Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel: 601. Just one painting is enough to leave a mark in history! (Please subscribe)

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapter that took eight years to debut!

Wang Qian stood at the door and was stunned for a few seconds. Looking at Sophie, who was completely different from the one on the stage, and listening to Sophie’s self-introduction, he felt like he was in another world.

It seems…

He missed a lot.

There is an illusion of being reborn again.

When he is free recently, he often thinks of Sophie.

Because, after saying goodbye to Juilliard School in New York, Sophie seemed to disappear.

Wang Qian occasionally thinks of other people.

However, he seemed to remember more about Sophie.

Maybe it’s because of the promise.

He agreed to let Sophie come to China.

He thought that Sophie might appear in his life recently.

He thought that there might be some trouble.


He never thought that Sophie would appear in front of him at this time and in this identity!

Magic Sound’s piano professor?

Of course, with Sophie’s talent and strength, it is more than enough to serve as the Magic Piano Professor.

In fact, as long as Sophie nods, any top music school in the world will invite her to give lectures and it is not difficult to give her the title of professor, including Sophie’s alma mater, the Paris Conservatory of Music.

“Is it surprising?”

Sophie looked at Wang Qian who was in a daze and asked again, with a smile on her face and water-like emotions in her eyes. After these days of accumulation and fermentation, it became even richer, as if she wanted to swallow Wang Qian.

Wang Qian came back to his senses, smiled, nodded and said: “It’s a little surprising. But it’s more of a surprise, come in!”

Sophie nodded, looked inside, saw the busy figure in the kitchen, and asked softly: “Is it convenient?”

Wang Qian affirmed: “Of course it’s convenient. Come in and sit down. I’ll ask Xuerong to make an extra breakfast. You haven’t eaten it yet, right?”

Sophie smiled: “Well, I haven’t eaten yet. I came here just after getting up. I didn’t wash my face or brush my teeth!”

Walking into the room, Sophie walked into the kitchen to greet Qin Xuerong like a good friend coming to her door.

Qin Xuerong was also surprised to see Sophie: “Wow, Sophie, I’m so happy to see you.”

Wang Qian: “Sophie hasn’t eaten yet, let’s make her some breakfast.”

Qin Xuerong: “Okay.”

Sophie: “Let me help. I’ve also learned a little bit about Chinese food recently.”

Wang Qian looked at the two of them, turned around and walked out, leaving them to get along with each other. He sat in the living room again and answered a few questions to his parents.

Then, Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, and Juliet also came over one after another.

Of the original band members, only three of them could still appear next to Wang Qian at any time.

Zhao Wei and He Fulin automatically retreated behind the scenes after returning to China. They temporarily left Wang Qian’s band and began to accept invitations from other singers, stars and some bands. However, they still insist on keeping their contract with Wang Qian’s Xuehong Entertainment, and they still want to work under Wang Qian. If Wang Qian wants to form a band to perform in the future, they will join him as soon as possible.

After their performance in this World Championship, Zhao Wei and He Fulin have also become giants in the domestic rock field. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are rock giants second only to Wang Qian.

Even the recently popular band Ru Ke’s status in the rock world is still lower than that of Zhao Wei and He Fulin.

The older generation of rock pioneers such as Cui Wenfeng may be slightly older in terms of qualifications, but in terms of achievement and status, they are still a step behind Zhao Wei and He Fulin, and several ranks lower than Wang Qianna. grade.

At his peak, Cui Wenfeng was just a pioneer of Chinese rock and roll, but he did not achieve much in the world.

Juliet came to Wang Qian’s side the day after Wang Qian started practicing the symphony with the National Orchestra. She followed Wang Qian every day and participated in every step of the symphony practice.

Every day, Juliet is in excitement.

Although there is no piano in this symphony, the musical heritage and artistic richness still benefit Juliet tremendously, allowing her to take a big step forward in her understanding of musical art!

It also allowed Juliet to break away from the piano field alone and look at music from the perspective of the entire musical art!

This is Juliet’s biggest gain recently.

As soon as she left the house, Juliet started tidying up the house very sensibly, cleaning and so on. She was already familiar with the task and was extremely efficient.

Jiang Yu sat opposite Wang Qian and said: “The performance venue has been arranged. Xiaoyue and I just checked again. There is no problem.”

Wang Qian nodded: “Yes!”

Jiang Yu lowered his voice and said: “The school leaders were notified this morning that when you and the national music circle perform the symphony, several leaders will be present and will leave after listening to the performance. Let us be mentally prepared in advance. . However, don’t make it public and make it known to everyone in advance.”

Wang Qian smiled: “Are you sure?”

Wang Qian heard the news when he first started practicing the symphony, but was not sure yet.

Because they need to wait for the comments of the National Orchestra musicians and many veteran artists after watching it, and then they will come to watch it live after they are sure that it will be successful.

Otherwise, it would be meaningless to come. Instead, it would become a laughing stock in the world, increase the pressure on Wang Qian, and become a basis for some people at home and abroad to criticize Wang Qian!

Jiang Yu nodded: “It’s correct. Recently, several music and art masters have come to watch you rehearse and practice every day. They will give you an evaluation and analysis after they go back. The final result obtained yesterday, as long as we don’t make mistakes in the performance, , then the probability of success is more than 90%.”

“My sister Xuehong is relatively well-informed. She told me yesterday that all the music masters in the Beijing circle who went to see your rehearsals gave you the highest praise.”

“The reason why it is not 100% successful is that there is room for success, you know.”

Understand, before success, it is impossible to have a 100% prediction in the official evaluation, which means leaving room for error.

So, being able to give a success rate of more than 90% in advance is already the limit.


The knock on the door rang again.

Juliet, who was mopping the floor, hurriedly said to Wang Qian: “Professor, my father is here and wants to talk to you and take a look at the painting. Do you want to see him?”

Juliet’s father?

Wang Qian had a good sense of Zhu Fenghe, and they were already at the door, so he couldn’t drive them away. He nodded and said: “Of course, I’ll do it!”

The other party is Juliet’s father, and he is Juliet’s teacher. They are equals, and Zhu Fenghe is a famous top music artist in England and the chief conductor of the Royal Orchestra. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a representative figure in the field of music and art in England. His status was enough for Wang Qian to greet him personally.

Moreover, Zhu Fenghe is Huaxia’s son-in-law and has a very friendly attitude towards Huaxia.

Wang Qian also likes to deal with such international friends.

Take Juliet to open the door yourself.

Zhu Feng was wearing a formal suit and was accompanied by a slightly stout middle-aged man and a more formal middle-aged woman with blond hair. Both of them had the British temperament that Wang Qian was familiar with.

Seeing Wang Qian open the door, Zhu Fenghe shook hands with Wang Qian and said with a smile: “Professor Wang, excuse me. I arrived yesterday and originally wanted to visit you. However, I heard others said that you were busy practicing music, so I didn’t. Go. Taking advantage of my free time this morning, I brought two friends from London to visit you.”

“This is Mr. Beman. He has wanted to get to know you for a long time. He asked me to give him a place in the academy so that he can come and listen to your class. Of course, in fact, he is not a musician. He is from London. The most famous collector! Yes, he is eyeing your work…”

Beiman smiled and was about to perform aristocratic etiquette, but when he saw Wang Qian extending his hand, he shook hands and said enthusiastically: “Hello, Professor Wang. You are the contemporary artist I admire most. Every one of your Each work is an absolute work of art. There are many works of art from China in my collection. I like Chinese culture very much. It is an honor for me to meet you. ”

Wang Qian looked at Beman and could see some differences between Beman and Red from New York.

Red is more like an upstart, Beman is more like an aristocrat.

Of course…

They are all essentially the same – robbers.

It’s just that one has gone through a longer period of historical precipitation and disguised himself as a noble, while the other is still in the rich stage.

Wang Qian was not cold to Beiman, so he shook hands gently, smiled lightly and said: “Hello, thank you.”

Beiman could feel Wang Qian’s indifference towards him, so he immediately didn’t care and stood quietly beside Zhu Fenghe.

Zhu Fenghe introduced another middle-aged woman and said: “This is my cousin, Anna, who is now the director of the British Museum! She is the most knowledgeable person in our family and graduated from Cambridge University.”

Anna had a sense of fusion of academic elites and business elites. She extended her hand to Wang Qian and said with a smile: “Hello, although I studied history before, I have never played the violin. I am still playing in London. I am the first violinist in an amateur orchestra. This time I came here because I wanted to experience the most talented music artist in the world up close. ”

“At the same time, I also want to take a look at the cultural and art festival, the highest achievement of art!”

Obviously, Anna is also interested in Wang Qian’s works.

The British Museum contains many treasures and antiques from China, including many national treasures.

Wang Qian smiled nonchalantly at Anna, shook hands lightly and then let go: “That’s all just hype and bragging by the outside media, it’s nothing. Come in and sit down.”

Juliet looked at her aunt Anna and Beman, who was also a relative of her family, in surprise. She didn’t know that these two people were back, otherwise she might not agree to bring them to see Wang Qian.

She knew that Wang Qian didn’t like meeting these people very much.

At this time, Qin Xuerong and Sophie prepared breakfast and served it.

It was only then that everyone discovered that Sophie was here and making breakfast with Qin Xuerong?

A few people looked at Sophie curiously, but no one said anything.

Sophie didn’t say anything, and just kept serving food to Wang Qian, as if no one else existed.

Wang Qian did not explain anything, and said to Zhu Feng and the others: “Professor Zhu, Ms. Anna, Mr. Beiman, I’m sorry, I’ll have some food first. Let Juliet and Jiang Yu show you what you are interested in.” Something.”

Zhu Fenghe said hurriedly and apologetically: “No, it’s us who should be sorry. We disturbed your breakfast. You eat first. You will be very busy today. Let’s go see Professor Wang’s works first.”

Wang Qian nodded, waved to Juliet, Jiang Yu, and Murong Yue, and motioned for the three of them to take them around the study to see what they wanted to see.

It is self-evident what Wang Qian wants to do when he is a collector, an antique dealer, and the director of what is known as the largest museum in the world.

Of course, I want to see if Wang Qian’s works are really as valuable as the rumors.

Juliet, Jiang Yu, and Murong Yue became the masters, and led Zhu Fenghe, Anna, and Beiman into the study.

There are several works hanging in the study, which Wang Qian wrote during his recent leisure time.

However, except for the picture of Wanglu Mountain Waterfall in the middle, the others are just a few random words written to relax the mood. They are also some of Wang Qian’s published works, such as One Cut Plum, Jiang Chengzi wait!

Of course, he did not write the two ancient poems “Xia Ke Xing” and “Wang Yue”.

Because, he also hopes that these two works can become the only ones.

These two works are also very meaningful and representative in Wang Qian’s heart.

Therefore, Wang Qian does not want these two works to become cheap and common.

Watching Zhu Fenghe and his entourage walk into the study, Wang Qian waved to Qin Xuerong and Sophie and sat down to have breakfast together.

Sophie was very natural, as if she were at home, and she and Qin Xuerong were like friends, talking in English and slightly weird Chinese. Qin Xuerong made a temporary guest appearance as Sophie’s Chinese teacher.

Wang Qian looked calm and did not participate in the conversation between the two. He was eating breakfast and thinking about today’s lecture schedule!


There is no doubt that this will be the most important day since Wang Qian came to this world.

Externally, it will face the whole world, and TV stations will broadcast live around the world.

Domestically, China is also broadcast live across the country, and several leaders will come to watch the event.

Therefore, Wang Qian cannot make any mistakes and must succeed completely.

And here, after entering the study, Juliet whispered to her father: “You never said they would come back!”

Zhu Fenghe said helplessly: “They came just after I left the house. They insisted on coming with me. I had no choice.”

Well, Juliet had no choice but to accept it.

She knew that because of her mother’s relationship, her father was not well-received in the family. If he didn’t have a high status in the field of music and art and needed him to support the family, most people in the family might not be with him. Coming and going.

Anna and Beiman are both powerful factions within the family, and they usually have little contact with Zhu Fenghe.

Juliet also knew that it was impossible for her father to invite them in advance.

As soon as I walked into the study room.

Anna and Beiman stood in front of the wall covered with Wang Qian’s works, looking at the works on the wall carefully.

Jiang Yu explained in a low voice: “The painting in the middle is the picture of Wanglu Mountain Waterfall! The words next to it were all written casually by Professor Wang in his recent free time. He has been very busy recently and has no time to focus on it. This.”

Beiman stared at the painting and nodded: “Of course, I understand. In fact, having this painting is enough. Even if Professor Wang never paints again in his life, he only relies on this A painting is enough to become a unique master in the history of Chinese traditional painting.”

“He is really a genius! This painting is more perfect than several Chinese paintings in my collection.”


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