I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 003 Oh, shadow clone


Lin Qi discovered that the drizzle outside was indeed blocked by the not-so-thick layer of “war armor” on his body.

Rain cannot touch the avatar originally, but the avatar can attack the rain – that is to say, the small armor on his body is still “aggressive” at this moment, so it can continue to “block the rain” Effect? Lynch quickly figured out why.

He walked in the drizzle, but not a drop of water touched him.

What a wonderful experience… Lin Qi smiled and asked in the “war armor”: “Are you an automatic stand-in? Can you talk? Do you have an independent personality? Hey, isn’t it broken?”

He raised his hand and patted his “Iron Man” helmet twice as if the TV signal was not good…

The bright and narrow eyes of the armor substitute seemed to flash twice, and finally issued a response similar to an electronic synthesized sound: “Yes…”

Lin Qi was curious and asked: “What is your name? Do you have any special abilities?”

Generally speaking, substitutes have names. A stand-in like this with an independent personality will already understand its own name and abilities when the original body is confused.

Some tough stand-ins, even like girls with thigh straps, will give on-the-spot instructions on how to operate their own bodies and how to defeat the boss…


The armored avatar continued to answer with a magnetic electronic sound that was indistinguishable from male to female, similar to the fusion of Jarvis and Friday.

Although the voice was pleasant to the ear, the words he spoke left Lin Qi at a loss. Why is it still an English name? Can it be translated into Chinese? Pirates can also be written…


In this way, Lynch wore the “B.I.B” stand-in armor and ran in the rain, asking questions along the way. From the poor language expression ability of “B.I.B”, he struggled to understand its approximate capabilities.


“Extract? Release? Store?”

While walking, Lin Qi looked at his hands in confusion.

The armor is completely black, with only the left and right arm armors wrapped with blue and red flame patterns, which seem to contain additional special abilities.

The electronic sound of “B.I.B” was difficult to describe, but to Lynch’s ears, the expression was still too vague. It was suspected that even it itself did not understand what the ability of the armor’s hands was…


Generally speaking, there are six dimensions for evaluating a substitute’s ability, namely strength, speed, precision, range, sustainability, and growth.

One of the basic attributes of Lynch’s “B.I.B” is——

The avatar’s strength, speed, and precision of movements are completely derived from the original body! In other words, when Lynch summons a substitute, everything about himself will be perfectly reflected on it.

If Lynch is a weakling like the timid trio, then the substitute he summoned is also a weakling.

If Lynch is a strong man who punches the Shichibukai, kicks the generals, beats the three disasters, and hardens the generals… then, that is to say, Lynch will have an equal combat power at the same time. His closest assistant – his own stand-in, “B.I.B”.

Every time the avatar sees and hears during the period of being released, the fatigue and pain experienced, and even the experience and growth accumulated through exercise will all be attached to the main body when it is taken back by the main body…

“In other words, it is an incredible substitute like a ‘shadow clone’?”

This attribute is simple and easy to understand. Lin Qi suddenly realized it and couldn’t help being surprised and happy, but inevitably a little scared.

What is surprising is that in this way, I am equivalent to carrying a cheat for practice. If I train my body and my avatar at the same time, I will have double the experience!

What’s scary is…he’s not sure he can handle this kind of cheating…

Among Naruto, only animals like Narutaiko can endure the mental exhaustion and damage accumulation caused by the Shadow Clone without collapsing.

“Very exciting and heart-pounding!”

Lin Qi pursed her dry lips and ran in the rainy wilderness wearing “B.I.B”, with infinite expectations and yearning for the future in her heart.

Out of curiosity, he was eager to try and ordered: “Hei, come back.”

In an instant, the “war armor” substitute wrapped around Lin Qi’s body and invisible to ordinary people shrank into Lin Qi’s body like a phantom.

“Hey! How do you understand that I named you ‘Hei’…” As soon as Lin Qi had this idea, he was numbed by the fatigue that poured into his limbs and bones.

On a rainy night, the boy’s sour screams of pain sounded…

“This feeling… is really… hard to describe in words!”

After all, it was the first time for Lin Qi to do this kind of operation, and his hands and feet were trembling for a while.

Lin Qi’s clothes quickly got wet, leaving footprints of varying depths along the way.

Not far behind him, vaguely following the stray puppy, its little paws were imprinted in Lynch’s footprints…

Ahead, the scattered lights of a town can be seen in the distance.


Bah! A pair of feet stepped on the rainwater pool on the masonry pavement.

Da, da, da… The destitute boy walked awkwardly through the empty streets of the town in the rain.

But after all, it is a pirate world with underdeveloped productivity. There is no nightlife entertainment at all. It is dark on a rainy night, most people have closed their doors, and almost every shop is closed.

“The original owner of this body does not seem to have a very innocent experience…”

Lynch held the gun in his arms and the wad of wet Bailey’s bills that the gun knocked over, frowning slightly. He tried hard to search for the remaining memories of the original owner in his mind.

Are you being hunted?

Or did you encounter a shipwreck and drift here to die suddenly?

But in the incomplete memory, there must have been flashes of swords and blood! This guy is obviously not a serious person…

It is a pity that those memories only emerged from the stress when I first woke up from time travel, and were already fragmented… Later, I had to fight wits and courage with the man in black, and found that I had awakened a substitute, which was a series of stimulations. After diverting his attention, Lin Qi waited until he turned back to check the incomplete memory of the original owner of the body – he had almost forgotten it so quickly…

The embarrassment of large bold fonts!

Behind some of the lighted windows of the houses on the left and right, there were inexplicably hidden pairs of peeping eyes… Lynch passed by the only lit tavern in the town and listened to the faint voices of fishermen and merchants inside. Despite the loud quarrels and frolicking, they still didn’t go in.

It is not sure if anyone else on the island knows the original owner of this body…

Even the man in black next to the garbage dump was not sure whether he was unconscious or dead… In the mysterious world of One Piece where “people can’t die easily” everywhere, Lynch had no idea about himself in the dim rain. The judgment at night is not completely sure… Don’t you see, Zoro is so good at playing with knives. He could cut people for an hour, and the blood would flow like crazy, but he couldn’t kill the person. The three knives in his hand were just like fakes. Seems like… Who knows how effective giving that strong man in black a shot would be in this worldview…

The original owner of the body was already dead, already weak, and coupled with repeated sleepiness and exhaustion, Lynch reluctantly found a remote alley, hid in a deep corner, huddled up, and planned to rest for a while. Wait for the weather to clear up before making plans.

“Fortunately, I’m just hungry and tired, and don’t feel sick… This guy’s physique is pretty good!…”

Lin Qi was about to fall asleep in a daze, but suddenly woke up before going to sleep. After trying twice, dark avatar energy finally emerged from his body, and a human figure separated from it.

The whole body is pitch black, with blue flame patterns on the left arm and red flame patterns on the right arm, converging on the white inverted triangle on the chest. The mechanical-shaped armor stand-in “B.I.B” stands silently beside the main body.

“Well, just hang here and don’t move around…”

Lin Qi warned in a daze, “B.I.B” looked over with white eyes, and nodded silently.

Just as Lin Qi was about to fall asleep, he woke up again and said worriedly: “Pay attention to the movements in the streets and alleys, and don’t let strange people get close… If you have to, remember, hit him!”

“B.I.B” nodded to the main body again. Within a few seconds, the main body woke up “pretending to be a corpse” again.

Lin Qi curled up and hugged him tightly, calmed down, and said to himself: “If I can’t wake up and feel cold, please wake me up…”

This armor is an automatic stand-in, and some automatic stand-ins can continue to exist and continue to act even if the main body dies. Lin Qi felt that his substitute was dumbfounded, fearing that it would become cold just watching him, and it would stupidly stand next to the body to guard the body…

“B.I.B” continued to nod silently.

After the explanation, Lin Qi finally closed his tired eyes and fell asleep with a smile…

Half asleep and half awake!

Lynch found himself standing on top of a garbage pile in the rain, and inside the garbage pile, a desperate and embarrassed boy reached out for help…

As soon as the screen changed, he suddenly appeared again, punching a man in black on the head. He turned around and saw that the embarrassed boy beside the garbage dump was Lin Qi’s “himself”…

The scene changes again, Lin Qi wraps “himself” and walks in the rainy night…

Lin Qi woke up and turned around.

What he saw in the dream was obviously the memory from the perspective of the stand-in he had obtained after consciously recycling “B.I.B”…

“It’s dawn!”

The sky was already sunny. Lin Qi got up in the corner of the dark alley and looked at the alley entrance where the white light shone. He could faintly hear voices outside.

This is a small port town, where merchant ships and cargo ships often dock. It is quite lively during the day.

“Woof!” There was something bulging at Lin Qi’s feet. He looked down and saw that it was the stray dog ​​beside the garbage dump yesterday. “You’re here too.”

He didn’t pay attention and turned to look at “B.I.B” standing next to him like a security guard.

This guy stood guard all night…Lin Qi thought seriously about a question. If he took it back into his body this time, how much fatigue would be added and what kind of sourness would it be…

『B.I.B』’s eyes glowing with white light looked at the main body. Brother Noumenon smiled awkwardly and politely, “You have completely copied me, right? So, theoretically, you have mechanically ‘copied’ all the memories that have existed in my mind – Really?” “B.I.B” nodded silently.

Lin Qi raised his fingers towards it. War Armor Xiao Hei was a little slow, and finally realized the intention of his master, silently walked towards him, overlapped with him, and wrapped his body.

Putting on the armor and using the eyes of the “helmet”, Lynch suddenly saw a picture that ordinary people could not see – it was “B.I.B” “playing back” his own memory.

It was the residual memory that emerged from this body that Lynch had forgotten when he first traveled through time.

The beautiful flower garden in front of the wooden house…the beautiful woman named “Lily”…well, this should be this kid’s hometown and mother? Lynch nodded silently and quickly browsed through the memories “played” by “B.I.B”. Because the memory itself is incomplete and fragmented, he seems to be struggling. What follows is a rough sea and a fight among pirates!

“I became a pirate at a young age! At least wait until I’m 17 before going to sea…” Lin Qi cursed in a low voice, because judging from some of the current memories, the original owner of the body turned out to be his mother who abandoned her hometown. , a man ran away from home and embarked on a pirate ship… What a filial son! What else will happen if you become a pirate? Lynch continued to wear the “helmet” to check, and sure enough, he was just following the pirates on the ship to burn, kill and loot. Finally, he kicked the iron plate and was chased by the official police…

A pale face appears repeatedly in the incomplete memory, intertwined with the panic of the original owner of the body.

Lin Qi’s pupils shrank and he recognized this face!


The man on Blackbeard’s ship in the future, the ruthless man who single-handedly broke into the Navy headquarters and negotiated terms with the Navy at the Shichibukai Conference.

This filial son actually provoked a ruthless man like Lafayette?

No wonder he was chased by Manhai and finally died in a foreign country!

Lin Qi was so excited that he wanted to take out the original owner of his body and beat him up. Suddenly, his expression changed, and there was a slight abnormal sound above his head.

On the wall of the alley, a thin figure crouched.

Seeing that Lin Qi, who was alone on the ground with a “wonderful expression”, suddenly raised his head and found himself, Robin stood up silently on the wall, pursed her dry and pale lips, and with a move of her little hand, petals flew from her feet towards her. A vertical row of arms sprouted from the ground and walls. With the help of alternating arms, Robin quietly fell to the ground and stood in front of Lynch.


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