Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 3: Take off! Use waste materials to strengthen yourself

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Wang Ningxi fully understood what it means to be “willful and happy for a while, but then crematorium”.

That guy Shangguan Yunhong, because he often goes back to Gongye clan with his parents to visit relatives, he has heard of that guy’s name. I heard that he is a member of Shangguan clan’s Zifu family, born with Devouring bloodline, specializing in cultivation Body Kung Fu [Dragon Elephant Wuji Jue].

Because he practices the cross-body exercise, his body is extremely strong, and he has not been able to find a wife so far. Due to his excessive energy, he has often challenged various masters in Guilong City over the years, so he has a very famous reputation.

The reason why Wang Ningxi was deeply impressed by him was because he had heard a relative of the Gongye family say that Shangguan Yunhong was severely beaten by the family legend, Grand Aunt Liyao, who did not know the heights of the world.

But he never thought that one day he would deal with Shangguan Yunhong.

It seems that we can only block it with soldiers, and the water will cover us. Anyway, the ancestor of the family would not let him be beaten to death, right?

After being severely beaten, Wang Ningxi felt that her mental endurance had grown by leaps and bounds, and even her vision suddenly became clearer.

“Let’s not talk about this for now.” While drinking coffee, Wang Ningxi took out the blueprint from the storage ring and handed it to Wang Yinglei, “Grandma Fifteenth, please help me look at this blueprint and how it should be produced. OK.”

If he can make the real thing in advance, the ancestor will take him to Lingyun Holy Land, and he can avoid this wave of “catastrophe” if he can’t keep it intact.

Wang Yinglei is also a top student who graduated from ethnic studies. She has been engaged in the weapon refining industry for many years. Although her main job is the production of civilian products, she has never given up in-depth research on the weapon refining industry.

This is also the reason why Wang Ningxi came to visit Wang Yinglei this time.

She picked up the drawing and looked at it carefully, her eyes gradually brightened: “Hey, I underestimated you, a little bastard. Although this design is not very complicated, it is quite whimsical. Interesting, so interesting.”

“Aunt Yinglei.” Wang Ningxi said, “When I went to my grandpa’s house to play when I was a child, my grandpa told me. Any design of weapon refining must be people-oriented and based on solving actual needs.”

“Although our Wang family has many industries, the most important thing is the planting industry. Therefore, I have been going to the fields to observe since I was a child. From tenant farmers to common people to our family’s spiritual planters, I have had relationships with them all. We had in-depth exchanges. I have a lot of thoughts on this~”

“This set of roller-suspended multi-disc blade plows on both sides can adjust the cutting angle of the disc blades through the handle plate, and increase the cutting depth through the lever counterweight. When the animal is pulling, the rollers are driven to rotate, which can drive the disc blades to rotate. The disc blade rolls forward, chopping soil, weeds, and crop roots, and completing the effect of turning over the land.”

“According to different animal power, one or more sets of disc blade plows can be added to maximize efficiency.”

“Compared with traditional animal-powered single chisel plows or row chisel plows, the resistance produced by the land is less, and it is easier to chop weeds and stubble roots, and it can roll over obstacles such as stones. With the same animal power, it is more efficient and more suitable for opening up new land.”

The more Wang Yinglei listened, the more she admired it: “A very ingenious design. However, to develop a new civilian product, drawings alone are not enough. A batch of samples must be produced first and tested on a small scale, and then based on actual use. After encountering various problems, the product will be improved before mass production. Moreover, cost issues must also be taken into consideration.”

No new thing can be achieved overnight.

“Didn’t I come to trouble Grandma Fifteenth?” Wang Ningxi said with a shy smile, “When I went to the Weapon Refining Directorate earlier, I was kicked out by Mr. Zong Yao, saying that you are better at civilian equipment. Build. I also heard that your civilian factory also produces single chisel plows and row chisel plows. Because of their good quality, they are competed by various farms.”

In agricultural production, plowing is a very arduous task. It is too inefficient to rely solely on human power. At present, animal power plus a single chisel plow is still the main method. Only a few farms that raise powerful third-level purple-horned cattle will use chisel plows.

It’s just that the cost of buying or raising the third-level purple-horned spiritual cattle is extremely high. After all, if you can’t feed some spiritual pasture grass and energy-rich spiritual grains from time to time, the purple-horned spiritual cattle will be short of energy and blood, and will become increasingly tired. The weaker.

Wang’s Minsheng Metal Tools Factory, which Wang Yinglei is responsible for, constantly improves the plow, from shape to materials to continuous optimization of the production process, especially the use of military weapons on the plow blade edge. The unique “Hundred Steel Smelting” has a stronger ability to break ground and crush rocks, and is naturally more productive.

It’s not that some excellent blacksmiths can’t make such chisel plows, but once they are made, the cost alone exceeds Wang’s selling price.

This makes the plows produced by the Wang family both cheap and high-quality, and very popular.

“Okay.” Wang Yinglei said after thinking for a while, “But if this thing is successfully developed, you must exclusively authorize my factory to produce and sell it for at least a hundred years. In return, I will give the family Apply to convert 10% of sales into family contribution points for you.”

She is well aware of the importance of tools for people’s livelihood. Even if it only improves production efficiency by 10%, it will save a huge amount of manpower and material resources. This adjustable suspended disc blade plow looks promising. Once successful, it will be the first to do so. This will further enhance Wang’s advantage in planting.

“No problem.” Wang Ningxi agreed readily. In fact, he doesn’t have many channels for disposing of invention and creation technology, and one of the best ways is to let Wang Yinglei operate it.

Wang has always encouraged various innovations internally, and those who can innovate will often reap huge contributions.

But at the same time, the Wang family will not allow their family members to privately authorize others to seek benefits after innovating, or simply operate private properties by themselves or through external cooperation.

It is a big taboo for the family for clan members to run private property privately, because there will inevitably be conflicts of interest, or it may overtly or covertly harm the collective interests of the family.

In addition, if this gap is opened, more and more clan members will inevitably invest in private property, and the family will inevitably become disorganized and disintegrated.

“Okay, okay.” Wang Yinglei is also a strong and resolute woman. After signing the authorization contract with Wang Ningxi, she immediately recruited several professional weapon refiners under her command.

One of the “middle-aged men” named Wang Qi is a second-grade weapon refiner with Lingtai realm cultivation. He is a general weapon refiner trained by Wang’s general weapon refiner.

Despite his appearance of not being very smart, he has actually mastered the refining methods of three kinds of spiritual weapons, and has successfully refined nine low-grade spiritual weapons in his hands. He especially Good at refining farm tool samples based on drawings.

The remaining few are his apprentices, all first-level weapon refiners in the Qi Refining Realm.

“I’ve met Mr. Qi.” Wang Ningxi saluted immediately when he saw Wang Qi. For no other reason, Wang Qi also has the identity of being a guest teacher in the Wang clan’s weapon refining class, and he takes time out to teach the elite class every year.

“It turns out to be Ning Xi.” Wang Qi was also very impressed by Wang Ningxi. He was distinguished, smart and studious, and he was humble and low-key. He was overwhelmed by the many questions he asked.

It’s a pity… alas~

After a brief exchange of greetings.

“Mr. Qi, could you and your team please use the manual refining method to create a set of samples according to the drawings.” Wang Yinglei directly entered the topic, “But when refining, please consider the possibility of mass production. .”

The Wang family attaches great importance to and respects technical talents, and the boss Wang Yinglei is also quite polite to the second-grade weapon refiner.

After some research, Wang Qi nodded with understanding and said: “What a wonderful idea, I can use the mass-produced Bailiang steel in the blast furnace to make a disc blade, some key parts, and the middle part. A large shaft is used, and the rest of the frame and counterweight can be made of ordinary carbon steel to save costs.”

This is the case with most inventions and creations. Before they are created, they are often a blank. But once someone figured it out, it suddenly became clear to the technical talents.


Wang Qi’s team went to refine the real thing.

Wang Ningxi, with the help of Wang Yinglei, began to standardize the compilation of drawings and copyright statements, and then handed them over to the Changningwei government through official channels and sent them to the General Administration of Technology and Copyright Justice in Guilongcheng.

This is an official organization of Daqian established under the strong promotion of Gongye. The reason is of course that Gongye, as a technological pioneer in Daqian, has long suffered from piracy and imitators.

When encountering piracy from a weak family, the Gongye family can still suppress it forcefully. But when faced with Zhao’s blatant theft techniques, the Gongye family naturally had nothing to do.

Because of this, the Gongye family and the Zhao family were extremely at odds. Although other families also stole, they still restrained themselves a little, but the Zhao family was the most shameless.

When Emperor Longchang was in power and the Zhao family was in control of the cabinet, this memorial proposal was suppressed and never passed.

It was not until the Daqian Wang family entered the cabinet and the emperor’s son supervised the country that the proposals that the Gongye family had been working on for hundreds of years were reappeared in the world, and with the assistance and suggestions of Wang Shouzhe, Daqian became more A technical department.

The General Administration of Technology is somewhat similar to the Patent Office in Wang Shouzhe’s previous life. However, supported and promoted by the security force of Emperor Zi, this new unit has great power. Once technology infringement is confirmed, it can impose huge fines and compensation on the infringing party.

The specific operation and rules will not be elaborated one by one for the time being.

In short, today’s Daqian has taken the first step in copyright protection, and it will inevitably be gradually improved in the future.

During this period.

Wang Ningxi never went anywhere, but considered the Furniture Factory as his home.

In a blink of an eye, more than ten days passed.

Wang’s Farm No. 13 in Xinping Town.

This is a large farm with 50,000 acres of ordinary farmland and more than 200 acres of low-grade spiritual fields, all of which are planted with Wang’s high-quality grain seeds. Just next to the farm, there are still about 10,000 acres of uncultivated wasteland.

The closer this wasteland is to the mountains along the river, the more gravel the land contains, and it is overgrown with weeds and difficult to cultivate. When using a chisel plow to clear wasteland, it is easy to get stuck in the cracks of stones. This kind of low-quality land requires farm tenants to expand and reclaim it bit by bit, and it is very hard work.

This day.

Wang Yinglei, the owner of the furniture factory, Wang Wangangying, the vice president, and Wang Xuannan, Yinglei’s assistant, as well as Wang Ningxi and Wang Qi, etc., all arrived at Farm No. 13.

The person in charge of this farm is also a member of the Wang family. His name is Wang Anrong. He is the great-grandson of Shouzhe’s second brother Wang Shouyi. He is the sixth eldest in the An family and is currently in his early nineties.

However, compared to his younger brothers with a similar age gap such as Wang Anye, Wang Anxin, and Wang Anrui, Wang Anrong appears to be much more “mediocre”. His bloodline talent is only barely considered a genius, and his cultivation is still stuck at the fourth level of the Lingtai realm. peak.

After all, no matter how rich the Wang family is, it is absolutely impossible for everyone to be a genius at present, and everyone has to use all the resources to cultivate them. Fortunately, the spirit gathering array in Wang’s main residence is now gradually taking shape, and some cultivation places with particularly rich spiritual energy can be gradually opened up.

Wang Anrong will work hard to accumulate more contribution points in the future, and with the help of his family owner Wang Shouzhe to extend his longevity, he still has a chance to step into the realm of heaven and man by relying on auxiliary breakthrough drugs such as “Ascending Immortal Pill”.

However, although Wang Anrong is inconspicuous among the Wang clan, he is still a figure when he goes out. Especially in Farm No. 13 in Xinping Town, he is a unique figure who sits in charge.

“Ning Xi, since this is your business, it is also your sixth uncle’s business.” Wang Anrong patted his chest and said boldly, “I’ll leave those two third-order purple-horned spiritual cattle to you. You can kill them and eat them.” No, Liu Bo has no objection.”

“Thank you Uncle Liu, there is no need to eat.” Wang Ningxi sweated. If he really dared to kill the productive purple-horned spiritual cow and eat it, he would probably be beaten again.

“By the way, I heard that you broke off the engagement? And you were beaten up?” For a moment, Wang Anrong asked curiously, “How many cool manuscripts did you read to come up with such an idea…”

“Liu Bo… let’s not talk about this anymore.” Wang Ningxi was about to cry. During this period, whenever she met her clan members, she was concerned about his breaking off the engagement and being beaten.

“Okay, okay, let’s not mention it.” Wang Anrong commanded several spiritual planters with advanced cultivation skills to hook a purple-horned spiritual ox to the new disc-blade plow.

On the plow frame roller, there are ten disc blades installed on the plow. Each disc is four and a half feet in diameter. The edge of the plow looks coldly shining, but in fact it is not very sharp. If If the grinding is too sharp, it will chip easily.

Use the adjusting frame to adjust the tilt angle, install the lever counterweight and fender, and the disc plow cuts into the soil.


The purple-horned ox, which weighs more than five or six thousand kilograms, drags the plow frame with two wheels forward. As the roller rotates, the obliquely angled disc blade rotates. Wherever it passes, The weeds were crushed, the land was turned over, all kinds of grass roots, gravel, earthworms and insects were turned up.

After a while, a rough plowing field about one foot wide was exposed behind the plow frame, and when it encountered some big rocks, the round blade could roll over without getting stuck.

“Okay, okay.” Wang Anrong, who is experienced, was overjoyed. “The purple-horned ox is easy to pull. This disc-blade plow is very suitable for land reclamation. Call a group of tenant farmers to come over and use rakes to clean up the debris. Foreign body.”

It will be much easier to clean up the land that has been plowed once.

Wang Ningxi was also very excited, but he was counting the time. After a full hour, the Purple-horned Spirit Bull stopped to rest and was rewarded with some spirit grass and spirit bean residue.

Wang Anrong and others personally went into battle and measured the newly plowed land. After an hour, this set of disc-blade plows plowed about twenty acres of wasteland.

This is a very difficult and low-quality wasteland. If it were easy, Wang Anrong would have finished cultivating it long ago.

“Ten tenant farmers worked together to clean up the rocks, grass and foreign objects, or to crush and remove large rocks, just in time to keep up with the disc blade plow.” Wang Anrong analyzed, ” However, plowing once is obviously not enough. You can plow once vertically, and then plow horizontally again. In this way, ten acres of wasteland can be cleared in about an hour.”

“A plow truck, based on an average working time of six hours a day, can cultivate 60 acres of land. If the weather is suitable in a year, it can cultivate at least 10,000 acres of land.”

“The price of our Wang’s tenants is high. The total cost of ten tenants is fifty gold per year. The cost of raising third-level purple-horned cattle is four hundred gold per year. Plus other miscellaneous costs, this team can spend one year. The expenditure is about 500 gold. The average initial wasteland reclamation cost per acre of poor quality is about three coppers. If it is ordinary wasteland, the cost can be reduced further.”

“If it is used to plow mature land, it will be easier. The plow frame can be twice as long, and it only needs to be plowed once. There is no problem in plowing one to two to three hundred acres in one day.”

“However, it is relatively cost-effective to use purple-horned oxen to open up wasteland. It is more cost-effective to use native oxen for ordinary plowing, as long as the plow truck is made smaller.”

Wang Anrong is a professional farmer after all. After some calculations, he slapped Wang Ningxi on the shoulder and said excitedly: “Boy Ningxi, you have become prosperous. Whether it is opening up wasteland or starting to plow the land, compared to digging Plowing should save at least 50% of the cost of plowing.”

Wang Ningxi was also very excited. How much land is there in the entire Daqian? If they all used the plow he invented… how much could be harvested from just the 10% contribution value?

It turns out that even “waste material” can still have spring.

Of course, I’m just thinking about it. The popularity of disc plows throughout Daqian is basically a series in my lifetime.

This matter quickly reached Wang Shouzhe’s ears.

This made Wang Shouzhe feel very pleased. The beating the child received was not in vain. However, he also kept his promise and took Wang Ningxi with him, preparing to take the royal chariot to the Holy Land together.

However, just as Wang Ningxi packed her luggage and boarded the grandpa’s flying chariot with great interest, she was stunned on the spot.

On the flying chariot, besides Grandpa, there were two more people.

One was a man who looked like a mighty giant elephant. He stared at Wang Ningxi with fist-sized eyes and was very hostile.

The other one is a little girl in her teens. She is pretty and has a pair of watery eyes looking at Wang Ningxi faintly.

“Ning Xi, why are you still standing there?” Wang Shouzhe greeted enthusiastically, “Come on, come on, say hello to our Ling Bo.”

Grandpa, aren’t you?

Are you trying to trick me to death?



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