Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 77: Conquer the situation with just one hand! Mr. Meng surrenders (please vote)

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“Absurd, this matter is really ridiculous.” When Prince Deshun heard that the old man Deshun actually wanted to drag him into the water, he immediately felt excited and furiously said, “Deshun, what are you doing? You are tarnishing the majesty and honor of the royal family!”

“Dexin, what are you dancing for?” Prince Deshun squinted, glanced at his old rival, and sneered, “Since our ancestor, Emperor Ziweixuandu, established the Great Qian, what we have always upheld is the royal family and the aristocratic family. The concept of jointly governing the world. Why can the aristocratic family check taxes, but our royal family cannot? Could it be that your Prince Dexin’s palace really has extremely serious tax evasion?”

In Daqian, all farmland or other industries must pay taxes according to regulations.

The royal family has many princely mansions and princely mansions, each of which is a behemoth. Each mansion has a large number of high-quality farms and various industries under its name.

This part of the industry is a semi-independent industry of each palace. It is operated by them themselves, and its output is also used by each palace. For example, the Baiyun Tower under the name of Prince Heng falls into this category.

In addition, the royal family also has various imperial mansions.

These imperial mansions are family property and are shared by the entire royal family. This part of the assets is very large and is under the unified jurisdiction and operation of the royal family. Its output is mainly used for the basic support of most of the royal family, as well as subsidies for outstanding children of the royal family, etc.

For example, in addition to the national tax support, a considerable part of His Majesty’s support is provided by the royal family.

However, whether it is a semi-independent property of the royal family or a clan property controlled by the royal clan, taxes are still required according to the Daqian system, and the tax rate paid is exactly the same as that of other aristocratic families, with no exceptions.

This was also the rule set by the founding emperor Ziwei Xuandu in the early days of the founding of the country, imitating the Immortal Dynasty.

After all, if the royal family does not need to pay taxes, there will be countless small aristocratic families that will name their properties under the royal family. As long as they are willing to give 30% to half of the tax payable in return, naturally many royal families who are short of money will be willing to accept it. Affiliated. Over time, wouldn’t all the family’s properties be attached to the name of the royal family?

In addition, if the royal family does not pay taxes, how can the properties of other aristocratic families compete with the royal family’s properties? In terms of cost alone, they simply cannot compete. Over time, wouldn’t this world become the royal family’s property?

If this is the mode, let’s not say whether the family is willing to continue playing with your royal family. If the whole world is the property of the royal family and there is no need to pay taxes, where will the taxes come from?

The aristocratic family might as well sell all their belongings and go to the Immortal Dynasty to buy properties to live off.

I am afraid that this kind of national structure will be destroyed within a few years.

Therefore, royal property tax is also an extremely important part of Daqian taxation. It is also because of this that Prince Deshun dances with great confidence.

Prince Dexin’s face suddenly became gloomy, and he felt a little panicked.

As a prince, how could he not know the virtues of his own princely estate?

Since no one dares to investigate, our own industry has been committing many frauds in tax payment in recent years. Although he has not calculated the specific figures in detail, he knows that the loopholes are definitely huge.

Furthermore, as the saying goes, “The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.” This is true for Prince Dexin. The situation of his descendants, princes, and princes is naturally not much better.

If we really conduct a thorough tax investigation, we might be able to cause quite a big disturbance.

“Your Majesty.” Prince Dexin turned to look at Emperor Longchang and said with great sadness and indignation, “Prince Deshun really did everything possible to support Prince An to ascend to the throne. This is the time when I, Dexin Just when Maimai was about to assist King Kang in formulating a complete plan for the southern Xinjiang conquest, he was instigating a tax inspection. He clearly wanted to disrupt our plan and was suspected of holding us back.”

The princes of his lineage, as well as those aristocratic families who did not want to be audited, all echoed and accused Prince Deshun of ignoring the national plan and actually stumbling Prince Kang at a critical moment.

Even if there is a tax inspection, it is not too late to wait until Prince Kang returns from victory.

Prince Deshun sneered and said: “If you want to draw up a plan to conquer southern Xinjiang, just go and draw it up yourself. There is no contradiction or conflict between the tax inspection and this matter. Lord Meng Yuanbai and his team have With sufficient tax experience, I don’t need to bother the Prince’s Palace or the County Prince’s Palace to come forward. I can investigate it clearly and clearly by myself.”

“Your Majesty.” The ancestor of Dingguo Yinda also said righteously, “Prince Dexin and his family are so evasive and find excuses to avoid tax inspections. It is really difficult for me not to doubt whether they are responsible for tax matters. There is a huge problem. Maybe it’s really rotten to the core.”

“Besides, what an important strategic plan is the conquest of Southern Xinjiang? If the grand marshal of the conquest is full of loopholes even in the taxes he pays, how can people believe that he is capable and qualified to preside over the overall situation of the conquest of Southern Xinjiang?” Maybe, the Dexin people proposed this plan just to take advantage of this opportunity to make a huge fortune from the war.”

“To sum up, the old minister proposed that Kangjun Prince’s Mansion and Anjun Prince’s Mansion can conduct tax inspections at the same time. If the error in the tax payable by Kangjun Prince’s Mansion is not more than 20%, no, 30%! As long as it is not more than 30%, I, Wang Yinda, will One supported Prince Kang and became the generalissimo of the Southern Xinjiang expedition.”

At this time, Emperor Longchang, who was sitting on the emperor’s chair, lost his impetuousness and casualness at the beginning. Instead, he frowned slightly, with a stern face and introverted eyes. Almost no one could see his thoughts.

Despite the commotion below, he didn’t even say anything.

Until Wang Yinda finished his last sentence.

The Great Emperor Longchang then looked at Prince Dexin and Prince Kang, and said calmly: “Dexin, Chengsi, what do you say?”

Seeing this, Lao Yao sighed deeply in his heart.

That guy Wang Shouzhe is really ruthless, and his grasp of people’s hearts is truly amazing. His blow not only hit the weakness of Dexin’s lineage, but also hit the weakness of His Majesty.

The foundation of a country’s strong national strength is its population and its tax revenue.

With sufficient tax revenue, a country can expand faster, own more land, and feed a larger population. Only by entering a virtuous circle can the country become stronger.

Just as Wang Shouzhe “discussed the emperor” when he was drinking with Long Wuji in private, he believed that His Majesty conquered the Southern Qin Dynasty and conquered the Western Jin Dynasty. It seemed majestic and majestic to fight one against two, but why has there been no real result until now? Instead, they kept fighting and depleted the national treasury!

In the final analysis, it lies in population and money.

How can we feed more armies without enough money? How can we provide subsidies to cultivate more masters?

It is said that the barbarian Gu tribe in southern Xinjiang is difficult to defeat, but if Daqian has a stronger military force and can organize an army and logistics comparable to that of the Immortal Dynasty, sweeping the barbarian Gu tribe in southern Xinjiang is like picking something out of a bag.

Previously, His Majesty saw that Wang Shouzhe was very profitable and asked him to increase Longzuo County’s tax revenue by 50% within ten years. It seemed that he was putting small shoes on Wang Shouzhe’s shoes and deliberately embarrassing him. But among them, there may not be the idea of ​​exploring Wang Shouzhe’s background to see if he can really come up with a plan to make a fortune for Daqian.

In case Wang Shouzhe has any plans to make a fortune that he is reluctant to take out, this squeeze might just squeeze it out.

Rectify taxes!

How could your Majesty not know that whether the royal family or aristocratic families will make a fuss about taxation to some extent. If everyone can pay taxes in full, the national strength will definitely increase.

It’s just as Meng Yuanbai said, this is a chronic disease that is hard to get rid of. In the face of this stubborn disease, even if His Majesty is determined to rectify it, it is like a dog biting a hedgehog.

But now, His Majesty’s life is coming to an end, it is precisely the most powerful and most appropriate time.

It just so happened that Wang Shouzhe “accidentally” came up with a plan that seemed feasible.

Looking at His Majesty’s appearance, it seems that he already has a suspicion in mind.

While Lao Yao was feeling emotional, he couldn’t help but look at Prince Kang and Prince Dexin with some sympathy.

I really don’t know if they have bad luck, or if they are used to judging others by themselves. What kind of strategy is hard to come up with, so they have to make a fuss about the tax audit to embarrass the Wang family?

As a result, Wang Shouzhe used this to fight back, which caused them to fall into a tax audit storm.

Following Emperor Longchang’s calm question.

Prince Dexin and Prince Kang were both trembling in their hearts. They knew His Majesty’s personality very well. Asking questions with this tone and expression is definitely not asking for their opinion.

But, can their taxes be checked? If we investigate further, I’m afraid something big is going to happen.

Immediately, Prince Dexin said bravely: “Your Majesty, please think twice. Now that we are about to conquer southern Xinjiang, we must not…”

Before he finished speaking, Emperor Longchang sneered.

The emperor stopped paying attention to him and looked across the entire Dingqian Hall. His voice was not loud, but it was full of the emperor’s terrifying coercion: “You all keep saying that you can’t investigate, and you must put the overall situation first.”

“I just want to ask you a question.”

“Why is it that if the Wang family of Changning is investigated, the Duke of Dingguo is investigated, the Prince of Anjun is investigated, but you are investigated, it ruins the overall situation?”

The invisible anger of Emperor Lingxu was like a real substance, causing everyone to lower their heads, and cold sweat kept falling on their foreheads. This is not only the power of an emperor, but also the crushing of life level and strength.

“Meng Yuanbai.” Emperor Longchang said indifferently.

“I’m here.” Meng Yuanbai bowed in response.

His face turned pale and his whole body was wet with sweat. He understood that he was completely involved in a major event, and if he made one mistake, he might step into an abyss.

“I know that you are ‘exquisite in business’ and have always been ‘selfless’.” Emperor Longchang’s tone softened slightly, “I will give you the [Canglong Sword Order] to preside over this tax inspection. If you do not comply, Anyone who obstructs us will be killed without mercy!”

Canglong Sword Order? This is a sword order that can temporarily mobilize the national weapon [Canglong Sword]. Under this sword order, anyone who dares to act rashly will be guilty of conspiracy.

All civil and military ministers were shocked when they heard this. Your Majesty is determined to conduct a tax inspection!

Prince Dexin was so horrified that he was sweating profusely and panicked. What should I do about this matter?

“I will not give up even if I die.” Even though Meng Yuanbai had ten thousand reluctances in his heart, he did not dare to resist the order. Fortunately, with the Canglong Sword Order, at least no one would dare to interfere with the work.

Big trouble!

There are hundreds of civil and military ministers present, all of them have family businesses, and there are more or less loopholes in taxation. Once they are traced…

Without the power of the Great Emperor, who dares to disobey?

“Your Majesty, although Mr. Meng is excellent at tax inspection, he still has limited manpower. It is absolutely impossible to thoroughly investigate all the families in the country.” Today’s Prince Deshun returned to the Great Court for the first time in hundreds of years, but He appeared to be particularly active and clear-minded, “In my opinion, it is better to focus on investigating the two princes’ mansions of me and Dexin, the two county princes’ mansions of Chengsi and Mingyuan, and the two princes’ mansions of An Guogong and Ding Guogong. Representative of tax.”

“As princes, princes, and dukes, we should set an example for the world.”

“As for other royal families and aristocratic families, they can conduct self-examination and self-correction internally. If any omissions are found, they can go to the local government, county government, or Sancai Division to make up for the taxes.”

As soon as Prince Deshun said this, all the members present except the Dexin lineage and the Zhao lineage secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although self-examination and tax payment are very likely to break their muscles and bones, but It’s better than being found out and having it exposed to the world. Moreover, since it is a self-examination, it is up to you to decide how much tax to pay, and there is a lot of room for maneuver.

Instinctively and subconsciously, everyone had a good impression of Prince Deshun.

However, in the next moment, their goodwill was completely lost.

Prince Deshun added: “After each royal family and aristocratic family have self-examined and corrected themselves, the Sancai Division can conduct random inspections across the country. If any aristocratic family with omissions that have not been remedied is found, they will be fined a hundred times the tax. . The head of the family and the relevant accountant must bear the responsibility. In serious cases, they can be sent to the cannon fodder camp to atone for their crimes.”

Everyone suddenly broke into a cold sweat. This is too cruel. In this way, even if other family members want to cheat on taxes, the head of the family and the accountant will not do it.

“If someone reports a family for tax evasion, once verified, the reporter can be given a huge reward.” “It doesn’t matter if it is an unjust accusation. The wronged family can be commended and awarded the title of ‘Tax Model’, the City Shoufu, The county governor’s office can provide preferential treatment in all aspects.”

The measures came out of Prince Deshun’s mouth one after another, as if they had been carefully considered.

Even Emperor Longchang looked at Prince Deshun with suspicion. This old guy has been fishing on the banks of the West Sea for hundreds of years, and he has made quite a lot of progress.

After thinking for a while, Emperor Longchang said: “Deshun’s words are quite reasonable. In that case, let’s start the investigation from Dexin, Prince Deshun’s Mansion, Kang and Anjun Prince’s Mansion, and the two major Dukes’ Mansion.”

“The rest of the royal family will conduct self-examination and self-correction at the same time, make up for tax evasion within twenty years, and re-register the properties that have been concealed, underrepresented, or omitted. Those who find major faults after self-examination shall be severely punished. .”


The voice of the Great Emperor rumbled and echoed endlessly in Dingqian Hall.

The final word is final and no one can refute it.

“Congratulations to Your Majesty.”

All the civil and military ministers saluted and drank together.


This time the DPRK will be extremely volatile, and the first DPRK will naturally trigger a lot of private discussions.

Emperor Longchang went to court, but did not go to the Humble Administrator’s Pavilion. Instead, he went for a walk in the Imperial Garden, fed the cubs, and then planned to visit Wang Anye and other cubs.

He was walking carelessly, his expression no longer majestic, but rather relaxed.

“Congratulations to your Majesty, congratulations to your Majesty.” Old Yao said with a smile, “After this tax rectification, the unhealthy tendencies of tax evasion and tax evasion in the whole country will be eliminated, and the national strength will be greatly improved.”

“You old guy, you are so happy that I was used as a weapon by Wang Shouzhe?” Emperor Longchang glared angrily and said, “Honestly, have you surrendered to Prince An a long time ago and are just looking forward to me?” Would you rather die early and abdicate in favor of someone more worthy?”

“Your Majesty is wronged~~ This old slave is your Majesty’s servant in life, and your Majesty’s ghost in death.” Old Yao said with a “fearful” look on his face, “Old slave, I am happy for your Majesty~ You have long wanted to rectify the taxation I just couldn’t find a suitable reason or opportunity. Isn’t Wang Shouzhe’s current commotion playing into your hands?”

“You shameless old guy.” After the Emperor Longchang laughed and cursed, his face gradually became solemn and he said, “I have no excuses and opportunities. I just can’t make up my mind. If I want to convince the public about the tax inspection, We must start with the royal family first. The royal family’s face is going to be in trouble this time.”

“Wang Shouzhe’s counterattack this time made me determined. It’s a knife when I extend my head, and it’s a knife when I shrink my head. Since it’s a stubborn disease, naturally the faster the knife, the harder the strike, and the cleaner it will be.”

“Although I am old, my majesty and prestige are still there, and everyone knows that I am moody now and have a bad temper. It is still unclear how many people will be buried with me before I die. If I take action, they will not dare to mess up. Come. If we don’t take this opportunity to cure this stubborn disease, will we still wait for the new emperor to come to power and toss this matter?”

Can Emperor Longchang not know what the new emperor was like when he came to power? At that time, he had a lot of elders, a lot of relatives around him, and his own prestige was not yet established. How could he want to do something as easy as it is now?

“Your Majesty is wise.” Old Yao flattered him and sighed, “It is this time that the prestige of Prince Dexin and Prince Kang will be lost.”

“Then it’s their own fault. They don’t even dare to accept a 30% error. Isn’t this enough to explain the problem?” Emperor Longchang said with a slightly dissatisfied expression, “Especially that old guy Dexin, whose own injustice has affected the entire Nest. That child Chengsi was not like this originally. He was taught badly by Dexin these years.”

“I just took the opportunity to hammer Wu Chengsi and make him understand that if he still wants to compete for the position of emperor’s son, he must act upright and sit upright. How can he convince the public when his whole body is covered with sieves?”

“I also hope that Prince Kang can learn from his experience after this experience and truly become a capable and responsible quasi-emperor.” Lao Yao agreed.

“It depends on whether he can really be reborn when facing difficulties. If not, he can only be eliminated.” Emperor Longchang said calmly, “There is no room for carelessness in the battle between emperors and sons. This is about I will work hard to achieve the fate of the country.”

“Your Majesty, Wang Shouzhe’s man cannot come this time because of his great righteousness. Do you want me to go meet him in person and then **** him to see Your Majesty?”

“Hmph! That’s not necessary. Who am I? Is it that he can see me whenever he wants and not see me if he doesn’t want to? Just wait, sooner or later he will beg me.”

Master and slave, you say something to me, and then gradually go away.


Almost at the same time.

After leaving the court, Meng Yuanbai immediately summoned several cronies of the Sancai Division and rushed to the Dingguo Palace in the name of tax inspection.

As soon as he entered the Dingguo Palace.

Meng Yuanbai sent his cronies out, and then grabbed Wang Yuchang, the head of the Wang family who was responsible for entertaining him: “Master Yuchang, is Wang Shouzhe still in the Wang family? Please take me to see him immediately.”

“Don’t be impatient, Mr. Meng.” Wang Yuchang calmly pulled him away, “At this time, Shouzhe is probably still taking a nap. Don’t be in a hurry, let’s drink some tea and chat first.”


Meng Yuanbai’s expression froze. He simply couldn’t believe that Wang Shouzhe had turned Dingqian Palace upside down and implicated the whole world.

He actually still has time to take a nap?

“Master Yuchang.” Meng Yuanbai resisted the urge to curse, took a deep breath and saluted, “Human lives matter, please.”

Wang Yuchang looked embarrassed: “When Shouzhe is taking a nap, he doesn’t like to be disturbed.”

After a pause, he nodded solemnly and said: “But since it was Master Meng who invited me, then Wang will go all out. Sir, please come with me.”

“Thank you so much, Master Yuchang.” Meng Yuanbai saluted again gratefully, but he kept muttering in his heart. Seeing Wang Shouzhe, he felt as if he owed a big favor.

Wang Yuchang led Meng Yuanbai to the Four Seasons Garden.

And “forcibly disturbed” Wang Shouzhe’s nap.

Not long after, Wang Shouzhe received Meng Yuanbai in the study. He smiled and made tea himself: “Mr. Meng is here. Shouzhe is not welcome at a distance. I forgive you for my sin.”


Meng Yuanbai stood up first and saluted deeply with a solemn face: “Master Shouzhe, Yuan Bai has offended me before, please forgive me.”

“How dare you, how dare you.” Wang Shouzhe returned the courtesy and said, “Mr. Meng is dedicated to serving the public good. How could Shouzhe be resentful? What’s more, it was you who proved Wang’s innocence. Mr. Meng, these wild teas are It is an unintentional harvest of Shouzhe’s great-grandson. Although it is vulgar, it has a unique flavor.”

The best tea in his hand right now is of course the leaves of life that Wang Lixian shook off. It’s just that it’s too precious, and he’s not willing to share it unless he’s truly close to someone.

“Great-grandson, is that An Ye’s child? I heard that he now lives in His Majesty’s Wangxian Pavilion and is extremely favored by Your Majesty.” Meng Yuanbai took a sip and praised repeatedly, “Good Good tea, the head of the Shouzhe family is really a man of profound blessings, and the children are all outstanding.”

“Guilong Meng’s generation is also full of talents.” Wang Shouzhe smiled and complimented each other, “We can look forward to the third grade.”

After complimenting each other on business, the two gradually became familiar with each other.

Meng Yuanbai then showed his true face and said bitterly: “Master Shouzhe, I have learned how powerful you are with your two counterattacks. However, you have made me, Lao Meng, miserable. Now, the Zhao family hates me to the core. Prince Dexin and his family also regard me as a thorn in their flesh.”

“Even in the future, all the big and small aristocratic families in the country will secretly revile me, Meng Yuanbai. Master Shouzhe, where does this leave me, Meng Yuanbai?”

“Congratulations, Mr. Meng, you are going to be remembered in history.” Wang Shouzhe said with his hands in hand.

Famous in history!

A genius wants his name to go down in history. Meng Yuanbai’s mouth twitched: “Master Shouzhe, please don’t say it’s a joke. Please give me a clear path.”

“Ming Lu? Is Master Meng still interested in seeking refuge with Prince Kang?” Wang Shouzhe asked curiously.

“How is it possible? King Kang hates me to the core now. Moreover, he is a narrow-minded and cold-tempered person. I dare not take refuge in him.” Meng Yuanbai shook his head and said with hope in his eyes, “So, in the future, For the rest of my life, please ask the master of the Shouzhe family to take care of you.”

“Mr. Meng, you are too polite. We are just supporting each other.” Wang Shouzhe returned the favor with a smile, “After this matter is settled, I will introduce you to Prince An.”

“Okay, okay, okay~, now that Shouzhe and I are already on the same boat.” Meng Yuanbai, who had just come to seek refuge, knew very well that he should submit a “voucher of surrender,” so he rolled up his sleeves and said excitedly , “This time, Shouzhe, you will do whatever you say. Meng Mou has used tricks to guard Zhe’s family several times. I’m afraid this plan is not as simple as a tax audit.”

“Brother Yuan Bai deserves to be the director of the Sancai Department.” Wang Shouzhe said with a calm smile, “Just check the taxes normally, but brother Yuan Bai should pay more attention to the traces of large amounts of money coming in and out of unknown sources…”

Unknown source of wealth?

Meng Yuanbai’s body trembled and he looked at Wang Shouzhe in disbelief: “Does the head of the Shouzhe family mean…”

But in a flash, he suddenly became excited again: “Brother Shouzhe is indeed a good trick, Yuan Bai admires him. Don’t worry, as long as he is bold enough to do it, there must be traces. Yuan Bai’s men, but there are Many geniuses with keen sense of smell.”

He didn’t expect that as soon as he got on the boat, he would be greeted by a huge feat.



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