Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 81: Shouzhe has become famous! Happy treasure

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Emperor Longchang gave Wang Shouzhe a hard look and thought to himself, Wang Shouzhe, Wang Shouzhe, you are really lucky. Thanks to me, my self-cultivation is getting better and better now.

If it had been my bad temper when I was young, hehehehehe~~~

Now! He was too lazy to talk nonsense with Wang Shouzhe, and just pretended to regulate his breath, closed his eyes and said nothing.

Prince Anjun on the side also turned pale, with sweat dripping from his forehead.

Today’s dinner was definitely the most thrilling one he had ever experienced in his life.

Every moment and every breath, he could feel His Majesty’s turbulent anger, and felt that he might summon hundreds of ax hands at any time to turn Wang Shouzhe into a pulp.

How dare you!

Prince An never thought in his wildest dreams that Wang Shouzhe would be so audacious, daring to criticize the Emperor in front of his face for his great success, and speak outright about the Emperor’s merits and demerits in his governance.

After a few words, he felt that his back was wet and he was terrified.

Fortunately, in a short while, after Emperor Longchang adjusted his breathing slightly, his expression recovered a lot, and he looked deeply at Wang Shouzhe: “Shouzhe’s kind words are like gold and jade, they are inspiring and enlightening, and they make me think a lot.”

“Your Majesty is overly complimentary.” Wang Shouzhe said with a graceful salute, “Shouzhe’s remarks are just the talk of a country man. Thanks to your majesty’s magnanimity, you don’t care about it. In fact, in general, your majesty’s achievements far outweigh his faults in his life. , he can be called a rare pioneering wise king, and he should be remembered in history.”

With Wang Shouzhe’s venomous words, “Pearls and jade first”, although his words were a bit harsh, they really made people feel much more comfortable.

Emperor Longchang was in a slightly better mood and said with a smile: “Shouzhe’s wisdom and demeanor are truly the only ones I have seen in my life, and no one in the world can match them. Although our child Mingyuan is kind-hearted, his qualifications are Idiot is far worse than Shouzhe.”

“For the sake of our long-term foundation, after thinking about it, I feel that it is better to pass on the position of emperor’s son to you. You don’t have to worry about the bloodline issue. Our Wu family has always been enlightened. When the time comes, we just need to find someone A virtuous and virtuous princess, just let you marry me.”

“What do you think of Shouzhe?”

Wang Shouzhe broke into a cold sweat and turned pale.

Great Emperor, do you want to retaliate against me like this? It’s too fake to actually play Liu Xuande’s trick of asking for help. He also asked me to marry into my mother-in-law… I have a lot of children, grandchildren, and grandchildren. If I really dare to mention my wife’s marriage, I’m afraid Ruolan will kill me.

“Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty.” Wang Shouzhe was slandering the emperor in his heart, so he had to stand up again and salute, “Shouzhe is a country man. What he likes most on weekdays is to stay at home, farm, develop his family, and educate All at once, descendants and grandchildren. The position of the great emperor seems to have unlimited glory, but it has a lot of responsibilities and troubles. It is said that even the city guard, county guard, and Shouzhe cannot hold the position of the great emperor.”

Emperor Longchang said with a smile: “Since Shouzhe is a person who likes peace and quiet, why would he join in the fight between emperors and sons? Isn’t it better to live in Changning and be a rich man? He has to come to the imperial capital to stir up trouble.”

Wang Shouzhe’s brows twitched, he glanced at Emperor Longchang, and said quietly: “Your Majesty, can I use foul language?”

“Uh…” Emperor Longchang twitched the corner of his mouth, hesitated a little, and waved his hand, “That’s all, as long as you don’t criticize me.”

“Your Majesty asked, why does Shouzhe want to participate in the battle between emperor and son?”

Wang Shouzhe took a deep breath.

The emotions in his heart have been accumulated for a long time. Now he finally found an outlet. His tone became excited unknowingly, and his words were full of accusations: “Your Majesty, Shouzhe, do you want to get involved in this mess?” ?”

“How dangerous is the battle between emperor and son?”

“My Wang family belongs to a sixth-grade family. Whenever possible, I want to hide as far away as possible. Isn’t it all forced by that **** Prince Kang? I was originally staying in Ping’an Town You have to work hard, open up wasteland and farm, how comfortable is your little life? As a result, Prince Kang’s minions have to expand their power, forcing the Qian family and us Wang family to join in.”

“Just do it if you say so. If King Kang is really a virtuous master with the appearance of a great emperor, Shouzhe would admit it. But what the **** is that? Narrow-minded, evil will be retaliated, start with There is no bottom line.”

“If I, Mrs. Wang, really get on that broken boat, I don’t know where it will be taken. It is more likely to become a stepping stone that will be thrown away after use.”

“This is not the most troublesome thing. What I am most afraid of is that after boarding the ship, he will send me Wang to do some immoral things, such as smuggling and collaborating with the enemy. Your Majesty, you said I did a good job. Or not doing it well?”

“I, the Wang family, deserve to be unlucky and have been targeted by a pack of jackals? Then what else can I do? In order to keep the Wang family and for the future of the Daqian Kingdom, I have to put all my energy and effort into it? I Is it easy for me?”

Wang Shouzhe opened his mouth with a series of complaints, and the crazy output of his mouth was like a machine gun.

Emperor Longchang even blushed a little when he said that Chengqiang was thick-skinned.

Looking back, the bad things Prince Kang did were indeed quite terrible, and they were indeed a bit excessive.

No wonder Wang Shouzhe is so resentful.

And the character of Prince Kang is just as Wang Shouzhe said. If he is not given face, some Wangs will be good-looking after he ascends to the throne of the emperor. Maybe, a small sixth-grade aristocratic family can be squeezed out of existence silently.

“Okay, okay, I understand Shouzhe’s difficulty. I don’t blame you. If I do, I only blame Wu Chengsi for his lack of virtue.” Emperor Longchang was also a little overwhelmed and stopped Wang Shouzhe from continuing. Spray it again.

In the final analysis, it was his ancestor who failed to fulfill his responsibility of teaching and supervision.

At the same time, Emperor Longchang was also complaining about Wu Chengsi. This kid really didn’t have the destiny to be the emperor. He started with a good card and was beaten to pieces by him.

After all, Wu Chengsi came from a direct lineage and had a good foundation. He had a considerable advantage from the beginning. If he were not so eager for quick success and quick gains, but settled down and developed slowly, how could he have lost his position as emperor?

However, Wu Chengsi’s biggest mistake was that he actually provoked Wang Shouzhe and forced him to participate in the fight between the emperor and his son… In the end, he took advantage of Prince An, who did not have much ambition.

It is time and destiny. There is a saying that goes well, you can win without working hard, but if you work hard, you will ruin a good situation.

However, this can be regarded as Daqian’s luck. After all, if Prince Kang really takes the throne, there is no telling where the giant ship of the Daqian Kingdom will go in the future.

“Thank you, Your Majesty, for allowing me to squirt like this.” Wang Shouzhe bowed to the Emperor and thanked him sincerely, “I have been holding these words in my heart for a long time, but I just suffered from the lack of anyone to talk to. Now I say When I came out, I felt much more relaxed.”

“You, you, you are not old, but your temper is not small.” Emperor Longchang was also speechless by him. He raised his hand and pushed the delicious food in front of him towards him, “Come, come, eat a piece of luan.” Wings dispel fire.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Wang Shouzhe immediately started eating without ceremony.

Seeing his appearance, Emperor Longchang’s grudge against him dissipated a lot, and the original temptation he had had also faded a lot.

Before meeting him, he thought that Wang Shouzhe was a powerful minister and a counselor. He did not expect that although Wang Shouzhe was smart and intelligent, he had such a “upright” and “say one thing” character.

This is a bit like that kid Yingji. He accepts death and is a true-hearted person. No wonder the two of them can hang out together.

“Shou Zhe, although you turned Guilong City upside down this time, you still made a lot of achievements. After this tax payment is over, it is expected that the national tax will be able to make up billions of dollars at once. The financial situation of the counties and wards below will suddenly be much better.”

Wang Shouzhe made such efforts, and the somewhat empty treasury suddenly became full. This made Emperor Longchang, who was used to living a tight life, feel proud and heroic.

“In addition, it is expected that the tax revenue will be 60 to 70% more than in previous years every year, which will invisibly enhance the national strength.”

“Shouzhe, Shouzhe, how do you think I should reward you?”

Wang Shouzhe pondered for a while and said: “Your Majesty, an additional increase of 60 to 70% in taxation does not mean that the national strength can also be increased by 60 to 70%. The pool of our Daqian Kingdom is only that big. This time it is just a scoop of water from the aristocratic families. It’s just in the official treasury and the national treasury. Your Majesty, the extra taxes we collect cannot be squandered. It must be used to subsidize people’s livelihood and develop the economy in an all-round way.”

“Have you noticed, your Majesty, that the lower the common people and the lower-class families are, the less tax evasion and tax evasion they have? But their lives are very tight. Peiyuan Dan also has a plan…”

“Okay, okay, I will take this to heart.”

Emperor Longchang waved his hand, slightly impatient. He has never been interested in developing the economy, and his head will explode when he sees a lot of data.

No, no, no, he already started to have a headache just thinking about it.

He rubbed his brows and muttered: “It’s better that you and Mingyuan make plans on your own. Next, Mingyuan will be named the ‘Emperor’s Son’ and stay with me, starting under my guidance. Supervise the country and learn to manage the government. When your plan comes out, he will be fully in charge of this matter.”

“Also, I have actually read the Longzuo County development plan that you submitted under the guise of Taishi Ankang. I feel that the problem is not big, so we can just let Mingyuan handle it.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Wang Shouzhe and Prince An responded in unison.

Especially Prince An, there is some hope in his eyes.

What His Majesty said today means that he will gradually begin to delegate power.

Shouzhe used the raised taxes to develop the economy and people’s livelihood, to strengthen the military, and then used the military to feed back the economy. All these strategies naturally coincided with his policy of governing the country.

Brother Hao Huang, Brother Hao Huang, when you and I discussed the utopia together, Shouzhe and I will gradually realize it. If you have spirit in heaven, you should be able to rest.

“Shouzhe, although I have all kinds of shortcomings in your eyes, I have always been consistent in my words. I will never owe you any reward that should be yours.” Emperor Longchang said generously, “If you are missing anything, just ask for it.” .”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” Wang Shouzhe said after thinking for a while, “I heard that the royal family has collected a total of eight true dharma. If not, you can reward me with one of them, Wang Shi of Changning.”

“What?” Emperor Longchang was about to fall to his death. He looked at Wang Shouzhe and asked, “Why don’t you ask me for the “Canglong Book” or the “Canglong Taoist Sword”?”

“This…I don’t have the guts.” Wang Shouzhe laughed twice and said, “I just tried to ask. Maybe your Majesty has some extra true Dharma at home~”

“Go away…the imperial family doesn’t have any spare parts of the True Dharma.” Emperor Longchang said with a look of disgust, “Your Dingguo Palace also has two True Dharma inheritances. Go back and find them yourself and see if you can You can’t pass it on just once.”

Although the difficulty of inheriting the “true method” is far less troublesome than that of the “book”, it is not comparable to the high-grade skills.

In those high-end auctions, although the middle-grade and high-grade techniques are rare, one of them will appear occasionally, but the true inheritance has not appeared for thousands of years, which shows how rare it is. .

What is true Dharma?

A true method is a great supernatural power, which truly has the power to reach the heaven and the earth.

The inheritance of each true method represents a profound understanding and interpretation of the laws of heaven and earth. It is already at the level of the legendary “Tao”. The mystery is not something you can figure out by yourself with a cultivation secret book. You can understand the secrets and master the way of cultivation.

Even if you try your best to get the secret book, you may not be able to figure it out. The most likely thing is that your eyesight will still be dark. Reading the secret book is like reading a bible. You know every word, but you don’t know what it is talking about. What.

So, after countless years of exploration, human Xuanwu monks have created a method of inheritance, and that is – the place of inheritance.

For example, each of the nine veins of the Holy Land actually represents a true method and a place of inheritance.

Those who are not the core successors of the true method can only practice the peripheral skills of the true method. Only the true successors of the true method are qualified to enter the inheritance place and obtain the core part of the inheritance.

And this part of the core inheritance is the most precious part of the true Dharma.

The shape of each inheritance place may be different, but they are all used to help the core successors understand the true meaning of the true method.

The most basic of them is the extremely rich energy. In addition, the senior monks’ understanding of this true method and their interpretation of the laws of heaven and earth can allow the inheritors to intuitively feel the power of the laws of heaven and earth, thus It greatly increases the possibility that the younger generation of monks will understand the true meaning of the true Dharma.

For example, Tianlei Peak among the nine veins of the Holy Land is the inheritance place of the Zixiao Tianlei lineage. The inheritance place of “Liu Li Ming Wang True Law” is Liu Li Ming Wang Palace, “Wang’s Xuanyuan Zhen Jue” “The core inheritance place is the nine-story Xuanyuan Pagoda of the Daqian Wang family.

Of course, even if there is a place of inheritance, not everyone can understand the true meaning of the true method. Only those with qualifications and bloodline meet the requirements.

Even if a Xuanwu monk with genius qualifications, or a Xuanwu monk with mismatched blood attributes, manages to enter the place of inheritance, the possibility of understanding the true meaning of the true method is slim, and he has to waste an inheritance opportunity, which is extremely cost-effective.

If you don’t accept the core inheritance of this lineage, and want to use this technique to break through to the magical realm, your chances are extremely slim.

Unless you have extraordinary qualifications and have an innate Taoist body with terrifyingly powerful potential, it is possible to find your own path to magical power without relying on the inheritance of the true method.

Of course, there are also innate spiritual bodies that can find their own path to magical powers without relying on the inheritance of the true method. However, compared to innate Taoist bodies, the probability is much lower. The most likely thing is that they will spend their entire lives. They were all on the road of groping, trial and error, and until the end of their lives, they failed to find the path to magical power.

That would be too unfair.

Today, the Wang family in Changning has three innate spirits.

Li Yao has already been found, and the “worst case” can also obtain the core inheritance of the Tianyi Zhenshui lineage of the Holy Land.

Wang Shouzhe’s expectation for her is that she can further inherit the “Lingyun Book” in Lingyun Holy Land.

This “Lingyun Book” is the only book in Lingyun Holy Land. It is a large-scale cultivation book that can match a variety of bloodlines. It is very suitable for the core inheritance of a school or a holy land.

The requirements of the Daqian royal family’s “Blue Dragon Book” are more stringent and can only be compatible with multiple dragon bloodlines.

Of course, the one with the highest degree of matching is naturally Wu’s unique Canglong bloodline. If the other bloodlines want to be inherited, let alone Wu’s willingness or not, they are also inferior in terms of matching.

All kinds of thoughts about the scriptures and the true method flew through Wang Shouzhe’s mind.

After he composed himself, he said to Emperor Longchang: “Your Majesty, the Wang family has inherited two true methods, namely “Wang’s Xuanyuan True Method” and “Xuanbing Zhenfeng True Method.”

Obviously, “Xuan Bing Zhen Feng Zhen Dharma” is not suitable for Wang Shouzhe.

Although “Wang’s Xuanyuan True Method” is a true method with strong universality, the nine-story Xuanyuan Tower needs hundreds of years to accumulate enough energy to start the inheritance of the core magical powers of the True Method City.

Although the nine-story Xuanyuan Tower accumulates energy once, it can usually activate two inheritances, but it cannot be squandered. After all, Duke Dingguo now intends to support the cultivation of a new supernatural power.

The inheritance opportunity of the nine-story Xuanyuan Tower must be reserved for this new magical species.

Therefore, after discussing with each other, the Duke of Dingguo agreed to give the Wang family an opportunity to inherit the “Xuan Bing Yifeng True Method”, but the inheritance of “Wang’s Xuanyuan True Method” could not be given.

Wang Shouzhe naturally understood this very well and could not force the inheritance of “Wang’s Xuanyuan True Method”.

After all, although the Changning Wang family and the Daqian Wang family are from the same ancestor, they are already branches of the branch line. Their blood lines are quite far apart from each other. They can give you a chance while ensuring their own inheritance. , it was already a great honor, and Wang Shouzhe was naturally very grateful.

For the sake of his fellow sect, if he dared to speak to other aristocratic families, they would have beaten him out of the house.

Originally thinking that the royal family had a lot of inheritance of true Dharma, Wang Shouzhe wanted to use the royal family’s mind, but he was rejected by the emperor.

Indeed, even Lingyun Holy Land, whose slogan is “Educate the World”, if you can’t really devote yourself to it, you won’t be able to obtain the core inheritance of any line of true law, let alone the royal family with a higher threshold?

Unless you are willing to get married… prepare to be a prince-in-law or something like that.

“Hey, Duke Dingguo is now preparing to cultivate dual supernatural powers?” Emperor Longchang also saw something fishy at a glance, and said with a smile, “Indeed, now that the Zhao family has lost troops and generals, and its momentum has been suppressed, it is the great This is a good opportunity for the Qianwang family to rise again, even if it is a good deal, it will be a good deal.”

“Your Majesty is wise.” Wang Shouzhe praised.

“There’s no point in flattering me. If you don’t let the lion speak loudly here, please change it to another reward.” Emperor Longchang waved his hand.

“This… Shouzhe has no other needs.” Wang Shouzhe thought about it for a while, then shook his head and said.

“What?” Emperor Longchang glared, “Shouzhe, are you dissatisfied with me? Do you think I am too stingy? To be honest, although my royal family has eight true laws, it is suitable for you to use the inherited true law once. There really is no Dharma at the moment. We can’t waste an opportunity to pass on the true Dharma and also put a constraint on your development potential, right?”

“Your Majesty, Shouzhe has no such intention, but there is really no other need at the moment.” Wang Shouzhe said seriously, “How about keeping the reward opportunity first. When Shouzhe needs it one day, I will come to your Majesty for it. Reward.”

“That won’t work. I don’t like being owed money, and I don’t like being owed money either way…” Emperor Longchang frowned, as if thinking about a suitable reward for Wang Shouzhe.

Then, the monarch and his ministers stared at each other, unable to come up with any good ideas for a while.

“Your Majesty.” Lao Yao reminded in a low voice from the side, “There is also a shield-shaped magical treasure in the Divine Weapon Palace, which seems to be suitable for Shouzhe.”

“Supernatural Spiritual Treasure? You mean ‘safe’?” Emperor Longchang’s heart twitched and he showed a troubled expression, “Shouzhe’s contribution is indeed not small, but is it a bit excessive to directly reward a magical spiritual treasure? Already?”

The number of magical treasures in the entire royal family is not too small, but they are all a carrot and a pit. In fact, there are only a few magical treasures existing in the Divine Weapon Palace.

A mature magical treasure is worth hundreds of millions. Even if Master Shen Tong wanted to buy it, he would have to go bankrupt, and if he couldn’t guarantee it, he would still be in debt.

“Your Majesty, Shouzhe has made great contributions to Daqian this time, not to mention that ‘An’an’ is not popular because of his personality problems.” Old Yao said, “It would be better to give him a body, so that He knows the emperor’s grace and continues to fight for the rise of Daqian.”

“Forget it, then invite An An’an out and ask him if he is willing to follow Shouzhe.” Emperor Longchang also knew An An’an’s temperament and was very picky about his master. If he is unwilling to follow a certain master, even threatening to kill him will not help.

As for letting Wang Shouzhe enter the Divine Weapon Hall to get it…

As the saying goes, “Once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of well ropes for ten years.” Emperor Longchang, who had already suffered a loss, absolutely refused.

That boy Anye has already picked up an incomplete Taoist legion flag. What if Wang Shouzhe misses another Taoist artifact? You guys like the Wang family have to be careful.

Old Yao knew His Majesty’s intentions, so he immediately followed the order with a chuckle in his heart.

Not long after, the magical spiritual treasure “Safe” was invited out.

I saw him holding a kite-shaped shield that looked like a drop of water in his hand, walking over with small steps.

While walking, the shield was still muttering: “Old Yao, tell me, who is your Majesty planning to reward me to? Let me tell you, I have certain requirements for my master. Yeah, he’s too handsome, he’s easy to get into romantic disputes, it’s not safe…”

“Also, you can’t be too ugly. Too ugly can easily lead to bullying, causing the owner’s psychological distortion, violent temper, and easy trouble…”

“The IQ cannot be too low. People with low IQ are prone to act impulsively.”

Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, before the shield arrives, all kinds of pickiness about the master have already followed.

Old Yao didn’t squint his eyes and paid no attention to the nonsense about “Safety” from beginning to end. After entering the door, he bowed to Emperor Longchang and said, “Your Majesty, the magical shield ‘Safety’ has been invited.”

“Pan An~ I haven’t seen him for so many years, but you still look like you are greedy for life and afraid of death.” Emperor Longchang felt that he was very familiar with An Ping An, and his expression was a little helpless, “Can’t you change your temper? I almost did it. I’m going to kill you.”

“Safety would rather be killed if he loyal to a master whose personality doesn’t match his personality. I don’t want to see masters die in front of me one after another. This would be too detrimental to the image of a shield.” Angan replied confidently.

It is greedy for life and afraid of death, but not afraid of death. It sounds like a contradictory complex.

As it spoke, its drop-shaped shield turned slightly sideways, as if it was “sizing up” Emperor Longchang, with a rather emotional tone: “It’s not easy for your Majesty to live to old age with your violent temper. I I thought your majesty would have died in battle long ago.”

Emperor Longchang’s face turned dark.

If this person were in front of him and dared to speak like this, he would have been slapped in the face. But faced with a magical treasure, and a magical treasure that was notoriously brainless, what could he do but get angry? Can we really destroy him?

“Go, go, meet your future master.” Emperor Longchang waved his sleeves and pointed at Wang Shouzhe, not wanting to deal with safety anymore.

He feels that Wang Shouzhe and An An are really “matched”. They both speak the same “upright” manner and are equally hateful and annoying.

“Your Majesty wants to give me a reward to him? No, no, no, this boy is too handsome, too temperamental, too easy to incur unnecessary debts, and not safe at all.” Ping An’s first answer to Wang Shouzhe The impression is very bad.


Wang Shouzhe also twitched the corner of his mouth.

Why is it a crime to be handsome? Where is he unsafe?

“Safety, this is your last chance.” Emperor Longchang looked sternly, “If it doesn’t work, I will have to kill you.”

“Okay, okay, then I will test him first. If he fails my test, then you can kill me.” Safety is still very principled.

He flew up with a whoosh and circled around Wang Shouzhe a few times. As he turned, he said: “Let me ask you, if you were in a battle with a winning rate of less than 50%, would you be prepared to fight to the death?” Fight or run away?”

Wang Shouzhe answered without hesitation: “I will not put myself in a battle with only a 50% winning rate. The probability of this happening is too low. If unfortunately, we encounter it passively, we will naturally retreat immediately. After all, our fate is There is only one way, and the 50% winning rate is too low.”

“Very good, I appreciate your attitude.” Safety added, “Let me ask you again, is the sword or the shield more important?”

Wang Shouzhe pondered for a while and said: “Actually, I already have a magical shield. However, I still hope to get another shield. In this way, I can implement the double-shield strategy and greatly increase safety. .”

“Double-shield flow? Are you so greedy for life and afraid of death?” Even the security team was shocked. This master is so afraid of death, he likes it!

“This is not called greed for life and fear of death, but caution. After all, only when people are alive can they have endless possibilities.”

“That makes so much sense. Master, can you tell me the specific tactical specifications of the double-shield flow?” An An was very excited, as if he had opened the door to a new world.

Wang Shouzhe briefly explained it.

“Okay, okay, interesting, interesting, why didn’t I think of that. If this is the case, Master, we’d better get some more powerful disposable treasures for self-defense. Even if we encounter higher-level Xuanwu monks, we can use them to defend ourselves. Fight.”

“I have saved a lot of those things, but I feel it is not enough. I plan to save more if I have the opportunity…”

“Master~~Please take me away. I’m safe and I finally met my true master.”

“I also think you are quite suitable for me and can make up for my deficiencies on the defensive end…”

For a while, one person and one shield were chatting in a lively manner, and it was like a raging fire.

On the side, Emperor Longchang and Prince An looked at each other with sideways glances.

What kind of life has Wang Shouzhe experienced? You already have a magical shield, but you still feel that it is not safe enough and the defense is insufficient… Do you really want to arm yourself like a turtle?

However, if you think about it this way, he and “Safety” are really a “perfect match”.



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