Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2251: Henry of Burgundy

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Petro did not respond immediately, but took a step forward and looked at the rusty Crusader Knight sword in Ye Tian’s hand again, with doubts in his eyes.

What puzzled him was how valuable this Crusader Knight sword was, which could actually impress the top antique art appraisal expert with a vicious eye in front of him.

However, no matter how he looked at it, he could not understand the value of this Crusader Knight sword. It was still the same as when he saw it countless times before, without any change.

After careful inspection, Petro did not find anything new.

He could only raise his head and asked anxiously:

“Stephen, can you tell me, what exactly do you see on this Crusader Knight sword? Is it possible that you already know the origin of this Crusader Knight sword and its value? ”

Ye Tian looked at the antique shop owner, then said with a smile:

“Don’t be shy, Petro, I did see something about this Crusader Knight sword, but I’m not sure. I need to do more research to know whether my judgment is accurate.

You are an antique dealer and you understand the rules of this industry better than anyone else. Since I want to buy this Crusader Knight Sword, I must not reveal my trump card before the deal is completed.

Of course, you can also refuse to sell this knight’s sword and ask experts and scholars to appraise it afterwards. Whether the appraisal result is good or bad is unknown, but I will not tell my own appraisal conclusion.

If you refuse to sell this knight’s sword, it is very sorry that we can only leave your antique shop and wish you good luck. If you plan to sell this knight’s sword, please give your offer”

Hearing these words, Petro was dumbfounded and froze on the spot.

For a moment, he didn’t know how to choose, sell it or keep the Crusader Knight Sword.

It has been three years since this Crusader Knight Sword fell into his hands. Although some people have asked about the price and expressed their willingness to buy it, there has never been a transaction due to various issues such as its condition and price.

Over time, this Crusader Knight Sword has become a piece of his mind. The antique shop sign mentioned before was just a joke.

Now Ye Tian wants to buy this knight sword, and he is very sincere. For Petro, this is a good opportunity. Not only can he sell this knight sword, but he may also make a lot of money. Pen!

However, he was a little worried.

What if this Crusader Knight Sword is a priceless top-grade antique cultural relic and is sold like this, wouldn’t it be a huge loss?

As an industry insider and even half an expert in antique art appraisal, Petro didn’t know what Ye Tian had done. He didn’t want to be the protagonist of another tragedy!

The scene fell silent, and Petro fell into deep thought, obviously having a fierce ideological struggle.

Ye Tian was not in a hurry. He admired the Crusader Knight sword in his hand again, and then put it back on the solid wood display stand in the window.

After putting away the knight’s sword, he nodded slightly and said hello to the many tourists watching outside the window.

At this time, the street outside this antique shop was already crowded with people, many of whom were passers-by and tourists, as well as many antique dealers who had heard about it, and various people.

These people stayed outside the cordon drawn by the Portuguese police. They stretched their necks and stood on tiptoes, looking at Ye Tian in the antique shop through the glass window and looking at the Crusader Knight sword!

While people were watching the excitement, they were still discussing enthusiastically.

“That guy Steven seems to want to buy that rusty knight’s sword. Is that crusader knight’s sword a valuable top antique art? That’s why that guy Steven is going to take it. ”

“The Crusader Knight Sword has been in Petro’s antique shop for two or three years. Many people have seen it, and Petro has also had someone appraise it. The value is not too high!

But why does that guy Steven take a fancy to that knight sword? Could it be that everyone before, including experts and scholars in Lisbon, had misunderstood? This is unlikely, right? ”

While people were talking a lot, Petro finally made a decision after a fierce ideological struggle.

He glanced at the Crusader Knight Sword again, then gritted his molars and said:

“Steven, I sold this Crusader Knight Sword for 50,000 euros. If you can accept this offer, we will make a deal. After the transaction is completed, I hope you can publish your appraisal conclusion to explain to me. Doubts! ”

After finishing speaking, Petro stared at Ye Tian closely to see what kind of response he would give, with an expression that was both anxious and full of expectation.

Ye Tian gently shook his head and said with a smile:

“Petro, although I want to accept this Crusader knight’s sword, your offer is a bit high. Such a medieval knight’s sword of unknown origin and average preservation is not worth 50,000 euros.

If the rubies and sapphires inlaid on this knight’s sword are still there, I can accept the offer no matter how high it is. But it is a pity that all the rubies and sapphires were dug out as early as World War II.

To be honest, when I bought this knight’s sword, I just bought it as a possibility to verify whether my judgment was accurate. The possibility of disappointment was greater, so I could only bid 35,000 euros at most! ”

The ball is kicked back!

Petro fell into deep thought again and began to secretly weigh the price given by Ye Tian, ​​hesitating whether to accept it.

In fact, the price he originally set for this knight’s sword was far less than 35,000 euros, but who thinks the money is so hot! Who doesn’t want to earn more!

What’s more, Ye Tian is a super rich man and has a reputation for being generous. Whenever there is an opportunity, who wouldn’t want to make a fortune from him, and Petro is no exception!

After a moment of silence, Petro finally failed to withstand the temptation and accepted Ye Tian’s offer.

For him, selling this rusty Crusader Knight sword for 35,000 euros was a huge profit, and it was hard not to be moved by it.

“Okay, Steven, deal! For thirty-five thousand euros, this medieval Crusader knight’s sword belongs to you”

As he spoke, Petro stretched out his right hand and a bright smile broke out on his face.

“Deal, Petro, it’s a pleasure to trade with you”

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, shook hands with Petro, and concluded the antique deal.

As they shook hands, the street outside immediately boiled.

“I’ll go! That guy Steven actually took that rusty Crusader knight’s sword. I wonder what the price of that knight’s sword was sold for? The price must not be low!”

“Compared with the transaction price of the Crusader Knight Sword, I want to hear Steven’s appraisal conclusion. Maybe it is really a priceless top antique cultural relic, but everyone else has misjudged it!”

After the deal is completed, the next thing is very simple.

In just a moment, Ye Tian and Petro have completed all the procedures of the transaction, and both money and goods were received.

The medieval Crusader knight’s sword changed owners again and finally fell into Ye Tian’s hands. What Petro received was thirty-five thousand euros in cash, which looked very tempting.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian asked Petro to issue a certificate so that he could take this Crusader Knight sword through Portuguese customs in the future.

After issuing the certificate, Petro looked at the knight sword in Ye Tian’s hand again, and then said calmly:

“Steven, this medieval Crusader knight’s sword now belongs to you. Based on your previous promise, can you tell me your appraisal conclusion?”

As he said this, everyone in the antique store all looked at Ye Tian and the rusty knight’s sword in his hand. Everyone was full of expectations.

Ye Tian looked at Petro, then scanned the crowd at the scene and the crowd of onlookers on the street outside, and then said with a smile:

“Of course, Petro, I will tell you about my identification conclusion now, but whether this conclusion is accurate or not requires further research, so please just listen to it and don’t take it seriously.

First of all, make it clear that this medieval Crusader knight’s sword is not the sword of the Templars. There is no doubt that since it is not the sword of the Templars, who does it belong to?

Judging from the manufacturing process of this knight’s sword and the red and sapphires inlaid in it, this sword must belong to a nobleman. I wonder if you have heard of Henry of Burgundy? …”

As soon as he said this, Petro seemed to have been shot suddenly. His body shook violently, and then he froze in place, with an expression of horror and his face turned pale!

Obviously, he knew exactly who ‘Henry of Burgundy’ was!


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