Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 203: Li Xian is promoted! Nursing home expansion (asking for monthly tickets)

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Wang Liyao was also very happy.

Hatching Xuanwu eggs consumes more Xuanqi than imagined.

Thanks to the qualifications of Wang Liyao, who is now a third-level goddess, whether it is the physical strength, the breadth of the meridians in the body, or the quality of the profound energy in the body, it is far beyond the ordinary monks of the Purple Mansion Realm. consumption.

Fortunately, little Xuanwu was born safely.

She reached out and touched little Xuanwu’s head gently, and then brushed it with her hand to wash away the mucus on it.

Little Xuanwu also liked Wang Liyao very much. He rubbed his little head affectionately on Wang Liyao’s palm and greeted her in a low voice.

The atmosphere was cheerful and cheerful.

“Father, please give it a name.” After a while, Wang Liyao looked at Wang Shouzhe and asked him to name Xuanwu, “I want to foster it under your and mother’s names.” , seniority will be calculated according to my peers.”

“If it is of the same generation as you, it should be of the ‘Li’ generation or the ‘Zong’ generation…” Wang Shouzhe thought for a moment and suddenly asked Qi Ling Ai Pan, “Qi Ling Ai Pan, this little Xuanwu is a male. Is it the mother? Can you tell?”

He almost forgot that Xuanwu is not a gender-neutral fairy, and which character to use depends on its gender.

“Although the characteristics are not obvious yet, it should be the mother’s Xuanwu.” Qi Ling Aipan looked at it for a while and came to a conclusion.

As a weapon spirit, she has a very large data base, and her understanding of fairy beasts is naturally far superior to that of Wang Shouzhe and others.

As he said that, he probably realized that Wang Shouzhe and others did not understand Xuanwu, so they simply gave him and Wang Liyao a Xuanwu breeding guide, which included Xuanwu’s feeding habits, living habits, etc., so that Wang Shouzhe and others could take care of their children more conveniently. Xuanwu.

The two of them accepted it happily.

“Since it’s a girl, let’s call her [Wang Lixuan].” Wang Shouzhe decided on the name after thinking about it for a while.

“Wang Lixuan, yes, it’s a good name.” Wang Liyao’s eyes lit up, and she patted little Xuanwu’s head and encouraged her with a smile, “Sister Lixuan, I’ll wait for you to grow up. Then we’ll fight the monsters outside the territory together. Go.”


Wang Lixuan let out a childish turtle roar happily, and then spread his legs and circled around Wang Liyao several times.

Because she was running too fast, she lost her balance. She struggled with her left foot and her right foot, and fell flat on her belly. Her four tortoise claws were flapping randomly in mid-air, looking silly and silly.

Everyone was immediately happy.

Fortunately, although Wang Lixuan is a turtle, her movements are very flexible. Before anyone could reach out to help her, she stretched her head and turned over.

“But before that, you still have to study hard in ethnic studies and strive to be a cultured turtle.” Wang Liyao encouraged again.


Wang Lixuan let out a cheerful and expectant howl.


Time passed bit by bit in the warm and happy company.

At this time, the progress of the dungeon in the Officer Training Academy gradually became slower.

Among the people who came this time, the number of people from the Purple Mansion Realm was still relatively small after all. With the assessment of all the people in the Purple Mansion Realm completed, the remaining people in the Heavenly Realm, after optimizing their bloodline qualifications, still have to practice hard and learn the “art of war and command.”

As for the final assessment, it is naturally conducted as much as possible in the Purple Mansion Realm, so that more rewards can be collected.

No matter how good they are in the exam, they only get the primary and intermediate prize pools. But even the prizes in the primary prize pool and the intermediate prize pool are still treasures for these monks in the fourth and fifth sequences, or they can be used to increase the family heritage, or they can be used to improve themselves. It will make you feel bad if you pick one up.

But in this way, the pace of the assessment will naturally be slowed down, and it will definitely not be completed in a while.

According to the estimates of Wang Ningxi’s team, this group of people will be promoted to the Purple Mansion Realm within a hundred years and steal the academy’s wealth.

However, among these characters below the Purple Mansion realm, some are extremely special.

Wang Ningxi is one of them.

Although he has good talents and qualifications, because of his young age, his current cultivation level is only [Sixth Level of Heavenly Realm]. However, low cultivation also has the advantage of low cultivation. He can rely on Wang Shouzhe’s protection to improve his bloodline at a low level.

With one [High Modification], one [High Modification Essence Edition], and one [Extreme Modification], he unexpectedly pushed his bloodline qualifications to the level of [Peerless First Class].

As for the Wang family, “Wang Shouzhe”, “Wang Longyan”, and “Liu Ruolan” did not use the [Extremely Modified Essence Edition], so Ning Xi also ordered an additional Extreme Modification Essence Edition.

However, the power of the ultimate version of the medicine is too overbearing after all. Even if Wang Ningxi is a peerless genius, he is only in the realm of heaven and human. Even if he is protected by Wang Shouzhe’s life source, it is extremely dangerous.

He simply waited until he reached the Purple Mansion Realm, inherited the treasure book, and then used the [Extremely Modified Essence Edition]. By then, he would definitely be able to break through to the emperor-level bloodline and enter the second rank of the family.

Compared with the issue of qualifications, what worries Wang Ningxi the most is his skills.

This time, because there are a large number of places for inheriting magical powers in the Officer Training Academy, the problem of inheriting magical powers for most people in the clan has been solved, and even a large number of treasure books have been solved.

But he has a special bloodline that blends water and fire. It is still unknown whether he can find a suitable book.

In addition to Wang Ningxi, Wang Fugui and Wang Jidie were also reserved one [Extremely Modified Essence Edition] respectively.

Because they are younger and have better innate qualifications, the two of them have greater advantages than Wang Ningxi.

Now that both of them were at the Lingtai level, Wang Shouzhe took advantage of the situation and consumed a lot of life source power to help them digest a wave of [Advanced Bloodline Qualification Improvement Fluid] and [Highly Modified Essence Version].

In this way, Wang Fugui’s qualifications are mentioned as [peerless first-class lower tier], and Hua Rui’s qualifications are also mentioned as [peerless second-class lower tier], which is very close to first-class.

It is also thanks to the fact that they are both peerless geniuses that they can barely use the [highly modified essence version] in the Lingtai realm. Otherwise, even with the assistance of Wang Shouzhe’s life source power, it will be very dangerous.

After being promoted to the Heavenly Realm in the future and digesting another [Extreme Change], Wang Fugui’s qualifications will be able to reach the [Emperor] level, or even directly to [Mid-level Emperor Ding and others].

At this time, with the Emperor’s qualifications, he was able to use the [Extremely Modified Essence Version] and break through to the [Middle and Late Stage of the Emperor’s B Level] in one fell swoop.

This is still the case where there is no inherited treasure book. If you are lucky enough to inherit a good treasure book, if you can’t keep it, you will directly enter the [Emperor’s Second Class] and squeeze into the first rank of the Wang family.

As for Hua Rui, after digesting the [Extreme Change] in the Heavenly Realm, his qualifications can also reach [Peerless Grade A Late Stage], and with the effect of a [Rebirth Elixir], he can break through [Tiannu Ding] Wait] threshold.

Then, just like Fugui, she can use the [Extremely Modified Essence Version] in the Heavenly Realm with the power of the powerful bloodline of the Heavenly Lady, and break through to the [Third Grade Heavenly Lady] in one fell swoop.

However, after all, her foundation is worse than Wang Fugui’s. Even if she breaks through to [Tiannu B-level], she will most likely be in the early stage. Even if she inherits the book, it is still unknown whether she can break through to [Tiannu B-level].

But even so, her ranking in the second sequence is definitely very high.

So, being young can sometimes be an advantage. How could people of Wang Shouzhe’s generation have such generous resources when they were young?

After everyone’s growth plans were in place, those who had completed their assessments “graduated” and left the academy one after another, returning to their posts to continue practicing and working.

Wang Ningxi began to make the final harvest of the college.

Due to his repeated “forced debts”, the college’s fixed assets have been exploited, and even the two Lingxu realm puppets that guarded the gate have been paid to the Wang family.

In desperation, the weapon spirit Aipan signed a contract of prostitution with Wang Ningxi, and “humiliatedly” became the Wang family’s weapon spirit, serving until the college paid off Wang’s debt.


Time flies by.

As the various hardware and equipment in the college were transported out of the space one by one, Wang Shouzhe and his party also ended their trip to the college for the time being and returned to the Wang family with a full load.

There were no twists and turns along the way, so I won’t go into details.

When we were docking at the pier and moving things down, the scene became a little bigger and caused a slight sensation. After all, this time they went out and almost moved the entire academy back, so there were quite a lot of things.

Fortunately, this is not the first time that Wang’s ocean-going ship has returned to port, and this is not the first time that this large-scale move of things has occurred. Those watching the excitement on the pier didn’t know what they were moving. They were just watching the excitement. They watched for a while and then dispersed.

Wait until you return to the Wang family.

Wang Shouzhe only took a short rest before starting the next wave of operations.

This trip to the Officer Training Academy yielded a lot, including some special treasures, such as three small bottles of [Chaos Essence] and a large bottle of [Chaos Essence].

According to what Artifact Spirit Aipan said, this kind of treasure is more effective in increasing the potential of spiritual beasts and spiritual plants.

One of the small bottles of Chaos Essence can increase the potential of a spirit beast with ninth-level potential to about eleventh level, or increase the potential of an eleventh-level spiritual beast to twelfth-level potential.

If the two vials are used together, the half-immortal beast and half-immortal plant with peak potential of the twelfth level can be upgraded to the thirteenth level.

As for a large bottle of Chaos Essence, that is a super reward.

It is enough to increase the potential of an originally thirteenth-level fairy beast or fairy plant to the fourteenth-level potential. If this large bottle is divided into ten small bottles, it can probably promote many half-immortal beasts and half-immortal plants to the ranks of immortal beasts.

After internal discussions within the family, the three most intelligent figures, Wang Liyue, Wang Ningxi, and Wang Fugui, all agreed that simply raising the immortal beasts to their fourteenth level potential would not be as valuable as having a few more immortal beasts and immortal plants.

However, considering Wang Lixian’s special role, once her potential increases to a higher level, the core area of ​​Liuxian Valley can be expanded again in a short period of time, and Wang’s nursing home can also accommodate more places.

Maybe one more Lixian clone will be born.

The short-term benefits are very obvious.

In the long run, this option isn’t bad either. Because after the bloodline potential is increased, Li Xian will grow faster. Compared with other immortal beasts and immortal plants, she can reach the thirteenth level more quickly and form a strong combat power.

In addition, she is Wang Shouzhe’s natal spiritual plant. The stronger she is, the stronger Wang Shouzhe and his family are.

It’s not necessarily a disadvantage from the super late stage.

After all, Li Xian is an immortal plant with both special effects and combat power. Her overall ability is very powerful. When she reaches the fourteenth level, she will naturally be able to beat the thirteenth level with ease. Being able to fight one against two and still gain the upper hand is just the most conservative estimate.

For example, after she has grown to the extreme and the Demon King and Demon Lord join forces to beat her, she will most likely be counter-suppressed.

If you think about it in the longer term, the longevity of Xianzhi will exceed that of the immortal beast. Once Lixian is fully formed, she can protect the family for who knows how many years!

The Wang family will receive strong protection for thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years.

After comprehensive consideration, Wang Lixian will be given priority for the treasure [a large bottle of Chaos Essence].

Before Lixian used a large bottle of Chaos Essence, Wang decided to start with a [small bottle of Chaos Essence] to see the effect.

Soon, this treasure was accurately separated and packed into ten [micro bottles] in special crystal bottles, which were used to increase the potential of some of the family’s hard-working “Clan-Suppressing Spirit Beasts”.

The first person to bear the brunt is naturally the great hero of the family, “Old Turtle Yuanshui”.

It is said to be old, but in fact, according to the lifespan of turtle-like spiritual beasts, it is not considered old.

It is just an ordinary Yuanshui turtle with mediocre bloodline and mediocre combat power.

If it hadn’t become the Wang family’s clan spirit beast, it would have spent a long time in this life to get to the fifth level spirit beast. It was already a virtue accumulated by its ancestors. The seventh level would have been unthinkable.

But now it relies on the Wang family and the feedback from all the young masters and ladies, and it enjoys all the generous resources. If there are no special accidents, it will not be a big problem to reach the seventh level. Further up, it is somewhat unrealistic due to insufficient innate potential.

In view of its hard work and merits, Wang was the first to arrange for it to use [Chaos Essence (one micro bottle)].

Soon, Old Turtle Yuan Shui was brought over by members of the younger generation of the Wang family.

Its huge turtle head looked at Wang Shouzhe and then at the other people present. Seeing their excited faces, a row of question marks suddenly appeared on its forehead.

It was called over while it was basking in the sun. It was still a little confused at the moment and really couldn’t figure out what the owner and the others were doing.

However, before it could recover, Wang Shouzhe took out a micro-bottle of [Chaos Essence] from the storage ring.

Old Turtle Yuan Shui’s eyes suddenly straightened up, and his saliva began to flow out.

It can feel that the thing in the crystal bottle is definitely a treasure. It’s a good baby that can make it stronger!

However, due to Wang Shouzhe’s strength and power, it did not dare to move at all. It could only restlessly dig at the stones under its feet, looking like it was extremely eager to eat but did not dare to move.

“Okay~ This is for you. Eat~”

Wang Shouzhe shook his hand and threw the crystal bottle in his hand towards Yuanshui Old Turtle.

Old Turtle Yuanshui immediately jumped up and grabbed the crystal bottle in one mouthful.

There was a crisp sound of “Crack-Crack”, and Yuanshui Old Turtle didn’t even have the patience to open the bottle. He chewed the entire crystal bottle to pieces and swallowed it together with the crystal fragments and the chaos essence inside. .

The next moment.

A violent aura suddenly rose from Yuanshui Old Turtle’s body.

It froze, blushing and having a thick neck. It quickly retracted its four claws and retracted the entire turtle into its shell, relying on the instinctive turtle breath technique of the turtle spirit beast to digest it. The energy of Chaos Essence.

After a while, the violent aura slowly dissipated, and Yuanshui Old Turtle finally recovered from his breathless state.

At this time, the Yuanshui Old Turtle’s body had grown larger, his aura had become purer, and even his black bean-like eyes had become more agile.

With the help of Chaos Essence, its bloodline has been purified and promoted, and it has transformed from an ordinary Yuan Shui turtle to an elite Yuan Shui turtle.

Its highest potential has also reached level nine!

The ninth-level potential may not seem high, but it is equivalent to the human race’s magical power level. Although the Yuanshui Spirit Turtle has a lot of fighting power, its lifespan is much longer than that of the human race, and it can accompany countless generations of young masters and ladies to grow up.

Moreover, it usually lives in Zhuwei Lake, close to the tribe school. Once anything happens in the tribe school, it can arrive as soon as possible. With it, the safety factor of ethnology can also be improved a lot.

With the successful example of Yuan Shui Old Turtle, everyone felt much more confident and bold when distributing these micro bottles of Chaos Essence.

Soon, Huahua, the big tiger who grew up with the children, also received a bottle, and her potential successfully reached the ninth level.

As well as Mr. Xiong and the Five Little Wolves of the Wang family, who have made a lot of contributions to the Wang family, they have all received corresponding rewards, which has increased their potential.

The remaining two micro bottles were given to Lihuo Que and Yuanshui Tianque, so that their potential has been increased to a certain extent and they can continue to love each other.

As for the remaining two vials of Chaos Essence, I will keep them for now, just in case.

After all, no one knows the effect of that large bottle of Chaos Essence. What if Wang Lixian is still a little short of raising his potential to the fourteenth level after drinking a large bottle of Chaos Essence? Wouldn’t that leave regrets?

After all preparations are done.

In Liuxian Valley.

Under the protection of all the Lingxu Realm bosses, Wang Lixian’s body that covered the sky began to enjoy the large bottle of Chaos Essence assigned to her.

In order to test the effect, this large bottle was divided into ten small bottles.

Wang Lixian’s body immediately absorbed bottle after bottle.

Due to her own level and her powerful physique as an Immortal Plant, she can digest the power of Chaos Essence without the difficulty of spirit beasts such as Yuanshui Laogui. Incomparable.

After three bottles, the life force around the Life Immortal Plant surged, the aura began to surge, and some dark green patterns gradually began to appear on the tree.

After five bottles, her aura became more and more powerful, and the dark green patterns on the tree gradually connected into pieces, turning into mysterious patterns one after another, exuding a mysterious aura like the law of the great road.

After the eighth bottle, the dark green mysterious patterns on her tree suddenly disappeared and disappeared into the tree.

But Wang Lixian’s momentum suddenly surged like a volcano erupting at this moment.


The majestic power of life burst out.

Wang Lixian’s already huge body suddenly began to grow crazily, growing by nearly half in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, her branches and leaves also spread out to the surroundings, and the life-type fairy energy that was much richer than before began to spread outward like a blowout.

In the blink of an eye, the concentration of fairy spirit energy near Wang Lixian’s body skyrocketed, and even the coverage area expanded a lot.

Even the air seems to have become fresher and more pleasant.

“Wow haha~~I have transformed! I have now become the Immortal Tree of Life, Plas!” Wang Lixian’s tree body trembled and she laughed triumphantly, “I feel that my whole body is full of endless power, and I can take any one When a branch is smashed down, it will be a powerful force that will destroy the heaven and the earth~aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah~”

In excitement, Wang Lixian started to roar and scream. The excitement can be felt hundreds of meters away.

Wang Shouzhe was dumbfounded by this look.

Are you Xianzhi or Erha? Is this how Xianzhi yelled? And Plath! ? Which country’s language is this?

“Wang Lixian!” Wang Shouzhe said angrily with a dark face, “Shut up, or your homework will double in the next year.”

Wang Lizian’s ghostly cry and howl sound suddenly stopped.

She immediately restrained her emotions and voice, and said weakly: “Uh…Dad, I was just excited for a moment, and I won’t dare to do it again.”

“Every girl must learn to be reserved.” Wang Shouzhe said seriously, “Don’t be surprised at every turn.”

“Yes, daddy.” Wang Lixian looked aggrieved.

Ever since the last time her avatar got into trouble, her father had not given her a good look for a long time. I thought there would be a change this time, but I didn’t expect that I got carried away and made my father angry again.

Hey~ Daddy really gets angry too easily.

“Father, after sister Xian’er has greatly improved her potential, her background has indeed improved a lot.” At this time, Wang Liyue, who was responsible for monitoring the concentration and coverage of fairy energy, came over and followed him with the newly released data. Wang Shouzhehui reported, “Now the concentration of life-type fairy energy in Liuxian Valley has increased by at least 30%, and the coverage area has doubled. The effect is stronger than expected.”

“Very good.” Wang Shouzhe nodded and said, “Then continue to expand the living area of ​​​​Liuxiangu. The small building No. 5 of Liuxianju that was temporarily lent to His Majesty can finally be returned to him, although he is guarding the battlefield outside the territory. I haven’t been back for a long time.”

“According to the current concentration and range of fairy spirit energy, if the previous envelope consumption level remains unchanged, eight more small buildings can be expanded. And the outer magical realm leisure small buildings can also be opened. At present, It should be able to accommodate fifty or sixty people.”

When the bosses heard this, they couldn’t help but get a little excited.

This is eight more, no, seven more Lingxu realms, and dozens of supernatural power realm pension quotas~

After living for such a long time, who doesn’t have some relatives and friends? If you live in Wang’s nursing home for a long time, you can not only extend your life, but if there is any physical problem, you can also enjoy the treatment of Wang Shouzhe and Li Xian, which is definitely the best treatment level in the world.

Where can I find such a paradise on earth after leaving the Wang family?

“Shouzhe, reserve one for me.” Jiang Zhencang took the lead and said, “I have a good friend in the Immortal Dynasty…”

“Shou Zhe~” Chaoyang Wang and his wife also joined in, “We also have two friends and some juniors in the supernatural realm who want to come and stay for a while. Don’t worry, their character must be excellent, and If you live in vain, those who have money will contribute, and those who have no money will contribute more.”

“Seniors,” Wang Shouzhe hurriedly returned the courtesy, “Don’t be too polite to Shouzhe. However, it is not convenient for Shouzhe to come forward, so let Fugui handle it. If you have needs, just go to Fugui to register.”

When Wang Shouzhe reached this stage, he stopped doing most things if he could not do them, and instead delegated them to his descendants.

On the one hand, this can train them, and on the other hand, if they take the lead, they will be more flexible and have more room to operate.

“Father, Xian’er only used eight vials of Chaos Essence when he was promoted. Now we still have four vials of Chaos Essence left in total. We still have to hold a meeting to discuss how to distribute it.” Wang Liyue reminded from the side.

It is naturally a good thing to have more Chaos Essence left.

After seeing the effect of Chaos Essence, Wang Shouzhe also understood the preciousness of this treasure.

The effect is so incredible, no wonder it only appears in the advanced prize pool and super prize pool.

As for why Lixian successfully broke through the threshold of the fourteenth level of potential after only using eight vials, it probably has something to do with his life source of profound energy and his bloodline promotion in the officer training academy.

The natal spiritual plant and the contract monk are complementary to each other. No matter which one improves, the other will gain certain benefits.

After Wang Lixian became his natal spiritual plant, he certainly got some benefits and improved some bloodline qualifications, but Wang Lixian was affected by the power of the source of life, and naturally gained a lot of benefits over time.

In addition, Li Xian also got some benefits from his bloodline qualification being promoted to the first level of Emperor. Otherwise, he would not have been promoted by just using eight vials.

As for who will use the remaining four vials, this is naturally another question.

Where the Holy Emperor got these [Chaos Essences] is still a mystery. Until this is figured out, these four vials may be the only ones in stock.

The specific allocation needs to be carefully considered and the utilization rate maximized.



(For some reason these days, there is a problem in the Qidian book review area and I cannot comment. If you encounter similar problems, don’t worry, it should be solved soon.)


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