Death Reincarnation Game Chapter 778: Karma


bsp;”Have you finally reached the top?”

Su Peng looked at this milky white light door and thought in his heart.

To be honest, although Su Peng is still full of internal energy and still has some physical strength, he is almost overwhelmed mentally and mentally. Mainly because the last stage of the ladder of asking for causes and results is too exhausting for Su. Peng’s energy and psychological strength, Su Peng felt deep in his heart, as if something was taking away his own spiritual strength, making Su Peng exhausted.

At this moment, the milky white light door appeared in front, indicating that the ladder of seeking cause and effect has reached the last stage. Su Peng can finally relax and may have passed this test.

Su Peng did not hesitate or hesitate, he strode towards the milky white light door.


The moment Su Peng walked into the milky white light door, he felt that the white light around him suddenly became brighter, as if the world was swallowed up by the milky white light. When Su Peng woke up, he found that he had arrived Arrived in a special space.

This space is not similar to the naturally formed space outside, but is also a milky white space. Although the sun and sky can be seen in this space, Su Peng seems to be wrapped in a layer of milky white. In the light film, looking at the sun and sky above, they are also milky white.

Everything around is also milky white, as if there is only one color between heaven and earth.

Su Peng was a little surprised. He felt like this place was like an alien space. But although he was surprised, he was not panicked.

Because Su Peng felt that in this space, he felt a very peaceful feeling. It’s as if the psychological strength in my heart has been restored by some unknown force. The feeling of mental fatigue and exhaustion that I had when I walked up the ladder of asking for causes and results gradually disappears. My heart gradually became filled with strength again.

“Congratulations, you have passed the ladder of asking causes and seeking results.”

Just when Su Peng was sighing at the magic of this space, a sound suddenly rang in Su Peng’s ears.

Hearing this, Su Peng hurriedly turned around, only to see himself behind him. Standing was an old man who was all white.

This old man was probably over seventy years old. His hair, eyebrows and beard were all white, disheveled. He was wearing a snow-white robe and was holding a walking stick that looked like a snow-white tree branch. He looks a bit like Gandalf, who transformed into a white-robed wizard in the “Lord of the Rings” series of movies, but he also has some features of an Oriental.

I saw this tall old man in white robe walking over from behind Su Peng and said to Su Peng: “Let me introduce myself first. I am the guardian of the Ladder of Cause and Effect. Congratulations on walking through this ladder. , you will get the reward you deserve.”

“Huh? Walk through this **** ladder. Is there any reward?”

Su Peng, who had regained some energy, raised his eyebrows when he heard this and asked the white-robed old man.

The old man in white robe nodded and said: “Actually, when you step on the ladder of asking for causes and results, a seed has already grown in your heart. Now let us see what grows from this seed. The fruit of it.”

As he spoke, the old man in white robe took out the white cane in his hand. He tapped Su Peng’s left shoulder lightly.

Su Peng felt that the old man in white robe had no ill intentions, so he let his white cane touch his shoulder. However, after the white cane touched his shoulder, Su Peng suddenly felt that the place where his heart was. An itchy feeling was produced.

He looked down at his heart, and was startled when he saw it.

I saw something like a branch growing meanderingly like a strange pine at the position of Su Peng’s heart.

This thing does not look like a real branch. Although it has a strange shape like a potted pine tree and looks a bit like a plant, in fact, this thing is made of pure energy. Su Peng feels that this thing is The root system was rooted in his heart, and Su Peng’s strong battle suit did not prevent this thing from growing at all, because this thing did not seem to be an entity, and it directly got out of the battle suit and grew in front of Su Peng.

However, Su Peng himself did not feel any discomfort. On the contrary, the growth of this thing gave Su Peng a feeling of “unexpected revelation”, as if thoughts that had been suppressed for a long time were expressed at once. The whole heart felt a cool and refreshing feeling, which made Su Peng feel very comfortable.

“This is…” Su Peng looked at this strange energy plant, and his surprise was beyond words.

This energy plant quickly grew to maturity. Su Peng saw that the three branches of the plant had no flowers and bore fruit. Soon, three fruits grew.

“This is…”

Su Peng looked at the fruits of the special plant that grew from his heart, and did not dare to act rashly. He looked at the guardian of the Cause and Effect Ladder and asked him.

“Your name is Su Peng… The guardian below told you that you are boarding the ladder of asking causes and seeking results, but has he ever told you why this ladder has such a difficult name? ?”

The old man in white robe looked at Su Peng and asked Su Peng.

Hearing this, Su Peng looked at the strange plant growing out of his heart and the fruits on it, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration and said: “Could it be that… the so-called seeking fruit means asking for these three fruits in my heart?”

“That’s right… the Cause-and-Result Ladder can reproduce the major cause and effect you carry, and then let you choose how to do it on the Ladder. As long as you complete all the tests, you can obtain this karma. Fruits, these karmic fruits are all powerful fruits. If you eat these karmic fruits, you will naturally know their benefits.”

“But I want to warn you that these karmic fruits cannot be brought out of this space. If you don’t eat them here, then they will disappear. And I can only tell you that without these karmic fruits, then you will It is also difficult to pass the test of one level.”

When Su Peng heard this, his expression became slightly solemn. He lowered his head to look at the three fruits growing on his heart, and finally made a decision.

“Okay, I’ll just look at the results of my karma and see if it can help me!”

Su Peng said, and as he spoke, he picked three karma fruits from the plant branches near his heart.

After Su Peng picked off the fruit of karma, he saw that the energy plant-like thing in his heart immediately began to wither, then came out of Su Peng’s heart, fell to the ground, and turned into something like a fluorescent stick. The things fell to the ground, and then fell apart, turning into dust like jade powder on the ground.

In Su Peng’s hand, there are three karma fruits, one is blood red, one is ice blue, and the other is gray with a hint of gold.

When Su Peng held these three karma fruits, he immediately knew the names of these three karma fruits.

Of these three karma fruits, one is the fruit of killing, one is the fruit of determination, and the other one is called ‘a thought in the heart’.

But Su Peng only knows the name, and the extra functions can only be known by swallowing them.

Now that he has reached this point, Su Peng did not hesitate. He opened his mouth and swallowed the three fruits of karma directly into his mouth.

The three karma fruits are not big, only the size of a hawthorn. After swallowing them in the mouth, the three karma fruits melt in the mouth and turn into different juices.

Su Peng felt that the red fruit of killing was a bit pungent, and the ice blue fruit of determination was a bit like ice cubes turned into snow water. As for the ‘one thought fruit’, it was There was a hint of sweetness, Su Peng gritted his teeth and swallowed all the juice into his body.

Suddenly, Su Peng felt something strange in his body.

Su Peng felt that the juice of the three karma fruits penetrated the whole body like pure energy, making every cell in Su Peng’s body become active.

And in Su Peng’s mind, several pieces of knowledge and memory that seemed like innate instincts suddenly appeared.

Su Peng stood there with his eyes closed for more than ten minutes before he opened his eyes, with a strange light shining in his eyes and said: “So that’s it!”

It turns out that each of these three karmic fruits gives Su Peng a state of mind.

The karma of killing causes Su Peng to have a special mental state called ‘murderous aura, murderous intention, and murderous intention’. People in this mental state, although killing, are in an absolutely calm state. In this state, he can kill people with the highest efficiency without being negatively affected by the killing. In fact, the more he kills, the more power Su Peng can get from the killing, and he can use the power brought by the killing to replenish his physical strength and spirit. , and gave Su Peng a killing aura that overwhelmed his opponents.

The determination of karma puts Su Peng in another state of mind called ‘determination’. A person in the state of determination only needs to make a strict enough oath and a goal that must be achieved, and the body The burst of power surges and is in a certain state of strengthening. Unless the goal is achieved, it will not leave the decisive state.

This goal can be short-term or long-term, but the ‘Determination’ state has a weakness, that is, although it can enhance a person’s strength for a long time, the set goal must be achieved. If you cannot complete it within the time limit, or you give up in your heart, or you realize that you will never complete it and fail to achieve your goal, then you will suffer great harm, or even…die!

Su Peng did not realize what kind of ability this karma fruit brought to him.

Seeing Su Peng eating three karma fruits, the guardian of the Cause-and-Result Ladder nodded. He said to Su Peng: “The karma fruits you get are all the way you handle things on the ladder. , the results are caused by the causes you sow, and what you reap are these three fruits… With the fruits of karma, you can pass the test of the next level… Go ahead, I wish you can truly enter the temple. No one has entered the temple for a long time…”

As he spoke, the old man in white robe waved his hand, and another door of light appeared in front of Su Peng.

Seeing this, Su Peng nodded. He saluted the white-robed old man, then turned around and stepped into the light gate with his head held high!

PS: Keep coding and keep updating!


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