Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 84: Promote to the Holy Body! Wang Shouzhe was reborn

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A moment passed.

The bear was dragged out of the cave and met with a crowd of spectators.

Facing a group of terrifying two-legged beasts, it bent its knees into a big “ball” with “silly” eyes and looked at everyone with a flattering expression, trying to make itself look more docile and harmless. Poor and helpless.

When it was still a little cub, its mother once taught it that if it was caught by the terrifying two-legged beast, it would be possible to escape the fate of being slaughtered by doing this.

“Aunt Lilong, look at how round it is. The meat must be fat and tender. It must be delicious when grilled on the teppanyaki.” Wang Yingxuan swallowed her saliva and looked at the bear with a look in her eyes. Shining light, “I happened to learn a few tricks from the imperial chef and mixed in a lot of seasonings, so let me try it.”

She has been living a very happy and carefree life in the palace recently. She has delicious food and drink every day, and her pretty face already has some baby fat.

On her little finger, she also wore a top-notch storage ring – [Sheng Si Jia].

This name was given by His Majesty’s grandfather, which means that this small storage ring has a terrifying cargo capacity that can exceed that of a four-wheel carriage.

Although [Sheng Si Jia] is not as good as [Infinite Treasure Ring] and [Pixiu Treasure Ring], it is also an extremely rare “big belly” storage ring, comparable to the [Endless Abyss] in Wang Shouzhe’s hand.

The reason why this treasure was obtained was naturally because Yingxuan showed great potential and had been accepted as a disciple by the contemporary Holy Master Jiang Zhencang. Emperor Longchang also wanted to create more good relationships with the royal family.

“I’ve been getting tired of eating Teppanyaki lately.” Wang Lilong put on her favorite floral skirt again and pretended to put her paws on her back and said, “Why not cut it into thin slices, make a clear soup hot pot, and eat it with garlic sauce~ ”

When Xiong heard this, he was so scared that he didn’t faint.

I have met two foodies. My old bear is at risk!

“Okay, okay~” Wang Shouyong said, “Don’t bully this bear. This time we brought the fight to its territory and beat this valley into chaos.”

“Looking at it, it looks quite honest. It’s really outrageous to scare it like this.”


Finally someone who makes sense comes.

Old Xiong looked at Wang Shouyong with tears of gratitude and thought, although you have destroyed my valley and my home, I, Old Xiong, am a bear with only a big heart, so I won’t care about you. Let’s go quickly, let’s go~~~

However, before the bear could finish being grateful, Wang Shouyong pinched the muscles on the bear’s calf skillfully and commented: “It’s indeed quite fat. In that case, just give it a good time.”


The old bear’s eyes suddenly widened, filled with disbelief.

I thought you were kind-hearted, but I didn’t expect you to be more cruel than those two. Slip away~slip away~slip away~

It quickly turned over and tried to run away.

However, its strength is only at the fourth level. How can it escape in front of this group of people?

But in the blink of an eye, it was grabbed back by Wang Shouyong.

Just when Wang Shouyong gathered his profound energy and prepared to kill the bear with one sword.

Wang Anye on the side couldn’t bear it and stopped him: “Fifth Old Master, I think this bear seems to have a lot of blood characteristics of [Yao Tu Giant Bear]. With such a big body, it probably hasn’t grown into a big bear yet. ~Didn’t Grandpa say that there are three things that should not be killed? How about we just spare its life~”

[Yaotu Giant Bear] is a rare earth-type bear beast. It has huge power and outstanding defense. If you are lucky enough, it is possible to be promoted to a seventh-level demon.

Wang Shouyong really didn’t pay attention before, but now he took a closer look, identified it carefully for a while, and nodded: “The bloodline is not very pure, but it is indeed a giant bear of Yaosu. Since it is not yet underage, then forget it. There is no shortage of this kind of food in our family now.”

Most of Wang’s “Shou” brothers had suffered hardships when they were young, and were used to cherishing every resource, even a pill or a piece of spiritual beast meat would have to be pushed back and forth.

If it had been at the time when resources were in short supply, it would have been impossible for him to let go of this prey.

But now that the Wang family has become wealthy, most of their spiritual meat comes from breeding. If you encounter some underage ferocious beasts in the wild, you will not hunt them at will, but will choose to expel them or keep them in captivity as long as their safety can be ensured and innocent people will not be harmed.

Wang Yingxuan blinked her watery eyes, as if she still had no intention of giving up eating bear meat, licking her lips and said: “Then take it home, Yingqi and her children don’t have war pets yet. . If it is obedient, spare its life. If it is disobedient, kill it and eat it.”

She is worthy of being the eldest sister of the [Invincible Beautiful Girls Mutual Aid Alliance]. She can think of her die-hard supporters whenever she encounters good things when she is out.

This is a very unreasonable request that makes Xiong angry.

The bear immediately lowered its proud head and rolled obediently, revealing its furry belly. It rubbed its head against Wang Yingxuan to show intimacy, as if to say, “I am an obedient bear. Don’t eat me”.

Then, a few hours later.

Finished packing up the loot.

The two fourth-level peak spirit birds, who had calmed down a bit, pulled up the chariot again and flew into the blue sky and white clouds. They crossed the Gyeongbuk Corridor from the air and flew into the hinterland of Qing’an County, all the way to Long Go in the direction of Zuojun.

Compared with before, there is one more bear and one person on the chariot now.

The giant Yaotu bear has not yet reached the seventh level, so naturally it has not yet mastered the small magical power of Ruyi, and cannot shrink like Wang Lilong.

At this moment, its fat body was rolled into a ball, occupying almost half of the car. Its fat **** was embedded in the groove of the car, and it did not dare to move. The innocent-looking bear also had a flattering expression on his face.

As for the extra person, he is naturally the captured Gu Master.

Most of the ancestors of the Dagan people were immigrants who migrated from the Immortal Dynasty to open up wasteland, while most of the wild natives have lived in the wilderness for generations. Therefore, the appearance of the wild natives is slightly different from that of the Dagan people. .

Compared with the others on the flying chariot, the Gu Master’s skin was darker, shorter, with a shaved head, and his head and body were covered with tattoos.

The patterns of those tattoos are mysterious and complex, and the pigments used are unusual. Although they look different from the runes popular in the Immortal Dynasty and Daqian, they have similar abilities and can be used to enhance physical fitness and speed. , and has various other wonderful uses.

It is said that among the barbarian Gu tribe in southern Xinjiang, tattoos cannot be done casually. There are strict regulations on patterns and quantities. Generally speaking, the more tattoos on the body, the higher the status. It can be seen that this Gu Master should be a big shot among the Barbarian Gu Clan in Southern Xinjiang.

But now, this big shot of the Barbarian Gu Clan has been put on the “God Locking Shackles”.

The structure of the God-locking shackle is very precise. It spreads from the sea of ​​​​qi in his lower abdomen to the top of his head, locking the sea of ​​​​qi and trapping his soul.

The God-Suing Shackle is a complex and expensive refining artifact. It is carefully crafted by the Tiangongfang of the Gongye clan. It is generally only used by the government and the army, and is specially used to imprison advanced Xuanwu monks. .

Wang Shouzhe also obtained several divine shackles from the Gongye clan through the favor of Prince An.

At this moment, it comes in handy.

As for the three ferocious Gu worms, among them, the natal spiritual Gu, the red-tailed centipede, naturally penetrated into the Gu master’s body and lay dormant for the time being. The other two seventh-level ones were absorbed after being transformed and shrunk. In the insect bag.

Under the influence of the Divine Shackles, the Gu Master cannot even use the profound energy, so naturally he cannot control them.

After a preliminary interrogation, Wang Shouzhe quickly grasped the basic situation of this Gu Master.

This Gu Master’s name is “Wa Bak”, and he is a half-step Saint Gu Master of the Barbarian Gu Clan in southern Xinjiang.

After experiencing a failed power struggle, he fled to Daqian Kingdom, colluded with Prince Dexin, and tried to make a comeback with the help of the powerful power of Daqian Kingdom.

Prince Dexin’s lineage originally had a plan to conquer the barbarian Gu tribe in southern Xinjiang, hoping to use this to lay the foundation for victory in the battle between King Kang and his son.

In this way, the two sides naturally became a passionate match and hit it off immediately.

It’s a pity that the plan couldn’t keep up with the changes. After Wang Shouzhe’s tricks, Prince Kang was defeated before he could fight against the Barbarian Gu tribe, and he lost the qualification to compete for the emperor’s son.

In a hurry, Prince Dexin had no choice but to use this hidden chess piece in order to eliminate Wang Shouzhe.

However, Prince Dexin can be regarded as an old and cunning person. In his collusion with Wa Bak, he completely picked off himself without leaving any substantive evidence.

It is not easy to bring down Prince Dexin with this matter, not to mention, Wang Shouzhe already has a complete set of plans on how to deal with Prince Dexin, and does not really need this kind of chance.

The reason why Wa Bak honestly explained the cause and effect was that his life was in Wang Shouzhe’s hands, and secondly, it was also because he had obtained the latest information from Wang Shouzhe.

Dexin and King Kang’s lineage have failed in the battle between emperor and son, and the position of the leader of the Barbarian Gu tribe in southern Xinjiang has also fallen into the hands of King An.

Naturally, after Wa Bak scolded Prince Dexin, he began to actively confess, trying to obtain Wang Shouzhe’s forgiveness, and hoping to cooperate with Prince An and Wang Shouzhe.

Wang Shouzhe was noncommittal about this.

The Barbarian Gu tribe in southern Xinjiang naturally needs to be developed, but there is no need to rush. He won’t be as anxious as Prince Dexin~


Half a day later.

Prince Dexin’s Mansion.

Prince Dexin’s Mansion is located in the east of the city, and the straight-line distance from the palace wall is no more than fifty miles. It is the closest to the palace among all the prince’s mansions in Guilong City.

Compared to Prince Kang’s Palace, Prince Dexin’s level of luxury has reached a new level. Whether it is the building materials used or the decorations in each room in the palace, they are extremely luxurious. Even the spiritual flowers planted in the garden are extremely luxurious. Exotic plants should be cherished more and rare, even if they are only slightly inferior to those in the imperial palace.

It is conceivable that although the previous tax levy controversy had a certain impact on Prince Dexin’s palace, it was far from serious.

After all, Prince Dexin is already a thousand and hundreds years old, and it has been more than a thousand years since he became a powerful person in the supernatural realm. The accumulation of so many years is not fake.

Although the expenses of his lineage are also huge, even if the annual balance is only a few million, over thousands of years, it will be a quite terrifying figure.

It’s just twenty years of tax payment. In fact, it’s far less than one-tenth of the amount of tax evasion he actually made. Although the funds currently on the books of Prince Dexin’s Mansion are not abundant, but if you put them together, it’s still enough. It can be obtained.

Compared with the loss of money, the loss of face is greater.

However, Prince Dexin had a very face-saving character. After suffering this, he naturally hated Wang Shouzhe deeply.

Coupled with the huge blow to Dexin’s lineage caused by the fall of Prince Kang, Prince Dexin’s hatred for Wang Shouzhe has already reached the sky.

He has been preparing for this for a long time, and he must get rid of it quickly.

“It’s almost time. The battle over there should be over.”

In the back garden of the palace, Prince Dexin stood with his hands behind his hands, looking up to the east, his eyes seemed to penetrate the space, and fell far away in the direction of the Gyeongsangbuk Corridor.

“Your Majesty has a wonderful plan.” An old man wearing a butler’s clothes bowed and stood behind him. Hearing the words, he smiled and complimented, “The old slave has sent a general to guard the area and told him to report the result as soon as possible. Come back and report the news. I believe that good news will come back soon.”

This old man is the chief steward of Prince Dexin’s palace. His ancestors have been followers of Prince Dexin for more than ten generations, and he himself is one of Prince Dexin’s confidants.

Prince Dexin may not let his children and grandchildren know about some private matters, but he will not avoid him.

“To be honest, that boy Wang Shouzhe is a bit evil. Until the last moment, I feel a little uneasy.” Prince Dexin said, “However, Wa Bak is already under my command. He is the strongest among people. With him taking action, it must be absolutely foolproof.”

“Your Majesty, you are just too cautious.” The old housekeeper smiled disapprovingly, “Even though the boy named Wang is full of wits, after all, he is just the patriarch of a small sixth-grade family. Without Prince An and Prince Deshun He is just an ordinary cultivator in the Heavenly Realm. Your Majesty, you personally deployed, how can you not capture him with ease?”

“You~ this mouth is like smeared with honey, and you can pick up nice things to say.” Prince Dexin smiled and shook his head, but his mood felt much better.

I have to admit that Wang Shouzhe does have some abilities.

However, after today, there will no longer be Wang Shouzhe in this world.

Wu Mingyuan’s little brat is just a fool. As long as Wang Shouzhe, the mastermind behind everything, dies, it won’t be easy to clean him up.

When he thought of this, he felt extremely happy and felt relaxed all over. That kind of swaying and comfortable feeling can only be experienced every time one’s cultivation level is promoted.

While he was talking, a servant from the palace suddenly came to report that the general who had been sent out to inquire about the situation had returned.

“Let him in.”

Prince Dexin waved his hand, and the servant took the order and went out. He himself found a pavilion in the garden and sat down, ready to hear the good news.

After a while, the general entered the back garden under the leadership of his servants and respectfully greeted Prince Dexin.

“How is it? How did the boy named Wang die?” Prince Dexin asked Shi Shiran with a smile on his face as he picked up the freshly brewed fairy tea.

“Prince Qi, then, that…”

The general had been keeping his head down since he entered the back garden. Now when he heard this, he shivered all over. He couldn’t help but knelt down and pressed his forehead to the ground. Zhan said tremblingly: “Wang Shouzhe is fine, but the Gu Master was, was arrested…”

“What did you say?!”

Prince Dexin’s hand shook and he almost spilled the fairy tea in his hand. His expression instantly became extremely ugly, as if someone had smeared a layer of black ash from the bottom of a pot.

Wa Bak is a Gu Master at the peak of the Zifu Realm, and there are several powerful Gu Insects around him. The ferocious insects are even more powerful than those at the peak of the Zifu Realm. Unless someone from the supernatural realm takes action, even if several of the monks from the Purple Mansion realm join forces, they may not be his opponents.

If he wants to escape, even the magical realm may not be able to keep him.

With such strength, how could he fail? !

Prince Dexin couldn’t believe it, and was even more shocked and angry. He slapped the tea cup on the stone table and shouted in a cold voice: “Tell me! Tell the truth about all the news you heard!”


The general was so frightened that his whole body was shaking, but he still did not dare to hide anything.

At the moment, he explained how he waited in the distance until the energy aftermath of the battle dissipated, then cautiously approached to check, how he discovered something was wrong, and confirmed from various clues that Wang Shouzhe and others were all alive. No one was injured, but the Gu Master was caught by them, and how he rushed back to report the news without stopping, he explained clearly, and even some details were not concealed, for fear that he would be angered.

The old butler, who had flattered the horse, was so frightened that his face turned pale. He stood nearby without daring to say a word and quietly reduced his presence.

After listening, the look of shock and anger on Prince Dexin’s face dissipated a lot, but his expression became extremely solemn.

This Wang Shouzhe is really evil.

He didn’t know how Wang Shouzhe did all this, but one thing was certain, that is, both himself and Wu Chengsi had probably far underestimated the strength of the Changning Wang family.

After all, even Wa Bak failed. Unless the supernatural power realm takes action personally, it is probably difficult to pose a threat to the Changning Wang family.

But there are countless people with supernatural powers in the entire Daqian. Basically, every one of them is a big boss, and every move is under the gaze of others. It is not easy to avoid the eyes and ears of others and attack the Changning Wang family. ?

During this period, the old guy Wang Yinda came to chat with me when he had nothing to do. The old guy Deshun called Yongan over to go fishing with him. Wasn’t it because he was afraid that they would attack Wang Shouzhe in private?

Prince Dexin was extremely angry and unwilling. He almost wanted to rush to Longzuo County Magistrate Ningwei personally to kill Wang Shouzhe, but he also knew that he could not do this.

Besides, Tianhe Zhenren, that old guy, works at Wang’s to make money every day.

Today, he no longer has the capital to be willful. Instead of staring at Wang Shouzhe, it is better to lie dormant and wait for the opportunity.

There is not much power left in his hands now. One point is less than one point. Next, he has to deal with Wu Mingyuan. He really can’t waste it anymore.

After closing his eyes, Prince Dexin gritted his teeth and gave the order: “Pass this king’s order, the next plan is cancelled, all hands are withdrawn, and they are temporarily dormant, waiting for my next order.”


The old butler immediately took the order and left.

The general also retreated quickly as if he had been granted amnesty.

Prince Dexin ignored them and looked into the void, a sinister light flashing in his eyes.

It is a pity that the plan against Wang Shouzhe failed, but it is not decisive after all. The next plan for Wu Mingyuan is the top priority and must not be missed.

This time, he will definitely consider all the details and never give Wu Mingyuan any chance of survival!


Not to mention how Prince Dexin arranged and planned, Wang Shouzhe was not affected at all. After the initial battle, the flying chariot walked and rested, and everything went smoothly along the way.

A few days later.

The flying chariot arrived at the Wang family’s main residence in Ping’an Town.

At about the same time, another flying chariot returned to the Wang family carrying five sluggish little wolf cubs. Also coming down at the same time were the mentally and physically exhausted Patriarch Xiao Han and Wang Shou Lian.

The five little ones were so naughty and mischievous along the way that they almost made them both cry.

As soon as the chariot arrived at the main house, they hurriedly called Wang Shouzhe and his wife who had not had time to reunite, regardless of their appearance.

When the wolf cubs were brought to the Wang family’s main residence from the palace, the wolf cubs clearly recognized Wang Shouzhe’s appearance and behaved very well-behaved and flattering. It must be that only Wang Shouzhe could control them.

As a result, the situation was completely beyond their expectations.

Whether Wang Shouzhe could calm them down was not obvious yet, but Liu Ruolan, the five little ones were frightened as soon as they saw her and became extremely well-behaved. Liu Ruolan let They go east, but they firmly dare not go west.

Seeing people serving dishes like this made Patriarch Xiaohan, Wang Shouzhe and others dumbfounded.

Obviously, when the little girl Li Ci was training the wolf cubs, she introduced them to who they could and could not mess with at home, and maybe even drew pictures to teach them how to identify them.

Ancestor Xiao Han and Wang Shoulian must be the kind that are easy to mess with, and Wang Shouzhe should be the big devil level that is not easy to mess with. But something is wrong with Liu Ruolan. In the heart of the girl Li Ci, they must be the kind who are not only not easy to mess with. If you provoke someone, you have to obey the person you please in every possible way.

So much so that these little wolf cubs, who were naughty and mischievous in front of others, were as well-behaved as five pet dogs in front of Liu Ruolan.

Naturally, the five wolf cubs, plus a newly acquired Yaotu giant bear, were brought back by Liu Ruolan and trained for a period of time to familiarize them with the Wang family’s rules.

Then, as expected, they were packed up and sent to school.

Nowadays, Liu Ruolan’s obsession with education has developed to the point where every member of the family must learn ethnic culture, no matter if you are a bird, a bear, a dragon, or a A rabbit…

In short, it is impossible not to study.

While Liu Ruolan, as the eldest wife of the Wang family, was busy training new members of the family and managing various internal affairs of the family, Wang Shouzhe, after taking a short break for a few days, also began to gather his clan members to prepare for the implementation of the “Longzuo County Comprehensive Plan” Development Plan”.

This plan is very complex, including the major construction of water conservancy projects in the middle and lower reaches of Anjiang River, the internal water transportation and flood storage road plan of Longzuo County, the comprehensive promotion plan of Wang’s grain varieties, the further development plan outside the region, etc.

Among them, the construction of a large number of infrastructure projects is naturally very expensive and has a long construction period. However, once the construction is successful, frequent flooding disasters in the middle and lower reaches of Anjiang can be greatly reduced, and the transportation capacity of bulk goods can be greatly improved.

By then, the economic foundation of the entire Longzuo County will soar to a big level, and the Wang family will also reach a higher level.

The development of a family can never be achieved overnight, but requires the concerted efforts of everyone in the family to move forward step by step.

Now that the dispute between the emperor and his son has come to an end, the Wang family can finally eliminate interference and develop steadily. Next, Wang’s will once again usher in a period of rapid development.


Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, another thirty years have passed by.

Time came to the spring of Longchang three thousand two hundred and forty-eight years.

In the past thirty years, nothing major happened except that Prince An successfully ascended to the throne of the Emperor and became the “Emperor’s Son” praised by everyone.

Since the emperor took charge of the country, he has vigorously developed internal affairs with the help of the national treasury, county treasury and military treasury that were filled with tax repayments. In the past thirty years, the overall economic strength of the entire Daqian country has gradually increased. There is something like this A feeling of rising sunshine.

His prestige has gradually risen to the point where it is at its peak.

As for the Southern Xinjiang conquest plan, which was once a hot topic, it has fallen into “silence” since it was very popular at the beginning, and no one mentioned it again.

Wu Chengsi, who once had great glory, has long been relegated to a cannon fodder camp on the battlefield outside the territory, living a life worse than death.

Gradually, fewer and fewer people even mentioned Wu Chengsi in private.

Prince Dexin’s lineage has also completely gone dormant, and his behavior has become extremely low-key. He pays taxes honestly and according to the rules every year, never violates laws and disciplines, and has much stricter restraints on his clan members than before. There will be no more The arrogance of “the direct descendant of the same lineage”.

As for the wanted and suppressed “Daybreak” organization, it has been completely defeated and has completely disappeared.

The second-grade Zhao family, who was once very powerful and respected by everyone, has also kept a low profile in recent years. She rarely shows up in court, and her style has become less arrogant. An Guogong also expressed his sadness that Zhao Zhikun “accidentally went astray” in public several times, and gradually regained a little bit of his reputation.

However, after all, it is still not as good as before.

On the other hand, the Wang family of Daqian has become more and more famous in recent years, and its reputation is getting better and better, and it is gradually showing signs of prosperity.

In just thirty years.

For the entire history of mankind, this is just a small moment.

For Daqian Country, this is only a small step.

But for the Wang family in Changning, which has a short history, these short thirty years have been enough to bring about earth-shaking changes within it.

After the relocation of civilians, the entire Ping’an Town has now become Wang’s private residence.

During the migration process, every household suffered no loss. Through financial compensation, land replacement and other operations, Wang has brought great benefits to each demolished household, and even made a windfall for it.

After the earth-shaking Ping’an Town, a dense forest grew up in the middle of the town.

Every tree in this forest is a spiritual plant. Some of them are planted by purchasing spiritual seeds, and some are simply wild spiritual plants transplanted from outside the territory.

This piece of spiritual plant alone is worth a lot of money.

And in the middle of this spiritual forest with a radius of ten miles, there is a tree of life full of celestial beings rooted here. Its intertwined rhizomes penetrate deeply into the earth, absorbing the pure energy from the high-grade spiritual veins.

That’s right, under this land, a high-grade wood-type spiritual vein gradually emerged.

During the past thirty years, Li Yao’s master Tianhe Zhenren was hired by the Wang family in Changning to search for various small spiritual veins outside the territory, and used magical power to extract the spiritual veins to build the foundation for the Wang family’s spirit gathering array. .

As the core foundation of the formation, this most central location is naturally the top priority for construction. By constantly adding bricks and mortar, this high-grade spiritual vein was formed. The other four foundations have also achieved preliminary results.

However, such a large-scale spirit gathering array within a family cannot be formed overnight. In just thirty years, it has only barely taken shape. To complete the project, it would take as little as sixty or seventy years, and as many as eighty or ninety years.

But even so, within the scope of Wang Ping’an’s family, the spiritual energy has been filled many times.

Beside Wang Lixian, the Tree of Life, there is a quaint house built of spiritual wood. Inside the house is where the spiritual acupoint, which is the most full of spiritual energy, is located.

Inside the house, Wang Shouzhe was sitting cross-legged on the wooden bed, immersed in cultivation mode.

Due to the lack of true techniques, Wang Shouzhe still practices the top-grade technique – “The True Secret of Changchun”.

A breath of vitality lingered around him, making him look like an immortal descending to earth.

A branch of Wang Lixian wrapped around Wang Shouzhe’s body, happily absorbing the rich life source energy that spilled out during his practice.

At the same time, drops of rich emerald green liquid would emerge from the branches of the Tree of Life from time to time, seeping into Wang Shouzhe’s skin, as if it was a kind of feedback to Wang Shouzhe.

This is the advantage of practicing together with the natal spiritual plant. It can greatly accelerate the growth of the natal spiritual plant, and at the same time, you can enjoy the various benefits fed back by the natal spiritual plant.

Just like the famous spiritual plant Immortality Tree, the biggest benefit of backfeeding is to delay aging, increase lifespan, and somewhat improve bloodline qualifications.

But the Tree of Life is different. She is a majestic immortal plant. When practiced with it, it can slowly and permanently improve the owner’s physique, bloodline, and longevity. The effect is much stronger than that of the Immortality Tree.

Especially two years ago, the moment Wang Lixian successfully broke through and entered the ranks of the seventh level, she gave Wang Shouzhe a huge reward at once.

This kind of feedback not only made the already handsome Wang Shouzhe become extremely handsome, but also greatly improved his longevity and bloodline.

The increase in longevity is difficult to estimate for the time being, but the bloodline qualifications have obviously improved significantly.

Wang Shouzhe originally had the qualifications of the first-level great genius, but now he has directly become the pinnacle of the first-level great genius, just one step away from the innate spirit body.

In the past two years, Wang Shouzhe and Wang Lixian have practiced diligently, slowly improving Wang Shouzhe’s blood qualifications and cultivation level bit by bit.

This day.

The accumulated effect over time finally manifested itself. Wang Shouzhe once again crossed that thin line, his bloodline awakened again and entered the sixth level of the Holy Body.

After the body completed the bloodline awakening and transformation, Wang Shouzhe felt as if his whole person had been reborn. The laws of heaven seemed to be clearly visible, and many things that were originally obscure and difficult to understand when he comprehended the minor magical powers suddenly became natural. It became transparent.

I believe that as long as he spends some time, he can gradually modify and perfect his small magical powers, and then advance to the ranks of magical powers.

When Wang Shouzhe woke up from seclusion, a look of joy appeared on his face.

During this long period of seclusion, not only did his bloodline reach the Holy Body level, but his cultivation level also reached the ninth level of the Heavenly Realm.

Next, as long as you practice hard and polish your cultivation, the Purple Mansion realm will not be too far away.

This bloodline awakening can be regarded as a historic breakthrough. You can enter the ranks of the sixth level of the Holy Body before the Zifu Realm. As long as you advance to the Zifu Realm, you can awaken the first level of bloodline again and reach the seventh level of “Great Holy Body”. ” level.

You must know that the bloodline of most real people in the magical power realm is only at the level of the Great Holy Body.

For a while, Wang Shouzhe was filled with emotions.

It is not easy to go from an “ordinary” little person to today step by step.



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