Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 107: “Conquer”! Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Protecting Our Patriarch!

Three months, three full months.

The Wang family never approached Di Xiu to enter into formal negotiations from beginning to end, but continued to provide delicious food and drinks to the guests from the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom.

The senior officials of the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom, including Di Xiu, gradually developed an embarrassing mentality after gradually getting used to the enjoyment of the human race.

As for the Qinghuang Demon Emperor

She took the initiative to sign the compensation contract in order to compensate the Wang family for their losses. It was only a period of seven hundred years of labor, which was not a big deal to the long-lived demon clan.

As a result, the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor and Di Xiu jointly approached Wang Shouzhe and asked if they would find time to enter the next round of negotiations.

Wang Shouzhe acted very casually, and only proposed a cooperation of non-aggression and commercial exchanges, as if he had no intention of making the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom surrender to Daqian.

The Nine-tailed Demon Emperor and Di Xiu couldn’t help but look at each other. .

Could it be that they really judged a gentleman with a villain’s heart and misunderstood Emperor Longchang and the head of the Shouzhe family?

Just non-aggression without having to surrender is something that the Nine-tailed Demon Emperor and Emperor Xiu would be happy to see happen.

As for the trade proposal, the two of them really couldn’t imagine how much trade could there be between the demon race and the human race?

You must know that the All Saints Kingdom has been self-sufficient since its birth, and the currency of the human race is completely useless in the All Saints Kingdom.

However, Wang’s warm reception during this period made the demon tribe’s favor towards Wang grow day by day, and their mentality gradually changed.

Although this trade proposal left them a bit puzzled, since the Wang family did not infringe on the interests of the All Saints Kingdom, the top leaders within the Yao clan did not have much entanglement and quickly unanimously approved the proposal.

After the two parties worked out all the details, they happily signed a contract between the two countries.

The contract is made in two copies, one belongs to Wansheng Kingdom and is kept by Emperor Xiu, and the other is sent to Guilong City and filed in the treasury.

At this point, Daqian and the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom have officially established diplomatic relations.

Once the contract is signed, the demon clan has no reason to stay in the Wang family. After the farewell banquet, all the demon emperors and demon kings returned to the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons with reluctance.

Logically speaking, for the Monster Clan, this matter has come to an end. At least they no longer have to worry about Daqian raising his troops to invade the All Saints Kingdom and massacre the people of the All Saints Kingdom.

However, on the first day after returning, things started to go wrong.

Southern Wasteland.

The Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons.

As a country composed almost entirely of monsters, the internal situation of the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom is completely different from that of humans.

Due to the large differences in the habits of different types of ferocious beasts and spiritual plants, the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters is actually more like a tribal alliance composed of different ethnic groups than a country with a sound system.

Different types of ferocious beasts and spirit plants are scattered throughout the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom in the form of ethnic groups. The more powerful ethnic groups can occupy a large area of ​​their own territory, while the weaker ethnic groups become vassals of the more powerful ethnic groups and depend on them for their lives. .

The Demon Emperor is in the center. On the one hand, he uses his own strength to protect the demons of the Ten Thousand Saints Kingdom. On the other hand, he also relies on his personal prestige to coordinate the relationships between various ethnic groups and maintain the overall stability of the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom.

It is also because of this special composition that the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom does not even have a decent city. Only the Ten Thousand Saints Valley where Emperor Xiu lives can be regarded as the core of power.

However, it is this special settlement pattern that gives the demon kings of each ethnic group a very high status within their own tribe.

It can be said that in addition to the Bird Clan, which is backed by the Green Phoenix Demon Emperor, and the Fox Clan, which is backed by the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor, the various demon kings who accompanied the Wang family on this mission are among their respective tribes. Zhongdu can be regarded as a person who sticks to his word.

In the southern region of the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom, where the tiger tribe lives – White Tiger Hill.

As one of the demon kings whose status is second only to the three demon emperors in the Wan Sheng Kingdom, the Golden Eyed White Tiger King is a tenth-level tiger-like ferocious beast with very tyrannical strength.

The future of this mission to the human country is unpredictable, and the tiger sons and grandsons in the clan are very worried. Now that the Tiger King has returned safely and brought back the good news of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, the clan is also full of joy.

To celebrate, the descendants of the tiger specially presented a spiritual bull captured from Guling in the south of the Wansheng Kingdom.

You know, it’s not easy to eat some meat in Halloween Country.

Affected by Emperor Xiu’s “unity and friendship” proposition, there was a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere within the All Saints Kingdom. However, all citizens of the All Saint Kingdom, regardless of origin, are not allowed to feed on other people.

Therefore, if the carnivorous ferocious beasts belonging to the All Saints Kingdom want to hunt, they must leave the scope of the All Saints Kingdom, and they are not allowed to hunt the big demons with complete intelligence of level six or above.

It is also for this reason that the carnivorous demon tribe is a minority in the All Saints Kingdom, and it has always been difficult to breed into a large-scale group.

This kind of spiritual cow was originally the favorite of the Golden-Eyed White Tiger King, but this time, he only took a few bites before he frowned in disgust.

This raw, cold, fishy, ​​old, and bland taste made the Golden Eyed White Tiger King unable to help but doubt his own taste.

How could he be able to eat this before and still think it was delicious?

“Ah Shun, Ah Shun, go and roast this spiritual cow.” The Golden Eyed White Tiger King threw away the raw meat and ordered it out of habit.

However, he was only halfway through speaking when he suddenly remembered that he was no longer in Wang’s Yingbin Restaurant. Ah Shun, the account manager who served him, had also said goodbye to him in tears.

“You, go and roast the spirit cow.” The Golden Eyed White Tiger King pointed at a large tiger demon at random and ordered.

This is his confidant and favorite general. He is usually quite clever and deeply trusted by the White Tiger King.

The big tiger demon suddenly accepted the order and immediately took the spiritual ox in its mouth and left.

When he got out of the cave, he threw the spiritual bull in front of a fifth-level ferocious tiger: “This is the lunch of King Jin Jing. You go and grill it.”


The fifth-level ferocious tiger picked up the spiritual bull and took the order.

After a while, it found a level three ferocious tiger and threw the spirit cow in front of it: “Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much”

The third-level ferocious tiger crawled on the ground and nodded repeatedly. After the boss left, it found a skinny first-order tiger

It took a long time before the Golden Eyed White Tiger King got his “dream” of roasted spiritual beef. The efficiency was more than a hundred times slower than that of Wang’s Hotel.

Looking at it casually, he almost spit out a mouthful of tiger blood. Why is the good spiritual beef roasted like a ball of charcoal?

After taking a bite, the taste made him spit it out, roaring angrily: “Ouch, ow, ow!! What the **** is this? Even the pig monster can’t eat it, right?”

Faced with a group of trembling and incompetent tigers and grandchildren, the golden-eyed White Tiger King was furious, but he had nothing to do with these idiots.

The barbecue skills are not good enough. He can’t solve the problem no matter how much he gets angry at them.

With no choice but to get another spiritual cow, he started roasting it himself based on his “experience”.

After working for a long time, the Golden Eyed White Tiger King ate and vomited himself again.

They are both barbecued meats, but the difference is so huge.

In fact, what the Golden Eyed White Tiger King doesn’t know is that although they are both barbecued, the difference is as big as heaven and earth.

The high-grade spiritual cattle raised by the Wang family today are originally from the royal cattle of the Daqian royal family. This kind of spiritual cattle is originally the top spiritual cattle breed of the Wu family ranch in the Xian Dynasty. The meat is plump and tender, and has an excellent taste.

During the breeding process, Wang’s breed combined with its own original scientific breeding system, constantly selected and cultivated the best, and improved breeding techniques, thus forming today’s Wang’s Spirit Cattle breed.

Every piece of barbecue that Jin Jing White Tiger King eats is selected from the freshest and most tender parts of the spirit beef. After being acidified and matured, it is grilled by the hotel’s full-time chef. The process also requires the use of Wang’s special marinade, secret recipe for barbecue seasoning and other techniques.

How can this be compared to grabbing a wild spiritual cow and roasting it indiscriminately?

In addition to barbecue, the gap between Baihuqiu and Wang is also huge in terms of life. It was okay if there was no comparison, but once compared, the Golden Eyed White Tiger King felt that nothing was going well with him, and his own cave was completely useless.

On the first day back, he began to miss his life in Wang’s Yingbin Building.

Except for the White Tiger King with Golden Eyes, the rest of the Wang family’s bosses also felt uncomfortable after returning.

It is rumored.

In just ten days after the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor came back, he got angry three times, depressed hundreds of times, and mentioned the name of a girl named Xiaoman 306 times.

Even Emperor Xiu, who was the most aloof from the world and had no distracting thoughts, was still not used to it after he came back. He sighed over his long beard and short hair, and all he could think about was Li Xian’er’s long Li Xian’er’s short hair.

A group of big guys are not comfortable doing anything, which naturally affects their disciples and grandchildren.

The entire Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom seemed to be in a strange mood.

In the blink of an eye, another half year has passed.

This morning.

Qingqiu is the settlement place of the Nine-tailed Sky Fox Clan.

On the meadow filled with mountain flowers, an eight-tailed white fox was playing with a group of little foxes of different colors. You chased me, you ran away from me, and from time to time, they rolled into a ball and made a happy “嘤嘤” sound. Really unhappy.


The ears of the eight-tailed white fox stood up, and it suddenly stopped chasing and looked into the sky.

In the misty sky, a fleet of flying chariots appeared at some point. They were so vast that they lined up in a long line in the sky.

The carriages of those flying chariots are obviously specially made. They are much larger than ordinary flying chariots and can carry more items, but the speed is also much slower than ordinary flying chariots.

But these are not the most critical.

The most important thing is that on the side of those carriages, under the reflection of the sun, a golden emblem can be clearly seen!

The white fox’s golden fox eyes suddenly lit up.

She knows this emblem!

Some of the beautiful clothes our ancestors brought back from the human race had such emblems on them! I heard from my ancestors that it was the emblem of the “Wang family”.

The ancestors also said that human beings know how to enjoy themselves very much. Living in Wang’s Yingbin Building is like living in heaven, much better than here in Qingqiu.

According to her ancestor’s description, she had longed for this Wang family.

“Ancestor! Ancestor!”

The eight-tailed white fox immediately became excited, leaving the little foxes behind and rushed towards the nine-tailed demon emperor’s fox hole like the wind.

As she ran, the white light on her body flashed, and she turned into a girl in white with bright eyes and white teeth. As she ran, she spread the news.

Soon, the whole Qingqiu became commotion.

The Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor realized something immediately.

When the head of the Shouzhe family said that they wanted to trade, he was not just talking about it, but he was really preparing to trade between the two countries.

After using up the cosmetics and skin care products he brought back, the Nine-tailed Demon Emperor, who had been empty for a long time, immediately couldn’t sit still and rushed directly to the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons following the direction of the flying boat.

At the same time, other tribes in the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom also became commotion and began to gather in the direction of the Ten Thousand Demon Valley.

Before Wang’s flying boat arrived at the Ten Thousand Demons Valley, a large number of monsters who had heard the news had already gathered in the Ten Thousand Demons Valley.

With the eager anticipation of all the monsters, Wang’s fleet of chariots finally arrived at the Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters and slowly stopped in the grassy valley.

This time, although the Wang caravan was loaded with a large amount of goods, it also had some missions.

The leader of the caravan is Wang Dinghai, the elder of the Wang family.

This old man is Wang Shouzhe’s sixth uncle, and he has been in charge of aquatic fishing, aquaculture and other industries over the years.

It’s just that he doesn’t have much talent in cultivation and is not interested in it. In addition, he started late. After several bloodline promotions, he only reached the level of genius. Now he is more than 200 years old, which is not much. He has just entered the late stage of Heavenly Realm.

Because he is living a very comfortable life, his current appearance is that of a middle-aged man, and he is slightly rich.

As his descendants gradually grew up, Wang Dinghai gradually retreated behind the scenes and became an old man with peace of mind.

Although he still holds the position of elder within the family, most of the time he is no longer in charge of serious matters, only occasionally taking care of idle matters.

This time during the trip to the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom, because most of the younger generation were busy and could not spare any manpower for the time being, he temporarily stepped in.

However, he is also responsible for leading the team and taking care of some trivial matters. This time, the real soul of the caravan is not him, but Wang Lixian, who looks less than ten years old.

This is the first time she has taken on the responsibility of the family since she transformed.

There is nothing I can do. Senior Di Xiu has no desires and desires, but he is very interested in Li Xian

As expected.

Wang Lixian had just stepped out of the carriage, with a small hand behind his back and before he could speak, Di Xiubian had already jumped into the air and wanted to rush forward and get close to Lixian.

However, due to the fact that his black blight and other diseases have not yet been cured, he did not really rush forward, but paused ten feet away, smiling so hard that his face wrinkled: “Xian’er, you I’m finally willing to come see your Grandpa Dixiu.”

“Grandpa Dixiu.” Wang Lixian also greeted him affectionately and said with a smile, “My father asked me to bring you a potion formula to treat your illness, as well as a team of spiritual planters to help you turn the soil. , prune dead branches and leaves. Soon, all your illnesses will be cured.”

“Okay, okay, Grandpa Di Xiu will cooperate fully.” Di Xiu nodded repeatedly.

“Xian’er Xian’er, is my Xiaoman here?” The Nine-tailed Demon Emperor also rushed over after hearing the news. His charming eyes scanned the crowd while complaining, “Xiaoman is not here, no matter how nice I wear, No one appreciates it, no one studies makeup with me anymore, others don’t understand it at all.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Xiaoman slowly walked out of the team of messengers: “Sister Jiuwei, long time no see. This time, I specially brought you a lot of new cosmetics and clothes, as well as new fashions. Magazines and a truckload of wine.”

“Okay, okay! Come on, let’s go to my cave to try on new clothes.” The nine-tailed demon emperor’s pretty face bloomed like a flower, as if his boring life finally had vitality.


At this time, among the envoys, a pretty woman suddenly stepped out of the chariot and saluted the Nine-tailed Demon Emperor: “I, Shangguan Bilian of the Yuwen clan, have met the Nine-tailed Demon Emperor.”

“Shangguan Bilian?” The Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor raised his brows and said without interest, “I’m not familiar with you, what do you want from me?”

“It’s okay if you’re not familiar with me. Let’s see if you’re familiar with this one?” Mrs. Bilian smiled lightly and stretched out her hand to open the curtain of the carriage behind her.

The next moment.

A fiery red seven-tailed fox flew out of the chariot, squatted on Mrs. Bilian’s shoulder, and blinked curious eyes at the nine-tailed demon emperor.

“This” the nine-tailed demon emperor immediately trembled, showing a look of disbelief, “Pure-blooded seven-tailed fire fox, this, this, this”

“Report to the Demon Emperor.” Mrs. Bilian said, “About a thousand years ago, when our Yuwen clan’s ancestors were training in the Southern Wilderness, they picked up the young and seriously injured Fire Fox ancestor. At that time, she had Three tails. Because her family could not be found, the ancestors took her back to the Yuwen clan to enshrine her.”

“Over the years, we have been looking for her family. Not long ago, we heard that the nine-tailed demon emperor was visiting the Wang family, so we brought her here to see the demon emperor to see if we could find out the whereabouts of the ancestor of the fire fox. ”

Thousands of years ago! Southern wilderness?

The nine-tailed demon emperor shook his delicate body and almost fell down.

“Kyuubi, don’t be flustered, this is a good thing.” Di Xiu obviously knew something. He smiled slightly when he saw this and reached out to brush it.

As a crisp wind chime sounded, invisible energy enveloped the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor.

In a flash.

The Nine-tailed Demon Emperor’s mind became much calmer, but he still said with a trembling voice: “It’s Huo’er, Huo’er is still alive.”

“Grandpa Di Xiu, what happened?” Wang Lixian blinked his big eyes and asked curiously.

“Actually, Nine-Tails is not the demon emperor born and raised in our Ten Thousand Saints Land.” Di Xiu sighed lightly, “She was originally the Holy Fire Fox Girl from the Fire Fox Holy Land of the Red Moon Demon Dynasty. She gave birth to the Fire Fox during the Fire Fox inheritance ceremony. Huo’er. According to the rules of the Fire Fox Holy Land, Huo’er will be the next Holy Fire Fox Girl, and Jiuwei will also become the Holy Master of the Fire Fox Holy Land.”

“It’s just that there was an unexpected situation. A big shot in the Mo Dynasty took a fancy to Huo’er and wanted her to be the pet of the big shot’s outstanding heir. So Kyuubi took the child and fled to our side, but he was still chased. The soldiers caught up with her. At that time, she was already injured and knew she could not escape, so she hid the child and went to distract the pursuers alone, thinking that she would save the child’s life no matter what. Unexpectedly, in a big battle, Although she was seriously injured, she was lucky enough to be saved by me. It was me and Qinghuang who jointly drove away the pursuers and took in Kyuubi.”

“Just waiting for Kyuubi to wake up and go back to look for Huo’er, the child has disappeared, so Kyuubi has been depressed over the years, but his energy has gotten better recently.”

As Di Xiu narrated, Wang Lixian also understood, nodded and said quietly: “It turns out that Aunt Chiwei is Aunt Jiuwei’s daughter. It’s really pitiful, so the mother and daughter are separated.”

Wang Lixian grew up in an environment with a loving mother and father. She had a complete family structure and lived an extremely happy life. She could not bear to see such tragic things.

Moreover, she is very familiar with the Fire Fox Ancestor and has always had a good relationship. Now that the Fire Fox Ancestor is finally reunited with her mother, she is naturally very happy for her.

After all, since she can remember, the Fire Fox ancestor has spent more time in the Wang family than in the Yuwen family.

What followed naturally was a touching scene of mother and daughter recognizing each other.

The Nine-tailed Demon Emperor, who was extremely excited, could not care about anything else at the moment, and returned to the cave with Ancestor Fire Fox and Xiao Man.

Let’s not mention the story between them for now.

Just saying that the arrival of the envoys and caravans was like dropping a huge boulder on the calm water of Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom, causing ripples.

The huge caravan brought a large number of products, including spiritual rice, meat, clothes, glass products, etc., all of which were carefully selected and expected to be sold at a good price in the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom.

The gathered monsters immediately surrounded the caravan and blocked it

“Zikzhizhizhichak.” A fifth-level spiritual bird jumped and said, “I want ten sacks of spiritual rice.”

It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t know how to cook, you can just peck it and eat it.

“This is medium-grade red crystal rice.” The Wang clan member in charge of the sales introduced, “A bag of 100 kilograms sells for 500 dry gold, and ten sacks total 5,000 dry gold.”

Dry gold?

What the **** is that? My uncle always eats as soon as possible.

Confirming that the human selling the goods was lower in cultivation than it and could beat it, it flapped its wings without any hesitation and rushed forward to grab it.

However, as soon as it made a move, it was slapped away by Cui’er, a master of the magical power realm in the clan.

Just kidding, are Wang’s things so easy to grab?

She, Cui’er, just stole a few clothes, but the result was that the Qinghuang ancestor would be detained in the Wang family for seven hundred years. Just a little fifth-level bird like you, I really want you to take action, even if I sell you, I won’t be able to fill the hole.

Many demon kings above the ninth level have benefited from the Wang family. They know that the Wang family is a civilized and disciplined place, and they also understand that the Wang family is not easy to mess with, so they take the initiative to restrain the ferocious beasts and birds of their own clan. Or spiritual planting, and popularize trading rules.

If you don’t have dry gold, you can exchange it with spiritual stones. If you don’t have spiritual stones, you can also exchange it with minerals, herbs, or other valuable things.

For this reason, Wang even took out an exchange album, indicating what could be exchanged and how much it was worth.

The beaten fifth-level spiritual bird was actually smart. He hurriedly returned to his lair and poured out some shiny raw spiritual stones to exchange for spiritual rice.

However, the Wang clan did not directly exchange it for spiritual rice. Instead, they first exchanged it for a large amount of dry gold tickets and scattered dry gold based on its raw spiritual stone ore.

Then the fifth-level spiritual bird used these dry gold tickets to buy ten sacks of medium-grade spiritual rice.

After so much trouble, even the less intelligent monsters suddenly understood that they could exchange some random things for golden tickets, and then buy all kinds of things they like in the caravan. Supplies, they hurried back to find things that could be turned into golden tickets.

Soon, various materials came in an endless stream and were exchanged for golden tickets, and the golden tickets finally returned to Wang’s hands.

What Wang paid was some supplies from the caravan, most of which were grain and meat.

Unconsciously, more and more demon clans gathered in the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons.

The atmosphere at the trading site is getting more and more heated.

“This is the first time that the All Saints Valley has been so lively.” Di Xiu looked at this scene from a distance and couldn’t help but nodded with satisfaction, “It seems that opening up trade is indeed a correct decision.”

Unfortunately, not every demon clan has the habit of hoarding supplies.

A considerable part of the demon tribe is completely impoverished and their lairs are empty. Now they can only look at the flesh of the ferocious beasts with greedy eyes.

A sixth-level wolf demon begged She from the Wang clan to give it some golden tickets. It wanted to buy a lot of meat, but the Wang clan put up a no-credit sign.

In the end, Wang Dinghai came up with an idea.

This sixth-level wolf monster has a strong body, thick hair, and sharp claws. It is covered in materials. Cutting off a section of the paw can be used to refine high-quality arrowheads, and shaving the wolf hair has many uses. It can be used to make magic pens, high-quality military blankets, etc.

In the end, this sixth-level wolf-like ferocious beast was shaved completely naked and its claws were clipped. In exchange for tens of thousands of gold, he bought a bunch of spiritual meat and left happily.

Although it is a bit embarrassing to have your hair shaved off, it can grow back in a few years at most, and you can exchange it for another one. Are these humans not fools?

If there is one there are two.

With the success of wolf demons, many poor demon tribes began to sell hair, feathers and other “external belongings”. It even evolved to the point where there were even demon beasts who wanted to sell their spiritual blood, but they were steadfastly killed by the Wang clan. Refused.

“Collect spiritual wood.” The Wang clan put up a purchase sign again, which read, “I want any kind of spiritual wood, including dead branches and fallen leaves pruned.”

What is the country with the most monsters? Of course, it is the spiritual trees that are all over the mountains and plains, and many of them have become conscious, including those with levels seven, eight or nine.

“Haha” Di Xiu understood Wang Shouzhe’s thoughts as soon as he saw the sign and couldn’t help laughing, “Xian’er, your father made the wrong move. Our Lingzhi lineage is the most needless. , don’t eat rice or meat, and you won’t be able to use those beautiful handicrafts.”

“Hey, Grandpa Dixiu, who said that Lingzhi doesn’t need to ask for nothing? Look at me.”

Wang Lixian smiled, jumped lightly onto the middle car, took out a loudspeaker Lingbao and began to speak out: “Don’t miss the Lingzhi who is passing by. I, Wang Lixian, am a Lingzhi, so why do I look so good?” So beautiful, so good-looking, so smart, yet she has already transformed at such a young age?”

“That’s because my father personally helped me prepare nutrient soil, various fattening nutrients, and pesticides to eliminate insects and diseases.”

“Lixian brand nutrient soil, Lixian brand nutrient solution, Lixian brand insect repellent, Tangtang Xian seedlings have been using it since childhood, you deserve it! For your first purchase, each ton of Lixian brand nutrient soil will only be sold for Eight hundred gold!”

As soon as Wang Lixian finished speaking, a certain member of the Wang family shouted loudly and tried to stop him with “extreme heartache”: “Miss Xian’er, the cost of this nutritious soil is one thousand, and we have to transport it all the way here.” The price is a thousand and a half.”

“I said eight hundred, eight hundred, I will make up for the loss.”

Then, nutrient soil, nutrient solution, insect repellent, etc. all sold like crazy.

Countless spiritual plants take the initiative to ask Wang’s spiritual plant masters to help prune their branches. The pruned branches can be exchanged for dry gold, and the dry gold can be exchanged for the treasure that Miss Xian’er has used since she was a child.


Di Xiu on the side was dumbfounded.

I never expected that such an operation would be possible.

“Grandpa Dixiu, please prune the branches too. Pruning can promote the nutrient circulation in the spiritual plant, allow the leaves to receive sunlight more evenly, and also make the remaining branches grow stronger and healthier. , there are many benefits. Moreover, the twelfth-level spiritual wood material can be exchanged for a lot of dry gold!” Wang Lixian said sweetly.

“Okay, prune the branches, I will also prune a branch”

As Di Xiu also joined the trading ranks, the entire market became more and more popular.

And the value of dry gold was suddenly reflected in the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom.

Soon, among the many ethnic groups in the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom, the richest group in Ganjin became those high-level spiritual trees.

The carnivorous demon clan suddenly became unhappy.

Their hair cannot be sold for much money, and their bones, flesh and blood cannot be sold.

Then Wang Dinghai gave them another trick.

You don’t have much materials to sell, so you can work in the Wang family. The Wang family’s spiritual beasts are treated very well. Not only are they provided with food and shelter every day, but they also receive various additional gifts.

The fifth-level red-crowned crane pulling the cart also showed up and used his own personal experience to show what “excellent treatment” means.

Soon, a recruitment sign was quietly erected next to the carriage.

“Registration location for working monster clan.”

Under this sign, the demon clan, demon mountain and demon sea that came to sign up could not be seen to the end at a glance.

After half a year of word-of-mouth and the testimony of many demon kings, the lives of the Wang family and Daqian have become synonymous with comfort, enjoyment, and high-end. There are few demon clans who don’t want to live in the past. Experience it and enjoy it.

Now that there is an opportunity to work there, many demon clans naturally flock to it.

While they were lining up, they were whispering to each other, eagerly discussing the topic of working to get rich.

Life is so full of hope and happiness.


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