I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: Unity)


The fifteen to six meter tall bearded giant swims happily on the coast.

Set off big waves.

Lynch sat on the shore, raised his hands and shouted: “I say! It’s almost done!”


The giant man swimming butterfly in the sea said sheepishly, “I haven’t swum like this for a long time, I’m so excited!”

Soon, the giant macho man set off a wave of water and easily climbed ashore like a low fence.

“Why did you emerge from the bottom of the sea?” Lynch raised his head and asked.

The green phone bug was so frightened when it saw such a big guy that it had already retracted into Lynch’s pocket, with two lollipop-like eyes popping out, peeping out to observe.

The giant macho man was wet all over, and said coquettishly: “I hate it, I just accidentally miscalculated the distance, and just ‘pushed’ it up at the bottom of the sea… I am a Devil Fruit user, and I was submerged by the water pouring in. It’s really There is no other way! I have to try my best to inhale, inhale, inhale——”

As the bearded man spoke, he also inhaled hard, causing his belly to bulge like a huge meat balloon.

Oh, is this going to increase buoyancy… For a person with giant abilities, even if they are submerged in the sea, they still have the strength to hold their breath? Lynch could only think this way. However, for a Devil Fruit user to act like this, he is really arrogant! Aren’t you afraid that you will drown in the sea if you are not careful?

Lynch looked at the giant. Well, I do have a “big” heart…

Noticing that the giant macho man in front of him had been holding his breath and not speaking, just blinking, Lin Qi said speechlessly: “Why are you holding your breath now?”

“Huh! That’s disgusting! Why are you so cruel to others?” The giant macho man exhaled, his belly deflated, and he made a rumbling sound, “Do you like me? Am I so popular!”

Lin Qi sighed, with your deep and strong voice, hairy chest and wearing a short skirt…you have a good attitude!

“But it’s strange. Just when I accidentally sank, and even I felt bad, I suddenly felt strong again!” The bearded man said happily, “It’s like a long, long time ago, I haven’t eaten yet. ‘Push the fruit’ like that!”

Lynch looked aside and saw the triangular Devil Fruit chip with a strange pattern that was taken out from the giant in front of him in the hand of “B.I.B”.

Tui Tui fruit…

His eyes signaled that “B.I.B” flew a few meters off the ground and shoved the chip under the bearded man’s thick chest hair… Fuck! Lin Qi couldn’t help but hold his forehead. It’s so annoying.


As soon as the fruit’s ability returned, the giant man immediately noticed the change. He murmured to himself, “It’s so strange…” He couldn’t help but look down at the young man. Did he do something?

Take someone else’s Devil Fruit? Can it be returned?

Mo Li guessed in his mind, but seeing that the young man didn’t take the initiative to mention it, he didn’t ask in detail.

Lin Qi frowned, seeming to find something very puzzling.

At this time, he was wearing the helmet of “B.I.B” and repeatedly watching Chapter 904 of the “One Piece” comic, the scene where the commander of the Western Army of the Revolutionary Army appeared… Compared with the navy man in front of him, he was basically the same person. Bar? !

“Young man, what’s your name, and why are you alone at the beach?” Giant Mori asked curiously, taking off his soaked navy top and squeezing out the rushing water.

“Giorno. Of course you play in the water at the beach.”

“Giorno…ah, you are the young hunter they call you!” Mori said happily, “You must not be playing in the water, but exercising, right? It’s so annoying and a lie.”

Lynch asked: “Uncle Giant, what about you, what is your name?”

“My name is Morrie.”


“No, it’s Morrie.”


“It’s Morrie.”


“It’s Morrie. It’s really Morrie.” The giant man stroked his beard, but he was very patient and said with a strong voice, “However, when I was a child, my father said that when I was born, I was too cute. He thought I was a girl, so he actually named me ‘Jasmine’! It’s said to be a custom unique to the country where I was born~ It’s very romantic, it’s the same name as a flower!”

Lin Qi looked at this giant man with a black beard and a thick hairy chest, who was trapped in sweet delusions. He was stunned for a long time and asked: “What country are you talking about?”

Moli said: “The ‘Land of Flowers’ is a beautiful place.”


Lin Qi couldn’t help but cover his forehead, as fragments of more vague memories flashed through his mind.

The sheets fluttering under the warm sun, the hillside full of flowers, the smiling woman named Lily…


Lynch walked toward the town with the ten-meter-tall giant Morrie.

However, Mori’s size is not suitable for passing directly on the main road in the town. So the two of them walked around outside the town, heading in the direction of the naval base.

On the way, Lynch looked up again and again to observe the giant.

Moli lowered his head and joked: “Why do you look at me like this? Do you like me?”

Lynch couldn’t help but ask: “Morrie, are you really a navy?”

“Of course~” Mori shook his wrinkled navy uniform, “I caught a lot of pirates!”

Is it okay for the Western Army of the Revolutionary Army to grow into a navy?

Lin Qi pondered for a moment and asked: “But I have heard of you – you were wanted as a pirate, and you were even arrested in the end!”

“Oh?” Mori lowered his head.

Lynch added: “I overheard it in the bar. I forgot who said it. It seems that you were imprisoned in the most mysterious underwater prison in the legend!”

In the Cartoon Propulsion City chapter, the Shemale King Eva takes Luffy, who is poisoned, injured and dying, to the new Shemale Paradise for treatment – the 5.5th floor underground of the prison. This is the giant hunk Morrie. When he escaped from the prison, he used It was developed through the ability to push the fruit.

Hearing this, Mori smiled seductively, “Yes, the pirate Mori is imprisoned in the Undersea Prison!”

Lin Qi was startled for a moment and then understood immediately.

The World Government and Navy may not have released the news about Mori’s escape from Impel Down, the underwater prison.

Lin Qi said: “But there is a wanted order for you…”

“That was all eighty or ninety years ago!” Mori raised his orchid finger, pursed his thick lips and smiled softly, “That reward order has long been of no use… Besides, I saw the sea back then. The person who stole Mori is either old or dead…”

Lin Qi pondered. The average lifespan of giants is 300 years, so they are really shameless…

“On the contrary, you, a young man, where did you hear the news about my past…” Mori touched his chubby face with his orchid finger, glanced down at Lin Qi, and said to himself, “Look I won’t be able to continue being a navy here anytime soon!”

“Why do you want to be a navy?” Lynch asked curiously.

“Because I want to catch pirates.” Morrie said, “I saw many people suffering in prison, and after I came out, I wanted to help others more. ”

Lin Qi said: “You don’t need to be a navy, right?”

Morrie said: “But it would be better to have an organization, right?”

Lin Qi nodded, no wonder this guy will join the Revolutionary Army in the future… Calculating the time, Luffy will be born in two or three years at the latest, and his father, Monkey D. Dora, is unknown. Has Georgia begun to form a revolutionary army?

“Besides, I also want to find out…” Mori said as he walked, “What is going on with the Navy and the World Government that have imprisoned so many people.”

As the two were walking, they saw a line of people in black suits passing by in a hurry outside the town.

Between them, a few panic-looking people could be vaguely seen, and it was obvious that they were coerced into following them.

He is a member of the island’s gang, the Shotguns.

The gang culture in the West Sea is traditional, and many kingdoms even have the support of these forces. As long as they don’t do anything blatantly excessive, the navy won’t bother with the business of those in black suits.

Probably the “Shichibukai” in black suits on land.

Lynch looked at the group of black suits retreating, “So, what is going on? Do you have the answer?”

Morrie said: “Very disappointed.”


Lynch came to the naval base with a tough man who was more than ten meters tall, and shocked many people.

The sailors thought that the monster Mori had done something to the kid Giorno.

“It’s so annoying, how could I hurt such a cute boy!” Mori lowered his head and said dissatisfiedly to these navy colleagues.

Cold sweat hung on the foreheads of all the sailors, and it was really hard for them to be coquettishly coquettish by this bearded transvestite in short skirts with such a powerful voice…

The navy commander at the branch base yelled: “What are you talking about! There have been more complaints against you recently! How many troubles have you caused when you went out! Not just ‘shotguns’, but also ‘gunpowder’,’ People from Dagger’s and even ‘Bullets’ have complained to several branches about your violent law enforcement!” He clapped a stack of documents in his hand and said angrily, “What are you saying about your arbitrary interference in their internal affairs, in the name of the kingdom? We, the Navy, need to give them an explanation!”

Morrie said seriously: “Those gangsters have gone too far… They bully ordinary civilians at will. As a navy, how can I sit back and ignore them?”

“That is also an internal matter within the kingdom!” the branch chief said angrily, “What kind of trouble do you want to make!”

Morrie stopped talking.

It seems this is not the first time for this kind of controversy. No wonder this officer was so angry that he ignored the occasion and made a noise in front of an outsider like himself… Lin Qi coughed slightly, raised his hand and said, “Do you have any information about pirates? I want to find someone to practice with!”

Moli said happily: “Let’s act together, I am also very powerful!”

Lin Qi thought for a moment and smiled: “Okay.”


The night is getting darker.

Lin Qi came to the restaurant and ordered a bowl of noodles.

After specifically telling him that the noodles should be as long as possible and served as a bowl of hot noodles, Lin Qi did not start immediately.

Dark energy surged around him, and “B.I.B” came out of his body and sat across the table.

Across the steaming heat, “B.I.B” silently looked at the main body. The latter looked at the oily noodle soup for a while, and his eyes were red.

“Remember to remind me of their birthdays in the future. It was a fluke that I remembered them today, but I’m afraid I’ll forget them again.”

“Yeah. 』

Lin Qi didn’t raise his eyes, sniffed, grabbed the chopsticks, and ate the hot noodles.

He was eating and suddenly paused, “By the way, there is also my birthday. Previous birthdays. I never cared about it, but they remember it best…”

“B.I.B” said: “Yeah. 』

Lin Qi huffed and puffed while eating, but the more he ate, the more he became choked and uncomfortable.

He wiped his eyes in the steam of the noodles, “Damn, you are a murderer now, why are you suddenly feeling emotional?”

“B.I.B” said nothing, looking at the main body intermittently, and finished a bowl of longevity noodles.

On the way back to the hotel.

Lin Qi looked up at the very different starry sky and suddenly said: “There is another day to remember. My ‘death anniversary’…”

On the street where there were fewer and fewer pedestrians, Lynch ran wildly and yelled to vent his sudden emotions.

Back at the hotel, Lynch opened the window and said to the moon: “I’m fine! I’m almost alive alone…”

He let out a long breath, turned over on the bed, and fell asleep.


“Where is the warship?”

Lin Qi has packed his things and is ready to board the ship and follow Mori to fight crime and harvest pirates.

But when they came to the shore, they only saw Mori’s tall figure of more than ten meters, but no warships docked on the shore. He thought he could have a taste of it, sit on a warship and have fun…

Morrie said: “The cost of operating a warship is not cheap, and I often operate alone, so they won’t let me use it.”

Lin Qi sighed with emotion: “You are really popular! Couldn’t they have recognized you as a former pirate a long time ago, pretending not to know you, and exploiting you to work for free…”

“Maybe! I don’t care anyway.” Mori Lan raised his fingers and squatted down facing the ground to dig.

The ground that his hands touched seemed to turn into a flowing solid solid, and a passage opened downwards, and Mori easily got in.

Lin Qi touched his chin. The Pushi Fruit looked a lot like the Menmen Fruit! Is there also a superior-subordinate relationship?

“Come down quickly!” Mori scratched at the flowing hole in the ground.

Lynch jumped down and landed on Mori’s shoulder.

Morrie closed the ground, bridging the invisible.

Underground, Morrie was like a pangolin, “driving” down as easily as a hot knife cutting butter. He dug for tens or hundreds of meters. He dug out a larger passage space and dug out The compass on his body was still a compass. He put his fingers up against his chin, pondered the direction for a moment, and then dug horizontally.

“It’s really amazing!” Lin Qi sighed while sitting on his shoulder.

It would be okay to just dig tunnels between islands…

“Will all the holes and passages you dug be closed?” Lynch asked.

“I often forget!” Morrie said casually as he quickly dug passages and shuttled inside the seabed, “It seems that someone took advantage of the holes and tunnels I dug, and was later called the ‘Warehouse King’ ‘Or something…”

An exclamation point slowly appeared above Lynch’s head.

The Warehouse King, one of the kings of the underground world who appeared at Auntie’s tea party and Brynn and Sanji’s wedding, turned out to have made his fortune from the tunnels and burrows dug by Mori all over the world?


On another island, a group of gangsters are secretly meeting with a group of pirates and bandits. The ground suddenly broke open, and a huge figure crawled out.

A few minutes later, the gangsters were beaten all over their heads and rushed to the street en masse.

The bandits and pirates were led away by Mori and Lynch.

Morrie touched Lynch’s fist lightly with his little finger and said, “Happy cooperation.”


In this way, except for the occasional companions of multiple giant transvestites, Lynch continued his boring daily life of traveling from one island to another, exercising, catching pirates, and exercising…


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