I’ll Quit Being a God Chapter 72: Human Limits and Beyond Humanity


Teaching in the dojo continues.

The lack of inheritance and a weak foundation are Guan Junyan’s biggest problems, but they are not the only problems.

Other aspects such as timing, knife angle, and body control are deficient.

Of course, these are trivial problems that exist for almost all swordsmen. After all, no one is perfect.

Even Takamachi Kyouya himself said that he holds himself to the standards of a swordsman, but if he wants to reach the top in kendo, he should develop in the direction of “perfection” as much as possible.

Guan Junyan deeply agrees with this. If he wants to stand at an unattainable height, he must have corresponding standards.

Using this topic, the young man asked the biggest doubt in his heart.

“In swordsmanship, there are distinctions between swordsmen, great swordsmen, and sword masters. How are they divided? What’s the mystery?”

“I knew you would ask this.” Kyouya was not surprised by this, and said eloquently, “According to the traditional concept of a warrior, there are three major elements to a strong warrior: mind, skill, and body.”

The heart is the soul.

Skills, techniques.

Physique means body.

“The common strength of the three is the real strength. Swordsmen are one of the martial arts sects, and this concept also applies. The criterion for judging whether a swordsman is qualified is to see whether the mind, skill, and body can achieve a balance, and in If you go one step beyond this, you can enter the realm of swordsman.

It sounds easy to say, but it is actually an extremely difficult process. Because this is not simply the accumulation of experience or the superposition of strength, but an essential change, a sublimation of the three basic elements, and is the biggest difficulty for a swordsman. ”

The reason is simple.

There are so many swordsmen in the world, how many swordsmen are there?

Such a terrifying elimination rate is much higher than when a swordsman is promoted to a great swordsman or a great swordsman is promoted to a sword master.

No way, the base numbers are too different.

“If one of the three mental skills and body has a breakthrough, he is a swordsman.

Continue to deepen and complete your own sword, or break through another one and become a great swordsman.

Completely mastering both, sublimating the completed sword again and reaching a new level, is the sword master. ”

“Two kinds?”

Guan Junyan, who was listening intently, had questions.

“Aren’t they three elements?”

“It is true that there are three elements, but the ‘body’ is generally excluded. It does not mean that it is not important. On the contrary, it is the biggest foundation of warriors, and it is also the biggest limitation. The structure of living things determines the limits of human beings. Unless——”

“——You don’t want to be a human anymore?” JO chef Guan Junyan blurted out.

Takamachi Kyouya, who is not a JO chef, did not get the idea and continued: “This is also a choice, but it does not mean breaking the limit, it just widens the scope of the limit. There are limits in any living body. If you want to It is so difficult to truly break through and achieve transcendence. This is no longer a career transcendence, but a transcendence of life itself. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a brand new evolution.”

I understand, the concept is correct, but the path is wrong.

By pressing a certain two-dimensional factor engraved into DNA, Guan Junyan made a new discovery.

“Generally excluded? Difficult? In other words, are there exceptions?”

“It does exist. The history of mankind is a history of struggle. With so many genius monsters throughout the ages, there will always be some exceptions.”

Speaking of this, the middle-aged sword master who already stood at the top of the sword also showed some sincere fascination.

“The most famous person in this country and the first confirmed transcendent is the ‘Japanese Taken’. The official history compilation committee was established under his leadership.”

It is indeed famous enough that even Guan Junyan heard about it before time travel.

The real owner of the Kusanagi Sword, the first of Japan’s three sacred weapons, the first of the three sacred swords, and the first sacred weapon. There is only one real user, and that is the Japanese warrior.

Before this, the two main gods Susanoo and Amaterasu received swords, and even Qiongqiongjuzun, who was given three sacred weapons and was regarded as the ancestor of the emperor in Japan, only received them and never really used them until Wa Kenmei, who was revered as the “Japanese Warrior” by later generations, was born.

He is the origin of Japanese martial arts. He has been active throughout his life and left behind countless legends. According to mythology, he was punished to death by God for disrespecting the majesty of the Lord God. But listening to Takamachi Kyouya, it seems that it was just a cover. The committee was established The time is much later than the mythological chronology.

According to this theory, maybe there are a few transcendents in mythology who break boundaries. Flower growers have a word to describe such people – physical sanctification.

I just don’t know which ones are true and which ones are false. It feels like Erlang Zhenjun Yang Jian should be real, and Nezha probably has water, after all, it is not the original body.

Thinking of this, Guan Junyan couldn’t help but yearn for it: “I really don’t know what kind of existence a transcendent who breaks the limits will be?”

Kyouya shook his head: “I don’t know. I haven’t really seen such an existence, and I haven’t touched that limit. But you have to be down-to-earth, and don’t think too far ahead until you reach the limit of human beings.”

“You are right. I have a practical question to ask. Regarding the sublimation of the three elements involved in Jianhao, although you said it is from quantitative change to qualitative change, it is difficult for me to understand. Can you be more specific? .”

“You asked the right person. My father has been studying this aspect since he retired, hoping to take kendo to a higher level. Let’s not talk about body among the three elements. There are too few examples. Regarding mind and skills, there are many things about mind. There are various expressions such as mentality, state of mind, artistic conception, mental state, etc. In fact, tracing back to the origin is one thing – ‘fear'”

“Afraid? The one of monsters?”

“That’s right. Compared with monsters, humans were born relatively late, and their exploration and understanding of the world were also relatively late. Therefore, the way humans initially gained power was to imitate and learn from those beings, monsters, and monsters that were far more powerful than humans. Demons, ghosts, monsters, and gods are all objects of imitation. Japan’s legend of “Eight Million Gods” is actually a true portrayal of that time.

Because of fear, because of fear, I want to gain strength and become strong. In my opinion, the so-called “fear” competition between monsters is more like the process of facing fear and overcoming fear. Whoever can truly defeat fear will become stronger.

However, humans are more complicated than monsters after all. After passing through the initial period of ignorance, the source of motivation that drives the heart has become more complicated. I prefer to use ‘thought’ to describe it. Clarify what you are practicing for, and become stronger, clarify your thoughts, develop your thoughts, and inject them into the sword, which will cause completely new changes. ”

“It always feels a bit unreal.” Guan Junyan muttered softly.

Takamachi Kyouya went back to the source and explained it in detail, but in the final analysis it is the power of idealism. This thing is the most difficult to explain – I think I am the strongest, am I the strongest? It’s not that easy.

“Haha.” The sword master’s perception was so keen. He smiled and patted the young man’s shoulder, “It’s not appropriate for you, a former onmyoji, to speak. The source of spiritual power, magic power, source power, and magic power. It’s all about ‘reading’.”

“Huh? Does that mean there is no conflict between the physics profession and the legal profession?”

“Of course there is no conflict. The end point of all practice is transcendence. The two sides just have different emphasis. I have told Mio a long time ago that there is never a conflict between the miko and the swordsman. It is a pity that she has not been able to see through it until now. This is the nature of the Kagura family that runs in the blood, and it is not easy to change. I hope you can make her change.”


PS: Those who are too lazy to go to Baidu to search for the Japanese martial artist can think of him as a combination of Xiang Yu and Li Yuanba. There is also a story about the Japanese warrior who carried the cauldron. He spent his life fighting and died in a more aggrieved way than Li Yuanba. Li Yuanba was struck to death by lightning. This person was devastated by the icy rain, and after finally escaping, he died after a while.

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