I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 059 Not soaring into the clouds, just climbing on the clouds


“What? You said you have seen giant sailors?”

“Yes, it’s more than ten meters tall! It’s so disgusting that you still look like a girl with a stubble on your face!”

“Hahahaha, you were bragging after you drank too much!”

The pirate named Sule was carrying a bottle of rum and a long knife or sword on his waist. He kicked the door open and walked out of the bar full of quarrels, noise and smoke, and left at night.

In the bar, Lynch took out a banknote and slapped it on the bar.

The bartender girl accepted the banknotes but hesitated to speak. But Lynch had already jumped off the high stool and walked towards the door.

In the crowded bar, someone has long been eyeing the kid who ran to the bar to order milk.

They observed secretly and noticed that Lynch had money in his pocket. They looked at each other, put down their glasses with a smile, and followed Lynch out of the bar.

Starry night, town, quiet street.

Pirate Suler drank rum while walking, wiped his mouth, and pressed his other hand on the handle of the knife at his waist.

He glanced slightly and looked in the direction behind him.

“Yo Wei, cool, morning dew… stained, wet black, dress…”

Lin Qi followed a dozen meters behind, playing with a green phone bug with an unhappy face in his hand.

“Stone, plank road, foggy…”

Lin Qi hummed a tune casually.

Not far behind him, those guys who came out of the bar and followed him, whether they were gangsters, unknown bandits or pirates, followed him over with evil smiles on their faces.

“Father, in, whisper…”

“B.I.B” was wrapped in the dark energy flame of the substitute, and he casually stretched out his foot to block the steps of these people, bang bang! Several people were caught off guard and fell into a trap.

“What’s the matter…” Several people with malicious intentions had nosebleeds on their faces and lay on the ground in shock.

Lynch continued to follow the guy in front of him, ignoring the intensive beatings and screams behind him.

While passing by a roadside garbage dump, he picked up an old and twisted metal plate from it and weighed it in his hands.

“B.I.B”‘s own attack power is also increasing day by day due to the improvement of its body strength. What’s more, for these gangsters coming out of the bar, it has the advantage of being completely invisible to the other party. To deal with this level of miscellaneous fish, “B.I.B” didn’t even need to use the heart-killing blow of virtual reality conversion… It didn’t take much effort to beat these guys until they were bruised and unconscious.

“B.I.B” stripped them naked and used their blood to write a line of signature on a Bailey bill: Jotaro Kujo.

Sa…the money fell on several unconscious guys.

Crack, the pirate Sule crushed a withered yellow leaf.

He stopped suddenly, grasped the hilt of the knife at his waist, and said calmly: “Let me see, this time it is…which guy is desperate for his life?”

Lynch followed him to this dead end.

The old metal plate in his hand quickly tangled into a pipe iron rod. Lin Qi held it in his hand and smiled: “Oh? It seems that you are no stranger to being hunted as a pirate?”

“Do you think I make money by robbing ordinary people?”

Qiang…Suler drew his sword and turned around with a dangerous smile on his face, “Ignorant and fearless bounty hunters always think that the bounty amount represents the strength of a pirate… I am 13 Wan Bailey’s bounty has made me more than 13 million yuan! They are all like you… huh?”

Before he finished speaking, he was inevitably stunned when he saw clearly that the person on the other side of the street was just a young man about 1.45 meters tall.

“He’s actually a kid?!”

Lynch doesn’t hesitate.

He rushed forward holding the pipe iron bar.

A mask wrapped in dark energy, with eyes glowing with white light, turned and flew from behind him, flying close to the ground in front of the running Lin Qi.

Lin Qi lightly stepped on his visor, jumped up high, and held the pipe iron rod so hard that he almost made a hand seal, and used all his strength to smash the pirate in front of him on the head.

Dang! !

Suler pulled out the knife and hit Lynch on the head.

The blade of the knife reflected the moonlight and struck with the iron rod of the pipe, trembling constantly.

“This kid! So strong!!!” Suler was shocked.

At this time, Lynch had already landed. He raised his arm and launched a flying elbow, hitting the pirate’s chest and abdomen hard.


Suler yelled, but gritted his teeth, grabbed Lynch’s hair with one hand, and gave Lynch a flying knee, hitting the center of the latter’s collarbone.


Lin Qi’s expression suddenly became distorted. After eating this, he almost couldn’t hold it in one breath.

“You kid who doesn’t know the dangers of the sea, you’d better die!”

At this time, Suler had already raised his knife and struck down with a sneer.

The sword light reflected Lin Qi’s painful expression, and he raised his head slightly.

The only place he could see was that the pitch-black mask was already halfway embedded in the back of the pirate Sule’s head. Lynch only needs one look to make his stand-in “B.I.B”, who has a good rapport with him, kill the pirate instantly.

Using Guan Guangguo to open a hole in the ground beneath you can also avoid the danger of this knife…


Su Le struck down with his sword, and it was completely empty.

This kid managed to dodge the knife nimbly, and only suffered a shallow wound on his arm.


Lin Qi spat blood on the side, twisted his neck and said: “You are very powerful! You really don’t look like a loser with a bounty of 130,000 yuan… much better than those low-class pirates.”

Suler said coldly: “It seems that your boy has fought against other pirates before?”

After saying that, without waiting for Lin Qi to respond, he struck with a sword.


The pipe iron rod collided with the long knife.

Lynch almost tried his best.

Power! speed! reaction! Flexibility!

He has fully exerted the results of the two or three months of training after coming to the world of One Piece, but he still gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Although Lynch seems to be acting arrogantly, he is actually careful to avoid premature exposure of his true self. All battles are won with the help of the characteristics of the avatar, like a dimensionality reduction strike.

When it comes to normal combat experience, Lynch is still a little shallow. When he encounters such a ferocious pirate who makes a living on the sea, he is immediately in danger.

“Be stronger! Faster!”

Lin Qi avoided the light of the knife, with a scar on his cheek and blood droplets floating out.

He stared intently at the movements of the pirate in front of him.

In my mind, the moves of the antelope girl I saw on the flower boat that day echoed.

“Damn you little devil!”

Suler roared angrily and struck out with a sharp sword light that he had never struck before.

As a pirate who wields a sword, at least hundreds of pirates, civilians, and assorted pirate hunters have died under his sword. When this sword was used…

He knew that this kid was dead.

Even he himself couldn’t dodge this knife.

Lin Qi’s figure suddenly disappeared under the knife.

His feet suddenly exerted force, stepping on the ground until it almost cracked. He exploded with unprecedented speed and circled behind the pirate Sule.

When Suler’s face was full of astonishment, Lynch put his hands on the ground, used the flexibility of his body that he usually practiced Lily Gymnastics, and supported himself in a handstand…he burst out of speed from under the knife, went around behind his back, and did a handstand. The whole movement was smooth and coordinated. , it can be called graceful… Lynch spun his leg and kicked the pirate **** the back of the neck!

Boom! !

“Uh…uh…how…is this possible…”

The veins in Suler’s neck throbbed, his eyes slowly turned white, and he fell softly to the ground.

Dang, the knife in his hand fell down, and poof… it just happened to pierce him who was lying on the ground, entering from the abdomen, and a blood-red sword tip emerged from his waist.

Such a cunning pirate who had lured and killed many bounty hunters by offering a low bounty, died on his knees with a fork on his knife.


Lynch panted violently from behind.

Although the battle didn’t last long, it consumed a lot of his physical strength.

He clasped his slightly trembling hands and let out a long breath.

Looking down at his feet, Lin Qi raised his feet and stamped them, muttering to himself: “Shaving? Or moon steps? Or languid feet?”

“It doesn’t matter…”

“In short, this can be regarded as fulfilling a little talent of returning life. Completely control the body and increase explosive power…”

The jet-black visor completely floated out from the back of Suler’s head and landed on Lynch’s hand.

Lin Qi put the visor on his face and fell to the ground, looking at the slanting moon in the night sky.

“Compared to the serious Six-Style, it is far inferior! This kind of explosive power is far, far behind compared to the speed of the Six-Style Shaver and Luffy’s second gear…”

“It’s not soaring into the clouds, just climbing on the clouds…”

Lin Qi rested for a while, and then the “Faceless” black armor came through the wall and walked towards Suler’s body, which was slowly cooling down.

“JO Taro! Stop!” Lynch got up and patted his butt, “This is the record of Giovanna Giorno…”


In the middle of the night, someone came to the reward department of the naval base.

The sleepy sailor opened the door and saw a black-haired boy covered in blood, holding an unknown leg in his hand, leaving a trail of blood behind him.

The sea soldier immediately woke up with a startle.

“Uncle Navy, this is the pirate you promised!” Lynch grinned, “Counting you 130,000, I really suffered a huge loss!”


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