Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 965: Greedy desire

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Following Ye Tian, ​​David and Jason also placed their prepared chips in the pass betting area.

This is not all the chips in their hands. Each person only bet 20,000 US dollars. Most of the remaining chips are stacked in front of each other and are not used for betting.

At first, like Ye Tian, ​​they kept accumulating the amount of bets. They did not take back the principal and winning chips from the previous hand. This time, they pushed all the over-the-line bets and swept the US dollars wildly!

However, when the amount of bets in one round exceeded 20,000 US dollars, Ye Tian stopped their attempts to continue to accumulate, and kept it at the level of 20,000 US dollars, without increasing the bets.

Even so, after more than ten games, these two guys have won more than ten or two hundred thousand US dollars. Each of them has piles of colorful chips in front of them, and they are so beautiful that their noses are filled with snot!

Of course Ye Tian had his own reasons for stopping them.

The main purpose of people like me coming to Las Vegas is the fighting match on the night of the 15th, and the huge profits that that fighting match will bring.

Compared to this, the money you can win from gambling is nothing at all! There is no need to offend the MGM Grand Hotel or even the entire Las Vegas casino industry for this!

If you do that, it is undoubtedly the stupidest behavior! It will only cause huge trouble for everyone and create a group of powerful enemies. There will be no other benefits!

As for the millions of dollars in chips he won, Ye Tian had no intention of cashing them in and taking them away. After waiting for enough, he planned to lose all the chips and return them all to MGM before leaving the casino. !

Is losing a game still a problem for him? Just slightly change the intensity and angle of the shot and you can do it!

And according to his estimation, MGM executives are about to intervene! Otherwise, the reaction of those guys would be too slow!

If the current situation continues, let alone the MGM Grand Hotel, even the Federal Reserve will be bankrupt!

Ye Tian was helpless with the U.S. dollars won by the other gamblers.

It can only be said that those guys were very lucky and caught up with this opportunity and made a lot of money.

Fortunately, those guys are ordinary gamblers, they can’t let go and don’t dare to bet too wildly!

Every time they win money, they will put away some of their chips and be safe! Then add a little more chips on top of the previous bet and continue fighting!

When the results of the next round came out, while these guys were cheering, they all regretted that they had been too careful just now and did not put all their chips in, thus missing the opportunity to make a fortune!

But regrets are regrets. When the next game starts, they still do the same as before, betting carefully and repeating everything that just happened!

By looking forward and backward like this, these guys also won a lot, ranging from tens of thousands of dollars to more than ten or two hundred thousand dollars.

There were several gamblers at the dice table, and the chips they won were even close to half a million US dollars. One of them was the compatriot from China who just copied Guangpu to greet Ye Tian!

Each of these guys won not much, but the combined total is quite astonishing!

In just over half an hour, they had already made tens of millions of dollars from MGM, which is staggering!

Jeff, who was in charge of this dice table, and several other casino staff were almost crying after losing, they were all sweating profusely, and their hands and feet were shaking!

In more than half an hour, they had replenished their chips several times. Every time they replenished their chips, they would lose them all within a few rounds and had to replenish their chips again.

At this time, the two beautiful dealers had very few chips left and needed to be replenished.

“Mr. Steven, can this dice game end? You can also see that we have very few chips left, not enough to pay the compensation!”

Jeff leaned his head forward and said in a low voice, almost pleading.

His eyes were filled with anger and fear, and he felt extremely aggrieved.

This **** **** is a devil! Since your gambling skills are so good, why not go to a VIP casino? Why do you come to the casino hall and this dice table that I’m in charge of?

If I let you **** win like this again, whether I can see the sun tomorrow is a matter of two opinions! Did I provoke you?

Ye Tian raised his hand to look at the time, then said with a smile:

“There is still time, it doesn’t matter, I can wait. Just like the previous times, you should replenish your chips as soon as possible. This is a lucky gambling table and I can’t bear to leave!”

Hearing this, Jeff immediately fell into the abyss of despair, and was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

But what can we do? You can’t turn over the table! Then don’t even think about opening the MGM casino for business.

Forcibly suppressing the boiling anger, Jeff gritted his molar teeth and nodded in response:

“Since you want to continue playing, please wait a moment. We will replenish the chips immediately. I believe it won’t be long before we can start the next game!”

As he spoke, he began to contact his boss through the intercom and asked for additional chips.

The gambling game was suspended, but everyone’s enthusiasm did not subside. They started talking one after another, and the scene was still very lively.

“Stephen, don’t always throw ‘win immediately’. Although the feeling of winning money is great and exciting! But the odds of winning immediately are too low. It only pays one for one. It’s not enough to win. !

Throw a ‘point’! In this way, everyone can make back-up bets or bet points. The odds of back-up bets are higher, and you can win dozens of times in one hand, which is much more exciting than now! “

A white gambler not far away on the right said loudly, his eyes glowing green.

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately turned his head and looked over.

This white gambler is standing on the edge of the dice table. Apart from Ye Tian, ​​he is one of the gamblers who has won the most money on this dice table. The chips in front of him are close to half a million US dollars!

Even so, this guy is still not satisfied. He actually plans to make back-up bets and rob MGM with dozens of times the odds. He really thinks his life is too long!

Ye Tian looked at the other person, then smiled and said:

“Man, I can see that you won a lot, so just let it go! Stop gambling, the pile of chips in front of you is enough for you to live a good life!”

When he said this, Ye Tian looked past the white man and took a deep look at the three domestic compatriots standing behind the guy.

These words are basically meant for those three domestic compatriots, asking them to give up as soon as possible and withdraw from this gambling game and the MGM Hotel as soon as possible!

As for that dead foreigner, who loves him to death, who is willing to pay attention to him!

Obviously, the three compatriots from Foshan, Guangdong are all human beings. As soon as the two parties made eye contact, they instantly understood what Ye Tian meant and made a decision.

After exchanging a few words in a low voice, they put away the chips they had won and began to slowly retreat out of the crowd, walking very resolutely, although their eyes were full of reluctance and regret!

They withdrew very slowly and cautiously, without attracting anyone’s attention! The psychological quality is quite good!

Soon, they disappeared from the crowd and from Ye Tian’s sight. Other gamblers quickly filled their spots, and the scene seemed to remain unchanged.

Next, these three lucky guys have one more step to pass, which is to redeem their chips. Only by successfully cashing in their chips can their trip to MGM be considered a fruitful one!

The white gambler didn’t appreciate Ye Tian’s kind warning very much.

“This is less than half a million US dollars, which is still far from the goal! If we add another zero and reach five million US dollars, then I will be satisfied and can enjoy life to the fullest!

Steven, with your superb gambling skills, if you throw an ‘out point’, isn’t it easy to catch it! I believe you can definitely do it, and I will make a fortune just by pointing it at you! “

“That’s right! Steven, let’s give everyone a ‘come-out’, it will make a lot of money!”

The rest of the gamblers responded, everyone was full of expectations, and every pair of eyes flashed with greed!

“Hey! Everyone really thinks highly of me. I don’t even have that much confidence. This is a gambling game. Who can guarantee that I will win? I am no exception!

Odds of dozens of times are indeed very tempting, but that depends on my luck. If my luck is good enough, I may be able to throw an ‘out point’! If you have bad luck, that’s okay! “

Ye Tian exclaimed with an exaggerated expression and said with a chuckle.

But deep in his eyes, a fierce murderous aura flashed.

I really think I am a money-giving boy! Since you don’t know how to give up when things go well, then don’t blame me for being ruthless!


There were boos at the scene.

Obviously, no one believed Ye Tian’s theory of luck.

Throw thirteen in a row and win points immediately! Either 7 or 11! Who has he seen? Never heard of it!

The previous world record holder for throwing dice, the super lucky guy who didn’t get a 7 out of 154, didn’t win points immediately by rolling thirteen numbers in a row!

Faced with such a miraculous record, whoever wants to believe that this is due to luck is definitely a super idiot!

There is no doubt that this **** Steven is definitely the top gambling master, and it is no exaggeration to call him the **** of gambling!

Human greed has no end! Except for a few guys who were reasonably clear-headed, the vast majority of gamblers didn’t take Ye Tian’s implicit warning to heart!

These guys are still flashing green eyes, eagerly waiting for the gambling to start again, and continue to sweep wealth from the vault of the MGM Grand Hotel!

And their appetite has become even bigger. They are no longer satisfied with the odds of 1 to 1, and they eagerly hope that Ye Tian will throw the “out point” and madly sweep away wealth at odds of dozens of times!

While talking, several armed security guards armed with long guns escorted a cart full of metal boxes and two casino staff over.

Contained in those metal boxes are chips of various denominations and colors.

Four casino staff members came with the chip replenishment staff.

The leader was a white man in his fifties, two beauties in their twenties, and a black guy in his thirties.

Without exception, the faces of these four people were very solemn, as if they were facing a formidable enemy!

Everyone knows why they came.

Of course, they are here to replace Jeff and the others. Changing dealers is a common operation in casinos, and it is also a normal thing. It happens all the time!


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