Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 100: Wang Shouzhe! You can just kill me

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“Senior Qinghuang, Shouzhe is only two hundred years old this year… I wonder how old you are this year?” Wang Shouzhe cupped his hands and said something salty.

Two hundred years old? What?

The Qinghuang Demon Emperor’s pretty face froze in astonishment. . .

Doesn’t that mean that the so-called Great Demon King Shouzhe is much, much younger than Cuier?

The longevity of ferocious beasts and other spiritual beasts varies greatly depending on the race. The Phoenix clan has a longer lifespan among the spiritual beasts. Even though the appearance of Qinghuang after its transformation looks young, But her actual age is much older than Longchang and Chaoyang King.

A mere two hundred years old seems like a blink of an eye to her.

“What do you mean by this?” Qinghuang Demon Emperor spoke with some hesitation, but his tone was obviously not so tough.

“It’s not interesting, why don’t we settle the accounts first.” Wang Shouzhe looked calm and counted with her on his fingers, “First, the medical expenses, lost work expenses, and compensation for injuring our Majesty total three million. Do you have any objections to Xianjing?”

“I have an objection. That Longchang man who doesn’t cultivate the best spiritual veins of our Ten Thousand Saints Kingdom dares to speak rudely. I should beat him.” The Qinghuang Demon Emperor was aroused, and his phoenix eyes stood upright.

“That top-grade spiritual vein is still three thousand miles away from your country’s traditional border.” Wang Shouzhe took out a map of the Southern Wilderness, which clearly marked the border line of Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom, as well as the top-grade spiritual vein. position, “According to international practice, the first to discover is first served, or the strongest is respected. Since you, Senior Qinghuang, have fallen into our hands, we naturally have the right to settle accounts with you.”


Qinghuang Demon Emperor looked away, unwilling to argue with him.

What is there to say if you are a knife and a fish for others?

“Let’s talk about the second point.” Wang Shouzhe continued to settle accounts, “Senior Qinghuang, you invaded our Wang family’s territory without permission. During this period, you were suspected of organizing and participating in a variety of illegal and criminal activities, including ‘espionage’,” “Crime of robbery”, “crime of theft”, “crime of illegal intrusion into jurisdiction”, “crime of endangering public safety”, “crime of illegal intrusion into the main house of a noble family”, “crime of attempted kidnapping of the head of a noble family”, “crime of kidnapping the guardian spirit beast of a noble family”, “Resisting arrest with force,” “crime of undermining friendly diplomatic relations with neighboring countries,” and “crime of undermining racial harmony.” Do you have any objections to these charges?”

Listening to the series of accusations, Qinghuang Demon Emperor’s eyes widened even more.

She originally thought that she was defeated and captured, and she was mentally prepared to endure the traditional “beauty defeated plot line”.

Unexpectedly, the Great Demon King Shouzhe had no interest in her body at all. Instead, he listed one crime after another for her.

She just walked around the city. How could she commit so many crimes? Is this kid just talking nonsense? !

“Senior Qinghuang, please don’t think that Shouzhe is deceiving you.” Wang Shouzhe took out several thick volumes of Daqian law and a regulation on the management of Wang’s territory from his storage ring, and read them all He piled in front of the Qinghuang Demon Emperor, “The relevant regulations are in these law books. You can study them carefully, and you can also defend yourself.”


Although the Qinghuang Demon Emperor has lived long enough to be literate and can understand the writing of the human kingdom, he still feels overwhelmed when he sees these tomes of laws, and he can’t help but say: “Okay, okay, you Just say what you say.”

She has a certain psychological acceptance of even the plot of defeat, let alone legal accountability?

“Okay, please ask Senior Qinghuang to sign the confession.” Wang Shouzhe took out a pen and paper and quickly wrote out the charges one by one, then handed it to her and asked her to sign and sign, “Pleas of the initiative can reduce part of the penalty. Guilty.”

“Wang Shouzhe, you really won’t force anything on me…?” Qinghuang Demon Emperor grabbed the pen and stared at Wang Shouzhe suspiciously.

“Senior Qinghuang, forcing a woman against her will is a serious violation of the law. Your Majesty, he is not sensible, how can I be ignorant?” Wang Shouzhe said with a serious face, “What’s more, now we are in harmony. A legal society. I, Wang Shouzhe, have a wife and children, a happy and stable small family, and I am in a positive, healthy and progressive family. Don’t ask me to force my seniors to do that. Even if my seniors force me, I will resist to the death. ”

“Am I forcing you?” Qinghuang Demon Emperor’s eyes widened with a look of disbelief.

“Ahem, I’m just giving an example.” Wang Shouzhe said seriously, “What I mean is that it is almost impossible for the situation you imagined to happen between the two of us, so don’t worry.”

Hearing what he said, the stone in Qinghuang Demon Emperor’s heart finally fell. However, for some reason, he felt an inexplicable humiliation and signed the confession with complicated emotions.

“Since Senior Qinghuang pleads guilty, the guilt can be reduced a lot.” Wang Shouzhe collected the confession with satisfaction. “If you can actively compensate the merchants for their losses and actively pay fines and compensation, the punishment can be further reduced. Otherwise, the punishment can be further reduced.” If so, those crimes alone would be enough for you to serve a thousand years of hard labor.”

“Then how much compensation do I need to pay in order to be free immediately?” Qinghuang Demon Emperor saw that Wang Shouzhe was quite “reasonable” and asked tentatively with his eyes bright.

“Three hundred million to five hundred million immortal crystals, the specific calculation will depend on the details.” Wang Shouzhe answered truthfully, “The high probability is around 300 million. After all, Senior Qinghuang admitted his guilt very happily.”

“How much?!” Qinghuang Demon Emperor’s eyes widened, “Do you think I can afford this money?”

Although she is not very familiar with human currency, she also knows that this is definitely a very huge amount.

“As the saying goes, the phoenix never falls without treasures. Senior, you are being too modest.” Wang Shouzhe said calmly, “If the fine from senior is not enough, you can sell some other things to pay for it, such as your green phoenix tail. Lings, wings, green phoenix essence and blood, etc., are all famous raw materials for refining weapons or elixirs.”

“By the way, when I saw my senior transformed into his original form and fought fiercely, some of the wing feathers and tail feathers were about to fall off. Why not take them off to deduct some fines. By the way, senior’s storage equipment should also be inspected by me. Let’s see if there’s anything we can use to offset the fine.”

The Qinghuang Demon Emperor’s eyes widened and his whole body trembled when he said that.

Unexpectedly, it’s not that Wang Shouzhe doesn’t care about her body, it’s just that this body is not that “body”.

After a stick of incense.

Wang Shouzhe broke the seal and came out of the cave. Behind him came the grief-stricken scream of the Qinghuang Demon Emperor: “Wang Shouzhe, you are really a great demon king. You have gone too far, why not just kill him?” I got it!”

Hearing this, the four Lingxu Realm bosses guarding outside the cave all cast strange looks at Wang Shouzhe.

Especially Emperor Longchang, who winked at Wang Shouzhe and murmured secretly in his heart. Unexpectedly, Shouzhe, who is usually serious, can still be quite resourceful at critical moments~~

“Ahem~” Yao Yuangang coughed twice and reminded, “Shouzhe, you should coax Qinghuang more, after all, you still have to live in the future.”

“I think it’s okay.” King Chaoyang had a different idea, and continued to support Wang Shouzhe, “The Demon Emperor Qinghuang has an unruly personality, so we have to give her a severe blow from the beginning to scare her away. She can live a peaceful life from now on.”

“Seniors.” Wang Shouzhe saluted helplessly, “Let’s go back to the Wang family first.”

At this time, it’s not that Wang Shouzhe doesn’t want to explain, it’s just that the description is getting darker and darker, so he simply doesn’t bother to explain.

“It doesn’t matter, I’m still a little tired from this fight.” Chaoyang King said he was tired, but he was full of energy, “Qinghuang is the king who will take her away, and I can also pay her respects to Shouzhe along the way. Inculcate the principles of being a wife.”

After what happened here, everyone naturally returned to the Wang family without mentioning it.


In the huge Liuping Mountains, there are towering peaks, deep valleys, and turbulent rivers running through them. It is like an ancient giant beast entrenched in the Southern Wilderness, occupying the vast land south of the Southern Wilderness. partial area.

The Kingdom of All Saints is located in the deepest part of the Liuping Mountains.

At this moment.

In a dense forest close to the territory of the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom, a ray of green light passed through the dense forest like lightning and flew quickly towards the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom.

At the same time.

Deep in the Liuping Mountains.

Halloween Valley.

A huge tree is standing in the valley.

Its trunk is straight and towering, reaching straight into the sky like an Optimus Pillar, and the top is even submerged in the flowing clouds.

Under the bright sunshine, the surface of those palm-sized fan-shaped leaves glows with a warm luster like jasper. As they swayed in the wind, the blades collided with each other, making crisp sounds like wind chimes that spread far away with the sound of wind.

This “wind chime sound” seems to have a calming effect. On the lawn under the tree, many large and small ferocious beasts are lying in a group, falling asleep to the sound of wind chimes.

On the lush lawn next to the ferocious beast, the little ferocious beast cubs, which are no taller than the blades of grass, are playing and playing in groups, using the lying big ferocious beast as a barrier to play chasing games, and occasionally even playfully crawling He climbed onto the big ferocious beast and shouted proudly at his friends from a high position, as if he had accomplished some great feat.

The big, sleeping beast was awakened by the roaring sound. With a casual shrug, he shook off the brave little cub, then turned over and continued to sleep.

On the canopy of the tree, an adult huge ferocious bird is spreading its wings to dry its feathers. The gorgeous feathers glow like gold in the sun, and are more magnificent than the most exquisite works of art.

On the treetops nearby, a group of bird chicks were jumping around happily and chirping happily.

Further inside, close to the tree trunk, there are some ferocious beasts and birds that have reached the seventh or eighth level but have not yet transformed. They are shrinking into small ones, forming a circle obediently, listening to An old man with a white beard tells a story.

This old man looks very old. Not only his beard and hair are completely white, but his face is also full of wrinkles. However, there is no trace of twilight in his body. Instead, he is kind and peaceful, like a still water in a deep lake. As soon as people see him, their mood seems to become peaceful and peaceful.

Bathed in the mottled light and shadow, the old man spoke in a gentle tone and told the story of “a righteous fox repaying kindness” in a leisurely manner.

Under the warm sunshine, everything seems to become soft and warm. From a distance, it looks like a peaceful time.

However, the arrival of a emerald green light broke the peace of the All Saints Valley.

Under the clear sky, the escaping light was so fast that it rushed into the valley at almost a desperate speed, heading straight for the towering tree in the center of the valley.

Almost instantly, all the ferocious beasts that had been taking their afternoon break in the tree were awakened. They all raised their heads and stared at the escaping light with bright eyes.

The old man under the tree also looked up.

He raised his sleeve and flicked it, and a light green light like a spring breeze blew through the air. It seemed gentle, but it firmly blocked the escaping light.

The light dispersed, revealing a large, embarrassed emerald green bird inside.

It was a slender green peacock with gorgeous feathers that shone brightly in the sun.

Maybe she was flying too fast along the way, and the feather crest on her head had become crooked. Even if she stopped now, she was still out of breath with her neck stretched out, looking like she was about to be exhausted.

There was a hint of surprise in the old man’s kind eyebrows: “Xiao Cuier, why are you in such a mess. Where is Qinghuang?”

“Emperor, Senior Dixiu, no, it’s not good, the ancestor of Qinghuang was captured by humans!” Green Peacock stumbled and rushed under the tree, her voice already filled with tears because of her anxiety.

The old man looked even more surprised: “With Qinghuang’s strength…who did it? Did they leave anything behind?”


The green peacock looked at the old man in confusion, with an expression on his face that he didn’t know what he was talking about.

The old man paused and asked in a different way: “Tell me, what happened?”

The green peacock then realized what had happened, panting heavily and telling the story intermittently, and then said urgently: “Senior, please take the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor to rescue our ancestor!”

While he was speaking, the surrounding ferocious beasts had already gathered around. They all showed expressions of indignation upon hearing the words, and some of the bad-tempered ferocious beasts even roared in anger.

“Human beings are so cunning!”

“Senior Dixiu, as long as you give the order, we will immediately follow you to kill and force humans to hand over the Azure Phoenix Demon Emperor!”

“Yes! Senior, we all listen to you!”

“Senior! Give the order quickly!”

The green peacock Cui’er also looked at the old man eagerly, with a look of expectation on her face.

Looking at the pair of angry and impulsive beast eyes and listening to the bursts of angry roars, the old man suddenly felt dizzy.

He waved his hand.

A ray of light green light passed by accompanied by the sound of wind chimes. The ferocious beasts around him suddenly became quiet, and the anger in his heart seemed to be soothed and became less anxious.

The old man said: “Don’t worry, everyone. The specific situation on the human side is still unclear. I will discuss it with Kyuubi first and then decide what to do.”

“Then ancestor, she…” Green Peacock Cui’er paced her paws anxiously.

“Don’t worry, I watched that girl Qinghuang grow up. I won’t let anything happen to her. You take a rest first and recover your strength.” The old man touched the green peacock’s head kindly and comforted her. emotions, but a bit of uneasiness and doubt arose in my heart.

For a long time, the Human Empire and the Kingdom of All Saints have been governed by separate territories, and they have not interfered with each other. Now they suddenly arrested Qinghuang. If there was no other purpose, he would never believe it.

As for the possibility that all this was a coincidence, he had not even thought about it.

After all, he knows very well the strength of Qinghuang girl. Even the two Lingxu from Donggan country combined are no match for Qinghuang. If they want to catch Qinghuang, they must bring in foreign aid.

As for Lingxu Realm experts, who have near-top combat capabilities among humans, none of them are easy to recruit. How could there be any coincidence?

I just don’t know what the **** the humans are doing.

Thinking of this, the old man couldn’t help but feel a little melancholy.

I am afraid that the long-lasting peace of All Saints Kingdom will be gone forever.


Same time period.

Wang’s main residence, Shouzhe’s courtyard.

Wang Shouzhe has been living in this courtyard since time travel, even when he married Ruo Lan.

In the blink of an eye, it has been almost two hundred years.

In this small courtyard, countless things have happened, and even many decisions related to the changes in the world came from here.

After Wang Shouzhe captured the Qinghuang Demon Emperor, he temporarily detained her in Liuxian Valley, with His Royal Highness Prince Chaoyang and his wife helping to guard her.

On this day, he was listening to Wang Anrui’s work report.

Wang Anrui is the tenth eldest son of An generation, that is, he is a few years younger than Wang Anye. He is one of Wang Shouzhe’s direct great-grandsons. He is now a mature man in his 100s, and his cultivation strength is almost over. Entering the realm of Zifu.

Because his father Wang Guanghao has been restless since he was a child and is a man who likes to be the pirate king. Therefore, Wang Anrui has been relatively mature and steady since he was a child. He has experienced and grown up in the family all the way. Now he has become the leader in charge of the affairs of the entire Qingluowei family. The leader, even Qingluo Guard’s official [City Guard] always looks up to him.

“Grandpa is very relieved when An Rui is doing things. Thank you for your hard work on Qingluowei.” Wang Shouzhe nodded more and more as he listened to the report, feeling particularly satisfied with his great-grandson.

Because of the presence of Wang Anye, the limelight of other An characters has almost been robbed. However, in fact, outstanding people of An character emerge in endlessly. Nowadays, many An characters have begun to stand alone.

“Great Grandpa is overrated.” Wang Anrui, a steady young man, bowed respectfully and humbly. “An Rui’s achievements are all due to Grandpa’s good teaching and the help of his elders and clan members.”

Although he seems inferior to the sharp-edged Wang Anye, in fact, based on the level of his bloodline qualifications, he is almost comparable to Wei Qingyun of the Wei family in Jing’an of the Immortal Dynasty, or Yu Tai’an of the Wang family of Chaoyang. The only thing he lacks is It’s just accumulation of age.

If placed in a first-class family of the Immortal Dynasty, it would be enough to become one of the heirs of the entire family.

In terms of ability and maturity in handling family affairs, Wang Anrui is much better than them. At least Wang Anrui never regards himself as a young master.

“By the way.” While Wang Shouzhe was drinking tea, he suddenly remembered something, “Do you know that Prince Sheng, the son of the emperor’s son An, is going to the Northern Zhou Dynasty to seek marriage?”

Wang Anrui was stunned and then said: “Rui’er has heard about this. I heard that Princess Luojia of the Northern Zhou Dynasty is extremely talented and is now looking for a son-in-law from the entire Immortal Dynasty camp. What do you mean, Grandpa?”

“This time, you should also go to the Northern Zhou Dynasty.” Wang Shouzhe ordered.

“What?” Wang Anrui was surprised and excited, “Grandpa, this is absolutely impossible. Rui’er has been married for a long time and has a lot of children and grandchildren. Besides, I heard that Princess Luojia is dozens of years older than me. , I can’t be sorry to my wife. But if you force me, Grandpa…”

“What are you thinking about?” Wang Shouzhe glared at him and interrupted, “I just want you to accompany Prince Sheng to the Northern Zhou Dynasty to help him win the return of the beauty. This will definitely do more good than harm to us. A good thing.”

Wang Anrui wiped the sweat from his forehead in astonishment. He suddenly felt completely uninterested and cried: “Grandpa, I was very busy at work when I was guarding Qingluowei Town. I really don’t want to go.”

“Didn’t I just think of this?” Wang Shouzhe said calmly, “The main reason is the letter from Emperor An, asking us to send two outstanding disciples from the Wang family to support the scene.”

“That being the case, Rui’er does have a candidate.” Wang Anrui cheered up and began to blame the blame, “Compared to Rui’er, they are more than ten times more suitable.”

“Let’s talk and listen.” Wang Shouzhe became somewhat interested.

“One is Wang Anyuan, our 21st brother from the An generation.” Wang Anrui said in a selling tone, “Although that boy Anyuan is usually low-key, he is just over a hundred years old, but his cultivation has reached the eighth level of the Heavenly Realm. , it is still rare to have Gengjin bloodline, who specializes in swordsmanship and has extraordinary strength.”

“Anyuan.” Wang Shouzhe nodded and said, “This is a child from my second brother Shouyi’s lineage. His bloodline and strength are indeed good. By the way, I remember that boy is not married yet?”

“My twenty-first brother indulges in swordsmanship, and he is still in the higher class and has not graduated yet. Previously, his family urged him to get married, but he said he couldn’t get married if he couldn’t get married with heaven and man, and later he said he couldn’t get married if he couldn’t get the Zi Mansion. I It seems that he is sincerely cheating and refuses to contribute to the family.” Wang Anrui sold out the twenty-first brother thoroughly, “It is better to let him go to Beizhou to gain more experience, and maybe he can come back as a wife of a Northern Zhou family.”

“Humph, what if we don’t get married? I almost got fooled by him.” Wang Shouzhe nodded with a dark face, “An Rui, who is the other candidate?”

“The other person is Wang Ning Yu, the third oldest member of the Ning generation, who is two years older than the twenty-first brother.” Wang Anrui said.

“So you recommended Ning Yu.” Wang Shouzhe nodded, “This is a child from my eldest brother’s Shouxin family. Remember, he is the third person to awaken the Ice Phoenix bloodline from our Wang family, right? Even Longyan’s ancestors are right. He looks the other way.”

“It’s more than just looking at each other. I heard that our ancestors passed all the extra magical swords to Wang Ningyu.” Wang Anrui sold his nephew very thoroughly, “That boy is as aloof as snow all day long, this I can’t bear to see that there is something wrong with me. It is said that the old man arranged blind dates for him several times, but he always messed him up.”

“Forget it, you can arrange this matter.” Wang Shouzhe said with a serious face, “Tell those two incompetent boys that this time I will accompany Prince Sheng to the Northern Zhou Dynasty. The first is to assist Prince Sheng in bringing the princess back. The second is, Show yourself well and chase two Northern Zhou wives back.”

“Great grandfather is wise.” Wang Anrui said, “If our Wang family marries the Northern Zhou family, our Qingluo Guard Fleet can trade with the Northern Zhou Dynasty in a large scale.”

After flattering Wang Anrui, he said goodbye to his great-grandfather and turned around to host a banquet for Wang Anyuan and Wang Ningyu in a restaurant in Xinping Town.

Inside the restaurant box.

The two young heroes of the Wang family saluted Wang Anrui in awe: “I have seen my tenth brother/tenth uncle.”

Wang Anrui is a direct descendant of the family. Although he is only a direct descendant, he is still an important figure in Qingluo Guard. Naturally, he is not comparable to the two scumbags who have not yet graduated from advanced clan studies.

“Anyuan, Ning Yu, don’t be formal.” Wang Anrui patted his brother and nephew on the shoulders in a kind manner, “We are all a family, let’s sit down and talk.”

Wang Anyuan and Wang Ningyu both breathed a sigh of relief, sat down respectfully, and began to toast and dine with Wang Anrui.

After three rounds of drinking, the atmosphere became much more harmonious.

“Anyuan, Ning Yu.” Wang Anrui said earnestly, “This time, I have prepared a good task for you in front of your great grandfather.”

“Tenth Brother/Tenth Uncle, please give me your instructions.” Both of them straightened their figures.

“Accompany King Sheng on his mission to the Northern Zhou Dynasty to support the situation and help him win the favor of Princess Luojia.” Wang Anrui said seriously, “However, that is only a secondary task. The main task is that Grandpa ordered you to show your style. To marry a daughter-in-law, the target is a princess of marriageable age from the Northern Zhou royal family. Of course, in order to expand the scope, any princess under the age of 250 is acceptable.”

As soon as these words came out, Wang Anyuan and Wang Ningyu felt as if they were struck by lightning, and tears almost fell down. Tenth Brother/Tenth Uncle, do you want to be so cruel?

We are only in our early 100s, and we are still children who have not graduated from advanced ethnic studies. We don’t want to get married so early.



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