Star Odyssey Chapter 4968: Conquer the Barrier

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After being stunned for a while, Sheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief. It was not dead. The Lord did not kill it.

This result makes her happy, but also makes her uneasy.

Not killing it is not because the Lord is merciful, but it may also be because the Lord of Cause and Effect lacks experts.

Loss after loss has almost wiped out the main sequence of the Cause and Effect Master. Now that such a big sin has been absolved, the ancient city of Time may not be in good shape either.

“Ancestor, what should we do now?” someone asked.

Sheng Qing abandons other ideas. No matter how the strength of the main force declines, the master is there and the cause and effect master is there. It is only a matter of time before he returns to his peak.

“Immediately recall the natal charts that have not been fixed in cause and effect, recall all the same clansmen, summon the guilty clan to meet with them, and attack the Fourth Barrier Sky Eye Clan.”


Lu Yin didn’t know that the distance was so small that the cause and effect life chart in his hand was gone.

He has always used dice to take away other people’s things. He has never experienced anything in his hand being taken away by others.

But the natal chart means nothing to him.

Except for letting Ku Zu and Gui Xing freeze one, the others have not been used.

He also didn’t know that the Lord of Karma accidentally found the location of the Sky Eye Clan when he was repairing the Karma Framework.

At this moment, the Karma Lords are summoning their creatures to prepare for the crusade against the Sky Eye Clan.

Under the starry sky, Wang Chenchen watched strangely as the mother tree turned into ashes. This was the most common scene she had seen in these years. Even though he had watched it many times, he still didn’t know why Lu Yin wanted to destroy the mother tree.

It is said to be a mother tree, but it is an extension of the branches of the largest mother tree, a very small, very small branch.

Is there any point in doing this?

She asked Lu Yin and the answer she got was: “Habit.”

It’s a bit perfunctory, so you don’t have to say it if you don’t want to.

Soon, Lu Yin appeared, “Let’s go.”

Wang Chenchen disappeared with a teleport, and there was another civilization in front of him.

Look for one civilization after another, and return to Xiangcheng after a while.

He has already placed Xiangcheng in a certain location before. Just like exploring the starry sky map before, the Lu family’s disciples who can teleport will lead the experts in Xiangcheng to search, otherwise it will be too slow to rely on him alone.

This is Wang Chenchen’s first contact with a real third-party human being besides the Wang family and Liuying.

They have all gotten to know Qinglian Shangyu over the years.

Although Wang Chenchen comes from the Wang family, which aroused everyone’s vigilance at first, but with contact, Wang Chenchen’s stubborn and proud character with self-respect has attracted many people’s liking. He talks about human dignity, and his eyes are arrogant, but there is a strange lack of distance. feel.

It was as if she deliberately acted indifferent, but instead attracted more and more people to look for her. However, she didn’t know how to refuse. Whether he asked her questions or asked her for guidance, he answered them very seriously.

Perhaps it is to make up for the debt to the Nine Bases Civilization. This is what she said to Lu Yin.

The Wang family owes Ninth Base. I owe it to the entire human civilization.

She didn’t shy away from this at all.

I just returned to Xiangcheng and learned that I had captured a pair of causal master sequences that fixed the causal life chart.

Lu Yin was surprised: “Cause and effect sequence?”

Qinglian Shangyu smiled: “It’s unlucky for them. They searched for cultivators based on their life charts. They probably wanted to collect cause and effect, but they happened to be found by the depleted life charts. This is the result.”

Lu Yin was also happy. They also had a combination of people who could search for cultivators through their horoscopes.

Soon, he saw the pair.

It looks pretty harmless.

Ku Zu kicked.

The creature that was kicked immediately exploded, its entire body swelled up, and the hair on its surface turned into sharp needles. Gui Xing looked at it with lingering fear. He was captured by them in the first place. Kuzu was naturally not afraid. He was in the realm of eternal life with the same laws, so he was not afraid of anyone. The return journey is different, especially after being stabbed and poisoned.

Lu Yin looked at this creature with interest.

The creature next to it combined with it hurriedly pushed it. This creature was helpless. This was instinct, not who it wanted to attack. Which one around it was easy to mess with? Except for the turtle.

“We have already reviewed it before you came back. These two guys said something that made us very concerned.” Kuzu said with a serious expression: “The Lord of Karma gathered all the masters under his command to gather in a certain direction, and at the same time along the way Enshrine cause and effect as much as possible, and the standards are several times higher than usual.”

Lu Yin was not surprised that the Karma Master allowed them to worship Karma. After all, the largest causal point in the Karma Reunion Realm was destroyed, and the cause and effect point of the Daqian Civilization was also destroyed. It must not be easy for the current Karma Master. Find ways to make amends.

Once the external causal supplement cannot keep up with its own consumption of perfecting the causal framework, it means that its strength is declining.

This is unacceptable to anyone.

But why go in one direction?

Lu Yin asked.

The two creatures who fixed the cause and effect chart shook their heads: “We don’t know. We were ordered to go to that direction.”

Ku Zu looked at Lu Yin: “They really don’t know.”

Lu Yin nodded, “Then go and have a look.”

He will not underestimate any action of the Lord, especially the current Karma Lord, who must be thinking of ways to make up for the cause and effect. If you can destroy it, destroy it.


The two creatures told the location.

Lu Yin frowned: “Can you get there?”

The position in their mouth is already very close to the mother tree, and going forward is actually a barrier to enter the inner and outer heavens. That location is quite far away from here.

Lu Yin is not afraid of teleportation, and he can reach it within a while, but these two are just in line with the laws of the universe, and it will take a long time to reach the realm of immortality.

“We know that we will definitely not be able to arrive within the stipulated time, but we have to go, otherwise once the main sequence is angered, the life chart will be taken away easily.”

Lu Yin was surprised: “Can the life chart be taken away?”

Another creature said: “Yes, but this has never happened before. The Lord has never interfered with the attribution of the natal chart, but this time it is different. Regardless of the reason, whether it can be reached or not, those who do not will be collected. Take the horoscope.”

Lu Yin’s heart moved and he immediately checked the life chart in the Ningkong Ring.

No more.

He originally had several horoscopes on his body, but now they are gone.

The birth chart can really be taken away.

Since the birth chart can be taken away, so can the bone xun.

These powers given by the Lord can all be interfered by the Lord’s power.

So the previous guess was correct.

The reason why the Bone Xun can move like that is because it contains the power of the Lord of Death. The birth chart releases the two qi of heaven and earth, also because it contains the power of cause and effect.

Lu Yin exhaled and took out something – a brocade bag.

This is a piece of advice from Qi Luck.

Obtained by killing the Qi Luck sequence.

Looking at the kit in his hand, could this be related to Xiang Siyu’s finding of him? He had forgotten it before.

Looking at the kit in silence for a while, he put it away again.

Whether it is or not, there is no way to escape Xiangsiyu now, unless we give up the true self world, give up Mingzuo, give up Wang Chenchen, and start everything from scratch.

It is not impossible to ask him to give up, but even if he gives up, it is useless. Xiang Siyu already knows that he is eyeing the seventy-two realms, and unless he never enters the inner and outer world, he will not be able to escape from her grasp.

It is even possible that one day after teleporting, he will happen to appear in front of Xiangsiyu. This is the possibility of being lucky to a certain extent. Just like Xiang Siyu has not regained her status as the master of luck, and when she was practicing in the Jiuxiao Universe, she could lose Kung Fu resources while walking.

Lu Yin teleported towards the place where the sequence of cause and effect needed to converge.

He had to figure out what the Lord of Cause and Effect was going to do.

I have never interfered with the destiny of my natal chart, but this time I bluntly said that it can be taken back. This is equivalent to telling all practitioners of the cause and effect master path that their traces will be monitored at any time, which is actually detrimental to the cause and effect path.

In the end, he did it anyway, and the situation must be serious.

After a while, Lu Yin arrived at that location.

As expected, none of them arrived.

This is the closest to the barrier between the inner and outer heavens, and the sequence of cause and effect cannot be easily reached if it is far away.

Since there is no news here, then go to another hospital.

Lu Yin teleported away and headed towards the other courtyard.

The head of the other courtyard looked at Lu Yin very unhappily: “What are you doing here again?”

Lu Yin asked: “What are the Lords of Cause and Effect going to do together?”

The master of the other courtyard said with a smile, “You don’t know?”

Looking at the smile of the dean of the other courtyard, Lu Yin suddenly felt uneasy and said, “Say.”

The master of the other courtyard coughed: “Crunt, the fourth barrier.”

Lu Yin’s eyes widened: “What did you say?”

The master of the other courtyard said slowly: “Is it clear enough to attack the fourth of your nine bases?”

Lu Yin was shocked, the fourth barrier? The Sky Eye Clan? Did the Lord find their traces together?

The Sky Eye Clan, the Changsheng Civilization, Chang Chu, Chang Tu, the Vine Climbing Competition, etc., these have passed for too long.

Since the Meteor Realm was cut off by Wang Wen, they have completely lost contact with the Sky Eye Clan.

Although Changtian came to find him later, he was taken to the Death Universe Abyss by chance and was rescued by Lu Yin. It is simply impossible to go back and find the Immortal Civilization.

Wang Wen cut off their connection with the Sky Eye Clan in order to prepare for dealing with the Three Universes later.

There is Chang Chu among the Sky Eye Clan, a strong man who survived from the ancient Nine Bases era. He is the leader of the Fourth Barrier, a ruthless man who once used the fourth level of the Eye of Heaven to cover the sky with one hand. He led the Fourth Barrier with one hand to kill through the siege and passed down the legacy.

Although he pretended to be an immortal civilization and tried to be as different from humans as possible, he did survive the siege of various fishing civilizations at that time. Especially the master is attacking in the dark.

If they could unite with the Sky Eye Clan at that time, the situation would be different later.

Of course, it is impossible to tell what is good or bad.

Perhaps then the main player will be introduced in advance.

After all, the fourth barrier appears.

However, thinking of the fourth barrier, Lu Yin also thought of another situation. Wang Wen, why don’t you go to the Lord?

The fourth barrier is the main enemy. Whenever it appears, it will be targeted and destroyed. There is no doubt about it. But Wang Wenming knew that the fourth barrier could be found through the Meteor Realm, but he cut off this connection and did not tell the Lord about it.


Or is it that Wang Wen was able to find the location of the fourth barrier this time because he had already reported it?


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