Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 188: Born! Shenwu Officer Training Academy

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Same time period.

Tianji Continent.

As an independent continent, the Tianji Continent is not particularly large, but it is about the size of three Mozhao Kingdoms and can accommodate thirty or forty counties.

It is surrounded by the sea, and its overall shape is a bit like a “concave” shape.

From a geographical point of view, it is located southeast of the [Bianhuang Continent] where Daqian is located, and southwest of [Muzhen Continent] where the Northern Zhou Dynasty is located. But in fact, Tianji Continent is separated from them by an endless [Great Desolate Ocean], and the actual distance is very far.

Furthermore, due to the influence of ocean currents, it is also very difficult to travel from [Bianhuang Continent] where Daqian is located to [Tianji Continent]. Because of this, there has been a lack of communication between Daqian and Tianji Continent for many years, let alone stable sea routes.

It was not until the Wang family developed the iron-clad ship that the maritime route from Daqian to Tianji Continent was gradually opened, and commercial exchanges gradually began between them.

At this moment.

Tianji Continent.

An island offshore.

Wang Wanghao, who is a direct descendant of the Wang family, is wearing a commoner and a straw hat, holding a branch in his mouth, sitting on a rock by the sea and fishing leisurely.

Years of living at sea have made his skin a little darker and slightly rough. He doesn’t look like a young man at all, but he doesn’t care at all.

Being able to gallop on the sea according to his own will, with the sea breeze blowing and the chirping of seabirds listening, he will only feel comfortable and relaxed, so how can he care about those trivial things?

Compared with staying in Wang’s main residence and being restricted by various rules and regulations, the sea is his destination and the dream he wants to conquer.

This is the life he wants, the life he wants.

And, to be honest, life at sea is quite challenging. After wandering on the sea for nearly a hundred years, his strength has now reached the ninth level of the Heavenly Realm. In a few years, he can start preparing to break through to the Purple Mansion Realm.

He does not have high demands on himself. He can live freely on the sea for a thousand and hundreds of years, even if he can only be an ordinary monk in the magical realm, his life will be worth it~

The small island he is staying on now, called [Zu’an Island], has been bought by them, and is now a stronghold of the Wang family in Tianji Continent.

Not far from the reef where he fished, there was a deep-water port. At this moment, two giant iron-clad ships were docked in the deep-water port. Their huge shapes were like giant beasts in the sea, and they looked spectacular from a distance.

After Wang’s ocean-going fleet arrived at Tianji Continent, it docked in this deep-water port, and then took a small boat from the island to Tianji Continent.

Trade items purchased from Tianji Continent will also be shipped to this island first. Even the collected intelligence will be summarized here first and then brought back to the Wang family on the next ocean-going ship’s return trip.

This is equivalent to a transfer station, a distribution center for news and supplies.

After many years of operation, this once deserted island now has a large population and has even developed a unique business model, showing some signs of prosperity.

Although Wang Wanghao is in charge here, he has also trained many tribesmen and generals over the years. Now these people can take charge of their own affairs, and there are not many major events that require his personal attention. He also enjoyed his leisure time, fishing, enjoying the sea breeze, and sunbathing every day. Occasionally, when the mood struck, he would go for a dive in the sea. Not to mention how carefree he was in his childhood.


A sailor from the Wang family jumped onto the reef with an excited expression on his face: “Commander! Commander! Good news!”

“How many times have I told you to call me ‘Captain’!” Wang Wanghao glared at him dissatisfied, and then asked casually, “Tell me, did you pick up something good again?”

This side of Tianji Continent was probably quite prosperous during the Shenwu Dynasty. Even now, ruins related to the weapon refiners are occasionally discovered. However, the level of these ruins is usually relatively low and of little value to the powerful.

Some weapon refiners like to tinker with these, and occasionally they can pick up some interesting gadgets. If they can crack the technology, they might be able to make a lot of money.

He thought this kid had found another good thing to make money, so he didn’t pay much attention to it.

Unexpectedly, the crew member grabbed Wang Wanghao’s arm and stuttered in excitement: “Tong, no, Captain, I found the [Changxing Monument]!”


Wang Wanghao was so surprised that he even dropped the branch from his mouth.

[Changxing Monument] is a monument built during the Shenwu Dynasty to commemorate the soldiers who died in a certain battle. It itself is nothing special, just an ordinary monument.

However, this monument is located near the space entrance of the [Shenwu Officer Training Academy]!

Judging from the ancient map provided by the boot camp, the straight-line distance between the two is no more than ten miles.

In other words, if you find this monument and search within a ten-mile radius around it, you will definitely find the space entrance to the Shenwu Military Management Training Academy!

After being stunned for two seconds, he suddenly came to his senses, grabbed the crew member’s arm and held it tightly: “Where is it? How did you find it?”

The crew member hissed when he grabbed him, but he didn’t pay much attention to it. He said excitedly: “It’s a small ruins recently discovered. Because except for the battle information recorded on the inscription, which has some research value, there is nothing special about it. When valuable things are unearthed, no one cares. Fortunately, our people have been paying attention to relevant information, so we didn’t miss it.”

“Okay! Great! After searching for so long, I finally have a clue!” Wang Wanghao jumped up excitedly, pulled the crew member and flew under the reef, “Quick, quick, quick! Take me there!”

“That’s right! Send someone back immediately to inform Grandpa of the good news!”

It’s no wonder Wang Wanghao is so excited. It’s really hard to find the [Shenwu Officer Training Academy]. After searching for so many years, he finally had news. How could he not be excited?

Back then, when he first got the map, he naively thought that finding the place would be easy with the map. Only when he actually started looking did he understand how difficult it was.

It has been 100,000 years since the fall of the Shenwu Dynasty. Over the course of a hundred thousand years, the landform has changed countless times, and traces of the original have long since disappeared. Moreover, the great war that year was also the “culprit” for the change in the landform.

Although based on the comparison of ancient and modern maps, it can be basically determined that the location of the officer training camp is on the Tianji Continent, but how vast is the Tianji Continent? How easy is it to find a space node on such a large continent?

All they can rely on are a few landmark buildings on the map that can be used as reference points.

Whether these landmark buildings still exist today is still unclear. Even if it exists, it has long become a relic.

So, after sifting through the unearthed ruins and finding that there was no location they were looking for, they have been staring at the newly unearthed ruins over the years. Every time a new ruin appears, they have to send someone to investigate the situation.

So many years have passed. The hard work paid off, and they finally found the clue!

Wang Wanghao’s figure was like the wind, and he was so excited that he almost floated up.

He has decided that once he is sure that the information is accurate, he will immediately send people to find the owner of that place and buy all the land.

At that time, no matter where the entrance to the space is, it will not be able to escape from the palm of his hand!

Shenwu Officer Training Academy, hahaha, grandpa, he will be very happy, woohoo~

Wang Wanghao had the urge to cry.

For many years, he has been regarded by his family as not doing his job properly, and was jokingly called the man who wanted to be the “Pirate King”. Now, he has finally made great achievements.


Changning County, Xinping Port.

Since the Wang family became rich and “privatized” Xinping Town, as a port town, Xinping Town has naturally developed at an alarming rate. It is no exaggeration to say that it is changing with each passing day. Over the years, this place has become the de facto “first port of Daqian”.

The observation deck of Xinping Port, as the best location overlooking Xinping Port, has gradually become a famous attraction. Every day, many foreign tourists come here specifically to enjoy the prosperous scene of the port from the observation deck.

And this is also a symbol of Xinping Port’s strength in external publicity.

This day.

A distinguished guest was welcomed on the observation deck.

Surrounded by port security guards, an old man with a white beard and a stooped figure stepped onto the observation deck with the support of a group of extraordinary young people, followed by a large number of people cheering behind him. .

The skin on the old man’s face was sagging and covered with age spots. He already looked old and dying, but his deep eyes still looked clear, filled with vicissitudes of life and stories.

He glanced at the lively scene of the Lingshi-driven weapon refining cranes at the port, loading and unloading goods, and then slowly stared at the endless rushing water of Anjiang. The expression in his eyes was complicated, seeming to be emotional, but also seemed to be in trouble. I remember something through the scene in front of me.

The tourists watched this scene from a distance, whispering and asking other people around them. Who is this old man?

“This brother, you can see that he is from out of town.” A local tourist explained with a proud tone, “This old man is a well-known legend in our Xinping Town, named [Eastern Sky]. The sky The ancestor was originally a casual cultivator, but he counterattacked and founded a powerful seventh-grade Xuanwu family.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone around him immediately stood in awe.

In today’s Changning County, seventh-grade aristocratic families are not uncommon, but the vast majority of seventh-grade aristocratic families have accumulated their current strength from generation to generation. They were born as casual cultivators, but they can build strong seventh-grade families from scratch. It is rare to be from an aristocratic family.

Looking at Anjiang, the eyes of the eastern sky penetrated the roaring river water, as if I had seen the scene back then.

He and his descendants behind him recounted the past, his voice was old and hoarse, and his tone was full of memories: “Anjiang, I think back when I was just a humble cultivator, I met Long Wuji, the overlord of Anjiang at that time. , brought his warships down the river, at the Dingpu Ferry, intending to suppress the Wang family. Long Wuji was so domineering at that time.”

“At that critical moment, Miss Li Yao, who was still young at the time, came out of the blue. She stepped on the huge waves of Anjiang River and frightened Long Wuji with a move of hanging upside down on the Tianhe River. And the head of the Shouzhe family broke the Dragon Gate with a move The water of Anjiang River is ready to flood Long Wuji’s army.”

“Father and daughter teamed up to completely overwhelm Long Wuji without using a single soldier. Looking back on the scene at that time, it was so heroic that it made my blood boil. From then on, I started to rub it The Wang family made money by running a business, relying on the resources they earned to continuously improve their cultivation, and successfully entered the Lingtai realm. At that time, I was already a slightly famous ship owner.”

Dongfang Qiong recalled the past prosperous years and said: “It was also at that time that I met many friends. When some people helped me, I also helped others. One of the most unforgettable times was when I took a photo He grabbed the Emperor’s shoulder…and gave him a severe scolding.”

As soon as he mentioned this matter, Dongfang Qiong’s old face showed a proud look.

With his experience, there is no one else in the world.

Dongfang Qiong has told these stories to his children and grandchildren countless times. Everyone can almost recite them by heart, and they are already tired of hearing them. But today, none of these children and grandchildren feel uncomfortable. Patience, on the contrary, showed sadness.

Because, the deadline has come for their Xinping Dongfang clan’s Cangqiong ancestor.

“Wentian.” Dongfang Qiong waved.

“Great Grandpa.”

Hearing this, a middle-aged man with a calm demeanor and a sad expression came forward.

He is the current head of the Xinping Dongfang clan [Dongfang Wentian].

Because the Dongfang family already had a good financial foundation when he was born, he has enjoyed good education and training conditions since he was a child, and his qualifications have reached the level of a little genius.

With the careful training of his family and the abundant supply of cultivation resources, he successfully advanced to the Heavenly Realm four years ago when he was one hundred and forty-five years old.

It was precisely because of his promotion that the Xinping Dongfang family was successfully promoted to a seventh-grade family.

“What’s there to be sad about?” Seeing his sad expression, Dongfang Cangqiong scolded him with a straight face, “I, Dongfang Cangqiong, have lived for a full two hundred and thirteen years. I have witnessed the rise of the Wang family, reprimanded the emperor, and established If you lose the Xinping Dongfang clan, what regrets will you have in this life?”

The lifespan of a Lingtai monk is two hundred years old, which is difficult to exceed in most cases. He can live for such a long time, and naturally he has used many methods to maintain his health and extend his life.

“Hanhai has now led his tribe to join the army in response to Miss Li Yao’s call. As the head of the family, you must be calm and measured in the future, and follow the leadership of the Changning Wang family in everything.” Dongfang Qiangqiong ordered the funeral, “Also, Give the Wang family more support, we must not forget our roots as human beings.”

“Yes, great grandfather.” Dongfang Wentian nodded sadly, “Recently, I prepared another amount of spiritual crystals and sent them to Lingyun Holy Land. At the same time, I am also stepping up the training of young tribesmen. If Li Yao If the young lady wants to recruit soldiers again, someone from our clan can take the lead.”

Dongfang Qiong nodded with satisfaction, his eyes fell on a young man with sharp eyebrows, and waved to him: “Zhaixing, come here.”


Dongfang Zhaixing went over and saluted.

“Do you know why I didn’t let you enroll in Zifu Academy, but let you join the newly opened [Changning Academy]?” Dongfang Qiong said with a smile, “I know you must be muttering in your heart, you are obviously a little genius. With B-level qualifications, even if you go to the Academy, you will still be a core disciple.”

[Changning Academy] is a newly opened county school in Changning County. It is under the jurisdiction of Lingyun Holy Land. Its immediate boss is Longzuo Zifu Academy.

“But you have to understand that the acting dean of the newly opened [Changning College] is called [Lu Xianghui]. He is more than twenty years younger than me, but he is already at the sixth level of the Heavenly Realm. He looks better than you. Ancestor Wentian is still young. Such a person must be a generation of Master Zifu.”

“Everyone says that Lu Xianghui has a bright future, but now a few people know that he was originally from a small ninth-grade family in Langzuowei. He followed Miss Li Yao in the academy and worked hard to help He helped Miss Li Yao handle various chores, so that when Miss Li Yao soared into the sky, he also followed the chickens and dogs into the sky.”

“Grandpa, what do you mean…” Dongfang Zhaixing’s eyes lit up and he understood instantly, “Do you want the child to worship Senior Lu and indirectly flatter Miss Shang Liyao?”

“Bastard!” Dongfang Qiong was so angry that he gave him a shudder, “I can call you Miss Li Yao because your ancestor and I once entered the main house of the Wang family and worshiped the head of the Shouzhe family. I am also very young. Slightly older than Miss Li Yao. You can’t be so insignificant, you have to call her [Little Holy Lord Li Yao], do you know?”

“Also, don’t talk about flattering or not. We have received favor from the Wang family, so we must always think about giving back to the Wang family. If you can work with Dean Lu, you can naturally be considered to be in the same lineage as Miss Li Yao. What’s more, with [Changning College] backed by the Wang family, the future is immeasurable, and the sooner you get involved, the better.”

“My child understands.” Dongfang Zhaixing said with joy, “Ancestor, you are really sharp-sighted and have a far-reaching vision. My child has learned a lesson.”

Afterwards, Dongfang Qiong took a tour around with the support of his children and grandchildren. Finally, at Dingpu Ferry, he muttered to himself again and missed the scene when Miss Li Yao crossed the Tianhe River. He slowly closed his eyes and never opened them again.

Dongfang Qiong’s funeral was very grand. Many relatives and friends traveled thousands of miles from other counties to attend. The scene was huge and the atmosphere was very solemn.

Even Dongfang Clan, a heavenly being from Jinggang, sent people from his direct lineage to express condolences.

Jingang Dongfang Clan is a long-established family, and Xinping Dongfang Clan is a casual cultivator. But precisely because both of them share the surname Dongfang, they eventually developed some ancestral connections, and the two parties gradually became closer.

At the climax of the funeral, Wang Fugui, the direct descendant of the Wang family in Changning, was dispatched by the head of the Shouzhe family and came in person to deliver a white gift and a plaque.

Although the wealthy young master came and went in a hurry and only stopped for a short while before leaving, it also made Xinping Dongfang clan’s reputation great. People talked about it and couldn’t calm down for a long time.


Going out to sea from the port of Xinping Town, Changning County, sailing no more than a hundred miles to the open sea, you can see two islands on the vast sea.

These two islands are exactly the two holy islands that Wang spent a lot of financial and material resources to drag back, [Green Immortal Island], and the earlier [Xuandan Island].

They are only tens of miles apart. They are all based on underwater reefs. The Wang construction team reinforced the islands through various means such as filling and piling, so that they were completely fixed on the seabed. .

While construction continued, various spiritual veins were filled on the island, and a large spiritual gathering array was set up.

It is obvious that Wang wants to build a holy place here, or a holy place with a large harbor.

At this moment.

On the vast sea, there is an iron-clad large ship riding the wind and waves, speeding towards Xuandan Island.

On the deck of a sea ship.

Dongfang Yuxi, from the Dongfang clan in Jinggang, is looking at Xuandan Island shrouded in spiritual mist with the two “stars of hope” of the younger generation of the family, Dongfang Mingxu and Dongfang Lingrou.

They had just attended the funeral of Xinping Dongfang Clan’s Cangqiong ancestor and were being ordered to rush to Xuandan Island.

At this moment, the ship is not far from Xuandan Island. Standing on the bow of the ship, the huge Xuandan Island looks like a giant basalt turtle crawling in the sea, which is spectacular.

“It’s so majestic.” Dongfang Lingrou stood on the bow of the ship, looking at Xuandan Island with a look of emotion, “I heard that Xuandan Island was a relic excavated by Lord Shouye in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and was later discovered by the king. The Wang family was dragged back from the Northern Zhou Dynasty. This is really a vast and great project. If you don’t see it with your own eyes, it is simply unimaginable.”

A few years have passed, and Dongfang Lingrou, the little girl back then, has now matured into a slender young girl in her twenties.

She is wearing a goose-yellow gauze skirt today. She has bright eyes, white teeth, and beautiful facial features. She looks youthful and eye-catching.

“Senior Alchemy King.” After hearing her words, Dongfang Yuxi, who looked old but had regained some moist red light, scolded her with wide eyes, “Young Master Shouye almost became your elder.” People who are ancestors and brothers.”

As he spoke, a look of pride appeared on his face.

Obviously, Dongfang Yuxi has gradually gotten rid of the family’s predicament since joining the Wang’s Alchemy Division. After the embarrassed Jinggang Dongfangshi regained consciousness, his spirit improved a lot.

“Grandpa, but Senior Dan King is too young, he doesn’t even look thirty years old.” Dongfang Lingrou blinked her big, watery eyes, a little aggrieved, “I heard Well, young talents like Mr. Shouye who are only about 200 years old are considered young men in the Immortal Dynasty, and most of them are not married.”

“No matter how young you are, it’s none of your business.” Dongfang Yuxi scolded angrily, “This time I brought you to Changning County for a business trip. Firstly, I want you to follow me to learn various methods of preparing fresh elixirs. By the way, Earn some part-time money. Secondly, I am preparing to have some connections and send you to [Changning College] to study. Although Changning College is one level lower than [Longzuo Zifu Academy] in terms of standards, it is backed by the Wang family. There are professional alchemy classes, where you can learn more comprehensive and detailed things than in the clan, and can lay a solid foundation for you. Don’t embarrass me, the Jinggang Dongfang Clan.”

Dongfang Yuxi, who was once young and frivolous, has become a mature and old-fashioned old man after experiencing the hardships of life and the baptism of time.

While Dongfang Yuxi was speaking, the ship had slowly docked at the port of Xuandan Island.

Xuandan Island has arrived.

Staff from the Wang Alchemy General Department have always been stationed at the port. When they saw Dongfang Yuxi and others arriving, they immediately came over and led them to the dormitory area on the island.

When a group of people passed by a medicine garden.

But a quarrel was heard in the medicine garden.

“Squeak! You’re such a mean old woman from the Immortal Dynasty.” A red-haired seven-tailed fire fox was squatting on the shoulders of a quiet young woman, akimbo and groaning angrily, “This mysterious The elixirs on Dan Island all belong to our Wang family, why should we introduce them to you to the Immortal Herb Garden?”

Across from this “person” and a fox, there is a middle-aged woman who is dressed in a fashionable style and has a temperament like an orchid in an empty valley.

Her beautiful eyes widened slightly, and her tone was a little dissatisfied: “I am discussing the introduction of breeding with the Wang family. What does it have to do with you, the little fox of the Yuwen family in Longzuo?”

“What did you say?!” The seven-tailed fire fox became angry when he heard this, and its flaming red hair exploded like flames, “I am brother Shouzhe’s future second wife, why don’t you care about me? What happened?!”

“Ancestor Firefox, please put out the fire first.” The young woman saw it fuming and hurriedly persuaded him, “You haven’t passed the door yet, so stop yelling now.”

While speaking, she suddenly glanced at Dongfang Yuxi, quickly changed the subject and shouted: “Brother Yuxi, this way, this way.”

Yuwen Nianjing!

Dongfang Yuxi showed a wry smile and walked over awkwardly.

Back then, he and Yuwen Nianjing failed the exam at the same time. He was young and energetic at the time, and he had a strong will in his heart and was unwilling to bow his head, but Yuwen Nianjing shamelessly begged the Master to accept him as a registered disciple.

Now, time flies by, Yuwen Nianjing is still the young and beautiful [young talent], but he is already old.

The gap between the two is as big as heaven and earth.

I don’t know how many nights, Dongfang Yuxi also regretted her recklessness and impulsiveness when she was young.

If he could have been less pretentious at that time and shamelessly asked his master to accept him as a registered disciple, how could the Jinggang Dongfang family be in such a state today?

Just like the Dongfang Clan of Xinping, who was born as a casual cultivator, but because he firmly clung to the Wang family’s thigh, he is now several times more powerful than the Dongfang Clan of Jinggang.

What happened in the past is irreversible, but the future is still promising.

Dongfang Yuxi has made up her mind to hold on to Wang’s thigh from now on.



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