Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2611: Sad love story

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Ye Tian examined several African wood carvings carefully, then turned to look at Ibrahim standing aside, and asked with a smile:

“Mr. Ibrahim, if I guess correctly, you collected these African wood carvings in the same place, right? They have the same artistic style and the same materials, they are all black African ebony.

Judging from the artistic style of these African wood carvings, they should come from a certain country or tribe in West Africa. The wood carvings in West Africa are vivid and imaginative, which is different from the wood carvings in East Africa.

Judging from the carving traces on these African wood carvings, they were created forty or fifty years ago. In other words, they were carved in the 1960s and 1970s, and they can also be regarded as antique works of art! ”

Hearing this, Ibrahim couldn’t help but nodded.

“Your judgment is correct, Mr. Steven. These wood carvings do come from West Africa. I acquired them from a Ghanaian businessman last year and have kept them in my shop since then until today.

According to the Ghanaian businessman, these African wood carvings were purchased by his father in Ghana when he was young and have been kept in their home. His father passed away a few years ago, and these wood carvings were passed down to him.

Because the business failed, the Ghanaian businessman sold his property and other things in Cairo and planned to return to Ghana to look for opportunities in their own country. Among the things he sold were these wood carvings.

As for the creation time and author of these African wood carvings, the Ghanaian businessman did not know. I thought these African wood carvings had a certain degree of artistry and the price was relatively suitable, so I bought them back.

Mr. Steven, do you see something in these African wood carvings that I don’t know? For example, could you please explain the sculptor who created these wood carvings and their true value? ”

While saying this, Ibrahim looked at these exaggerated African wood carvings again, trying to figure out something.

Unfortunately, he did not make any new discoveries. In his eyes, these African wood carvings are still the same as they were before!

The statue of the man grinning up to the sky seems to be silently laughing at himself!

The eyes of Ibrahim looking at Ye Tian were full of doubts, curiosity, and expectations.

Everyone else at the scene was also looking at these African wood carvings and at Ye Tian, ​​looking forward to his answer.

However, Ye Tian did not go as everyone expected and changed the topic.

“Mr. Ibrahim, I would like to ask, what is the price of these African wood carvings? If the price is right, I would like to collect these African wood carvings and take them back to New York.

Although these wood carvings from West Africa look rough, they are simple and smart. They can reach people’s soul and make people feel the primitive beauty. I like them better!

As for my appraisal conclusion and valuation of these African wood carvings, if we can reach this antique art transaction, I don’t mind explaining it! To clear up everyone’s doubts”

As he said these words, Ibrahim looked at these African wood carvings again, as did the rest of the people at the scene, and everyone’s eyes suddenly became more intense!

Especially those tourists who happened to be in this antique shop were already eager to try it, and even had the idea of ​​cutting off the beards of these African wood carvings first!

However, they know that it is not appropriate and against the rules to get involved at this time. If they take action rashly, they may be targeted by this guy Steven, which is not fun!

You know, this guy Steven is famous for being cunning and cruel. Maybe he is digging a hole for people like him to jump in. His real target is not actually these African wood carvings!

Thinking of this, the minds of those tourists suddenly became clearer, and then they restrained their desire to cut off the beards, and concentrated on being spectators, continuing to stand aside and watch the fun. This opportunity is very rare!

Ahmed and the Egyptian cultural relics policeman standing in the back hesitated to speak several times. In the end, they did not say anything, but their eyes were full of worry.

Ibrahim fell into silence. The expression on his face kept changing and became much more solemn. He was obviously engaged in an ideological struggle.

After a moment, he made a decision, then looked up at Ye Tian, ​​gritted his molar teeth and said:

“Mr. Steven, there are seven pieces of these African wood carvings from Ghana, all of which are in good condition. If you buy them all, the package price is US$50,000. As long as you can accept this price, they will belong to you!

If you only want to buy a few of them, the price will have to be discussed again. The prices of these African wood sculptures are different depending on the subject matter and size. The price of the portrait sculptures is higher, and the price of the animal sculptures is lower! ”

Before he finished speaking, a bright smile broke out on Ye Tian’s face. He obviously didn’t care about Ibrahim’s inflated quotation. In his opinion, it was just like picking it up for free!

He directly stretched out his right hand and said decisively:

“Okay, Mr. Ibrahim, I accept this offer, and I think it is very reasonable. It is only $50,000. I want all these exquisite African wood carvings. I am happy to cooperate with you!”


Ibrahim immediately exclaimed, even forgetting to shake hands with Ye Tian.

He didn’t expect that Ye Tian would agree so readily, without any hesitation, leaving him with no chance to regret at all, and the bargaining rhetoric he had prepared was completely useless!

For a moment, Ibrahim felt his heart tightening suddenly, and he felt like he had missed a shocking treasure. That feeling was very bad!

Other people at the scene, like Ibrahim, exclaimed, everyone was shocked by Ye Tian’s words!

At the same time, everyone’s eyes looking at those African wood carvings became even hotter, almost burning!

If you speak out, the water will be thrown out! No one can change it, especially in the field of antique art collection!

When Ibrahim woke up, he could only shake hands with Ye Tian with a wry smile, and concluded the art deal.

The next thing was simple. Ye Tian casually took the backpack behind him, opened it, took out 50,000 US dollars in cash and handed it to Ibrahim, completing the transaction!

Ibrahim took the $50,000 in cash, quickly counted it with the two clerks, and then locked the money in the safe of the antique store!

Then he took out an antique art transaction contract and began to fill in information such as the product name and transaction amount!

When Ye Tian and Ibrahim signed the contract one after another and completed the last step of the transaction, everyone at the scene looked at Ye Tian, ​​looking forward to his explanation!

Ye Tian glanced at everyone present and said with a proud smile:

“Gentlemen, the transaction is completed. Now I will introduce to you the origin and value of these African wood carvings to clear up your doubts and avoid confusion.

According to my identification, these exquisite African wood carvings are probably the works of the contemporary art master Al Anazou. To be more precise, they are the works of Al Anazou when he was young.

Al Anazou is the most outstanding contemporary African art master and sculptor. He was born in Ghana and is the most important African art master currently alive.

Before in New York, I visited Al’s solo art exhibition, admired his works many times in different museums, and personally handled his sculptures.

One of the two carvings by Al happened to be a wood carving from his youth, and is highly similar in style to these African wood carvings!

Because of this, my eyes lit up the moment I saw these wood carvings, and I quickly determined that these African wood carvings were all the works of Al.

When he was young, before he became a master, Al Anazu created many wood carving works, but not many of them have been handed down. His art was still relatively young at that time!

It is for this reason that these African wood carvings, which seem to be above the standard but full of aura, were ignored by people until I discovered these wood carvings!

Based on the current market conditions and the high regard for Al Anazou in the collecting community, the conservative valuation of these African wood carvings is over eight million US dollars! ”

Before he finished speaking, there was an excited exclamation on the scene.

“Ah! Did I hear correctly? These African wood carvings are actually the works of Al Anazou, it’s incredible!”

“Oh my God! Fifty thousand dollars instantly turned into at least eight million dollars. It’s so crazy!”

Amidst the exclamations one after another, Ibrahim and the two clerks seemed to have been struck by lightning. They were stunned and almost died of heartache!

The tourists who were just about to cut off their beards all felt regretful and wanted to slap themselves in the face for missing such a God-given opportunity to make a fortune!

As for Ahmed and the Egyptian antiquities policeman, their eyes were filled with regret and their hearts ached.

What makes them even more miserable is that Ye Tian has already captured a lot of trophies before. The value of those antiques, cultural relics and works of art must be astonishing, and there are probably many priceless national treasures among them!

Thinking of this, Ahmed and the Egyptian antiquities policeman suddenly felt that their hearts were bleeding and they could hardly stand still!

Before the exclamation ended, someone suddenly asked in surprise:

“Mr. Steven, you said these African wood carvings are the work of the master art master Al Anazou. Is there any other evidence? The evidence you mentioned does not seem to be sufficient!

These African wood carvings do not have the signature of the author. Mr. El Anazun is the most famous contemporary art master in Africa. There are many sculptors who imitate his artistic style! ”

Ye Tian turned to look at the clerk who asked the question, then said with a smile:

“Man, this question is easy to solve. I have a pretty good relationship with Mr. Al Anazun. I have dealt with him many times. I want to know whether these African wood carvings are his works. Just make a phone call. I know the answer! I can also have a live video call with him!”

As he spoke, Ye Tian took out his mobile phone and sent a video call request to El Anazou, who was also in Africa.

In the blink of an eye, his video call request was accepted, and a white-haired El Anazur appeared on the phone screen!

After a few words of greeting, Ye Tian pointed his cell phone camera at the African wood carvings and said loudly:

“Al, I found several African wood carvings in an antique shop in Cairo, Egypt, that look very similar to the ones you created when you were young, just like the one I found in Brooklyn, New York!

I have purchased these wood carvings. There is no your personal signature on these wood carvings, so I called you and asked you to take a look at these wood carvings to determine your own judgment! ”

After hearing his words and seeing the African wood carvings placed on the floor of the antique shop, the ancestor of El Anna in the video was stunned for a moment, and then he became extremely excited.

“Yes, Steven, these African wood carvings are indeed my works. I created them in the late 1960s and gave them to one of my lovers as a token!

Shortly after sending these wood carvings, I went to Nigeria, and then to the United Kingdom and the United States. When I returned to Ghana, I could not find that beautiful girl! …”

Just as Al-Anazu was excitedly looking back on his youth and telling his love story, Ibrahim’s antique shop was already buzzing with excitement again!


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