I’ll Quit Being a God Chapter 69: Sister? sister in law? All the same?


The Green House, like the Mystery Restaurant, is an independent commercial place and is not connected to a residence.

The difference is that the customers in the store are ordinary people nearby, so things under the counter are not suitable to be discussed here.

Takamachi Nanoha chose to entertain everyone at her home not far from the green house.

The Kaimei Town where Tsuiwu is located belongs to the old city. Twenty or thirty years ago, it was the first choice for the middle class and above to live. Now, with the expansion of Tokyo, it has declined somewhat.

However, the old foundation is still there. The residential areas are all single-family two- and three-story buildings. The streets are neat and clean, reasonably arranged, and have complete supporting facilities. It is very convenient for both life and business.

Walk along the road for five minutes, turn at the intersection and walk for another three minutes. An old but carefully maintained two-story building appears in front of everyone.

Beside the repainted fence gate is the expected “Takamachi” nameplate.

Surrounding the nameplate and in front and behind the fence are flowers, plants and seedlings that are exactly the same as those in the Green House. A middle-aged man with a handsome appearance, but his temples may turn white, holds a watering can and spreads a fine mist of water.

It can be seen that the greening in the yard and the green house is all done by his arms.

“Dad, I’m back.” Naye opened the door and greeted the man.

The man stopped what he was doing and smiled gently: “Is it so early today?”

“Because we have guests.” Naye said and waved to the people behind.

Kagur Mio and Yagami Setsuna, who were walking in front, each bowed and spoke in unison.

“Grandpa Shirou.”

“It’s you, I haven’t seen grandpa for a long time. The last time was when I graduated from junior high school.”

Seeing the two girls, Takamachi Shirou’s smile deepened.

“You go to the dojo first, Kyouya and Miyuki are both there.”

“That’s just right.” Naye clapped her hands, “Dad, let’s come too.”

“When I finish watering the flowers, I will prepare some snacks for you.”


Responding like a little girl, Nanoha officially walked into the house with a group of boys and girls and a child.

I changed my shoes at the door, but instead of walking into the living room as usual, I went directly behind the stairs and walked underground.

No one finds it strange. It is clear at a glance that the Takamachi family occupies an area where there is no room for a sword dojo, so it can only be built underground.

Sure enough, after walking through the spiral staircase and two storage rooms, opening the Japanese sliding door, a standard sword dojo came into view.

Iori Setsuna looked nostalgic.

Kagura Mio has a tall and straight posture and naturally enters the state of a swordsman.

Guan Junyan, Nura Rikusheng and Snow Girl Bingli, who came here for the first time, became more and more cautious. This is the dojo of the sword master.

Especially Guan Junyan, who had the system turned on the whole time, was far more aware of the horror of the Takamachi family than Rikuo.

Takamachi Nanoha, the acting master of Gogami-ryu, a peer of Yagami Hayate, with over 100 martial arts.

Takamachi Shirou, the previous leader of Gogami-ryu, retired due to injury. Even so, his force value is still over 100.

Besides them, there are at least two other Gogami-ryu members, one of whom is a contemporary swordsman.

The paper strength of this family has exceeded that of the Yagami family, if the Yagami family had no hidden power.

Among the group of people, only Sakura still stood by me, sitting on Guan Junyan’s shoulder, looking around with her dark eyes open.

Suddenly he reached out towards the corner of the dojo and shouted: “There is someone there.”

There are indeed people.

But instead of two people, there were three people.

One man and two women.

Wearing kendo uniforms that match the dojo, but the posture is not so matching.

The man is lying on one of the women’s knees, enjoying a head massage.

The other woman was holding a fruit plate in one hand and a toothpick in the other hand, poking the fruit into the man’s mouth.

Where did this landlord come from? He is really a role model for our generation – bah, he is so corrupt.

Guan Mou saw a burst of envy and jealousy, and strongly condemned this behavior.

On the contrary, Takamachi Nanoha, Kagura Mio, and Yagami Setsuna are used to this.

Naye walked over and said bluntly: “Brother, sisters, I have brought guests.”

Hearing this, the man immediately opened his eyes and sat up.

The two women holding each other on the left and right are also sitting upright.

The two girls who were familiar with the Takamachi family continued to salute.

“Teacher Kyouya/Uncle.”

“Teacher Miyuki/Auntie.”

“Aunt Ren.”

Kyouya hummed and nodded in a dignified manner, although it was completely unconvincing with the landlord and rich man’s behavior just now.

Others were also able to see clearly the facial features of the three people.

Let me summarize first. These three people are completely different from Nanoha, from hair color to eye color to facial features.

Kyouya has black hair and black eyes, Miyuki has slightly brown hair and emerald green eyes, and Shinobu has purple hair and purple eyes.

However, Kyouya could barely see the shadow of Takamachi Shirou, but he looked more serious.

The other two women have no connection with the Takamachi family at all.

“Let me introduce you.” Yagami turned around in an instant and said to Seki Toshihiko and others, “This one is the contemporary master of ‘Gogami-ryu’, the Kodachi Two-sword Gogami-ryu swordsman, Takamachi Kyouya. This one is Miyuki Takamachi, the true successor and master of ‘Gogami Seiryu’, is not a ‘Gogami Seiryu’ swordsman, but she is also a member of the Takamachi family, Takamachi Shinobu.”

“Greetings to Lord Kyouya, and to the two ladies.”

The longer he stays in Japan, the more accustomed Guan Junyan is to saluting.

Unexpectedly, this correct etiquette would cause the Takamachi family to react abnormally.

Takamachi Kyouya looked slightly embarrassed, Miyuki blushed slightly, hiding her mouth and laughing, while Nanoha sighed.

Looking at Guan Junyan, he was extremely nervous. Did I do something wrong?

Looking back, Yagami turned his head away for a moment and snickered secretly.

As expected, you are the one causing trouble.

With a secret look that would settle the score with you later, Guan Junyan turned to his truly trustworthy friend, Mio Kagura.

The latter said helplessly: “Setsuna, make the relationship clear during the introduction. Miyuki-sensei is Naha-sensei’s sister, Kyouya-sensei’s sister, and Auntie Shinobu is Kyouya-sensei’s wife.”


Guan Junyan was dumbfounded, and Lu Sheng and Bingli, who followed Guan Junyan and called him Madam, were also dumbfounded.

Because they don’t look alike, several people have preconceived ideas.

It’s all due to Japan’s naturalization and surname changing system. It’s impossible to judge the relationship between characters based on their surnames. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com

I also blame the Japanese colloquial address, which is too monotonous. Sisters-in-law and sisters are all called Na-san, and aunts and uncles are all called Obasan.

No, wait.

You told us we were brother and sister just like that? It’s not like you are in your teens, you are all in your forties or fifties, even if there is no one around you shouldn’t…

While he was wondering, Yagami stopped laughing and blinked: “But such a title can’t be wrong, right?”

As soon as these words came out, it immediately added fuel to the fire.

Lu Sheng’s brain went crazy, and steam began to rise on the forehead of the beautiful and beautiful Snow Girl.

Guan Junyan just needs to turn into a **** man and kowtow online.

Not wrong means – orthopedics, right, German orthopedics.

This is more exciting than hugging the harem left and right. Are you Takamachi family playing so wildly?

Could it be that Takamachi Kyoya, the sword master, grew up while constantly having his legs broken?

Sure enough, people of the same kind flock together, and birds of a feather flock together. The Yagami family has problems, and close friends also have big problems.

PS: Takamachi Kyouya has more than two harems, there are a lot of them. Compared with him, Nanoha is extremely weak. She can’t make friends with guns as much as her brother. His harem is almost in double digits. Who makes him the male lead of a gal?

PS2: Takamachi Shinobu’s surname is Tsukimura. He is one of Nanoha’s two girlfriends in school in the first two seasons of Magic Cannon. He is the sister of Tsukimura Suzuka and the eldest lady of the Tsukimura family, Takamachi Kyouya. real girlfriend.

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