Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 78: Taking fire from under the cauldron! Turned the card table over

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Kang County Prince’s Mansion.

At dusk, the sunset is brilliant. The entire house was bathed in the orange-red sunset, as if coated with a layer of reddish warm light, adding a bit of magnificence and beauty.

Such a picture is undoubtedly extremely beautiful.

Normally, Prince Kang might have stopped to admire it for a while, but today, he was not in the mood and let the carriage drive directly into the mansion.

He was in an extremely bad mood at the moment.

After the court meeting, he should have rushed back to the county palace immediately to deal with tax matters.

Unexpectedly, he was entangled by the people from the Engineering Department, who had to drag him to ask about the specific plan to conquer the barbarian Gu tribe in southern Xinjiang, and to inquire about the engineering equipment, civil materials and other details that would be used during the expedition. Dayou’s endless posture made him furious before he got out.

Although the number of the Barbarian Gu tribe in Southern Xinjiang is far less than before, it still occupies a large area of ​​land south of Tianfu. Even if the plan is finalized, there are still preliminary preparations such as preparing food and grass, confirming the list of personnel accompanying the army, etc., and then dispatching the army. , it will take several months to prepare for departure at the earliest. Why do you need to be in such a hurry?

This group of people did this on purpose. It must be a delaying tactic devised by Wang Zhouhui.

What he is most anxious about now is dealing with the tax audit. If that was not done well, not to mention conquering the generalissimo, even his prestige as the quasi-emperor’s son would be greatly affected, which would then affect the struggle between the emperor and his son.

Wang Shouzhe!

The name that he had heard the report but he didn’t take seriously was a person worth wooing in terms of intelligence, but he didn’t take the initiative to attack.

Instead, he assumed a condescending attitude, even not caring about Long Wuji’s efforts to win over the other party.

He selfishly believed that even if Wang Shouzhe was indeed a talent and had made some achievements, in the final analysis he was just the patriarch of a small, remote family. Shouldn’t he have immediately come to surrender after hearing that Prince Kang’s lineage wanted to recruit him?

If the other party doesn’t come, it means the other party has no vision and it is the other party’s loss.

The result…

The other party not only took refuge in Wu Mingyuan, but also drew Long Wuji over and poached him severely.

Not only that, but he also kept doing various tricks, narrowing the gap between Wu Mingyuan and him, and causing him huge harm again and again.

But this time, the other party not only forced His Majesty to check the taxes, but also compared him side by side with Prince An, which was undoubtedly a severe stab in his heart.

Damn Wang Shouzhe!

The carriage slowly drove into the courtyard, and Prince Kang got out of the carriage with a frown.

“Your Highness.” Princess Zhao Yijing had already been waiting here. She stepped forward to support Prince Kang and said softly, “I have ordered the kitchen to prepare Your Highness’s favorite West Sea Bingxin oysters. Tianfu Fresh phoenix mushrooms stewed with snow dragons and the East China Sea Spirit Sword swordfish fillet porridge just arrived from the county.”

“How can I, the king, think about eating now?” King Kang felt agitated and waved his hand impatiently, “You go back to the house to rest first, I still have important matters to discuss with all the guests.”

“Your Highness, I have heard about what happened at the court meeting.” Zhao Yijing said softly, “Now that things have happened, no matter how urgent it is, there is no need to rush. As the saying goes, be calm during major events, you Let’s take a shower and change clothes first, eat a few mouthfuls of delicious food and calm down, and then make arrangements for complicated matters.”

“That… you are right.” Prince Kang calmed down a little and followed Zhao Yijing’s arrangements. He took a shower and changed clothes, and ate some of his favorite delicacies. His impetuous heart suddenly calmed down a lot.

Taking advantage of this gap, Zhao Yijing also arranged everything for him, and then exited obediently. She knows that she can’t participate in everything.

In Prince Kang’s luxurious study, many people have gathered at this moment. They are all the confidants and disciples supported by Prince Kang, the chief steward of the palace, and the general accountant who has been followed by the palace for generations. etc.

One of the staff members is called “Jiang Zhuyi”, who is a direct descendant of the Jiang family from an inconspicuous fourth-grade family in the Immortal Dynasty. It is said that the Jiang family is also a branch of the first-grade Jiang family.

However, the Jiang family is an ancient surname and is considered a common surname in the Immortal Dynasty. There are many aristocratic families with the surname Jiang in the Immortal Dynasty. In Lian Daqian, there are many families with the surname Jiang. Even the current master of the Holy Land of Lian Daqian, “Jiang Zhencang”, is also surnamed Jiang.

However, even if they are both from the Jiang family, they are not necessarily from the same clan.

Jiang Zhuyi is handsome and handsome. He is also extremely talented and quick-thinking. He is one of Prince Kang’s most trusted aides. Over the years, he had helped Prince Kang handle many matters, especially “that matter”, for which Jiang Zhuyi was solely responsible.

He is also completing the meeting with Luo Yuqing from “Breaking Dawn”. After all, with Luo Yuqing’s status, it is impossible for him to frequent Kangjun Prince’s Mansion.

“Zhu Yi.” Prince Kang drank tea and asked with a slight frown, “Isn’t there any news from Gongyang Xiandi?”

“Your Highness.” Jiang Zhuyi cupped his hands and said, “Miss Yuqing sent a message back, saying that Tianque and another emerging intelligence organization have been preventing her from inquiring about the news recently. There are many sources of information. They were all cut off by that side. She had to devote a considerable amount of her energy to fighting them, so the news was somewhat delayed.”

After a pause, Jiang Zhuyi said again: “However, Your Highness, don’t worry too much. Mr. Ce is a great genius of the Holy Land, and he is a disciple of Master Langya, so he has a special status. Now he is in the realm of our Daqian. , even the Yao family of the Immortal Dynasty must give him some face. This time must have been delayed due to some reasons. If nothing unexpected happens, there should be news within these two days.”

Jiang Zhuyi talks eloquently and is extremely confident in his movements. This is a gesture often seen by heroes of the Immortal Dynasty. The Immortal Dynasty is far superior to Daqian in terms of economy, education level, and overall strength level. The people of the Immortal Dynasty have seen a lot since they were young and tend to have a higher mentality.

However, as an outstanding person in the family lineage, Jiang Zhuyi also has the ambition to branch out and start his own lineage, and assisting Prince Kang to ascend to the position of Emperor Qian is undoubtedly the best shortcut. .

“Yes.” Prince Kang frowned slightly and responded noncommittally, “Xiandi Gongyang has always been arrogant and arrogant, and he tends to go his own way. That’s all, with his strength he won’t suffer a loss.”

After a pause, he asked again: “Where is Mr. Xin? Is there any news?”

If Xin Lao succeeds, he can use this to contain Wang Shouzhe privately. It is not even impossible for Wang Shouzhe to use it for his own benefit.

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Zhuyi’s face became solemn: “There is news, but the situation is not good.”

“I heard that when Xin Lao and the Wu brothers were doing business, they were very unlucky and met Tianhe Zhenren, the dean of Longzuo Zifu Academy, who happened to be a guest of the Wang family… As a result, the three of them were regarded as evil cultivators. The thief was killed on the spot!”

“What!? Mr. Xin was also killed?” King Kang suddenly stood up, his face suddenly changed, “And that old guy from Tianhe, why is he in the Wang family in Changning?”

“I have found out from the official residence newspaper that all three of them were killed. Fortunately, Xin Lao chose to ‘self-destruct’ before being captured and his identity was not exposed.” Jiang Zhuyi lowered his head and said, ” I heard that Master Tianhe was hired by the Wang family to use his magical powers to help draw out spiritual veins and lay the foundation for building the family spirit gathering array.”

“This incident must be a coincidence. Both Wang and Tianhe just regard them as three wanted criminals from our court. Otherwise, if they capture ‘Xin Lao’, they will definitely take the opportunity to attack us. Wave.”

Jiang Zhuyi’s analysis “makes sense”, but unfortunately, he doesn’t understand Wang Shouzhe’s true mentality at all.

Whether it is Mr. Xin or the Wushi brothers, although they are indeed members of King Kang, even if they are captured, once they have to argue with King Kang on this matter, it will not be clear in a short time. , they have plenty of ways to shirk the blame.

On the contrary, once this incident comes out, it will expose the true strength within the Wang family and easily attract more powerful enemies. It would be better to blame the matter on Tianhe Zhenren and let him take the blame, which is the most appropriate thing.

“Xin Lao!” Prince Kang’s eyes were faintly red, and a surge of anger and hatred rose in his heart, “Wang, Tianhe, this Prince is incompatible with you!”

Unlike others, Wu Zhongxin followed Prince Kang from a very early age and protected him all the way.

No matter how ruthless and ungrateful Prince Kang is, he is still a human being and still has feelings.

“Your Highness, calm down.” Jiang Zhuyi cupped his hands and said, “The matter has come to this, and anger is meaningless. What we have to do now is to find a way to survive this tax audit crisis, at least to minimize the losses. Only Only when you finally win the position of emperor’s son can you avenge Nobuyoshi.”

“Hoo, hoo~”

Kang Junwang took several deep breaths before barely restraining his emotions, and looked to the other side with sharp eyes, “Mr. Yude, I sent my entourage back earlier and asked you to sort out the accounts. How is the situation? ”

Mr. Yude is the general accountant of Kangjun Prince’s Mansion, and he is in charge of dozens of accountants. He is from a descendant of the declining royal family, and his full name is “Wu Yude”. His ancestors all handled accounts for Dexin’s family.

“Go back to Your Highness.” Mr. Yude said, “The accounts of our Kangjun Palace are extremely complicated. In a short period of time…”

“That’s all, I would like to ask you, if we pay taxes according to the actual tax, and we have paid taxes, what is the difference? Is it 50% difference…” Prince Kang has always been in charge of the overall situation, and of course the family’s income and expenditure general ledger It’s clear, but it’s not clear how much tax evasion was committed. Normally, he doesn’t need to take care of this kind of thing.

“This…” Mr. Yude said with sweat on his forehead and gritted his teeth, “Your Highness, you are too conservative, yes, at least 80%…”

Kang Junwang was so shocked that he almost fell over.

He was furious and roared: “How is it possible? You guys are so brave, you really are so brave! Eighty percent, how can you do it?”

“Your Highness is wronged.” Mr. Yu De said with a bitter look on his face, “It turns out that our Kangjun Prince’s Palace is also about 50% less as usual. But in the past hundred years, His Highness has been working hard for the position of the emperor’s son. Funds are gradually becoming scarce, and if tax avoidance efforts are not stepped up, many things may no longer be able to operate.”

Besides, he didn’t have the guts to make any decisions on this kind of matter, so he had already asked His Highness for permission before the operation, but His Highness probably forgot to agree.

“Can’t you try to smooth out the accounts?” King Kang had a headache and rubbed his temples.

Mr. Yude was so breathless that he almost burst out. Come on, come on, I’ll give you the accounts. Can you take a look at them?

But if you dare to say this, you will probably be beaten to death.

In desperation, he could only say dryly: “Your Highness, the financial accounts can affect the whole body. Although we have been very careful, no matter who is evading taxes, as long as the scale is slightly larger, , once we investigate thoroughly and carefully, we will definitely be able to find out the problem.”

“No matter how good the accounts are, the Sancai Division only needs to carefully examine the scale of each industry, carefully check the expenditure and income, and then interrogate the relevant people, after all, it will not be able to escape.”

The chief steward of the county prince’s palace on the side frowned and said: “Your Highness, otherwise we will still use the old method. Those tax officials who are responsible for tax inspections always have relatives and family members, and they always have what they want. Let’s try to bribe a few of them. Do some tricks during the tax process…”

However, he was interrupted by Prince Kang before he finished speaking.

“Stupid!” Prince Kang glanced at him coldly, “Do you know how many pairs of eyes are staring at us now? What’s more, Prince An was well prepared this time and would definitely send someone to keep an eye on us in secret. Watching us, waiting to grab my pigtails at any time. Do you believe it, you just sent the people out on the front foot, and the people on the back foot will be detained by the people from Prince An, and become witnesses of my trying to bribe the tax official? ”

“Yes, yes, it’s because I didn’t think carefully.” The butler broke into a cold sweat.

“Not only will bribery not work, but threats and assassinations will not work.” King Kang said coldly, “Wang Shouzhe is a naked conspiracy because he sees that the accounts of my ancestors and me cannot withstand inspection. One knife stabbed me in the heart.”

“Your Highness, please be patient.” Jiang Zhuyi offered advice, “On the surface, this matter seems to be quite unfavorable to you. Once a large amount of tax evasion is discovered, it will have a huge blow to your prestige. ”

“But if you think about it carefully, this matter may not really be beneficial to Prince An. His plan is beneficial to the country, but it has offended most of the royal family and aristocratic families. Everyone does not say it on the surface, but they must feel sorry for An in their hearts. The prince and others hate it to the core. No one wants to have the meat they have eaten forcedly pulled out from their throats, right?”

“What is the dispute between the emperor and his son about? Naturally, it is to represent the interests of the royal family and the interests of the aristocratic family. Although Wang Shouzhe’s plan is clever, it has cut off Prince An’s popularity in the aristocratic family.”

Prince Kang’s expression brightened: “What Zhu Yi said makes sense, so what should we do next?”

“On the surface, we are actively cooperating with the tax inspection, but we cannot leave any clues in this crisis.” Jiang Zhuyi analyzed, “Second, I took the initiative to confess to His Majesty, claiming that I was unaware of it, and promised to correct it.”

“Third, secretly report the tax evasion of various princes’ palaces, county princes’ palaces, and major aristocratic families, forcing the Sancai Division to investigate, or at least force them to pay taxes, and then Luo Yuqing will publicize it . Yes, we are indeed black, but if most people are black, we will not look so black…At this time, white people are too eye-catching and too hateful.”

“Fourth, actively win over allies, implying that once King An comes to power, life will be difficult for everyone in the future. It is better to promote you to the throne during the internal voting of the royal family, and then the royal family and the big family’s taxes can turn a blind eye. One glance.”

“Wonderful! How wonderful.” Prince Kang said with great joy, “Zhu Yi’s words made his eyes suddenly become enlightened.”

After this incident, Wu Mingyuan had offended most of the aristocratic families and royal families in the world. He didn’t believe it as the saying goes, “Destroying a person’s money is like killing his parents.” After Wu Mingyuan went through this process, how many aristocratic families and royal families would be willing to support him!

“Butler.” Prince Kang became slightly excited.

“Your Highness.” The old butler’s eyes lit up, as if he saw a gleam of light in the darkness, and he suddenly became excited, “What should I do specifically?”

“In this case, you go find…”

Kang Junwang whispered a few words, and the butler immediately nodded his head and left with excitement on his face.

As a close retainer of Prince Kang, all his honor and disgrace are tied to Prince Kang. Once Prince Kang falls, he will definitely be the first to be unlucky. Therefore, he is naturally very active at the moment.

The old housekeeper has been with Prince Kang for many years, and his ability to do things goes without saying.


The tax investigation storm quickly unfolded in Guilong City.

There were bursts of chaos and chaos.

In the midst of the chaos among all the aristocratic families, more than half a month passed without realizing it. The vigorous tax inspection operation seems to show no sign of stopping. On the contrary, it is getting more and more intense, like a raging fire starting a prairie fire, and it is difficult to stop.

Every day, aristocratic families or royal families fall into trouble.

Everyone in the Sancai Division was so busy that they were already busy, but they still couldn’t make it.

However, no matter how noisy the troubles above are, the people in Guilong City still live their lives how they want. Except for a small number of people with interests, the vast majority of people were not affected much, and instead ate the melons with relish.

West of the city.

Because Guilong City is mainly expanding to the south and east, the area in the west of the city can barely be regarded as the old city, and its prosperity is much inferior to that in the east. Most of the people living here are members of distant branches of the royal family, as well as some aristocratic families with a long history that are no longer very prosperous. The impact of this tax audit is relatively small.

The streets and alleys are no different from usual days.

On this day, as usual, Old Liu Tou set up a herbal tea stall on the street and sold some snacks. At this moment, he was sitting leisurely behind the stall, constantly chasing away mosquitoes and flies attracted by the smell of food.

The profits of the herbal tea stall are not high. A bowl of herbal tea only costs two copper coins. He does not earn much in a day, which is just enough for his own daily expenses. However, Old Liu Tou did this not for money.

His children are already married, and his wife has gone away a few years ago. Setting up a stall is just to pass the boring time, and to have someone to chat with him.

At this moment, several strong men who worked in the business were sitting in the pergola, drinking tea and resting, while chatting. Old Liu also cocked his ears and listened with great interest.

“Have you heard? Chengnan Li’s was also randomly inspected a few days ago, and many Zhuangzi shops under his name were in a fuss. This time, Chengnan Li’s was in bad luck. If he had to pay taxes If it can’t be repaired, the **** industry may have to fill the hole.” Strong Man No. 1 sighed with emotion.

“That’s what they deserve!” The strong man No. 2 next to him didn’t take it seriously. “If they want to pay taxes honestly like us, how can they be so embarrassed now? Moreover, there are not many aristocratic families who have been randomly inspected these days. Well, like the Sun family in the south of the city and the Hang family in the north, they made a lot of money relying on the protection of Duke Anguo in the past few years. Which one doesn’t deserve it?”

“Hey~ How can I sympathize with the Chengnan Li family? I pity the 18th concubine that the sixth young master of the Li family just married this year.” The strong man No. 1 who spoke before chuckled with a lewd smile, “That little concubine My wife is so beautiful, she is almost as beautiful as a fairy in the sky~ With the Li family making such a fuss, she will definitely have to suffer too~”

“Fuck you! You sound like you’ve seen it before.” Strong Man No. 3 scolded him with a smile.

“How come I haven’t seen it before?” Strong Man No. 1 grinned his white teeth proudly, “That little lady is from my alley. When she was little, I bought her candy. It passed her little hand. A few days ago, when she went back to her parents’ home to visit relatives, I heard her family complain, saying that Liu Lang of the Li family was really not a thing. In order to make up for the tax, he had already given Cuiyun’s things, but he still gave them back. You can lick your face and take it back.”

Listening to the discussion of the three people, the strong man No. 4 on the other side bared his teeth and said in a depressed mood: “I don’t even have a daughter-in-law, so the sixth young master of the Li family can actually marry a concubine of eighteen rooms, this evil family Son…”

“I think you have so much strength that you can’t use it. You miss women…”

A few strong men burst into laughter as they talked, and the atmosphere was very lively.

These strong men are all long-term workers of large commercial banks, and their cultivation levels are at the second or third level of the Qi Refining Realm.

In order to increase the motivation of long-term workers, enhance their strength, and to improve the safety of transporting materials on wilderness roads, some large business houses will teach the long-term workers some superficial cultivation techniques.

Although they are all inferior cultivation techniques, you will not be able to break through the Lingtai realm after practicing for a lifetime, and there are no corresponding moves. You can only strengthen your body. But even so, these long-term workers can be regarded as Xuanwu monks. They have a wider circle of contacts, are more knowledgeable than ordinary people, and are naturally better informed.

The few people chatted and then returned to the original topic.

“Speaking of which, our boss is quite stable. Look at the ‘Fu Rui Xing’ next door. Their shopkeeper has been so anxious these days that his lips are boiling. I heard that their boss has also been reported anonymously. It seems that some problem has been discovered, and maybe the whole Fu Ruixing will be in trouble.”

“So, it’s really important to keep up with the right boss. If nothing happens to the boss, we can chat so leisurely. Otherwise, we will have to look for a new home now.” Strong Man No. 1 is obviously better informed. , “I have a brother who works as a long-term employee in a trading firm under the name of Prince Kang. He came to me for a drink a while ago and complained to me, saying that their firm could no longer continue to operate. It is said that the Sancai Division investigated and said that they They owed taxes for decades, so they sealed their warehouse, and shipped the gold tickets sack by sack to Sancai Division… Their shopkeeper vomited blood on the spot, and is still lying in bed unable to get up…”

“Dear me, this tax evasion is worth tens of billions, right?” Old Liu Tou became excited after hearing this, and couldn’t help but interject.

“Hehe~ We don’t know about this, there are just a lot of them anyway.” Strong Man No. 1 chuckled, “I know that even if we work hard all our lives, we will never earn a cent from others.”

“If you ask me, I should have checked them out a long time ago.” Strong Man No. 4 curled his lips, “Those high-ranking people like to look at people with their noses, relying on their high cultivation and good family background, usually a person They are all so crazy that they occupy the best resources but do nothing to help others. No one is a good person!”

“Hey, hey, you can’t say that.” Hearing what he said, Strong Man No. 1 was immediately unhappy and said dissatisfied, “Dingguo Duke’s Mansion, Prince Deshun’s Mansion, and Prince Anjun’s Mansion , haven’t there been any problems? And our boss, haven’t there been no problems? This shows that there are good people in the family. We have one thing to say, you can’t overturn a whole boat with one stroke.”

“That’s right. If nothing else, our boss really has nothing to say about us.” Strong Man No. 4 nodded, unable to say anything to refute.

“Actually, compared to Prince Kang, I think Prince An is much more reliable. At least he really cares about the common people in his heart.” Strong Man No. 3 also talked eloquently over a cup of herbal tea and gave advice, “If If Prince An can ascend to the throne of God, not to mention anything else in the future, at least the lives of our common people will definitely be much easier, and the cases of aristocratic families oppressing the common people will be much less. But if Prince Kang ascends to the throne of God, it will be hard to say. .”

As soon as these words came out, other strong men nodded one after another, and even Lao Liutou couldn’t help but nod.

They couldn’t tell it before, but this time the tax inspection revealed the true colors of many aristocratic families. Nowadays, who doesn’t know that Prince Dexin and Prince Kang have serious tax evasion?

To put it bluntly, they are the worms of Daqian Country!

Once a selfish person like this ascends to the throne of God, will he really care about the people’s livelihood and the development of the country? What such people really care about is probably how much benefit the power in their hands can bring them and how many opportunities it brings to enrich their own pockets, right?

Ordinary people may not be as knowledgeable as those from aristocratic families, but they have their own set of simple values ​​​​and standards for looking at people. In many cases, they can hit the nail on the head when looking at problems.

In such a stark contrast, the reputation of Prince Kang and his family among the people has fallen to the bottom. On the contrary, Prince An, Prince Deshun and the Daqian Wang family have been severely punished by this tax inspection. A wave of reputation and prestige rose.

Some people also dug up the story of Prince An secretly making donations to disaster relief in his own name. Even many small details that few people usually pay attention to have been dug out and become proof that the three of them are benevolent and dedicated to the people.

For a time, they received rave reviews from the public.

The common people are naturally very supportive of Prince An.

However, the aristocratic families and royal families who were constantly “struggling” hated Prince An with all their teeth. In particular, some big bosses with voting rights, in order to vent their anger, secretly spread the word, isn’t Prince An a bully? Anyway, we don’t need this vote!

At the same time.

In the Humble Administrator’s Pavilion.

Emperor Longchang did not lie leisurely in the recliner as usual and let Lao Yao squeeze his shoulders. Instead, he sat upright in the Taishi chair behind the desk.

Old Yao also stood behind him respectfully holding a fly whisk, his head lowered, his expression serious, trying to reduce his presence as much as possible.

The desk in front of Emperor Longchang was once again filled with memorials.

Logically speaking, these memorials must be handled by the cabinet. However, these are all impeachments and criticisms of the acting chief minister of the cabinet, Yinda Laozu, Prince Deshun, Prince An and others.

There are also many tips to report tax evasion, tax evasion, and various bad things by the royal family and some wealthy families.

It was difficult for the cabinet to handle it, so it had no choice but to hand over the power of approval to Emperor Longchang.

At the same time, Meng Yuanbai was standing opposite the emperor’s writing desk with sweat dripping from his back, his eyebrows lowered and his eyes nervously waiting for the next order.

Even the five little wolf cubs that were usually noisy were huddled in the corner obediently, instead of making trouble for Emperor Longchang and acting coquettishly to please him.

There was a tense atmosphere throughout the Humble Administrator’s Pavilion.

“Absurd, so ridiculous.” Emperor Longchang slammed the table and said angrily, “I didn’t expect that there were so many moths in our royal family. I originally thought that the Dexin lineage had gone too far. . Others, at least, are not that bad.”

“I didn’t expect that compared with some royal families, Dexin and Prince Kang can be regarded as tax models!”

You really don’t know if you don’t check it, but you will be shocked if you check it.

The corruption of Daqian’s tax situation has far exceeded Emperor Longchang’s expectations.

Especially within the royal family, those who are not public and usually keep a low profile will actually hide an entire manor, as if this kind of thing has become a routine. To be more serious, in the end, the person who files the tax returns becomes the small head, and the one who conceals the tax is the big head.

In addition to tax evasion and tax evasion, many other dirty and dirty things were also revealed one by one.

For example, there was a county king who actually imprisoned a large number of civilian men and women and asked them to continue to reproduce. The children they gave birth to were brainwashed and used as slaves when they grew up.

This was so shocking that even Emperor Longchang felt like “I have been the emperor for thousands of years in vain.”

Could it be that Wang Shouzhe really wanted to be right when he “privately discussed” that “His Majesty likes to fight in his life, and is impatient to build internal affairs, and is suspected of enjoying great achievements”?

“Your Majesty, this is someone behind the scenes who is trying to muddy the waters.” Old Yao reminded in a low voice.

“I can see it.” Emperor Longchang said coldly, “King Kangjun first bowed his head and admitted his mistake, and then one thing after another came out, which made him seem not too bad. I have to. Admit it, this quick reaction is indeed very likely to create an opportunity to survive a desperate situation.”

“Before, I underestimated Prince Kang. It’s a pity that that boy Mingyuan didn’t listen to his advice. I told him before that he should learn the emperor’s mental skills instead of just acting like a stupid young man.”

“It’s good now. If the clan members were to choose one between King Kang and King An, they would probably choose King Kang. People’s hearts, people’s hearts!”

“Forget it, let Mingyuan and Wang Shouzhe suffer a big loss and teach them a vivid lesson. Reform is not that easy.”

If it is really easy to change, he would have changed it 800 years ago. Why has it been delayed until now?

“Wang Shouzhe is a man of clever nature and has many methods. Unfortunately, his move had the opposite effect. He offended too many people and instead helped Prince Kang to ‘win the hearts and minds’. Looking back, I have Sora, you can give him some tips, but for this plan, you have to consider human nature.”

Just when Emperor Longchang commented on Wang Shouzhe and Prince An.

But Meng Yuanbai suddenly said: “Your Majesty, regarding Prince Kang, I discovered something strange when I was inspecting taxes. I didn’t dare to make a judgment, so I had to submit it to the imperial review and ask your Majesty to make a decision.”

After that, he presented some data reports.

Emperor Longchang took a look, and his face gradually became serious: “Meng Yuanbai, the key points you outlined with the red pen are very clear. What you mean is that in addition to tax evasion, the Prince of Kang County also has a large amount of mysterious funds. The incoming and outgoing accounts are unknown! Moreover, the total amount of funds and the time of incoming and outgoing accounts are generally consistent with the accounts discovered during the Zhao Zhikun smuggling and collaborating case…”

“Your Majesty, it is true.” Meng Yuanbai said tremblingly, “In order to prevent mistakes, I specially asked people to check it several times. There are indeed so many mysterious funds, quietly coming in and out, and all the time. It matches, the accounts are clear and cannot be faked.”

“Do you know that you are accusing Prince Kang of being the mastermind behind [Zhao Zhikun’s smuggling and collaborating with the enemy case]?” Emperor Longchang said with a cold expression, “You have taken refuge with Prince An, right? I am sure. The emperor’s son would go smuggling and collaborating with the enemy? Why didn’t you tell me that I was smuggling and collaborating with the enemy?”

Meng Yuanbai was so frightened that he was sweating profusely and his whole body was weak. He almost couldn’t even stand still, but he still said bravely: “This…I don’t have this intention. I just say whatever I find out.”

At this time.

Xiao Jizi, the commander of the inner guard outside, hurried to the imperial court and reported in a low voice: “Your Majesty, Chen Jinglong, the deputy commander of the Imperial Guard, and Chen Jinghu, the commander of the Criminal Law Department, have come to see your majesty, saying that they have something important to report. ”

“What’s the important matter?” The current chaos made Emperor Longchang quite impatient, “If you don’t explain clearly, let them go.”

“Back to Your Majesty, the Chen brothers said that… they captured Zhao Zhikun who was absconding in fear of crime. In order to atone for his crimes and reduce his guilt, Zhao Zhikun was willing to reveal the mastermind behind the smuggling and collaborating with the enemy case.” Xiao Jizi said tremblingly answer.

After saying that, he buried his head firmly. His face was pale and he was sweating. He didn’t dare to look up at Emperor Longchang’s expression.


Emperor Longchang trembled all over.

The next moment, an idea flashed in his mind, and he understood it instantly. This is not at all because Wang Shouzhe’s tax inspection skills are not good enough and the layout is not careful enough, but that he simply played a trick of “attacking in the east and attacking in the west” and fooled everyone!

It’s not that Wang Shouzhe didn’t consider the word “human nature”, it’s that he didn’t care and directly gave Prince Kang a trick to “draw the fire under the cauldron”.

As long as the other quasi-emperor is eliminated, what else is there to decide? What to vote for! ?

When the time comes, everyone will have only one choice…that is Prince An, Wu Mingyuan!

You have to choose him if you want to, and you have to choose him if you don’t!



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