Star Odyssey Chapter 5017: Do me a favor

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It’s fine now. The old blind man and the others are here, and Lu Yin knows that he is safe this time.

Turning around, facing the cyan light that was chasing after him, hundreds of tributaries of the Time River were thrown out.

This scene shocked even Buqing.

For so many years, the tributaries of the long river cannot bring harm to it, and may even be taken away by it, but even if it is taken away, it will take some time. There is no point in doing such a thing this morning.

Unless he has help, he is stalling for time.


Looking at Death, the only one who can help him is Qianji Guiyan, but when Qianji Guiyan is restrained, he doesn’t kill them with a fight, but they can still be regarded as restraining each other. There was no way he could come and help him.

No matter who it was, Bu Qing pushed aside the tributaries of the Long River of Time and rushed towards Lu Yin, not wanting to waste any time.

However, the tributary of the Long Time River is blocking the front, causing chaos in the surrounding time and space. Even if it cannot be stopped, it is still possible to delay the time a little. However, Lu Yin’s long river has many tributaries.

If a few hundred doesn’t work, then try a few hundred more, and then still a few hundred.

Lu Yin can see the old blind man and the others at this moment, but the old blind man and the others cannot see Lu Yin because the distance that Lu Yin can see with his mirror light technique is too far away. He needed time to talk to the old blind man and the others.

This time will take years and years to fight for.

Looking back, we can see that the bad luck is approaching. Faster than I expected.


Throwing out nearly 5,000 tributaries of the Long River of Time, completely disrupting the void they were chasing one after another, shocking all living beings who saw this scene, Lu Yin’s figure was only seen by the old blind man and his party.

To be precise, they noticed the battle.

“What is it? A tributary of the Long River of Time?” Xing Zui was surprised.

The old blind man faced the distance, his brows furrowed, and his uneasiness became clearer.

“Let’s go.”

He didn’t know what he would face, but this uneasiness reminded him many times, just stay away.

But this time it’s too late.

“Old blind man, help me.”

The old blind man was surprised: “Is it him?”

“Buqing is chasing me, stop him for me.” came Lu Yin’s voice.

The old blind man doesn’t hesitate to run away, but he can’t stop him? Just kidding, they have the ability but not the obligation.

Buqing is the supreme sequence of the years. One-on-one, none of them are sure of winning, so why should they help you intercept?

Lu Yin knew that the old blind man and the others would not help, so he directly threatened: “Don’t force me to betray you.”

The old blind man frowned: “Don’t you betray us enough?”

“At least there is no such word as “anti-reflux camp force.”

“There is also the master of the other courtyard.”

“And the storyteller.”

The old blind man’s heart sank.

Lu Yin’s voice continued: “He should be in the giant city where the cause and effect are attacking the fourth barrier at this moment.”

The old blind man was shocked: “How do you know?” There is no need to hide this kind of thing. The moment Lu Yin said it, he knew it.

The storyteller met Lu Yin in the giant city, but he couldn’t tell the old blind man and others about it in the outer world.

So at this time, Lu Yin had the absolute upper hand.

Lu Yin sneered: “If you keep talking nonsense, your force will be doomed. No one can escape, and you will become a rat crossing the street forever.”

The old blind man said in a low tone: “Your Excellency has harmed us, what good will it do to you? Don’t forget, your identity is not comparable to that of the Lord.”

“Do you think I would care less about this than being killed by Bu Qing?” Lu Yin asked.

The old blind man gritted his teeth, how could he get involved with such a person.

He always thought he was in control of the situation, but he never expected to be taken advantage of. And they were blamed for the destruction of the Daqian civilization before, as well as the Battle of Canhai and so on. There is no telling how many things will be blamed on them in the future.

I feel aggrieved, but there is nothing I can do about it.

Lu Yin is getting closer and closer to the old blind man and the others.

The old blind man and the others were moving away in another direction, but among them, Zhexin stayed where he was.

Lu Yin once again threw out the tributaries of the long river of time.

This time the loss is too great.

Looking back, there are nearly 6,000 tributaries of the River of Time everywhere, all of which he has worked so hard to save, all wasted.

This account will definitely go to Buqing.

Bu Qing also didn’t expect Lu Yin to be able to produce so many Tributaries of the Long River. Now I’m just glad that I didn’t compete with Lu Yin in Tributary of the Long River, otherwise even if I won, it would be a miserable victory.

Throw out so many years into the tributaries of the long river, and you won’t have much left.

Bu Qing’s eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he sped up to chase after him with a ferocious aura.

Lu Yin stared ahead at the direction of Zhexin, turned around, and changed direction.

Bu Qing quickly came to where he was just now, and just as he was about to chase after him, he suddenly stopped, turned his head, and caught his eye. A pen fell down. The stars were like cinnabar, and the years were like pens. A half-life dream fell into the sky for nine days, breaking the heart. , the years of years and dreams.

Lu Yin looked back, but Bu Qing didn’t catch up. He breathed a sigh of relief. You can’t stop Buqing just by making a concession, but the old blind man is not stupid either, and he is still unable to move and remove.

They have attacked several Yuntings and are wanted by the Lord. It is not surprising what they do.

Now that I am intercepting Buqing for myself, although I am suspected of colluding with them, as long as there is no evidence, who can do anything to me?

Lu Yin didn’t care about what was behind him, and took Gu and Wang Miaomiao to the nearest entrance direction and applied for entry.

No matter which realm you enter, the goal is always the hanging realm.

Lu Yin wants to lead Gu to start the battle of Fang in the Hanging Realm, and drive the years together as far as possible out of the Hanging Realm.

If you don’t take action, there will be no price.

Every time Lu Yin, the skeleton clone, appears, he breaks the perception of living beings. Whether it is dealing with the Karma Master Clan or provoking the Time Alliance, he does whatever he wants.

But outside the barrier of the seventy-two realms, Bu Qing was blocked. Seeing Lu Yin entering the realm, he knew that he could not catch up. He wanted to leave Zhe Xin behind, but he faced not only Zhe Xin, but also the old blind man. , line awl and remove weakness.

These four masters are known to everyone inside and outside.

Shi Buzhan had a battle with them but failed to stay. Buqing also could not keep them and could only let them go.

But Qing himself went to the realm of glory.

The Time of Prosperity Realm is the location of the Time Master Clan, which is the same as the Taibai Fate Realm of the Life Master Clan and the Cause and Fate Meeting Realm of the Cause and Effect Master Clan.

Before Lu Yin took it out of Gu, it was in the Prosperity of Time, but now it has to return. It is uneasy after repeated failures, but it has to go.

The Battle of Fang started in Xuanjie. Gu mobilized the more than 2,000 directions it controlled, and still bombarded the creatures of the Years and Years in the Xuanjie, including the creatures of the Cause and Effect, all within the bombardment range. There was no way, Lu Yin was offended by these two masters, but they controlled the Xuanjie. Yes

These two masters work together.

Although it is impossible for more than two thousand parties to fight against all the other parties, some parties have no masters, and only some parties are in the hands of the two masters, which does not form an overwhelming advantage against Gu.

In the Time of Prosperity Realm, senior members of the Time Master Clan appeared one after another. The one at the top was an arowana with a golden beard. His eyes were vicissitudes of life, full of turbidity, as if he had no wisdom.

But this dragon fish is the old monster of the Time Master clan who controls the inner and outer world. It has the same status as Sheng Qing and Ming Mortal. Shi Buzhan has reached this point with his own fighting power, and even in terms of status Beyond this old monster.

But this old monster was given the mission of guarding the glory of the years by the Lord of Time. Whenever there is a major decision in the time of the year, it is still required to come forward.

It’s called – Shi. Eight Changes. Taoist.

In addition to the creatures of the Time Master family, Buqing is also here.

“Everyone is here.” Shi Tao said, his voice as muddy as his eyes.

But if you underestimate it because of this, you will be in trouble.

Although Shi Bu Zhan surpassed it in terms of combat power, he did not dare to disrespect it.

“It’s all here, ancestor.” The creature from time to time replied respectfully.

Shi Tao said graciously: “Buqing, tell me.”

All eyes were focused on Bu Qing, who looked heavy and said slowly: “This matter starts from the time when the Wang family wants to marry Wang Miaomiao to me…”

Bu Qing told everything that happened to it and Wang Miaomiao.

Whether it was Wang Miaomiao’s obedient attitude at the beginning, or the way he looked at it in the world of crime later, including his guesses about the Wang family, Chen, and death.

These are indeed its guesses. After talking a lot, he finally said: “Some of the speculations may be unfounded, but according to normal understanding, if they have no relationship with each other, Wang Miaomiao should not appear in the world of crime, and Chen Geng should not do it under the premise of offending Karma and death.

Save her…”

The creatures of the Time Dominator clan were silent.

No matter what they think, they can only listen at this moment.

When Patriarch Tao called them to come, the result was doomed. They could only act, but not decide.

The one who really makes the decision is Ancestor Shi Tao.

“My lord, I’m done.” Bu Qing said respectfully when he faced Shi Tao.

Shi Tao said kindly again: “What do you think?”

Many creatures looked at Shi Buji.

Shi Buzhan didn’t speak.

Shi Tao looked at him and said, “Bu Zhan, what do you think after you got in touch with that Chen?” Shi Bu Zhan said, “I don’t know, but regardless of whether what Chen did was planned by the Lord of Death or not, I appreciate him. , he is one of the few creatures in countless years who dares to step on the cause-and-effect master clan, and is not afraid of the eternal state of the laws of the masters of all parties, and also

Dare to wait in the sin world for that old guy from the sin sect to come back. ”

“If possible, I still hope that he will break through the three rules and fight with me.”

Shi Tao shook his head: “He can’t break through, otherwise it might be the second Thousand Plans trick.”

Shi Buzhan’s eyes were sharp: “Isn’t this bad?”

Shi Tao said: “If you win, it’s good. If you lose, it’s not good.”

Shi Buzhan looked at Shi Tao: “I can’t beat Qianji Guiyan, but I will never lose to him.”

Shi Tao’s cloudy eyes turned, and a glimmer of clarity flashed through him: “Sheng Mie thought so too at the beginning.”

Shi Buzhan’s tone was low: “Senior, you know better than anyone the origin of my name Shi Buzhan. If I don’t have the will to fight, how can I do it?”

“I will go up step by step until I surpass Thousand Machines. This morning will allow me to see the limits of Thousand Machines.”

Shi Tao sighed: “Then forget it.”

Bu Qing’s pupils shrank and he couldn’t help but ask: “Zai Xia?” Shi Tao interrupted: “Your guess is in line with common sense, but many things in the world of cultivation cannot be analyzed with common sense. If there is a death master behind this, it will be involved. It’s too big. If it wasn’t, we would be being played by a humanoid skeleton, no matter what.

Not what I want. ”

“Since you need such an opponent without fighting, then this opponent has nothing to do with us.” “Leave it to Karma, no matter how he makes trouble, we, Time and Time, will not interfere anymore.”


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