Debuting After Eight Years of Time Travel: 596. Master of music conductor! The National Museum comes to your doorstep. (Please subscribe)

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapter that took eight years to debut!

Lin Xizhan also got up very early in the morning, stood in the yard and started writing.

Yan Zixin stood beside her, sharpening her ink.

Zhao Shuren and Xue Zhenguo looked at each other for a while and then left. They still had things to deal with.

Xue Man and Yan Zixin watched together for a long time.

However, Lin Xizhan has been ignoring his surroundings. He is concentrating on practicing calligraphy and writing non-stop. Every word seems to use up all his strength.

After writing for two hours at a stretch, Lin Xizhan slowly put down the brush, his expression showing exhaustion.

Yan Zixin quickly handed over the towel to Lin Xizhan and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Lin Xizhan looked at what he had written and sighed: “The feeling of enlightenment I had yesterday is gone. If I want to go further in the future, I’m afraid it will be impossible.”

Lin Xizhan’s face was full of regrets. He got up early in the morning just to seize the inspiration he got from watching Wang Qian’s painting and writing of running script yesterday. He kept practicing and comprehending, and wanted to go further and reach a higher state of running calligraphy. , catching up with Wang Qian’s current state.

Unfortunately, he no longer has that sense of transparency, nor does he have that sense of insight when writing.

Although he has made further progress than before, he clearly sees that Wang Qian has demonstrated a higher level of running script, but he will not be able to achieve it in the future, which makes him even more uncomfortable.

Yan Zixin whispered: “Teacher, it’s amazing that you can still make progress now. People like Professor Wang can’t compare.”

Lin Xizhan nodded.

Xue Man said softly: “There was news just now that Director Li of the National Museum personally contacted Liu Shengnan and wanted to include the only authentic copy of Professor Wang’s Journey to the Knights held by Liu Shengnan into the National Museum. I didn’t say whether Liu Shengnan agreed.”

Xia Ke Xing is included in the National Museum?

Lin Xizhan looked at Xue Man in surprise. Even though he was a representative figure of Chinese studies in Hong Kong, none of his works were qualified to enter the National Museum.

Of course, there are two works by Lin Xizhan in the Hong Kong Island Museum. They were his previous peak works, but he knows that he is at his peak now.

The calligraphy fonts I wrote this morning are more energetic than the two ones he wrote in the Hong Kong Island Museum.

Lin Xizhan said softly: “Professor Wang’s works are indeed qualified to enter the National Museum. However, I think the painting yesterday is the most qualified. Even the national treasure-level Chinese paintings in the National Museum now are under Professor Wang’s In front of that work, it all looks ordinary. The only advantage is that it is older.”

Yan Zixin nodded: “Yes! If the National Museum wants to take away Xia Ke Xing, then maybe the Wanglu Mountain Waterfall picture is not far away.”

Xue Man: “The picture of Wanglu Mountain Waterfall has not been made public yet!”

A smile emerged from the corner of Lin Xizhan’s mouth and he said: “Now, the capital may be bustling.”

As a representative of the older generation of leading figures in Chinese studies, Lin Xizhan knows the older generation of figures best in Beijing and knows their arrogance and prejudice.

Except for Lin Xizhan, who is also from the Beijing Circle, almost everyone else is not looked down upon by the Beijing Circle.

Now, Wang Qian, a young man from an ordinary background who became a monk halfway, has achieved such achievements, how can they sit still?

Xue Man lowered his head and swiped his phone, and suddenly said: “Mr. Lin, Professor Yu Renshan has spoken publicly.”

Lin Xizhan was not surprised at all. He still looked at his handwriting carefully, while slowly realizing something, he asked indifferently: “What did you say?”

Xue Man thought and said: “Professor Yu Renshan just said on Weibo that Director Li’s decision is a bit abrupt and should not be swayed by online public opinion. Higher standards of judgment should be adhered to…”

Yan Zixin said calmly: “In other words, the National Museum has lowered its standards by accepting Professor Wang’s works? Many of their works were not admitted because the previous standards were higher? Where did these people come from? Confidence, compare your own works with Professor Wang’s works? Apart from the fact that they are not old enough, what is the difference between Professor Wang’s works and the national treasures collected by the National Museum?”

After a brief meeting and contact with Wang Qian, Yan Zixin naturally became Wang Qian’s admirer and defender. He felt uncomfortable when someone spoke ill of Wang Qian.

She also has a family background and is a student of Lin Xizhan. In terms of seniority, even Xue Zhenguo is her junior, and Xue Man is the junior among the juniors.

So, her knowledge and background are definitely extraordinary. After she saw the painting Wang Qian painted, she was astonished!

Lin Xizhan chuckled: “We just keep quiet and watch the show.”

Yan Zixin hummed and stopped talking.

Xue Man nodded, a trace of worry flashing in his eyes.

She grew up in the capital and had contact with almost all the masters of literature and Chinese studies in the capital. She knew that now Wang Qian might become a public enemy in the capital.

Even some masters of traditional Chinese culture in Beijing who treated Wang Qian fairly before are no longer interested in Wang Qian now and want to criticize him!

To achieve such an astonishing achievement at such a young age, if you don’t give it a beating, won’t you have to ride on all of them’s heads and dominate them in the future?


Wang Qian never thought about the people he wanted to dominate.

He just wants to do his own thing!

Early in the morning.

Li Xiyan and He Chaohui came to pick him up together, had a quick breakfast, and then headed to Yangyin’s performance auditorium.

None of the main members of the National Orchestra was absent. According to the requirements written by Wang Qian in the symphony score, there should be no less and no more.

No one is acting like a monster at this time.

Even many people in the literary and art circles are against Wang Qian.

However, in the music and art circles, no one dares to do this now.

Just because Wang Qian’s achievements in the international arena are unprecedented.

This is very important in Beijing circles.

Many art professionals in the Beijing circle are dismissive of their counterparts in other regions of the country, but they are extremely flattering and admiring of their counterparts in the international field. They do whatever it takes to dream of being recognized in the international field.

Music, art, literature, film and television and other major art fields!

This is the case. Most people are extremely pursuing international recognition, and for this reason, they even do many things that are unbelievable to ordinary people.

If Wang Qian had come to give lectures at Yangyin while he was in Shanghai before going abroad, he would never have been so welcomed and cooperated by the music and art people in the Beijing circle.

No matter how high achievements and good results Wang Qian has achieved in China.

In the eyes of art people in the Beijing circle, it is nothing. It is what is left over from other people’s entertainment. They have already set their sights on the world.

And now, he has achieved such achievements in the field of international music and art, and is about to become a world music giant.

This is the ultimate dream of all Chinese music artists.

It is also the ultimate dream of all music artists in Beijing.

Naturally, Wang Qian’s image in their hearts became extremely tall.

So, they were extremely cooperative and did not cause trouble for Wang Qian. They all still wanted to use Wang Qian’s international lectures and performances to express themselves. Maybe their abilities could also be recognized internationally?


Any musical request Wang Qian makes will receive unconditional cooperation and recognition.

Want to play Butterfly Lovers?


Yangyin, major music schools across the country, and folk performance masters are all cooperating with you. If you need people, give them instruments, if you need instruments, give them instruments, and if you need venues, give them places.

Want to play a symphony?


You say a few violins, just a few, no more, no less.

If you say you don’t want the piano, that’s fine. All the pianists will take a break as part of the audience.

You said you want to be the conductor yourself?

It was no problem either. Several top domestic conductors with international recognition also took a break to be in the audience without any complaints.

Even though Wang Qian does not have any conducting experience or performance.

They will also cooperate absolutely.

This is the impact of international achievement and the aura of super genius.

If Wang Qian’s literary works now won the Nobel Prize for Literature internationally…

One by one, all the writers and Chinese scholars in the Beijing circle will become Wang Qian’s supporters.

Not to mention putting two masterpieces into the National Museum, even if the clothes and shoes Wang Qian wore when accepting the award were collected into the National Museum, they would all raise their hands in approval.

So, when Wang Qian heard Qin Xuerong mention something about the National Museum and the discussion outside, he didn’t care at all.

This has no impact on him!

Wang Qian stood quietly on the stage, holding the score, and gave individual explanations to the musicians one after another, explaining the score to be played, each section was explained in extremely detail!

Wang Zhengjun stood in the stands not far away and said softly: “It is better to meet each other than to be famous. After meeting Professor Wang, I realized that fortunately I am old. You can use the excuse that I am old. But the fact is, even if I am young, At that time, he was far inferior to Professor Wang. He was simply born for music.”

Another master conductor nodded and said: “I have a hunch that Professor Wang’s symphony will shock the world!”

Li Xiyan smiled and said: “Last night Lao Wang played a piece. After I listened to it, I still remember it fresh and it is very profound. I knew that if this piece of music was played in its entirety, Professor Wang would definitely be remembered in history. , proving to the world that China not only has its own inherited folk music art, but can also trample on the highest musical and artistic achievements of the West. ”

After hearing this, several people felt excited.

Isn’t this their lifelong pursuit?

A few people stopped talking and watched quietly and carefully as Wang Qian communicated and became familiar with each musician.

This is already the rhythm of a master conductor.

Top conductors generally have a fixed collaborative orchestra, because in this way they can become familiar with the style and playing habits of each musician, become familiar with the entire style and habits, and then add their own imprint to the whole in a profound way. to reflect your own style and musical concepts.

This is what top music conductors want to do and must do.

It’s not something you can do by standing on top and waving your hands and making a few expressions. The work behind it is unimaginably difficult.

There are many top performers, but there are very few top conductors. There are no more than two hands of top international conductors. Each one of them is a pinnacle representative in the field of music and art.


Several top conductors in China are not recognized internationally and cannot be regarded as international conductors.

This is the regret of Wang Zhengjun and others, and also their dissatisfaction.

Because they believe that the several international performances they have conducted are no worse than those international conductor masters, and the overall effect is actually better.

After all, the National Orchestra is the highest expression of China’s overall musical art. Its overall strength is among the best in the world, and its coordination is perfect. Naturally, the performance effect is almost perfect.


People just don’t recognize you, are you dissatisfied?

Then people say that China does not have its own music art, and the music performed internationally are all European and American famous music, so the conductor is naturally inferior.

So, Wang Zhengjun and others hope that Wang Qian can break this situation, lead the National Orchestra, shock the world internationally, and slap the face of discrimination and prejudice against European and American music artists!

China also has its master conductors!

Until the afternoon!

Wang Qian devoted himself to rehearsals and exercises.

The people watching around have changed several times. Many performing masters and musicians in the circle came to watch for a while, and then most of them left, leaving only a few people such as Wang Zhengjun and Li Xiyan. Be there as an audience.

Even though Wang Qian didn’t play a piece of music all afternoon, he spent the whole afternoon talking about music with each musician to get to know each musician.

In the evening.

Wang Qian ended the first day of practice with the National Orchestra.

Wang Zhengjun and Li Xiyan did not disturb Wang Qian, allowing Wang Qian to devote himself to the rehearsal of the symphony with peace of mind.

Wang Qian looked tired, but there was excitement in his eyes.

Because being a symphony conductor is also a challenge and test for him.

Qin Xuerong took Wang Qian’s hand and walked to his residence and said: “I heard from my sister that this time you will perform at Yangyin’s symphony. There may be leaders coming to watch, which is the greatest support for you. ”

Wang Qian was stunned when he heard this and stopped: “They want to come to my performance?”

Wang Qian has been a man for two generations and has never been exposed to several leadership-level existences.

In this life, do you actually have a chance?

He was slightly excited and expecting.

Qin Xuerong was also full of pride and smiled: “It’s not confirmed yet, just a little bit of information. The specific situation depends on the results of your rehearsal with the National Orchestra and the internal evaluation of the National Orchestra. After all, it was If international music artists are not able to conquer international music artists, then they will not have much effect as an audience. ”

Wang Qian nodded lightly, his heart full of motivation again: “I know, I will try to rehearse as soon as possible to achieve results.”

This piece, he believes, will be successful as long as he can rehearse it to get the effect he wants.

The two came to the door chatting.

I saw several figures standing at the door.

Seeing Wang Qian coming back, several people hurriedly greeted him.

The leader was a thin old man with snow-white hair, wearing a formal suit. He walked up to Wang Qian enthusiastically and quickly, stretched out his hands to shake Wang Qian’s hand, and said in a slightly excited voice: “Hello, Professor Wang. OK. I finally meet you in person, I am Li Guangwen, the curator of the National Museum.”

Director Li of the National Museum?


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