I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 058 Growth


[Chapter serial series・Do you believe in gravity 6・”Jotaro Kujo”]

[On a strange street, the garlic-nosed “boy” looked at a piece of news in the corner of the newspaper in his hand. The shooting angle was not good, but he could clearly see the familiar large windbreaker and the star mask. “man”. ]


“Where did the little guy come from, so frizzy…”

The marines in the office scolded.

Lin Qi turned around and said: “The big brother in the windbreaker just now is so handsome!”

“Don’t mess with that kind of person, little guy.” The navy reminded, “It’s very dangerous! Okay, what’s your name…”

“My name is Giorno.”

As Lin Qi spoke, he raised the collection of reward orders in his hand, signaling them to stop talking and get down to business.

Several marines looked at the page of bounty orders held by the boy – in the photo was a pirate holding a knife, with a scar on his face from the left eyebrow to the corner of his mouth, named Suler, with a bounty of 130,000 Bailey.

“Young man, it’s good that you want to catch pirates, you are quite ambitious!” The navy said to Lynch across the desk, “But it’s too early! Let’s talk about it in a few years.”

Another sailor with a gun on his shoulder said with a smile: “Join the navy and become a member of justice. It is better to practice your ability to deal with pirates first.”

Lin Qi said: “But I want to catch pirates now. And I don’t want to join the navy.”

“Why is this?” Several sailors present looked surprised, but no one was angry. In their opinion, the young man’s likes and dislikes were just arbitrary words. But I still want to ask why. “Don’t you like our navy? We are an army that protects justice!”

Lynch said loudly: “The clothes in the Navy with the word ‘正?’ written on the back in big letters… are so shameful! Who can bear to wear that kind of thing?”

A few sailors were stunned, holding their foreheads and laughing: “You are really ignorant little devils! The uniform with the word ‘正?’ written on it is an honor! That dress is only qualified to be worn by senior officers. …”

“Who cares about that!” Lin Qi said, “I want to know information about pirates…”

The navy groaned: “No, you are indeed too young to tell you the information about those dangerous pirates…”

Such a hot-blooded kid might die on impulse after learning about the pirates.

“Oh, okay then.” Lynch closed the book, turned around and left. When I went out, I politely closed the office door.

“…” Several marines in the room looked at each other and said speechlessly, “Weird guy…” Whether it was the taciturn man in a windbreaker mask or the young man named Giorno.


Lynch walked briskly and left the naval base with a book under his arm.

Walking around a few streets, he found the windbreaker and the star mask on the corner. There was also a box. When I opened it, I saw that it was full of brand-new banknotes.

“Ah, so much money…”

There was an exclamation from behind Lin Qi. He raised his head and knew without looking back that it was several gangsters from the town who were eyeing this unfamiliar boy like him, or they were eyeing someone who was passing by carrying a suitcase. Here’s “B.I.B”.

Click, Lynch closed the cash box, holding his windbreaker in his arms, sandwiching the star mask and the collection of bounty orders, and continued walking forward, ignoring the shouting gangsters behind him.

“Hey! Brat! Are you deaf? We asked you to stop!”

The gangster pointed at Lynch and shouted, then followed him.

But when he turned a corner, the boy disappeared!

The gangsters were stunned, looking at the dead end in front of them, groping around on the thick walls in disbelief, and looking up again.

“How could he climb over such a high wall in an instant with a box…?!”

Just when they were thinking this, several gangsters felt severe pain in their heads almost at the same time.

“B.I.B” floated behind them like a ghost. One of them hit an iron fist, bang bang bang, and several gangsters rolled their eyes and fainted.


“That’s a lot of money!”

In the hotel, Lynch opened the cash box, and the banknotes smelling of ink spilled all over the bed and covered the floor.

『B.I.B』 entered through the wall and lightly bumped fists with the main body.

“The funds are in place, shall we continue training?”


In the early morning, in the woods outside the town.

The black-haired boy ran wildly in the mountains and fields, running through the bushes and jumping over streams like parkour.

Not far away, the ghostly black armor was silently doing basic training.

The green phone bug clung to the body of the suit, enjoying a nap with its eyes narrowed.


Exhausted, Lynch almost crawled back to the hotel room.

He lay on the floor, turned his head and saw the mechanical black feet of the armor substitute slowly approaching.

“Gu…” Lin Qi couldn’t help but swallow, and finally turned over, lying in a big letter shape, closed his eyes, and shouted: “Come on! Don’t pity me!”

The clerk who was passing by in the corridor heard a strange sound coming from Lynch’s room, which sounded like pain or some kind of moaning. He looked up at the house number and couldn’t help showing a strange look…

“Children these days are developing really fast…” The clerk listened furtively for a while and then left muttering.


Lynch was fast asleep on the bed in the hotel.

“Mom…” He muttered in his sleep, turned over, and kicked the green phone bug off the bed.


At night, the bars in the town are brightly lit, and when you open the door, you will see a noisy scene.

The ghostly black armor hovers among the tables of drinkers.

While it was paying attention to the few words of people talking about drinking and boasting, there was no topic about pirates.

On the other side, in its eyes glowing with white light, it is constantly “recalling” the large collection of bounty orders that the main body has flipped through, and is constantly comparing them.


On the street, Lynch, wearing flip-flops, bought a few bouquets of flowers.


On the coast, while running around, “B.I.B” also checked to see if there was any suspicious ship docked.


Lin Qi, who was covered in sweat, sat back in the hotel room, heated up a large glass of milk, twisted a few flower petals and sprinkled it into it, and nodded with satisfaction.

He drank the flower milk tea in one gulp, turned over and fell to the floor, supported it with one hand, and easily did a few push-ups.


At the naval base, the man in a trench coat wearing a star mask appeared again.

He dragged a frightened guy and threw him directly into the navy’s office.

As soon as he saw the man in the navy uniform, the guy rolled over and screamed about how scary the man in the trench coat mask was.

The navy looked at each other.

『B.I.B』 held his pocket and said nothing – even those who could not hear and hear these words could not hear them.


Day by day, time passes.


The name of the star-masked bounty hunter, Jotaro Kujo, began to spread on the island, and then slowly spread outside the island through the circle of businessmen and bounty hunters.

It is rumored that the taciturn bounty hunter is a real monster.

According to the navy’s confirmation, Captain Trump’s bounty was 21 million, and the deputy captain’s bounty was 19 million. The famous pirate group in the Western Sea was destroyed by Jotaro Kujo himself.

Many people are very interested in this powerful hunter who suddenly emerged.

It is said that even the major gangs in the West China Sea, including “Shotgun”, “Gunpowder”, “Dagger”, “Venom”, and even the most powerful “Bullet”, have inquired about this empty promise through their respective channels. Taro.

Unfortunately, this person’s origins are mysterious, and his whereabouts are even more mysterious.

Even the navy who exchanged the bounty for him didn’t know anything about him.

“It’s him!!!” On another island in the West Sea, a famous doctor who looked like a human-shaped goblet accidentally turned to a certain page of the newspaper while drinking red wine, and was so frightened that he drank the red wine. It all squirted out in one gulp. “Jotaro Kujo…this windbreaker, this mask…damn it, it’s definitely this guy!! Damn it, he is a bandit, and he actually became a pirate hunter…”

Huogubak went out for a walk to get some fresh air, and suddenly a tall figure stood in front of him, “Hehehehehe, are you interested in working for me?”


The door of the bar was kicked open.

The noise in the room immediately fell silent for a moment, and many people looked at the door.

The boy, covered in heat and sweat, swaggered in, took off his soaked vest, and casually put it on his shoulders, revealing his already quite strong body with obvious muscle lines.

“I’ll do it…” He covered his mouth. It turned out that a tooth accidentally chipped during exercise today. “It hurts so much.”

Lynch rolled over and jumped onto the round stool beside the bar, slapped the table and said, “Give me a glass of milk!”

“Hahahaha! Milk?!”

The bar was filled with laughter. The bartender also held back her smile and brought a glass of milk to the sturdy handsome boy.

Lin Qi, on the other hand, didn’t care at all and just kept sipping milk.

At this time, a ghostly hand covered with blue flame patterns tapped his shoulder from behind and pointed him in a certain direction in the bar.


Lin Qi licked the “white beard” on his upper lip, followed the direction pointed by “B.I.B”, and saw a familiar face in the crowd of laughing people.

“B.I.B” retrieved from the memory bank the reward notice that Lynch had read when he first went to the naval base half a month ago, the pirate named Suler worth 130,000 beli.

“130,000…isn’t it a good idea to use it as a serious first battle to practice your skills?”

Lin Qi flicked the newly grown white teeth where the missing teeth had been and grinned.


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