Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 200: Shouzhe gets another immortal plant! World Tree

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“Why are you so excited, you idiot?” Qing Lao said angrily, “What the **** do you know about my master Qin Weiwei?”

Qin Weiwei.

Qing Nao finally said the name, and it was not affected by the blockade.

“It’s over, it’s over, you actually said this name.” Qi Ling Aipan almost cried, “You are violating the laws of the gods.”

“The Divine Dynasty, there is still a **** Divine Dynasty now.” Qing Lao sneered and said sarcastically, “I think you are still living in a dream. If it weren’t for Weiwei and the others, they beheaded two other demons from outside the territory. You demon lord, your great dynasty of gods has long been crushed.”

“You’re talking nonsense!” When Qi Ling Aipan heard this, he shouted as if he had been stabbed in the foot. “It was clearly His Majesty the Holy Emperor who prevented the invasion of demons from outside the territory.”

“Okay, okay~” Wang Shouzhe frowned and stopped the quarrel between the three weapon spirits, “Let’s stop arguing. We all know the life experience of Junior Sister Luwei. I believe she has lived a new life. You will think twice before doing anything.”

Although rebirth is different from true spiritual reincarnation and cannot be regarded as a brand new individual, because rebirth does not carry any memory, it is actually no different from reliving again, and thoughts and ideas will naturally be affected by the times.

Although Lu Wei is still a research madman today, she is completely different from what she was back then.

Hearing Wang Shouzhe speak, Qi Ling Aipan hesitated for a moment, but finally responded: “Yes, Your Excellency Wang Shouzhe, but I still have to report this matter to the superior, who will make the decision.”

Now Wang Shouzhe’s qualification level has reached the level of Emperor A, and in terms of potential, he has surpassed the highly anticipated “Little Holy Emperor” Gui Wushuang. Qi Ling Aipan naturally takes his opinion seriously, and is extremely polite to him.

Seeing this, the two sisters Qingyu and Qingyu also shut their mouths knowingly.

The man in front of me is an extremely talented person who is qualified to inherit the [Blue Emperor Sacred Picture]. Back then, the title “Little Saint Emperor” would have been changed.

Can’t afford to offend~Can’t afford to offend~

“You will report back, but according to the rules, the rewards that should be given out must still be given out. She is Lu Wei now, not Qin Weiwei.” Wang Shouzhe said again, “If you have any objections when you go to the peak, you can ask for it back then. .”

“This…” Qi Ling Aipan was a little embarrassed, but due to Wang Shouzhe’s potential, she reluctantly agreed, “Since you said so, let’s settle the rewards according to normal circumstances.”

“In the advanced prize pool, I want to take [Weiwei’s Evolution Fruit], [Lingxu Realm Puppet], [Chaos Essence] (a small bottle), and [Saint Emperor’s Guardian].”

“Just take any one from the super prize pool. The Chaos Spiritual Stone is good, it seems to be a very good thing.” Lu Wei said with great interest.

“Ancestor Luwei, what is the Chaos Spiritual Stone? Is it more useful than the peak puppet of Lingxu Realm?” Wang Ningxi asked curiously.

“They are not the same thing, and their functions are completely different.” Lu Wei explained, “The Lingxu realm peak puppet is very powerful, especially as a family treasure and passed down from generation to generation, its value can be brought into full play. To the extreme, it can ensure that families below the immortal level will continue to prosper. The Chaos Spiritual Stone is a consumable item and cannot be used by low-level monks. However, once you reach the level of true immortal or higher, this is a rare treasure that can only be found. ”

Wang Ningxi understood.

Lingxu Realm Peak Puppet is more useful in the early stage, but once you reach a true immortal or even higher level, a Lingxu Realm Peak Puppet will not provide much help, but there will be more demand for Chaos Spiritual Stones.

However, the Wang family is a family, and it is still a developing family, so the puppets at the peak of the Lingxu realm are naturally more useful.

After all, although those Lingxu Realm experts from Chaoyang King are permanently stationed in the Wang family, they are not from the Wang family after all. If they really encounter a life and death crisis, they still have to have their own Lingxu realm combat power to fight in front. We can’t let Chaoyang King and others fight for the Wang family.

It is indeed a super prize pool, and everything is top-notch.

Although Lu Wei asked for the rewards, she did not take them herself. Instead, she handed them over to Wang Ningxi for unified management and distribution according to the rules.

“Shou Zhe, Luo Jing took a [Half-step Immortal Plant] and a [Immortal Plant] earlier, Wang Mei took a Half-Immortal Plant, and Luo Qiu took a Half-Immortal Beast, now it’s advanced There is only one fairy beast reward left in the prize pool and super prize pool.”

Di Zi’an on the side came to Wang Shouzhe’s side and said with a very kind face: “How about the last fairy beast becomes the country’s fairy beast for us.”

“No.” Wang Shouzhe decisively refused, “Ning Xi has found out that the fairy beast cub is from the Yuanshui system and will most likely be raised by Yaoyao.”


Of course Di Zian knew that he would not be able to get the immortal beasts, but he still looked very sad and said with a face: “Shou Zhe, you Wang family now have a lot of immortal plants and immortal beasts. The national spirit beast that pitied me Da Gan is just a tenth-level old blue dragon. Do you think it’s appropriate?”

“Didn’t Ancestor Canglong just advance to the eleventh level recently?” Wang Shouzhe glanced at him angrily.

“How can the eleventh level be enough? Nowadays, demon kings are flying all over the battlefield outside the territory…” Emperor Zi An cried and said, “Our army is still too weak. It is all because of my incompetence as the emperor who oversees the country.”

“Okay, okay, actually I have already thought about it.” Wang Shouzhe waved his hand in disgust, “That half-step fairy beast happens to be a blue dragon egg, so I will donate it to Daqian.”

A blue dragon egg with half-immortal potential?

Di Zi’an was overjoyed and smiled happily: “Shou Zhe is indeed very generous. Don’t worry, I will definitely treat him well.”

“Don’t be too happy too early. It’s not easy to raise a semi-immortal beast.” Wang Shouzhe reminded him, “You have to redouble your efforts in the future to make us strong as soon as possible and get more excellent resources for him. , there is a chance of becoming a fairy beast in the future.”

Coupled with the original old Canglong, Daqian now has two Canglongs to raise, and one of them is still in the ascending stage. If he wants to quickly increase his nutrition, he must give him enough. It was okay when he was a child, but when the little blue dragon grows up, the financial pressure is not as great as usual.

In this regard, the family has raised many half-immortal plants, and Wang Shouzhe, the half-immortal beast, has the most say.

“Don’t worry Shouzhe, even if I have wronged myself, I will not treat my pet beast badly.” Di Zi’an rubbed his hands and couldn’t help but said, “Since Shouzhe has made the decision, why not leave it to me personally?” Hatching?”

“Well, I’ve been finishing the rankings recently, and I’m a little tired.” Wang Shouzhe thought for a while and said, “Then let’s sort out the recent gains and take a breather.”

Wang Shouzhe was working the hardest during these times. If his bloodline qualifications had not been greatly improved, he would have been exhausted long ago.

According to the instructions, Wang Ningxi took the lead in bringing the [Half-Immortal Beast Canglong Egg] and handed it to Di Zian.

Although this blue dragon egg is not as big as Zong Kun’s original egg, it still weighs over two to three thousand kilograms.

The appearance of the huge Canglong egg is earth-like yellow-brown, and the surface is covered with a layer of fine scale-like patterns, which looks very textured.

Probably because it has been stored for too long, the egg is obviously in a dormant state and has no signs of life activity. However, the egg still exudes a faint pressure and looks extremely extraordinary.

“As expected of the semi-immortal beast Canglong Egg, it is truly extraordinary.”

Di Zi’an was also quite excited. He stretched out his hand and carefully stroked the egg body with a look on his face as he looked at his daughter.

After a long time, Emperor Zi An finally recovered from the surprise. His body was shaken, and the ancestral [Cang Long Book] appeared above his head.

An extremely thick and boundless power also rose from him.

That was the activation of the Canglong bloodline in his body.

He stretched out his hand and pressed it on the egg, and thick Canglong Xuan Qi surged out, wrapping the Canglong Egg tightly.

The next moment.

The Canglong Egg trembled slightly.

Seeing this, Di Zian held his breath almost subconsciously. Others around him were also stunned for a moment, and then stared at the egg body without blinking.

As if awakened by the power of the same source, with a slight tremor, the scale-like patterns on the surface of the Canglong egg slowly lit up, and the power of the Canglong was absorbed into the egg shell. .

Every time a ray of energy is absorbed, the lines on the egg’s body will become brighter, and the speed of absorbing energy will become faster.

As time passed, the lines on the egg became brighter and brighter, and the speed of absorbing energy became faster and faster. In the end, a small energy vortex was even formed.

Fortunately, Di Zian is already at the late stage of Zifu Realm. If his cultivation level was lower, he might not be able to withstand this power of absorption.

In just a few moments, the blue dragon egg was full of energy, and the lines on the egg’s body became flowing and shining, and even the power it exuded became much stronger.

The little guy inside also became a little restless, moving and struggling in the egg, as if he wanted to break out of the shell.

The whole process did not last long.

There was only a “click” sound, and a crack suddenly appeared on the Canglong eggshell.

Then, the egg shook more and more violently, and there were more and more cracks. Finally, after a violent shaking, a piece of the eggshell was pushed out with a “click”, and a piece of eggshell was covered with mucus. A big khaki snake crawled out from the egg.

The head of the big snake is slightly larger than that of ordinary snakes, and the scales are obviously thicker. The surface even has a faint sheen. It swims cautiously and looks a bit cute.

The dragon clan is all like this. They are all in the form of anacondas when they are born. They will turn into dragons after reaching the fifth level, and they will transform into dragons after the seventh level. Only then can they be considered true dragons.

It seemed to know who hatched it. As soon as it hatched, it went straight to Di Zian, its slender snake body wrapped around his wrist and rubbed against him intimately.

“Okay, okay, my Daqian Wu family finally has a semi-immortal-level blue dragon, and it is also a male.” Di Zi’an was very excited, whirling the big snake’s head, as if he had foreseen his future appearance of flying in the sky, arrogant and domineering. .

“Husband, please give the child a name.” Gongye Qingrui was also overjoyed.

“Okay, let’s call him Wu Shenglong, the same generation as Shengjun.” Di Zi’an picked up the name immediately.

Obviously, this is learning from Wang Shouzhe’s naming rules.

“Uh…” Wu Shengjun, who was watching excitedly, was speechless for a while.

Well, here’s another young brother. But this can be considered a good thing. This “younger brother” has full potential and a promising future.

Di Zian, who had won over Wu Shenglong, focused all his attention on him and began to learn techniques such as feeding and domestication. Even Wang Shouzhe ignored him.

Wang Shouzhe on the side “didn’t care” when he saw this.

He turned to Wang Ningxi and said: “In that case, let’s let our two semi-immortal plants see the light. Ning Xi, how did you arrange these two semi-immortal plants?”

“One of these two semi-immortal plants is [Silver Laurel], which can absorb the essence of the moon to strengthen itself. After reaching the ninth level, it can bloom Silver Laurel, which is a very rare spiritual flower tea.” Wang Ningxi said. , “After we discussed it, we felt that the tenth old man in the family was the most suitable person to take care of it.”

“Ten old masters?” Wang Shouzhe frowned and said, “Who is that?”

“Uh…Dad, Ning Xi is talking about me.”

Wang Zongrui walked out from behind Wang Shouzhe and saluted him, showing an awkward yet polite expression.

As the second son of Wang Shouzhe, Wang Zongrui is undoubtedly the least important of the five children. Even the fifth king Lijue, as his younger sister, has a stronger sense of presence than him.

“It turns out to be Zong Rui. Yes, you are also of the wood bloodline, so you are quite suitable to take care of [Silver Laurel].” Wang Shouzhe nodded and agreed, “However, the contribution points that should be deducted will still be deducted. You can make up for it later. .”

“Yes, Dad.” Wang Zongrui responded calmly.

He has been used to being ignored by his parents for a long time.

No way, his brother and sister are all powerful people, and even his daughter “Wang Yingxuan” far surpasses him in terms of “popularity”.

However, if someone underestimates him because of this, he will most likely be the one to suffer.

Unlike his eldest brother Wang Zongan and eldest sister Wang Liyao, he has been working hard in the family industry [Changning United General Directorate] after graduating from clan studies. Now he has been promoted to the position of [General Director] , whose abilities and social influence are first-rate.

The Changning Joint General Directorate is also a very important “cash cow” of the Wang family.

Looking at the entire Daqian, he is already the target of countless people vying to fawn over.

It’s a pity that there are too many dazzling figures in the family, and his power is only known to those in the Wang family system. He is far less dazzling than Wang Zongan and Wang Liyao who are sitting on one side, and even less dazzling than Wang Anye, Wang Yingxuan, Wang Ningxi, etc. The younger generation is famous.

His biggest label is the second son of Wang Shouzhe and Liu Ruolan, and Wang Yingxuan’s father!

Although he is not famous, his contribution to the development of the family is real. No one will object to Wang Zongrui taking the silver laurel.

When it was taken out, Silver Laurel was still a seed the size of a fist.

It has a slightly longer oval shape as a whole, and its surface is covered with a thick and hard purple-black seed shell, which looks very durable for storage. If you look carefully in the dark, you can still see thin silver lines on the seed shell, glowing dimly in the dark.

Wang Zongrui held the seeds lovingly and observed them for a long time before finally returning to his spiritual state and began to inject his own profound energy into them and sacrifice them into his own spiritual plant.

The process of worshiping and refining the natal spiritual plant is not complicated, especially when the spiritual plant itself is still a seed.

With the injection of profound energy, the originally dormant Silver Laurel seeds were quickly awakened and glowed with powerful vitality.

It didn’t take long for the seeds to be saturated with energy.


With a soft sound, the green bud broke out of its shell, and then quickly expanded and grew in size due to the generation of wood-attribute profound energy, and soon grew into a small sapling in Wang Zongrui’s palm.

It was a small sapling. The stocky tree was covered with oval green leaves, and clusters of tiny silver-white flowers were hidden under the leaves. Looking carefully, the surface of those little flowers seems to be coated with a layer of moonlight, which is very dreamy.


Silver laurel branches and leaves swayed slightly, making a childish sound.

“What a beautiful little baby.” Wang Zongrui was extremely happy in his heart, whirling on its crown and said, “How about daddy calling you [Wang Yinggui] from now on?”

“Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah~” Wang Yinggui looked very happy.

“Come on, come on, let me introduce you to my family. This is your grandpa and grandma…” Wang Zongrui held the sapling in a circle, pointed at the people surrounding him and introduced them one by one, “This It’s your brothers Wang Guangxin and Wang Guangfeng, and your sister Wang Yingxuan…”

All the children also looked at each other.

Okay, I got a little girl in an instant.

Of course, although the gender is not yet known, normal spiritual plants will grow into whatever gender they are raised according to, and only a very small number of spiritual plants will be reversed in extreme circumstances.

It is said that a big boss named “Jinshan” in Changchun Valley once raised Yao Mozi.

However, this situation is indeed extremely rare. In most cases, spiritual plants are relatively mild.

“Grandpa, there is also a semi-immortal plant called the [Colorful Gourd Vine].” Wang Ningxi said, “Considering that most of the family’s wood-type talents are from our direct lineage, I would give priority to recommending my grandfather. ”

His grandfather is Wang Guangzhao, now the “Xiaoge Lao” of Daqian and the spokesperson of the Wang family in the Daqian court.

“Shi Zhao is indeed a very suitable candidate.” Wang Shouzhe nodded, “In that case, Shi Zhao, please take this colorful gourd vine first.”

“Yes, Grandpa.” Wang Guangzhao stepped forward and saluted, and then received a piece of “withered vine” with roots.

This withered vine is only as thick as a little finger, with a dry and yellow surface, without a trace of life, as if it has completely withered. However, with the influx of wood-type profound energy, the original withered vine was gradually lifted from dormancy. Wake up.

The originally dry vine body became plump little by little, and the withered yellow vine bark also turned green again. It stretched out little by little in Wang Wangzhao’s palm and regained its vitality.


Little green buds appeared on the vines, and then grew rapidly, became larger, and then turned into brand-new vines that twined around.

In just a moment, Wang Wangzhao’s arm was wrapped with several hairy and slender gourd vines.

Immediately afterwards, pieces of round, heart-shaped leaves began to grow from the new vines. They were green and swaying in the wind, and looked extremely cute.

The slender gourd vine is filled with a very special aura, as if it is echoing some kind of law between heaven and earth.

Seeing this, Wang Wangzhao stopped the input of Xuan Qi.

He is not his grandfather Wang Shouzhe, who possesses the profound energy of the origin of life with extremely powerful catalytic ability. His catalytic ability of profound energy is only slightly stronger than that of ordinary wood cultivators. Catalyzing the gourd vines and causing them to sprout again has already consumed a large amount of his profound energy.

In the future, if you want it to grow quickly, it will be a long and hard work.

However, Wang Wangzhao still felt very happy and couldn’t put it down while touching the heart-shaped leaves of the gourd vine.

According to Qi Ling Ai Pan, it is still young and will grow vines in the early stages. Only when it reaches the ninth level will it begin to bear fruit.

Its flowers are white, with small petals, and are not eye-catching, but the gourds it produces will have different colors and attributes depending on the properties of absorbing spiritual energy. This is a very peculiar semi-immortal gourd vine. .

As usual, Wang Guangzhao adopted him as his adopted son and named him [Wang Anhu]. Naturally, he gave Wang Anye, Wang Anxin and other children a younger brother.

Di Zi’an watched helplessly as two semi-immortal plants appeared, and the joy of getting the Canglong cub was suddenly diluted a lot.

He looked at Wang Shouzhe speechlessly.

It is said that this guy has a good temper, is a gentleman, and has a graceful demeanor, but no one knows that this guy has a strong desire for revenge in private.

Didn’t his Emperor Zi’an just get a little carried away and ignore him? No, it started to make him unhappy.

Childish or not~

Dizi An murmured in his stomach and thought about it for a long time, but Wang Shouzhe’s blows continued.

I could only hear him asking Wang Ningxi: “As for our immortal plant, who does your team think is the most suitable to feed it?”

“Of course you, Grandpa, raised it yourself.” Wang Ningxi said, “Under normal circumstances, there can only be one natal spiritual plant. But Grandpa, your bloodline is special, and your qualifications have reached the level of Emperor A. level, the eighth level of bloodline was awakened when he was in the Purple Mansion realm. The eighth level of bloodline is also called [Yunling True Body] (the previous article was incorrect and has been changed), and there is a high probability that you can contract another natal spiritual plant. ”

“I have consulted with Miss Ai Pan before, and she said that the original ‘Little Holy Emperor’ Gui Wushuang contracted two immortal plants. There is no reason why he can do it, but Grandpa Ancestor can’t.”

Only one natal spiritual plant can be contracted. The biggest reason is that the bloodline is not strong enough to withstand it. But the Son of Heaven and the Daughter of Heaven, as the darlings of Heaven, are a special case.

“I see.” Wang Shouzhe suddenly said, “Since Gui Wushuang can do it, then I can naturally do it too. Okay, then I will raise this fairy plant.”

The clansmen have no objections to Wang Shouzhe’s contract with the Immortal Plant.

The current Wang family was developed almost by Wang Shouzhe. His reputation in the Wang family is so high that ordinary people can hardly imagine it. As long as he says a word, countless members of the Wang family will be willing to go through fire and water for him.

What’s more, the patriarch is now the first-class emperor. With such qualifications, it is difficult to find anyone who can match him in ancient and modern times. How could such a peerless person not be worthy of two immortal plants?

They only hope that the clan leader will be as powerful as possible, because only if the clan leader is strong enough, the family will be safe enough, and he can lead the family to continue to overcome obstacles and develop continuously, and carve out a brilliant future for the Wang family.

This time the immortal plant is still a tree, and it was a dark brown tree when I got it.

The tree species is slightly larger than a fist. It is not an ordinary oval shape, but has one end pointed and the other blunt. At first glance, it looks like a melon seed. And its seed shell is much harder than ordinary seeds. Even if he pinches it with the strength of an emperor in the Purple Mansion Realm, it will not move at all. It is actually much harder than ordinary black iron.

According to the brief introduction of Artifact Spirit Aipan, this is a [World Tree] tree species, which is also a fairy plant seed discovered by the Holy Emperor in a foreign land.

It is said that when the World Tree grows, it will form an independent space similar to a secret realm.

The World Tree that has grown to its extreme can even support a small world. Even after its body dies, the energy emitted by its remains can keep the space from collapsing for a long time.

It is obvious that Qi Ling Aipan has great respect for this [World Tree], and his words are full of praise.

Wang Shouzhe probably knew what he was talking about.

Since the space opened up by [World Tree] can be called a “small world”, it is obviously not comparable to the small artificially opened space for non-commissioned officer training students.

I just don’t know exactly how old he is. Is he as big as a big man? Or is it as big as Hanyue Immortal Dynasty? The difference is huge.

Wang Shouzhe did not waste any time and immediately injected the profound energy of life into the tree species.

In an instant, the dormant “it” came to life, and its consciousness also awakened.

As if instinctively feeling the benefits of the power of life, the seed trembled slightly, and a consciousness sprouted within the seed, releasing signals of excitement and desire.


Wang Shouzhe was slightly surprised.

The little guy is quite smart~

He immediately increased the input of profound energy.

As the seed absorbed more and more of the power of the source of life, gradually, a mysterious and obscure energy wave spread out from it, as if a space vortex enveloped it, forming an invisible space barrier.

But maybe the seed shell is too hard, or maybe the immortal plant requires too much energy to break the shell. In the same amount of time, the semi-immortal plant has already broken out of the shell, but the seeds of the World Tree are still After absorbing Wang Shouzhe’s life source profound energy, there is no sign of breaking out of the shell.

However, Wang Shouzhe was very patient and continued to deliver profound energy into the seed shell.

Unconsciously, it was time for a cup of tea again.



With a crisp sound, a tender green bud opened the seed shell and stretched out. The green shoots were swaying slightly in Wang Shouzhe’s palm, and they looked very alive.

Everyone around them could not help but smile with joy.

Under the influence of the power of the origin of life, the buds grew rapidly and soon reached the height of a person.

Its trunk is straight and hard, dark in color, with a dark iron-like texture on the surface, and there are faintly mysterious patterns on it.

Its leaves are slender and stretched out like feathery leaves on both sides of the stem. The veins on the surface of the leaves have a silver texture, like mercury flowing, mysterious and mysterious.

Even if it is just a small sapling, it has already shown a somewhat noble, mysterious and outstanding temperament. In the future, it will most likely be a noble and elegant young boy/girl.

It seems that due to its own spatial attributes, it can already fly in the air just after it is born.

It was floating in the air in front of Wang Shouzhe, its slender branches and leaves quietly rubbing against Wang Shouzhe’s arm, expressing its admiration for Wang Shouzhe restrainedly and intimately.

Wang Shouzhe stroked its straight black tree trunk and felt a sense of blood connection. He was extremely happy in his heart: “Okay, okay~ I understand~ I understand~ From now on, daddy will definitely let you stay in the family Live well and grow up happily.”

But at the same time, he was also a little confused.

The immortal plant has been cultivated and the life contract has been signed, but will this world tree be cultivated in the direction of a son or a daughter in the future?



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