Death Reincarnation Game Chapter 771: Shi Weixin’s senior brother


bsp;Su Peng did not mention anything else, but his memory is the best in the world. After listening to Fu Ziyi’s words, Su Peng suddenly remembered that the first time he met Fu Ziyi was at Haikeju in Tengzhou. There, Fu Ziyi recited this poem and made Su Peng and Ouyang Qingyin become close friends.

Su Peng thought it was Fu Ziyi’s casual composition at the time and didn’t think much about it. But now that he heard Fu Ziyi talk about this poem, Su Peng suddenly felt different in his heart and said: “Brother Fu, could this poem have another origin? ”

Fu Ziyi nodded when he heard this and said: “This poem is about more than 20 years ago. One of my ‘friends’ and I came to the Holy Mountain. After the first test, I looked at my It was because of what a ‘friend’ did that I wrote this poem out of anger. On the day when you and I first met, you said to me, monk, that I felt something in my heart and uttered this poem.”

When he said the word “friend”, he emphasized the pronunciation, and Su Peng could hear the irony in it,

“Huh? Brother Fu, is that friend of yours also a monk?” Su Peng was a little curious and said to Fu Ziyi.

“Yes…and he is a famous monk in the world…Brother Su, the most famous person among this generation of disciples of Dakong Temple, who should you be?”

Fu Ziyi looked at Su Peng and asked Su Peng.

Su Peng nodded when he heard this.

Among the monks of Dakong Temple, Su Peng and Shi Weixin have more contacts. However, although Shi Weixin is active, he is not the most powerful person among the disciples of Dakong Temple. The most famous monk of the generation of Dakong Temple is the one in the world. The disciple “Shi Daoxin” is known as the little holy monk.

This monk Shi Daoxin is the little holy monk Su Peng lived in Haihai and heard Huo Sijie and others of the Hengshan sect talking about. There are many legends about this little holy monk, and he has been rumored to be like a figure in mythology. I feel that this person is out to take action, no matter how evil he is, a great devil or a great villain. All of them were inspired by him and accepted Buddhism. From then on, they put down their butcher’s knives and became Buddhas immediately.

However, Su Peng has never dealt with Shi Daoxin, but he has heard about his name and rumors in the world. This Shi Daoxin is the most outstanding disciple of Buddhism in the past hundred years. His martial arts skills have surpassed some monks of the Xu generation and are close to some old monks of the Dharma generation.

At this time, when Fu Ziyi talked about the most famous monk among the younger generation of Dakong Temple, Su Peng immediately thought of Shi Daoxin.

Su Peng looked at Fu Ziyi. He said to Fu Ziyi: “Brother Fu, the friend you call is this Shi Daoxin.”

Fu Ziyi nodded slowly and said, “Yes, this is Shi Daoxin… However, in my heart, he is no longer a friend.”

“Oh? Did he do anything outrageous? And Brother Fu, how did you get to know this Shi Daoxin?”

Su Peng listened. He felt quite curious. In his mind, he had always thought that Shi Weixin and Shi Daoxin, the best among the core disciples of the generation of Dakong Temple, were very understanding of the world. Although they might be a little stubborn, their IQ and EQ should be fine. If you have the intention, you are very good at winning over people, and you will never offend Fu Ziyi so harshly, making Fu Ziyi even say something like cutting off your robe and severing your righteousness.

Fu Ziyi heard this. He shook his head, sighed, and said: “This is not a secret. More than 20 years ago, I had just started to learn martial arts. At that time, I was still young, young and frivolous, and I was fighting with swords all over the world, because the martial arts taught to me by my master were very good. “Qiang, I gradually made a name for myself. In less than a year, some people in the world called me the one who surpassed the top ten swords. Together with several other young heroes, I was also called the Four Small Swordsmen.”

“At that time, I was young and frivolous, and I was young and successful. Although I was still gentle and gentle on the outside, I was actually arrogant in my heart. It was a shocking event, but I no longer looked down on ordinary friends. I felt that they were inferior to me. Only high-level disciples from well-known families could I truly make friends… Hey, think about it, I was really naive back then. …And later, I met Shi Daoxin in the Jianghu.”

“You also know that although Shi Daoxin is a disciple of the Shizi generation in Dakong Temple, he has been ordained in the Dakong Temple since he was a child. He is the third disciple of the Shizi generation to be ordained. In addition to all the monks of the Shizi generation in the Dakong Temple, Two of them were older than him, and the rest of them had to call him senior brother. This man had been in the world for a year or two before me, and his martial arts skills were even better than mine. I was young at the time and felt that he was better than me in every aspect, so I humbly made friends with him. , and soon, the two of us became close friends.”

“And he probably sensed my thoughts and knew that I wanted to do something big in the martial arts… So, one day more than twenty years ago, he found me and asked me if I wanted to Do something big with him, and that big thing…”

“Just looking for the Holy Mountain Temple!”

Fu Ziyi said to Su Peng.

Hearing this, Su Peng nodded slightly. He had already guessed that this was the case.

It is difficult for Fu Ziyi himself to have the financial resources and ability to purchase some information about the Holy Mountain Temple. After all, he is a single disciple of the Jianghu lineage. He has no family or sect, and the money and connections he can use are very limited.

But Shi Daoxin is different. Shi Daoxin is the most outstanding disciple of Dakong Temple’s generation. Dakong Temple has a very deep accumulation and can mobilize many more resources than Fu Ziyi.

What’s more, the original news about the Holy Mountain Temple was brought back by the real holy monks of the generation before Dakong Temple. Dakong Temple itself must have records about the Holy Mountain Temple. The people of Dakong Temple want to find The Holy Mountain Temple is much stronger than Fu Ziyi.

“Brother Fu, did you then take a boat to go to sea?”

Those thoughts just now were all Su Peng’s thoughts that flashed across Su Peng’s mind. At this time, Su Peng intervened and asked Fu Ziyi.

Fu Ziyi shook his head when he heard this and said: “Although we are also looking for the Holy Mountain Temple, we are not going out to sea from the south, but all the way to the west, starting from the Central Plains, passing through the Western Regions, to Qiuci Gancheng, and from There we took a camel caravan, then crossed the desert, passed through Dayue Kingdom, and headed west, taking the route that the holy monks used to travel westward. The route arrangements along the way were all arranged by Shi Daoxin.”

“I have to say that we were traveling along the way, as if we were on a pilgrimage. We were in a very pious mood. We also experienced a lot of things along the way, which made my martial arts more refined and my person more mature. And Shi Dao Everything Xin did along the way was like a compassionate monk, which made me admire and even… a little bit of worship.”

When Su Peng heard this, he admired Fu Ziyi’s courage. Not every middle-aged person would talk about his thoughts and psychology when he was young. Fu Ziyi said it so frankly, which shows that he has analyzed his own heart. Very thorough.

Fu Ziyi didn’t know what Su Peng was thinking. He continued: “We went all the way west. I don’t know how far we went and how many countries we passed. I only remember that it was the seventh year we went all the way west. , we entered a desert again. That desert was vast and vast. It was probably more than ten times larger than the desert between Kuchagancheng and Dayue Kingdom in the Western Region. Shi Daoxin and I entered the desert. We were not lucky. We encountered two sandstorms in a row within ten days. As a result, except Shi Daoxin and I, the guide and the camel team were all buried in the desert.”

“Shi Daoxin and I escaped. Fortunately, the two of us collected water bags and food from the caravan, which was enough to support us in marching in the desert for a month. Then Shi Daoxin and I started here In the desert, it’s hard to move forward.”

“We walked in the desert for more than fifty days. In the end, our water bags and food were almost used up. Shi Daoxin and I were almost out of gas and light, and there was no hope of survival. .”

“However, after we drank the last drop of water in the last water bag, in a desperate and helpless night, I suddenly heard that Shi Daoxin was not sleeping, and he suddenly laughed wildly… I was in a trance. He was awake in his sleep, but when he got up, he was shocked.”

“I don’t know when we arrived at an oasis in the desert. The oasis seemed to have come to us by itself. The oasis was extremely huge, as if it was as big as the giant island we are on now. ”

“And in the oasis, there is a stone pillar peak that towers into the clouds, and that stone pillar peak is the same thickness and extremely high as the stone pillar peak we see now…”

After hearing Fu Ziyi’s words, Su Peng couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment. He said: “Brother Fu, you said that there is a holy mountain in the desert that is almost the same as this one?”

Hearing this, Fu Ziyi nodded and said: “That’s right, so when I first arrived on this island, I was very confused and wondered if this was a holy mountain, because the people I had seen on the island were far away in the far west. In the vast desert, not this giant island in the sea… However, everything here is almost the same as that of the holy mountain, so I have to doubt it.”

“Until I see the guardian, I can be sure that this is the Holy Mountain…”

After hearing Fu Ziyi’s words, Su Peng frowned.

There should be only one holy mountain, but it is surprising to hear Fu Ziyi say that there is a holy mountain like this in the desert in the far west.

“Brother Fu, did you and Shi Daoxin also meet the guardian and receive their test mission?”

Su Peng asked Fu Ziyi, Fu Ziyi nodded, and he said to Su Peng: “Shi Daoxin and I, the guardian we saw was the person we saw just now… Similarly, we were also trapped in the oasis The natives brought us to the foot of the Holy Mountain to see him, and he also gave us a test mission.”

“At that time, the guardian said that in the oasis, there was an oasis tribe that developed into an extremely powerful but violent oasis tribe due to evil power and evil masters who had been to the Holy Mountain. This tribe gradually developed and grew, and Frequent massacres of residents of other tribes have become a scourge on the Holy Mountain. The task he gave us is to kill this violent tribe that has fallen into evil ways!”


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