Divine Path to Supremacy Chapter 108: Sudden changes at the school gate (fifth update, additional updates)


The Wang family may be big, but the only people he really offends are Wang Xuan and a few others. As long as Wang Xuan is silenced, perhaps the Wang family’s troubles will disappear.

So, he couldn’t let Wang Xuan return to the Wang family, or in other words, return to Water God College.

In the low-dimensional world, Li Cang directly suppressed the two mountain gods and divine wayfarers, then destroyed Wang Xuan’s body, extracted his soul, and brought it to the mountain where he suppressed Wang Qing.

This mountain isolates space and time. The flow of time here is the same as that in the outside world.

On the only pillar, Wang Qing’s soul body was locked by the chain of laws containing the power of thunder and punishment, and was being tortured all the time.

The fear and anger in Wang Qing’s heart were about to materialize. He was praying all the time, praying for the Wang family’s ancestors to save him, and praying for the Wang family’s ancestors to destroy those who attacked him and take revenge.

Unfortunately, the Wang family’s spiritual ancestor didn’t react at all.

Suddenly, a soul body was thrown in front of Wang Qing, and at the same time a voice sounded in his mind: “This is what you caused. Because of your jealousy of me, your relatives were killed. The source of all troubles is In you. I hope this is the last person to know the contradiction between us, otherwise, more people will die!”

Wang Qing, who was being tortured, suddenly felt shocked when he heard this familiar voice: “Li Cang… it’s his voice… Li Cang, how dare you… let me out…”

Suddenly, he saw the broken soul body thrown in front of him, and his expression changed drastically: “Wang Xuan? Brother…”

However, Wang Xuan’s soul was already broken and dissipating, and Li Cang had no intention of keeping it.

The reason why Wang Qing is retained is just to let this self-righteous guy witness something.

“Pray that this is the last person to know about the contradiction between us, otherwise, more people will die!”

“You are the source of all trouble.”

Li Cang’s two words kept echoing in his ears.

However, Wang Qing had no regrets in his heart, only anger. Angry that Li Cang dared to attack and kill him, and angry that Li Cang actually killed his own brother.

“Li Cang, you will definitely regret it. I, the Wang family god, will definitely make you regret it!!”

Obviously, he still didn’t feel that he had done anything wrong.

The Wang family where I belong has gods, but Li Cang is just an ordinary person, without any backing, an ant that can be easily crushed to death, and he is just a little talented, so why can he judge himself?

“Boom, boom, boom…”

The chain of laws that bound him released thunder and lightning, which directly shocked him and made him scream.


The school bus stopped at the school gate.

Li Cang took Fan Sisi out of the car and walked outside the school gate.

“Why didn’t you see Wanwan?” Fan Sisi asked confused.

“Maybe it’s not here yet.” Li Cang took out his mobile phone and dialed the unfamiliar number from before.

Soon, the other party answered the call, and it was Wanwan who answered the call: “Is it Mr. Li Cang? I am Tian Wanwan.”

“It’s me, where have you been?” Li Cang asked.

“We are almost there, and we can already see the characters Hanhai Shentu University.” Tian Wanwan replied.

“Okay, Sisi and I will wait for you at the school gate.”

Li Cang hung up the phone and said to Fan Sisi: “They are almost here.”

“Yeah.” Fan Sisi nodded, looking forward to it. As long as she gets the admission notice, she can register and become a student of Shentu University like the young master.

I wonder how Wanwan and the others will react when they learn that they are already divine beings and have reached the limit of their first divinity?

During this period, Li Cang has also explained to her the levels of divine beings. She already knows that ninety-nine points of divinity is the first stage, the limit of first embracing divinity.

While waiting, Li Cang glanced into the distance, but did not find the old fortune teller.

The old man was not there today.

Li Cang shook his head, thinking that maybe he was overthinking it.


Suddenly, Li Cang’s pupils shrank.

In the sky outside the school gate in front of me, winds and clouds surged in an instant, thunderclouds rolled, lightning flashed and thunder, cumulonimbus clouds appeared out of thin air, followed by clouds of fire.

The next moment, dense crowds of figures appeared out of thin air at the huge school gate, directly blocking the school gate tightly.

A tragic aura filled the air that made everyone stiff.


Li Cang’s expression changed drastically.

Among the people who appeared at the school gate, there were more than a dozen gods.

In front of those gods, there were densely packed corpses.

The corpses were all covered with white cloth, and the white cloth was stained red with blood.

The originally bustling school gate suddenly became as quiet as ice.

Everyone looked here with numbness, not knowing what was going on.

Some people even felt fear, their legs were weak, and they felt that something big might happen.

Li Cang also felt his scalp numb. He grabbed Fan Sisi’s little hand and tried to retreat.

Suddenly, he discovered that in the deepest part of the school, a blue light covered the sky and swept towards this direction at a very fast speed.

The next moment, a young man wearing a blue suit appeared out of thin air at the school gate.

The person who came was Vice Principal Lan. When he saw the scene in front of him, he looked in disbelief: “Why are so many people dead?!”

A young man who was obviously a **** said with a gloomy face: “Vice principal, we have been plotted against. There is chaos outside. It is completely chaos.”

“What do you mean?” Vice Principal Lan frowned.

“It’s chaos, Vice-Principal. People from other continents have joined forces with people from other worlds. They are cooperating with people from the earth in the dimensional world to plot against us…” A divine pathfinder from the Manifestation of Saint Realm said loudly.

“Those people all deserve to die. They have forgotten their identities. They have accepted the humans in the dimensional world and recognized the earth in the dimensional world…”

Some of the injured spiritual seekers yelled and cried.

This time, they suffered heavy losses, too heavy. A lot of people died in the Holy Realm, a dozen demigods died, and many gods were seriously injured.

Vice Principal Lan’s face became extremely gloomy.

However, he glanced at the people around him and suddenly waved his hand, turning into blue light and taking everyone, including the corpses on the ground, disappear instantly.

The school gate, which was originally blocked, suddenly became empty again.

The thunderclouds overhead and all other strange phenomena in heaven and earth disappeared.

Everything before was like an illusion.

If it weren’t for the small amount of blood left on the ground and the strong smell of blood that permeated the air, everyone might have felt that everything before was really an illusion.

Li Cang was shocked: “The earth in the dimensional world? Human beings in another world?”

Are there humans in other worlds?

What does the earth in the dimensional world mean?

Didn’t the book say that different worlds are mainly composed of alien races and barbarian gods?

He can understand that there are humans in other worlds, but what does the dimensional world mean?

What does the earth in the dimensional world mean?

Li Cang was shocked in his heart and could not calm down for a long time.

He felt that he might have come into contact with some secrets of the space passage.

At this time, sounds gradually appeared at the school gate, and soon it became noisy.

Everyone is talking about what happened before.

Obviously, no one present could understand the meaning of the words ‘dimension world’ and ‘dimension world earth’.

Only Li Cang, as a time traveler, had some guesses, but he also couldn’t believe his guesses.

“Today’s events must not be spread indiscriminately, and violators will be severely punished!”

Suddenly the voice of Vice Principal Nao sounded in everyone’s mind.

This is a sound transmission from the divine consciousness, and it is a large-scale sound transmission. Everyone who heard or saw the scene at the school gate heard it.

Suddenly, the originally noisy school gate became quiet again.

But everyone still couldn’t help but communicate with their eyes.

What happened today is too big and cannot be concealed.

But the school probably didn’t really intend to completely conceal it, otherwise Li Cang felt that the gods should have a way to erase the memories of ordinary people.

But the school’s spiritual teachers didn’t seem to intend to do that.

“Young Master…” Fan Sisi nervously held Li Cang’s hand. At this moment, only the warmth of Li Cang’s palm could give her a sense of security.

Since her relationship with Li Cang, her dependence on Li Cang has become much stronger.

Even now, she has become a divine being.

“It’s okay. Since Vice Principal Lan doesn’t allow random rumors, obviously things haven’t reached an uncontrollable level. Maybe they all happened in other continents.” Li Cang comforted.

“Outside…is it an alien continent?”

Li Cang was also asking himself, then he took out his mobile phone and checked the news on the Internet.

However, there is nothing on the Internet, everything is peaceful.

Maybe it hasn’t started fermenting yet?

“Where is this space channel station? Don’t ordinary people know about it?”

He was confused.

At this moment, two taxis stopped at the school gate.


Fifth update, additional update for rewards.

Please remember the first domain name of this book:. _wap.


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