Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 179: Wang’s strong foundation

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The low-level demons who counterattacked were solemnly summoned by the One-Horned Lord, and were given the title of [Dragon Warlord].

In order to win over this rare “magic talent” who is full of luck, the one-horned lord did not hesitate to marry his beloved little daughter to it.

Since then, [Dragon Warlord] has become a high-ranking demon, and has become the protagonist of legendary stories talked about by the lower-level demons.

As the saying goes, “Blessings and misfortunes depend on it.”

Not long after the One-horned Lord gained his beloved general, a major incident suddenly occurred in his territory.

In the territory’s warehouse, the large amount of magic crystals that Lord One-Horn had finally accumulated disappeared suddenly.

The One-Horned Lord was both furious and frightened.

The warehouse is tightly guarded and it is difficult for ordinary people to get close to it, let alone stealing things in the warehouse.

Moreover, half of the missing magic crystals are to be paid as tribute to the Dragon Elephant Demon King’s Castle. Once the tribute is delayed, how can the Dragon Elephant Demon King just let it go?

But the thief didn’t know how he did it. He didn’t leave any traces at the scene. No matter how hard the One-horned Lord traced it, there was no clue.

He had no choice but to torture the miners again and make them seize the time to dig the magic crystal mine.

The “Dragon Blood Demon God” Zhennan King who obtained this batch of magic crystals has greatly improved his strength after absorbing all the energy of the magic crystals. But his actions had no intention of stopping. Instead, he intensified his efforts to search for magic crystals in various demon territories.

Under the influence of large quantities of magic crystals, King Zhennan’s strength is increasing day by day. In a very short period of time, his strength has already increased tremendously.

You must know that the current demon body of King Zhennan is originally the soul inherited from the “Dragon Blood Demon God”, and it is already in the realm of the demon god. For him, swallowing magic crystals to increase his strength is not training at all, but should be called “restoring strength”.

Because there is no threshold limit, theoretically, as long as the quantity and quality of magic crystals are sufficient, he can be promoted to the realm of the devil in a short period of time.

Of course, this is just theory.

If you want to ascend to the realm of the devil, you must absorb the best magic crystals and higher quality real magic crystals. Resources of this level are extremely precious outside the territory, and are extremely difficult to obtain even if they are not truly top-notch monsters.

Of course, even so, the price and time he needs to pay to “recover” to the realm of the Demon God are still far less than those required to break through to the Demon God through normal cultivation.

However, with the “theft” of a large number of magic crystals, the entire territory under the Dragon Elephant Demon King’s Castle and the surrounding areas fell into panic.

Because the amount of magic crystals lost was so large, even the Dragon Elephant Demon King was finally alerted.

It even personally organized a personal guard army to try to encircle and suppress the hateful [Magic Crystal Thief]. But the cunning [Magic Crystal Thief] seemed to have anticipated his move. Before it could start the siege, it left the Dragon Elephant Demon King’s Castle and ran to stir up trouble in other Demon King’s territories.

Because of this [Demon Crystal Thief], for a while, the demons in the jurisdiction of the three Demon King’s Castles near the Daqian Defense Area were in danger, and even the offensive against the Daqian Defense Area was seriously affected.

While the demon-controlled area outside the Daqian defense zone was in chaos, the Wang family in Changning was still peaceful and peaceful in Daqian.

After all, the battle must be fought and life must go on.

As the spiritual energy becomes increasingly dense, the spiritual mist on Zhuwei Lake also becomes thicker and thicker. From a distance, it seems as if it is covered with a layer of gauze.

In the hazy spiritual mist, you can still see spiritual herons soaring on the vast water. Along the coast, various spiritual plants are lush and green, and there are even spiritual cranes pacing among them. They are ethereal and full of spiritual charm.

Unknowingly, this place already has a bit of a fairyland on earth, even better than the ethereal and vast Yuanshui Tianhu Lake.

On the water.

An old Yuanshui turtle that was four to five feet long and over three feet wide was swimming in the water.

As the turtle’s feet slide, the water is quickly pushed away, and it glides forward quickly and gently on the water. At first glance, it looks like a fast-moving island.

As the founder of the Wang family, the great clan leader Wang Shouzhe personally “captured and tamed” the family spirit beast, Yuanshui Old Turtle has always had a special status in the Wang family.

In several important family battles, it repeatedly performed meritorious service, and then took on the responsibility of transporting the young children of the family to and from school.

From Wang Zongan, Wang Liyao, Wang Liyue, Wang Zongrui and Wang Lijue, to Wang Anye and Wang Xuanwei in the back, to Wang Fugui and Wang Jidie, which one did not grow up day by day on its back?

Along the way, Yuanshui Old Turtle has witnessed the growth of the Wang family, and has also witnessed the prosperity of the Wang family from generation to generation.

The generous treatment of the elders, coupled with the active feeding of generations of children in the clan, has given the Yuanshui Old Turtle, who originally had mediocre blood, huge benefits, and his strength has grown by leaps and bounds.

Especially this year, it just broke through to level six!

“A mere sixth level” is nothing in today’s Wang family. But for the old turtle Yuanshui with mediocre blood, it was already a great opportunity and adventure.

It’s already thought out.

When it reaches the seventh level, its spiritual intelligence has increased a lot, and it can speak, then it will ask a young master to write a book on its behalf. It will be called “The Story of Mortal Turtle Cultivating Immortality”, which may become a hit.

Then it can make a lot of royalties, marry the beautiful turtles from Yuanshui Tianhu, give birth to a lot of turtles with excellent bloodlines, and let them all go to ethnic schools to receive formal education, and then truly embark on the journey of “turtle life”. peak”.

As soon as he thought of this, Old Turtle Yuan Shui became full of motivation and his swimming posture became more vigorous.


The Wang Zongvine on its back drooped its vines and leaves, shouting in protest.

For this period of time, Wang Zongteng felt that he was so unlucky that he could study whatever he wanted, but he was a complete mess every time he took the exam.

It’s like you were studying a leaf, but during the mid-term exam, you were studying a tree, and when you get the final exam, you were studying a forest!

Who can bear this?

If Wang Baocai and Wang Baofu were similar to him, that would be fine. They could be destroyed together. But they always have a way to fool them, and their results are “pretty good” every time.

“Don’t worry, Ancestor Zongteng.” Wang Fugui comforted him and said, “You just have to endure it a little longer and get used to the teaching rhythm. Hua Rui, you can help Patriarch Zongteng with more lessons when you have time.”

“Me? Give him extra lessons?” Princess Huarui, who was holding the little green dragon, pointed at her nose, her eyes almost popping out of her head, “Just me, can I do that?”

“Being a role model to others can effectively improve your own strength and sense of responsibility.” Wang Fugui patted Hua Rui on the shoulder.

This girl Hua Rui actually has a very high IQ and learns things quickly, but she doesn’t like to learn. Let her go to the Pope Vine Patriarch to give her a reason to study hard.

While a group of people were talking, Old Turtle Yuanshui had already taken them back to the main house.

Wang Fugui also took out some high-grade spiritual meat and fed it to the old turtle as usual, and thanked Grandpa Old Turtle.

As soon as everyone landed, a fat tiger with wings and a big belly came up to them, happily circling around the big guys.

This fat tiger is the little tiger Huahua that Wang Lizi brought back from the back mountain.

Many years have passed, Huahua, who was only the size of a cat back then, has grown into a giant tiger with shoulders almost as tall as a human being, and the iconic pair of golden wings have also grown on his back.

If it weren’t for this pair of wings, just looking at Huahua’s round and silly look, I’m afraid most people in the Wang family would have forgotten that Huahua’s race is the [Golden-winged Sun-Eating Tiger], and her combat power is actually quite powerful. Come on bravely.

“Huahua, we don’t have time to play with you today.” Wang Fugui comforted Fei Laohu and said, “Uncle Forty-Seven just now sent me a message, asking me to go to the research laboratory as soon as possible.”

“Awwww~” Huahuahu’s face was filled with disappointment.

Playing with the children of the family every day is the mission of its existence.

“Huahua must be too lonely.” Princess Hua Rui stood up on tiptoes and rubbed her hanging head, “When I grow up, I will help you find a wife.”

“Awwww~” Huahua roared happily.

The little princess is the nicest to him, loves him the most, grabs his wife… Wait, these words sound familiar.

I remember Miss Li Ci said…Miss Yingxuan said…Master An Ye…Okay, now that I think about it, it seems that many masters and ladies have said it.

Year after year, generation after generation, he heard similar words countless times, but now he is a sixth-level golden-winged sun-devouring tiger. When will he get a wife?

Forget it, forget about it now, the young masters and ladies are definitely trying to find a way for it. Especially Miss Li Ci, who is its big creditor, she will definitely not forget it.

“Ooooooooo (I’ll send you to the institute)~~”

Huahua knelt down in front of a few people and motioned for them to come up.

Since the fifth level, a pair of wings have slowly grown on his back, giving him the ability to fly.

Now that it has reached the sixth level, its body is larger, its wings are even bigger, and its flying ability is naturally more powerful. Even if it has gained a lot of fat, it can still carry a few babies easily. ,

After all, the combined weight of these children is not a fraction of his own weight.

A group of young masters and ladies immediately climbed onto Huahua’s back.

Seeing that they were all seated firmly, Huahua straightened up and started running with tiger steps.


With a huge tiger roar, the fat Huahua flapped its wings violently, and suddenly soared into the sky at a speed that was completely inconsistent with its fat body.

Not long after, it flew to the research institute carrying a group of little guys.

Under the leadership of Fugui, a group of children climbed down from the tiger’s back and visited the institute with a pilgrim mentality.

It is said that only the best graduates of advanced ethnic studies are eligible to enter the graduate school.

For beings like them, who were all scumbags in the enlightenment class, this is undoubtedly the legendary kingdom of God where geniuses with high IQs gather.

Wang Zongteng, in particular, has infinite yearning.

Teacher Xiong once praised Wang Baofu, saying that he might have the opportunity to enter a graduate school for further study after graduating from higher studies in ethnic studies.

The people here must be very smart. They can write test papers very quickly and can understand what others mean without even speaking. The people here must be harmonious and perfect.

With good expectations, the children curiously and solemnly observed everything in the institute.

They didn’t disappoint here either.

The adults coming and going in the institute are all wearing uniform white research uniforms. When they see them, they will come over to say hello. They look gentle and polite. When chatting with each other, they will use a string of academic terms. He looks very knowledgeable.



A violent slamming sound sounded on the table.

The children were startled when they saw the door of a nearby research room opened somehow, and a violent quarrel came from inside.

“What’s your attitude? Just talk about it, your design is rubbish!”

“Are you going to fight?!”

“Just fight!”

The sound of fighting and the sound of objects falling to the ground came from the research room. Obviously, two researchers had a fight over a certain issue.

The milk babies’ eyes widened and they were dumbfounded.

Do you still have something like this? Doesn’t our Wang Institute claim to be the strong foundation of the Wang Institute?

“Everyone, calm down, calm down.” Wang Fugui coughed twice awkwardly, “This is not a regular scene…”

However, before he could finish his words, the door of another nearby research room opened, and a gray-faced researcher came out of it.

In the research room, a group of researchers studying higher-level spiritual coffee were spraying each other fiercely, and they started fighting each other. However, their fighting ability is relatively poor. They have only the cultivation level of Heaven and Human Realm, but when they fight, they look like rookies pecking each other.

All the milk babies looked at Wang Fugui.


Wang Fugui looked helpless: “Okay, I admit that the deeper the academic research is, the more likely it is that disagreements will arise. When no one can convince anyone, it is inevitable that tempers will get hot and action will be inevitable. Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go I’ll take you to see the Armor Research Laboratory. It’s a project hosted by Uncle Forty-Seven, and it’s relatively peaceful.”

In order to prevent the milk babies from losing their outlook on life, Wang Fugui hurriedly took the milk babies straight to the Armor Research Laboratory.

However, this time, a few people walked outside the research room, and as soon as they poked their heads in, Zhenjun Bailian’s powerful roar was already gushing out.

“Wang Shouzhe! Benzhenjun respects you as a rich man, so he tolerates you again and again. But my tolerance for you has reached the limit!”

The milk babies stood there with their mouths wide open, and then they all looked at Wang Fugui.

Even the grandfather of the family scolded him, is this relatively peaceful?

Wang Fugui was embarrassed and didn’t know how to explain it. Fortunately, at this time, Pei Xin’an and other Bailian disciples had already tried to persuade him: “Master, please calm down. The head of the Shouzhe family is our financial backer after all. Although he is indeed a fool. I understand, but we still have to be patient and patient.”

“Zhenjun, my ancestor is indeed not very good at technology.” Wang Ningxi helped to retort, “However, many of the ideas he put forward in his ‘eureka moment’ are still worthy of reference.”

“What a reference! They are all unreasonable and unrealistic ideas.” Zhenjun Bailian was furious, “What do you mean by creating a formation to transmit pure energy fluctuations, and using weapon refining methods to achieve sound and energy? Mutual transformation of fluctuations to achieve communication purposes? And more formations can be set up for relay… I have never heard of something so outrageous in my life…”

“Zhenjun, I don’t think it’s outrageous.” Wang Liyue, the director of the institute, tried his best to defend his old father, “Many of my father’s ideas sound very fanciful, but in fact, most of them have been proven to be feasible in the end. We study The hospital has already realized many of his ideas.”

“Suppose we design a large-scale formation whose function is to create energy fluctuations of different frequencies. Because of its single function, we can completely sense this fluctuation thousands of miles away.” Wang Liyue said, “We only need to design A refining creation similar to the Tianji Photo Disk, which can receive and translate energy fluctuations of a fixed frequency and play them out, can achieve timely transmission of messages.”

“That’s right, we can also build [Energy Fluctuation Relay Array] in large quantities… let’s call it [Communication Array] from now on, to carry out wave relay, and connect the entire Longzuo County, and even the entire Daqian Include them all. In this way, we can ignore the geographical location and achieve real-time transmission of messages.” Wang Ningxi also became more and more excited as he talked, “If we extend it further, we can also build [communication arrays] in extraterritorial battlefields, that’s it. Carry out real-time unified command and dispatch and greatly improve the flexibility of the army.”

“This…” Zhenjun Bailian seemed to be moved as he listened. He felt enlightened and said with a bit of embarrassment, “I admit, this idea is very valuable, Shouzhe Head of the family, I apologize to you.”

Although True Lord Bailian has a hot temper, he is not an unreasonable master after all.

“It doesn’t matter.” Wang Shouzhe was very polite, “I just think about it randomly. As a master of weapon refining, Zhenjun must think more carefully than me.”

“Okay, let’s get this over with. You can go now. We are going to discuss the structure of the energy fluctuation communication formation, and the most important improvement of the third version of the Heavenly Realm armor. “Zhenjun Bailian waved his hand impatiently, and then discussed with Wang Ningxi, Wang Liyue and others with great interest.

“…” Wang Shouzhe was speechless.

“Fugui, are you here too?” At this time, Wang Ningxi also noticed Wang Fugui standing at the door, and quickly greeted him happily, “Quick, quick, quick, help us think about these two armor improvement plans. The advantages and disadvantages of it. We were already having a headache over the design of these two improvement plans before, but Grandpa Ancestor came to make trouble and distract us.”

“…” Wang Shouzhe.


Wang Fugui and Wang Shouzhe saluted and said hello before walking in and joining the discussion team.

Wang Shouzhe and a group of milk babies stood at the door, listening to their rapid arguments as if they were reading from heaven.

The people here are all technical experts, leaders in related fields. The depth and breadth of knowledge far exceed that of ordinary people, and the pace of thinking is also amazingly fast. Often, if one person just starts, several others will start. I instantly understood what he meant, and could continue to push forward along this line of thought, even checking for omissions and filling in the gaps.

Not to mention these little kids who don’t understand anything at all, even Wang Shouzhe, who knows a little about theory and can understand some proper nouns, is completely out of rhythm.

“Grandpa.” The more Wang Jidie listened, the more dizzy her mind became. Finally, her little face fell completely, feeling aggrieved, “We are both your children, why is there such a big gap?”

“Uh… Hua Rui, let’s not be discouraged. Everyone’s talent development direction is different.” Wang Shouzhe also said helplessly, “Just like your grandfather and I, I have no research on technology, but I But he is a rare strategic talent.”

“Then I am a fighting talent.” Hua Rui’s eyes lit up, and he suddenly became excited, “I feel that my whole body is full of desire and strength to fight. Grandpa, does this mean I don’t need to go to clan school? ”

As soon as these words came out, Wang Zongteng and the other milk babies all looked at Wang Shouzhe eagerly.

They are also special talents and do not want to go to school.

“That’s not possible.” Wang Shouzhe said seriously, “No matter what kind of talent he is, he must have the basic knowledge. Does it mean that fighting does not require planning and deployment? Let you go to the clan school to learn, not only It is just to accumulate knowledge, but also to cultivate and train your critical thinking ability. You must at least graduate from advanced ethnic studies.”

Graduated from higher ethnic studies?

The milk babies all had the urge to cry, and even the little green dragon in Hua Rui’s arms wanted to cry without tears.

The last time he went to the Immortal Dynasty, he originally wanted to go back to the Green Dragon Holy Land to have a look, but he failed to go and was arrested and came back to study again.

While they were talking, in the room, the two design plans for a key structure in the third version of the [New Celestial Realm War Armor] were still arguing.

The main reason is that both design solutions have their own advantages, but they are not easy to combine.

“Otherwise, we can simply mass-produce them, wait until they are on the battlefield, and then decide which one to choose based on the feedback after use.” Wang Shouzhe suggested again.

“Wang Shouzhe, there is a limit to human patience.” Zhenjun Bailian’s temper rose again, and he roared angrily, “Now there is not enough time, so we can only build a unified production line first, and every These plans represent different directions and require a lot of manpower and material resources to overcome subsequent problems.”

Wang Shouzhe was so scolded that he couldn’t refute, so he had to shut up silently.

At this time, Wang Fugui’s eyes suddenly lit up: “By the way, I have an idea.”

He marked the two plans as [Plan A] and [Plan B] respectively, then quickly made a blind lottery box and came out, waving to Wang Baofu and saying: “Baofu Baofu, come here and draw a prize.”


Wang Baofu moved the tree root and walked over. He put the slender branch into the blind box and pulled out a [Plan A].

All the research experts immediately made the decision, with unprecedented unity of opinion: “Okay, let’s follow [Plan A].”

Is this okay?

Wang Shouzhe was stunned by them.

What about the technical stream you agreed on? What if the sacred scholarship should not be tarnished? Why does this involve metaphysics?

However, even Wang Shouzhe had to admit that this method was indeed the most suitable at the moment.

Wang Baofu’s tree of luck is not fake. As a semi-immortal plant, in a sense, he is already considered a primary [creature of cause and effect].



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