Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 92: The alternation of saints! Shouzhe changes the clouds and makes it rain (please vote for me)

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Gu Shen Village.

As the political and cultural core of the Barbarian Gu tribe, the Gu God Village is very large, almost ten times the size of an ordinary small Gu village. Even a large Gu village with tens of thousands of people is smaller than this Gu God Village. Zhai Lai is also small compared to the big witch, and the gap in scale is huge.

The permanent population of Gu Shen Village is over hundreds of thousands, which is far from the average Gu Village.

Even in normal times, guests from other villages often arrive in this village, and materials circulate very frequently. There are also special markets and trading points in the village, which makes it look like a city. appearance.

Recently, as the day of the celebration approaches, guests have been arriving in the village, and it has become even more lively than usual. People come and go during the day, and it feels like a bustling crowd. Even if the troops outside are already pressing down on the border, they can’t stop this enthusiasm.

In more than ten days, it will be the day when the quasi-saint Jing will officially succeed the saint and pay tribute to her ancestors. For the Barbarian Gu Clan, this is an extremely important day, and it is also a rare celebration that must be well prepared.

So, the men, women, old and young in the village started to take action early in the morning.

The altar in the center of the village is naturally the most important thing.

This altar for worshiping ancestors has a very long history and has been in use since Gu Shen Village moved here. The blue-gray stone has become mottled and old over the years, making it look particularly deep and solemn.

On the altar, there is a tall totem pole.

At this moment, an old man in the village is carrying a paint bucket, using bright paint bit by bit, patiently and meticulously repainting the totems on the poles, making the ancient totem poles full of life again.

On the altar, there are also some lean men with dark skin who are cleaning the altar over and over again. They must make sure that every stone seam is as smooth as new and free from any dust.

Farther away, there were some men carrying items and rearranging the altar under the command of the clan elders.

Unlike the tall, fair-skinned girls, the men of the Barbarian Gu tribe generally look much leaner, and their skin tends to be darker. Compared with the bright-looking girls, they look much less attractive.

However, men and women have some tattoos on their bodies.

In the bamboo building next to the altar, a group of girls were busy taking down the old and gray decorations in the bamboo building, cleaning them, or replacing them with new ones.

This bamboo building is a large-scale bamboo building that is rare among the Barbarian Gu tribe. Both in height and area, it is many times that of ordinary bamboo buildings. The level of detail and complexity of its production is also far from ordinary. Bamboo House is comparable.

There is no doubt that its owner is the Saintess or Son of the Barbarian Gu Clan. This title has a long history.

It’s just that the Barbarian Gu Clan has no way to step further into Lingxu for the time being, so the Holy Girl and the Holy Son are both vacant.

As the residence of the saint, the material for this bamboo building is not ordinary bamboo, but a special variety of spiritual bamboo, which has many spiritual effects. Each of the spiritual bamboos has been treated with special techniques. Even though it has been used for many, many years, it does not show any signs of age.

At this moment, several girls were holding bamboo baskets, taking out exquisitely cut cliparts and pasting them on the pillars, doors and windows of the bamboo building.

This is also one of the customs of the Barbarian Gu tribe.

The clip art is of the Six Gods Gu from the ancient legends of the clan. It is said that they are super powerful Gu bugs cultivated by the powerful ancestors. Each one has great power that reaches the heaven and the earth, and can protect the clan members in danger. survive in the world.

Every time there is a celebration, old people will cut some and paste them on the doors and windows to ward off disasters and pray for blessings, to ask for the blessings of ancestors, and to increase the festive atmosphere.

“Have you heard?” A girl suddenly said, “Yesterday, the former quasi-saint Nuya and several elders went to the saint’s grandma to file a complaint, accusing the quasi-saintnu Jing of colluding with outsiders and betraying our holy Gu clan. , and also said that she harbored evil intentions, had no good intentions from the beginning, and was a lackey of the Dagan people. The commotion was huge.”

The Dagan people call themselves the Barbarian Gu Clan, but the Barbarian Gu Clan naturally calls themselves the Holy Gu Clan.

“You said there was a lot of commotion, how could you not have heard of it? My father went to watch the fun yesterday~” Another girl rolled her eyes at her, “If you ask me, the former quasi-saint Ya just can’t see the situation clearly. Doesn’t she just want to use this matter to bring down the quasi-saintess Jing, and take the opportunity to replace her and become the new saint? But she doesn’t want to think about it. After the quasi-saintess Jing comes, she will do something for us How many things have you done? How much trouble have you solved for us?”

“When the quasi-saintess Jing first came here, there were so many elders who objected to the saintly grandma taking her in. Aren’t they all convinced now? Who believes that the quasi-saintess Jing has evil intentions? Anyway, I don’t believe it. ”

“That’s right.” Another girl was also a little dissatisfied. “The date of the festival has been set, but Ya hasn’t given up yet. She still thinks that she is the superior quasi-saint. She doesn’t even look at it. Now besides the elders How many other die-hard conservatives and elders are willing to support her?”

The quasi-saint Jing in their mouth is naturally Wang Shouzhe’s fifth sister, Wang Luojing.

She has been coming to the Barbarian Gu Clan since decades ago. As a member of Da Gan, she naturally struggled at the beginning. Many people from the Barbarian Gu tribe looked at him with colored glasses and were always wary of her. Even becoming the disciple of the current saint, she experienced many twists and turns.

But over the past few decades, with her efforts, the Barbarian Gu clan has developed faster and faster, and everyone’s life has become better and better. Everything has shown a trend of prosperity. Naturally, everyone’s views on her have also changed. It changed.

Furthermore, because she has always been kind to others and has no airs, she is not as condescending as the former quasi-saint girl. She often teaches the children in the village some useful knowledge. Over the decades, among ordinary villagers, has accumulated a high reputation.

Not to mention anything else, these little girls who came to help decorate the bamboo house under the arrangement of the elders often followed Wang Luojing around. Wang Luojing’s words may be more effective than their biological parents.

Although some people in the village are panicking due to the recent invasion of the Qian army, and some people have begun to question the position of the quasi-saintess Jing, they still firmly believe that the quasi-saintess Jing will not abandon them.

“However, although I firmly believe that the quasi-saintess Jing will definitely not betray us. But my father said that the biggest problem now is not who will be the saint, but that Daqian is obviously determined to conquer southern Xinjiang. We won’t give up easily. But our strength is obviously not as good as Daqian. If we fight, we will definitely suffer heavy losses and many people will die… And when the time comes, Ya may take the opportunity to attack again…” The girl said He frowned, feeling a little worried.

Another girl saw this and comforted her: “I don’t quite understand what you are talking about. But I believe that no matter what the problem is, the quasi-saint Jing will definitely find a solution. She has faced so many difficulties in the past. Haven’t we solved everything? It will definitely work this time.”

“Can this be the same?” The girl rolled her eyes at her.

“Why are you thinking so much? Those are things that big people should worry about, and little people like us can’t get involved. You’d better do the things at hand first. The stickers are all crooked.” There are two reasons. A girl was passing by carrying a bamboo basket. When she heard their conversation, she couldn’t help but mutter a few words.

Their bamboo baskets contain small copper bells, made into the shape of insects, which are very delicate. That is a bug bell, also used in celebrations. In ancient legends, the patterns carved on insect bells can be used to communicate with ancestors.

While talking, one of the girls had already deftly climbed up the eaves and started hanging insect bells under the eaves.

Hearing this, the girl with the sticker quickly straightened the crooked sticker, and then retorted unconvincingly: “Aren’t I worried about the future of the quasi-saintess Jing and our Saint Gu clan? Aren’t you worried? ”

“Is it your turn to worry?”

The status of women in the Barbarian Gu tribe is very high, and girls are naturally aggressive in character, so they are not the ones who can suffer. When the two sentences didn’t agree, the two girls started fighting with their hands on their hips.

The other girls were busy trying to break up the fight, and the scene was a bit chaotic for a while.


While they were noisy, a cough suddenly came from next to them.

The girls were startled, and then they realized that a nun in black stood behind them.

The nanny wore a beaded hat on her head, gold earrings on her ears, and several bracelets set with precious stones on her wrists. In the Barbarian Gu Clan, only Gu Masters with high status would dress up like this.

“Aunt Aya.”

A few of the little girls obviously knew her.

This is the nanny next to the Saint Grandma. She is also very powerful and a powerful Gu Master.

At that moment, they also realized what mistake they had made, so they shrank their necks and admitted their mistakes obediently.

“I’m sorry, Aunty Aya, we shouldn’t have argued here and disturbed the saintly grandmother and the quasi-saintly girl’s quiet practice. We know we were wrong. I’m sorry~”

“Okay, go and get the punishment yourself~” Aya shook her head, waved her hand and drove the person away.


The little girls had no choice but to leave dejectedly.

“These kids~~Hey~~”

Grandma Aya sighed and couldn’t help turning her head to look at the bamboo building behind her.

The saint Dian and the quasi-saintess Jing have been talking behind closed doors for a long time, and I don’t know how the conversation went. This time, the vast army is approaching, and the life and death of the Holy Gu clan depends on the thoughts of these two people.

I hope everything will turn out well~


At the same time.

Inside the bamboo building where the saint lives.

“It is said that a long time ago, our Holy Gu tribe was still in a barbaric state and did not know how to raise Gu insects. We lived a difficult life surrounded by poisonous insects and ferocious beasts all day long. I was so frightened. Maybe when I opened my eyes, my husband and children would be dead.”

A woman who was gorgeously dressed, with black clothes decorated with various mysterious symbols, murmured in a low voice with a slightly hoarse voice, “Until one day, the Gu God came to this mountain range, and he gave our people The ability to feed Gu insects, and left a legacy of the Holy Gu [Celestial Silkworm] and the “Holy Gu True Method”.”

“And our people learned how to control poisonous insects and strange Gu, and gained the ability to hunt ferocious beasts. Gradually, the Holy Gu people spread out and occupied a vast territory”

The woman in gorgeous clothes had mottled hair and a deep voice, as if she was old. But there are no wrinkles on his face, and he still looks young. However, she has many mysterious tattoos from her face to her neck, making her look mysterious and dangerous.

This is the saint of the contemporary Saint Gu tribe – Saint Dai.

On her shoulder, there lay lazily a two-foot-long, white and fat silkworm. It had cute eyes and was bored. It was half asleep and half awake. That’s right, it spends most of its time sleeping.

This is the Holy Gu passed down from generation to generation by the Holy Gu tribe – [Celestial Silkworm]. According to legend, the Celestial Silkworm will be reborn every time it dies. And under the support and sacrifice of the current saint or Gu Saint, he quickly reached the stage of ninth-level Gu insect.

For this reason, the Holy Gu inheritance of the Holy Gu clan has never been cut off.

Not far behind Saint Dai, a young woman also wearing a black Gu Master skirt lowered her head slightly and listened quietly without saying a word.

She is Wang Luojing, the fifth sister of Wang Shouzhe, the contemporary patriarch of the Wang family in Changning.

Wang Luojing’s figure is slightly petite and exquisite, and her handsome and pure face is more cute than charming. If she were to change it to the earth, she would look like a middle school and high school girl.

But in fact, she is already one hundred and twenty-five years old. It is precisely because of the relatively fast cultivation speed that the body’s functions have been maintained in a very young state.

Since she gained a lot in the Shenwu Dynasty recruit training camp and successfully promoted her bloodline to the middle level of the second-level great genius, Wang Luojing’s training speed has increased by leaps and bounds.

Now that her cultivation has been promoted to the eighth level of the Heavenly Realm, it is only a matter of time before she reaches the Purple Mansion Realm.

Her mentality is different from that of the Barbarian Gu tribe, and she is unwilling to get various tattoos on her body to increase her combat effectiveness.

“Luo Jing.” Saint Dai turned to look at Wang Luojing, a strange light flashed across her deep eyes, “Do you know why I am willing to support you as the next Saint?”

“Saint of Initiation.” Wang Luojing whispered, “You are doing it for the sake of my late master Zhou Changfeng,”

“No, when I was still a quasi-saint, I was already criticized when I took Da Ganren Changfeng as my disciple. Unexpectedly, after Changfeng gained some strength, he took advantage of me to be in seclusion to receive the inheritance of magical powers. With the secret assistance of the thief Wa Bak, he stole half of my “Holy Gu True Method”.” Saint Dai sighed and said, “It also made me furious and caused half of the inheritance to fail. He also caused me so far, The main culprit is that I can’t break through to the supernatural realm. So much so that I am only over six hundred years old and I have to change my inheritance.”

“Logically speaking, I will never be able to forgive him in this life. But the letter he wrote before his death explained the reason. He himself was depressed for the rest of his life, and he could not even break through the realm of heaven and human beings in order to atone for his sins. ”

“If I can forgive him and accept you as a disciple, I am already tolerant and generous.”

Wang Luojing said calmly: “Then what does Her Majesty the Saint mean…?”

“It’s just like the story I just told.” Saint Dai sighed and said, “Our Saint Gu tribe is now facing the same dilemma that our ancestors experienced.”

“It’s just that the ancestors faced poisonous insects and ferocious beasts back then. But now, what we face is the more powerful Da Qin and Da Qian. Da Qin is doing better at the moment, and its territory and borders are still in contact with our Holy Gu clan. Across the mountains filled with miasma, sooner or later they will expand to us.”

“And Daqian is extremely warlike, and his territory and strength are expanding very quickly. Especially this generation of Emperor Longchang, who has extremely ambitious expansion, has long since annexed the most fertile land of our Holy Gu tribe, but he has not yet Satisfied, he also tried to fully conquer our Holy Gu clan.”

“Every time we resist, at least hundreds of thousands of outstanding tribesmen will die on the battlefield.”

Wang Luojing was speechless, although she felt some sympathy for the Holy Gu clan in her heart. But this is the rule of this world. The strong will continue to expand territory, or conquer or annex the weak.

The current huge land area of ​​Daqian was indeed conquered bit by bit. In fact, if Da Gan cannot strengthen itself, it will be annexed by the Southern Qin and the Western Jin sooner or later.

“Luo Jing, the reason why I support you as a saint is because in addition to Zhou Changfeng’s letter, you also brought a letter from your Wang family, Wang Shouzhe.” Saint Dai said calmly, “Just as the Holy Gu Clan was in its most critical moment, Lord Gu God came and changed the fate of the Holy Gu Clan. And now it’s time for the Holy Gu Clan to change.”

“Your Wang family and the current Emperor Zi’an are indeed different from Emperor Longchang and other Daqian people. They have kept their original promises and brought about earth-shaking changes to the Holy Gu clan in just a few decades. This allows me to see the real way out for the future of the Holy Gu Clan.”

“Your Highness the Saint, I understand.” Wang Luojing said calmly, “Don’t worry, both me and my fourth brother will bring new life to the Holy Gu clan in different positions and enjoy a long-lasting life. Peace, as well as common prosperity and common development.”

Saint Maiden nodded.

In fact, she has not been idle in the past few decades, and has been paying attention to the great changes that Wang has brought to the Holy Gu Clan. At the same time, many of the Gu masters who accepted Wang’s organization to “work” were her people.

She learned bit by bit what Wang Shouzhe had done, and she was lucky in the end.

Wang and Wang Shouzhe have a very good reputation. There are various benefits and they will develop and work together with their allies.

Similarly, Di Zian’s reputation and credibility are also excellent, which makes her feel relieved.

It was also for various reasons that prompted Saint Dai to make up her mind, unite with many heavyweight Gu elders, and finally support [quasi-Saint Girl Jing], and lead the Saint Gu clan to the next generation of saints. A new future.

If it were Emperor Longchang or Prince Kang who carried out this plan, she would probably never dare to take such a big gamble. Wang Shouzhe is right. Before Emperor Longchang’s death, there will be a battle between the Holy Gu Clan and Da Gan. By then, it will not end well.

The current situation is the optimal solution for the Holy Gu Clan.

“Your Highness the Saint, my fourth brother sent a letter.” Wang Luojing took out a letter and presented it, and whispered, “He said that the time is ripe and we can close the net according to the plan.”

“Okay, then I’ll wait and see.” Saintess Dai’s eyes showed a touch of determination, she firmly believed that this was the best choice for the entire Saint Gu Clan. Besides, she had no choice but to agree.

If she dares to break the contract and not recognize Wang Luojing as a saint, or not follow the plan. The 100,000-strong army outside, which looks like tigers and wolves, will instantly overthrow the Gu God Stronghold.


Time flies.

Ten days flew by.

The army of Da Qian Kingdom was quietly entrenched hundreds of miles outside Gu Shen Stronghold.

This put tremendous pressure and threat on the entire Barbarian Gu Clan.

Messengers from both sides came and went, as if they had to travel many times a day, negotiating with each other, trying to reach a common goal.


It is the day when the Saint of Gu Shen Village inherits the inheritance.

The interior of Gu Shen Village was filled with joy and excitement, and they had temporarily “forgotten” the shadow of war hanging above their heads, immersed in the atmosphere of the festival.

In front of the altar.

The bamboo viewing platform for the inheritance celebration has been set up. There was already a sea of ​​people around, but they were all onlookers, and they had no place to sit.

Different from the solemn and solemn atmosphere of the Daqian royal family ceremony, the Sheng Gu tribe is obviously much more relaxed and has a custom of participation by all people.

The dignitaries of the Holy Gu Clan arrived one after another and were led to sit on the bamboo platform to watch the ceremony.

They are all the important ruling class of the entire Holy Gu clan, and the weakest ones are all Gu masters in the middle and late stages of the Heavenly Realm.

According to the tradition of the Holy Gu tribe, they are people with many rune tattoos.

Soon, dozens more people appeared on the bamboo viewing platform.

Afterwards, the Gu elders appeared one by one. Only Gu masters who are equivalent to Daqian Zifu realm monks are qualified to serve as Gu elders. Each of them is a top figure in the Holy Gu clan, and the power in their hands can also influence the direction and future of the Holy Gu clan.

Although the entire Holy Gu clan is now much worse than at its peak, it still has a total of seventeen Gu elders.

Previously, the selection of a saint heir from two quasi-saints relied on the votes of seventeen Gu elders. Among them, the quasi-saint Jing received the support of nine Gu elders and the saint Dai, and was successfully elected as the next saint.

After the Gu elders appeared one after another, the atmosphere at the scene became more and more solemn.

Among them, the appearance of Elder Gu and the eliminated quasi-saint Ya are particularly eye-catching.

Elder Ga is one of the most noble elders in the Holy Gu Clan, and the original quasi-Saint Nuya is a very outstanding descendant of his lineage, and has shown extremely outstanding talents since she was a child.

Before the quasi-Saint Jing appeared, everyone believed that Ya would definitely succeed the next generation of Saint. After all, Saint Dai failed half of the inheritance and would inevitably abdicate early if she could not be promoted to Gu Saint.

But what Elder Ga and Ya never expected was that [Jing], who had suddenly emerged as a new force, would eventually obtain the right to succeed the Saint due to her merits and the full support of Saint Dai.

This shows.

Elder Ga and former quasi-Saint Nuya are definitely not in a good mood at the moment. When they walked in, their faces were dark, and their tattoos became more colorful.

“Hey, isn’t this Ga?” Elder Chan, who has always been at odds with Elder Ga, said sarcastically, “I thought you wouldn’t come today.”

Elder Chan is an old woman. Due to her influence and historical reasons, she has always been against Ga Shi. This time, she is also a strong supporter of the quasi-Saint Jing.


Elder Ga’s eyes became a little more gloomy, “Maybe Master Tiancan will dislike foreign blood and be unwilling to pass it on.”

“Hahaha, just go ahead and dream. The quasi-Saintess Jing’s Gu Master bloodline is very strong and pure, and she can’t be considered a foreigner at all.” Elder Chan said with a smile, “Besides, Saintess Dai has already asked Master Tiancan. My opinion, you have expressed your love for Jing a long time ago.”

The opinion of the Holy Gu Celestial Silkworm is naturally very important. Relatively speaking, the Holy Gu Celestial Silkworm prefers Jing, which may be because Jing’s bloodline talent is much stronger.

If a Gu Master is not willing to accept the Holy Gu Celestial Silkworm, how can he get the support of many Gu elders?


Elder Ga snorted coldly and was about to retort a few words.

Unexpectedly, another long shout came from outside the viewing platform: “Da Qian’s ‘Di Zi’an’ has arrived.”

Di Zian?

The “ordinary big shots” who didn’t know the inside story were shocked and talking.

“Why did Emperor Daqian Zian come here?”

“Saint Dai should be the one invited to watch the ceremony after discussing with the Gu elders.”

“He is so brave. Aren’t you afraid that we will swarm up and kill him to solve the dilemma of the army pressing down on the situation?”

“Idiot, if we kill Emperor Zi’an, our Holy Gu clan will be buried with the whole clan.”

However, they only dared to say these words when Emperor Zi’an was still far away.

When Emperor Zi’an and his entourage and guards approached, there was a sudden silence. Di Zian, who was dressed in armor and military uniform, received countless looks of hatred, awe, or admiration.

Wang Shouzhe, who was dressed in white and looked as graceful as an immortal, was a few steps behind Emperor An, unwilling to steal the limelight.

But even so.

Many young women who were watching cast admiring glances at Di Zi’an and Wang Shouzhe, and among them, there were even more whispers about Wang Shouzhe.

“The young man in white is so handsome.”

“It’s over, it’s over, what should I do if I really want to marry him?”

“That young man must be a big shot, how could he like you?”

“It’s okay to sleep even for one night.”

“Then let’s gather some sisters together later, and when the celebration is over, we’ll swarm them. Even if we get a handful, it’s worth it.”

Women from the Barbarian Gu tribe are naturally much more open-minded than those in Daqian. Especially in this rare celebration and festival, it is normal for men and women to look at each other and do anything.

Even whispers fell into the ears of Di Zi’an, Wang Shouzhe and others. There is no way, the strength is too strong, unless you specifically use spiritual thoughts to isolate and shield, it will be difficult to hear.

Just when they were not taking it seriously, a “senior guard” behind him, covered in armor, said in an old and teasing voice: “Hey, hey, a pretty guy like Shouzhe is really popular. Foreign women are welcome. If you want to have some romantic affairs, feel free to do so. I promise I will not file a lawsuit with Ruolan.”

Wang Shouzhe rolled his eyes angrily. The closer Emperor Longchang was to his retirement, the more playful he became. After staying at Wang’s for a long time, I began to be very restless again and insisted on going on an expedition with him.

What I want to say is that I want to witness the thorn in my heart being pulled out, so that I can abdicate quietly.

If you have the ability, why don’t you fight it yourself? What’s the point of pretending to be a guard?

Now that the entire Wang family, that is, Ruo Lan, An Ye, and Li Xian, can still listen to a few words they say.

Sigh~ The old naughty boy’s behavior is really a headache.

However, Wang Shouzhe selfishly did not want Emperor Longchang to come. He was not afraid of others, but was afraid that he would cry.



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