My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely! Chapter 1257: Is this Qingang? Is this Tianyuan?


The offensive and defensive aspects shown on the radio wave level are actually far less mysterious than what is shown in movies and TV series.

In reality, there will be no scene where investigators from both sides nervously type codes in front of the screen, and then gradually lose the signal due to a trace of negligence.

Similarly, there will not be scenes of fierce confrontation between the two sides like in The Matrix.

These scenes are basically created to be intense for the needs of the plot. Real blocking and anti-blocking are actually very simple.

Based on the simple application of technical principles, at the radio level, interference and counter-interference strategies often follow the principle of “force suppression”.

As the saying goes, “the first level of officialdom crushes people to death.”

At the microscopic level of radio waves, stronger signals can often easily suppress weaker signals.

Take the shielding device in the examination room as an example. Its principle is exactly the use of this kind of power suppression.

The shielding device emits electromagnetic signals of a specific frequency, covering and submerging the frequency band of mobile communications, making the mobile device unable to receive external signals normally, thereby achieving a shielding effect.

Generally speaking, in order to achieve the shielding effect at the military level, there are often two direct methods.

One is technical suppression, which is similar to an enhanced version of the examination room shielding device. It directly uses the super-power frequency band to cover the other party’s frequency band, so that no matter what electromagnetic wave the other party’s receiving equipment sends, it will consume all the electromagnetic waves when they appear. Energy cannot be emitted.

The other is to release a large amount of interference signals to create a chaotic electromagnetic wave environment.

Of course, this is a way to kill a thousand enemies and lose a thousand yourself.

Once the interference signal disrupts the electromagnetic environment, the radio wave detection on both sides will be ineffective.

Generally speaking, only when the gap is too large will one party use this method to force a fair duel.

Did that mysterious standard-issued force use the second method?

The glasses were tested quickly, using various high-power instruments in the fleet to conduct detection.

The results are barely optimistic.

The other party did indeed use the second method, releasing a large-scale shielding signal.

But the reason why I say it is reluctant is because the interference range is simply too large.

Six kilometers.

What is this concept?

Even if the general caravan shielding device is fully loaded, its range is only one kilometer at most.

And want to reach six kilometers

I’m afraid one of the caravan’s chariots must be significantly modified and filled with high-power shielding devices to achieve this.

What’s going on? Will the bricks fly?

The glasses were a little dumbfounded, but he didn’t know that Luke, who was trapped in the jungle at this time, was even more panicked.

I don’t know what was detected. The detection alarm inside the power armor was buzzing crazily. The sharp buzzing sounded like it was about to tear people’s eardrums, which was unbearable.

As the wearer, Luke could only endure the dizziness and discomfort and look up at the sky.

It should have been a misty morning, but now it seemed to be shrouded in a gorgeous morning glow.

But this is not a natural wonder, but the trajectory of rockets streaking across the sky.

They are like meteors, rushing from an unknown distance.

And the tail flame looked particularly bright in the dim light of the morning, like fiery snakes dancing in the air. Almost instantly, he crossed the vast sky and headed towards the dense forest.

“Run away, run away, these guys are crazy!”

No matter how powerful the power armor’s defense is, it can’t help but be wiped out by such a number of rockets.

Or even if they can survive, what about those wearing exoskeleton armor?

Even if they only touch the aftermath of rockets, those seemingly indestructible exoskeleton armors are still unable to withstand the damage caused by any shock wave.



The first wave of rockets fell in the dense forest, and continuous explosions were heard.

Under this sudden attack, the caravan guards didn’t bother to listen to Luke’s next instructions, they just cared about running for their lives.

And the guards wearing exoskeleton armor have lost their minds and are just running blindly driven by genes. The only thought in their hearts is to survive.

Of course, even if you accidentally fall into a trap under the ground while running, or be surrounded by people without knowing it, it is normal.

“Where has everyone gone?”

Luke ran with all his strength, and only after he was sure that he had escaped the first wave of rocket attacks did he dare to stop and take a breather.

He looked back and saw only four guards in power armor following behind him.

The exoskeleton armored guards who were supposed to follow closely to escape were now gone. And even six of the power armor guards were missing!

Did he run in the wrong direction, was ambushed by the enemy, or did he fail to escape the range of the rocket?

Luke’s heart was full of doubts and anxiety, but the situation at this moment did not allow him to dwell on it.

I saw another round of rockets covering in the sky, and by chance, it was in the direction they had just escaped.

So perverted!

Don’t these guys cost money for ammunition?

Even if the Red Spider caravan has carried extra ammunition this time, it is not as luxurious as it is now.

Roughly estimated, the opponent fired more than 300 rockets in this round.

Two rounds, that’s six hundred!

This level of ammunition consumption is beyond the reach of even small forces.

Like the predator tribe they encountered before, even if they spent all their money, they would only need a few rockets.

It’s strange, why would a force with such strong financial resources use such primitive weapons?

Many questions flashed in the minds of several people.

But thankfully, when the second wave of rockets roared in, the red spider caravan stationed there finally responded.

I saw that the simple anti-missile device carried by the caravan’s head car had been activated, and interceptor missiles flew out quickly, facing those deadly rockets.

Although there is a huge gap in number with enemy rockets, this at least provides Luke and the remaining guards with a chance to breathe, making their escape less embarrassing.


The flying rocket fragments and explosions caused shock waves to spread in circles, and the entire battlefield seemed to be shrouded in chaos and destruction.

The second round of bombing, which lasted for about half a minute, gradually stopped.

When Luke stopped this time, he was less than two kilometers away from where the caravan was stationed!

However, what made Luke’s hair stand on end was that although he was running in a straight line, there were only two power armor guards following him.

What’s going on?

Did you see a ghost?

The crackling sound that continued to burn in the dense forest was like the whisper of the devil.

Coupled with Ruoyouruowu’s screams, the hair on several people’s bodies was shaking.


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