I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: Unity)


[Chapter Series・Young Hunter 1・『…………』]

[Naval base, a bicycle is leaning against the wall at the door. Inside the slightly open door, Qing Zhi pushed his blindfold to his head and picked up today’s newspaper. ]


Because of the commotion in the house, even the patrolling marines came over.

“No, this kid…really killed this pirate?”

“Pirate Suler… I have heard things about him. It is rumored that his danger level far exceeds his apparent bounty… But because there has been no evidence, the department has not increased his bounty. Gold! ”

“Kid, thank you for being able to deal with him. Could it be that he was picked up on the way?”

The sailors were talking a lot.

Everyone looked at the boy covered in blood and dragging the pirate corpse in his hand.

Some people subconsciously can’t believe that such a little guy killed pirates?

But the more qualified and experienced sailors can vaguely sense a “this kid is really not kidding” temperament from Lynch.

That is the temperament of someone who has killed someone.


Lynch threw the dead body of the pirate at the feet of the sailors.

“Navy guys, I’m exhausted from trying to deal with this guy. I don’t even have the strength to pick my nose now.” Lynch said lazily, “Can you pay the bill quickly so I can go home and take a shower?” Have a nice bath and go to bed early?”

He really didn’t lie.

After all, it was his first life-and-death battle as his true form, without the help of a substitute, and basically without the help of Devil Fruit abilities.

It seems inexperienced in many places.

The most important thing is physical distribution. People who have experience in professional competitive competitions may be able to relate to it. In a state of high nervous tension, physical exhaustion will become very serious. Therefore, even a short battle consumes a lot of Lin Qi’s physical strength. Coupled with the life-returning skills he learned during the battle, the explosive power of his feet increased, which added to the burden on the body… He didn’t feel it during the battle. After the battle, Lin Qi felt so tired that he just wanted to lie down and not move. .

At this moment.

At a level that these sailors cannot see…Lynch’s whole body looks like Iron Man, wearing a jet black armor.

This is also an application based on the perfect copy of the ontology characteristics of “B.I.B”.

War Armor, since it is a war armor, of course it can be worn and used.

When Lynch, as the wearer of the armor, his own physical strength is severely depleted and reaches a level far lower than that of the stand-in who was separated when his original physical strength was intact…

After wearing the armor, Lynch can directly use the power of the armor.

“B.I.B” is like a plug-in spare stamina tank for Lynch.


Under the complicated eyes of several sailors, Lynch left the naval base gracefully with a pitiful bounty of 130,000 Baileys.


The moon and stars were sparse, and Lin Qi returned to the hotel at night.

Aisle. On the way to the door of the room, the dark armor on Lynch disintegrated on its own, flying away piece by piece like mechanical tiles, and assembled into “B.I.B” behind Lynch.

Lin Qi didn’t even bother to take the key, so he just used Guan Guangguo to open a hole in the door. He rolled on the spot and got in. Gurgling, he rolled casually on the floor with his big letters lying on his head. As soon as he tilted, he fell asleep.

『B.I.B』 comes through the wall. I saw the main body’s pocket squirming, and a green phone bug crawled out of it with a whoosh.

Little Green yelled “Bulu Bulu” twice at Lin Qi in dissatisfaction, as if to say, you are crushing me!


『B.I.B』 thought for a while, then picked up the main body which was sleeping deeply.

The next scene, in the eyes of ordinary people, is…

In the empty room, the boy who was sleeping peacefully on the floor suddenly seemed to be lifted up from the floor by something.

Then, as if it were a scene from a horror movie, the boy was dragged all the way to the bathroom.

The lights quickly turned on in the bathroom, and the sound of **** was heard again.

Hua Hua Hua…

It even sprayed water.

Under the shower head, Lynch, who was sleeping soundly, was breathing in and out, extremely long. No matter how hard he was washed by the invisible hands in the air, he didn’t bother to wake up.

And “B.I.B” noticed that the two stab wounds on the main body, especially on the side of the cheek and on the arm, were healing at a speed far exceeding that of ordinary people as he slept soundly.

The ontology has said before that perhaps it is because he has awakened his avatar, so he is gifted with life energy and can learn to return life more easily.

But it may be the other way around.

It is because the main body has this talent that the avatar can be successfully awakened.


The cleaned Lin Qi was thrown onto the bed and continued to sleep soundly.

The jet black armor was sitting on the floor aside, silently waiting for the main body to wake up.

The green phone bug “B.I.B.” called out and slithered onto “B.I.B”‘s lap as if it were on a pulley. It rubbed it contentedly and curled up in its shell to sleep.


When the sky is slightly bright.

On the street near the bar, there was a scream in the quiet morning.

A beautiful young woman pointed at a few bare-butt guys who woke up leisurely on the side of the road with confused faces.

On them, a Pele fell down.

The aggressive men carrying farm tools lectured these perverts who had run around naked so early in the morning.



In the hotel room, Lynch woke up on the bed, yawned and stretched out.

“After a good sleep, I feel much more comfortable!”

Lin Qi smiled. He turned over deftly and landed on the floor with his bare feet.

“Huh? When did I take off my shoes…and change clothes, take a shower, and climb into bed?”

Lin Qi touched his head in confusion, and when he glanced at him, he saw the dark armor standing up.

“Wait. Don’t worry, brother.”

Lin Qi raised his hand to stop “B.I.B” from leaning against him. “Brother, I’ll go and have a full meal first…”


Someone picked up the Bailey bill and took a closer look.

On the banknote, there was actually a line of blood written on it – Jotaro Kujo! It was actually a signature.

“It turns out that you hateful guys provoked that mysterious bounty hunter!”

“You deserve it! What a pervert.”

More and more people were watching, and the few naked guys were blushing with embarrassment. At the same time, they were very confused. They glanced at each other and thought blankly: Isn’t the guy we are following a kid showing off his wealth? What does it have to do with that mysterious pirate hunter? Last night…what happened? ? ! !

Click! Click! There was even a flashing light for taking pictures.

It turns out that in recent times, the hunter named Jotaro Kujo has been too mysterious, attracting many reporters like sharks smelling blood, sneaking into this island one after another, wanting to squat on this island anytime and anywhere. Jotaro Kujo appeared at the naval base and got first-hand news…

It’s just a pity that even if the reporters have worked very hard, even if they have chased the figure in the broad trench coat and the star mask several times, they still suddenly lose track of him!

It was like seeing a ghost!


In the restaurant of the hotel, Lin Qi ordered a large table of food, which was a turbulent and magnificent meal.

It almost looks like a Saiyan.

The waiter who brought the food to the table was shocked. Although I already knew this boy was very good at eating, I didn’t expect him to be so good at eating.

“B.I.B” was sitting on one side, waiting silently.

Lin Qi’s belly swelled quickly and he patted his belly with satisfaction.

When he stood up and walked, his bulging belly was practically shaking.

However, with every step he took, the bulging curvature of his belly receded a little.

By the time he walked to the hotel door swinging his arms, his belly was completely flat.


Lin Qi clenched his fists at the door, blew out a ball of hot air and grinned.

“So, let’s practice the youthful version of whether it’s shaving, moonwalking or shaving feet today!”

『B.I.B』 took out tubes of fruit chips from his back and put them into his body.

As soon as Lin Qi took a step forward, his feet trembled.

After staggering a few steps, Lin Qi shook a few times with a distorted face, “Fortunately, I had a full stomach first…”


In the woods on the edge of town.

The green phone bug was placed on a stone by the roadside by Lynch.

Little Green yawned lazily, while Lin Qi solemnly put his hands together and bowed to it.

“You can see that Xiaohei can move so fast, far beyond the ordinary phone bug, and it can also harden the body to a certain extent and even change the color of the body…”

Lynch said, “Obviously, you are my teacher when it comes to controlling the body, controlling life energy, and returning life!”


A question mark appeared on the green phone bug’s head, and it seemed to sense that something was wrong.

Little Green’s mentality has changed a little.

“Don’t run!”

In the woods, Lynch ran wildly on the ground.

And among the branches above our heads, green telephone bugs crawled nimbly and quickly.

“Pour consciousness into your feet, let them move on their own, and burst out with stronger power…”

Lin Qi’s heart was spinning.

He recalled the feeling he had when he suddenly moved at high speed during the battle last night.


Lin Qi stepped on the soil beneath his feet and his speed increased sharply.


Like this, another few days passed.

At the naval base, the boy who called himself Giorno dragged another pirate in today. After entering, he kicked him in front of several marines.

“One million!” He smiled brightly.

The pirate he kicked over had a bruised nose, a swollen face, a head full of bumps, and was unconscious.

The navy is already used to this young man. This kid wanders around the island from time to time, especially patrolling various bars and dock areas. According to him, he is hunting for those pirates who are not popular, or in other words, suitable pirates.

However, a sailor was surprised and said: “He is alive this time?”

The experienced marine was a little surprised and looked at the boy named Giorno.

After a few days, this boy seemed to have undergone some kind of radical change.

The reason why I was able to survive… is because this boy has become stronger! ! The veterans thought in unison. Seeing the young man proudly weighing the 1 million bounty and turning away, they couldn’t help but think: It would be great if such a child could join the navy! ! !

I really don’t know where this young man’s future will be in this sea.

But it is certain that it will not be on this small island.


It is further away from the town and appears more primitive deep in the dense woods.

A young man who looked like a humanoid beast walked nimbly through the rugged and difficult forest.

On Lynch’s shoulder lies a green phone bug.

After all, it is just a phone bug, and it is no longer enough for Lynch to practice his foot strength and speed.

What Lynch was following closely at this moment was a wild deer in the woods.

“Don’t run! Chopper!” Lynch sped up and ran, grinning from behind and said, “Let me have a taste of you!!”

The wild deer in front became even more panic-stricken. Sayazi fled fiercely. Without paying attention, he jumped to the river deep in the woods. A large crocodile burst out of the river and bit fiercely at the wild deer that could no longer stop. deer.

The wild deer raised its head and looked at the **** mouth with intertwined canines. Its cute big eyes lost their highlight and color.

Da da da! Lin Qi’s steps exploded with greater power, and his speed increased sharply in an instant.


Lynch jumped over the deer’s head and kicked the crocodile in the head.

He was riding on the back of a struggling big crocodile by the river. He raised his fists high, his eyes were focused, and he let out a weird scream and punched the crocodile hard!


The crocodile’s eyes turned white. In an instant, his head was smashed to pieces, and stars appeared in his eyes.

“Japanese punch punch!”

Lin Qi didn’t stop for a moment, his two fists were turning like crazy wheels, hitting the crocodile’s head like raindrops.

The wild deer on the side opened its mouth in fright, and backed away with trembling legs.


After a hearty morning exercise, Lynch dragged a half-dead crocodile and walked out of the woods.

“B.I.B” in jet-black armor is standing on a rock outside the forest, doing exercises while standing on his head.

Even Lynch himself sometimes couldn’t help but sigh, this guy obviously looks like a mecha, but he can exercise like a human. What a shame!

Lin Qi whistled and asked “B.I.B” to follow him and have a nice meal together.


The boy came to the hotel carrying a killed crocodile.

This incident obviously attracted many people to watch.

The restaurant owner called the waiters with questions in his head and asked them to drag the crocodile carcass to the back kitchen.

“Did you really kill this crocodile?”

“How is that possible! Are you bragging?”

“Maybe I picked it up on the roadside.”

“Pick one up and try it!”

Before Lynch himself said anything to the onlookers, the group themselves started arguing with each other.

“Hello, you are the young hunter who is quite famous recently – Giorno, right?” At this time, someone actually sat at Lynch’s table.

Lynch put his chin on the table, waiting boredly for the crocodile dinner to be served. “Who are you?”

He glanced and saw a camera hanging around the neck of the man next to him. Sure enough, the other party smiled very familiarly and said, “I am a reporter from the World Economic News newspaper. Can I give you a simple interview? We want to get to know you a little bit…”

“Hey! Let’s get a newspaper and read it.”

“…” The other party was silent for a moment, then took out a few newspapers from his bag with a smile and handed them to Lin Qi.

“Yes, I am Giorno. Giovanna Giorno! I have a dream…” Lynch was talking casually, flipping through the newspaper casually, and suddenly his hands moved Stopping, he saw an entertainment news item in one of the sections. The picture accompanying the news was of a blonde woman he knew. In the photo, the woman is holding a puppy in her arms, nuzzling each other affectionately.

The reporter sitting next to him smiled and said: “This is Victoria Sindori, the famous talented female dancer! She almost had an accident on the stage a few days ago… Fortunately, her puppy rushed up to her The stage bit the hem of her skirt and dragged her down, so it didn’t lead to tragedy…”

“Really!” Lynch closed the newspaper and said with a smile, “Pretty good.”


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