense of justice, he may be more determined than your giant friend! I guess in a few years, he will be in the navy! If I can’t do it anymore, I will do something big…”

Robin’s face didn’t move, and he listened with shock in his heart, and finally turned into a simple: “Oh…”

While chatting, Lin Qi found that the little girl’s mood was not quite right and she had not made a sound for a long time.

He looked back at the bed. Robin was squatting on the floor, hugging his knees and burying his head in it.

After a while of silence, the girl’s dull voice came from below her knees: “Many days ago, I saw you on an island… I saw you with the navy, you looked very familiar, I…”

She couldn’t speak any more. The delicate shoulders and back were shaking slightly.

“Do you think you are disgusting like this? Lynch is very good to me, but at critical moments, I dare not trust him?” Lynch crossed his legs and said in a funny tone, “Ah, I really Just like the Vice Admiral said, he is a person who only betrays others! I am such a disgusting person, and I don’t deserve the care of others~”

Every time he said a word, it was like piercing a layer of Robin’s inner shell, and she shivered more violently.

At the end, Robin could no longer restrain himself and started crying.

The fragility, sadness, and self-rejection that have accumulated in the young heart for a long time have to bear the burden of everyone who has sacrificed, mother, Dr. Cloba, Sauro…the difficulty of continuing to live…in this All the time it burst out.

Robin cried miserably and ugly, with tears and runny nose all over his face.

Lin Qi just watched her cry. At the same time, he raised his hand. In the kitchen a few rooms away, flower petals sprouted from the cutting board [Biquge www.biqugeso.vip], condensing into Lynch’s upper body, vivid and lifelike.

Robin cried until his eyes, face, and nose were red, and his crying became hoarse, but eventually it stopped.

As soon as the hot flower milk tea was passed from the kitchen, through the hands growing on the wall along the way, it finally fell into Lynch’s hand and was delivered to Robin who stopped crying. .

“Stop saying stupid things.” Lin Qi said, “At that time, if you jumped out to recognize your relatives, that would be trouble.”

“Once your fragile and sensitive nerves are touched, will you lose the ability to use your smart mind?”

He poked Robin’s head, which had grown a lot of hair, and said with a smile: “Didn’t you ask me why I am so nice to you? I tell you, I am nice to you because I hope you are safe and able to Okay. I don’t want you to trust me unreservedly and like me… Tsk, how do you understand the hearts of fans? You don’t know how many posts I tore up with others for Sister Robin? …”

The first few words made Robin’s nose feel sour and he wanted to cry again. But as he spoke, the words coming out of Lynch’s mouth left Robin confused. This situation happened many times when I was on South Cago Island…

Lin Qi didn’t care whether she understood or not, he was talking half proudly and half show off anyway.

Holding the hot flower milk tea, Robin took a sip. It’s really delicious…


At this time, the green phone bug came out of Lynch’s pocket, lazily looking like he had just woken up. When it saw Robin, it seemed to remember her. It sauntered over and said “bulu” twice.

“It doesn’t have a receiver yet?” Of course Robin remembered this strange phone bug.

“No.” Lin Qi flicked the little green with his finger angrily, “It’s so delicious and lazy, I’m used to it!”

“Bulu!” Xiaolu opened his mouth and bit.


Night ends and dawn dawns. The fang pirate ship’s sails flapped and it slowly approached an island.

The sky is still bright. As the boat approached the shore, a burst of music floated onto the deck in the wind.

“Yo **** ho **** ho, yo **** ho ho~?”


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